Energy Group

Chapter 2143:

Was the negotiation of Cao's house just a smog? Are they doing this because of this? This kind of thing has always been in the speculation of the people in the Southern Empire, but what they don’t know is how powerful the Cao’s house is. The frontline army is no longer ready to fight. At this time, the eyes of the Cao’s house are also looking towards. With the frontline army of the Southern Empire, a series of propaganda offensives were also put on them. What is your monthly payment? This is too low. You must know that you are now working for people from the Southern Empire. Yes, your life is less than a hundred catties of food, and one life is so cheap. After you die, what can your family get? 10 A tael of silver, what effect does this have for your family? If you can feed them for a few days, the people who go to the battlefield will always be poor people. When will you see those rich children come to the battlefield? Even if they come, it is estimated that they will not be in such a place, your days. What is your life? Okay, let’s not talk about those things, just talk about your treatment on the battlefield. When you are on the battlefield, what are you eating? How many days can you eat? What are you doing most of the time? You are all hungry, even if it is the miscellaneous food, they won't let you get full. Where has the food gone? They were all divided by some officials in the rear. They sold your good food and left some rotten food for you. Even if it was this way, it would not be possible to feed you all, such a country. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test such an army, such an official, is it worth your sacrifice? You all think about it.

It can be said that the army of the Southern Empire didn’t know what propaganda warfare was in the past. For them, they had never heard of it. Now they have encountered it. They have no corresponding propaganda means and no countermeasures. So their army began to chaos, and the spies of Cao's House of Business were fanning the flames in their army. This thing is kind of funny. Many soldiers from the Southern Empire gathered outside their general’s camp and asked if their food was sold by the officers above. Naturally, the generals had no way to explain this. They used to work in the martial arts hall. There is no chance to make money. Thousands of miles are officials only for money. Everyone understands this truth. If only relying on such a small salary from the court, everyone would have no way of living, and everything would have to be done on their own. It is for this reason that each of these guys is very depressed. The reason why the generals can’t explain it is that this thing really exists. These people really give money to ink, and it’s all right. A large number of people started to make trouble everywhere. At the beginning, they only asked some military officers to ask questions. But at noon, when the marching firemen prepared the food, they stopped eating. I saw this before. All kinds of miscellaneous noodles and wowotou are all happy and unclear, but now they don’t have such awareness. They think these things are for pigs. The people on the opposite side are right. Lao Tzu is all right. Those who go to the front line to fight are not here to beg, so they give us something like this. Can you feel your own conscience? Everyone wanted to go up and kill all these people, and their hearts were really uncomfortable.

Some lower-level officers became the masterminds of this incident. It can be said that the treatment of the lower-level officers and the soldiers is not much different. The treatment of the lower-ranking officers of the Southern Empire is not as good as that of an ordinary soldier of the Cao Jiashang Company. They want to improve their own. There is simply no way to pay, because what? Because the upper-level officers of the Southern Empire had already drunk the oil and water that they could drink, even if they wanted to drink it, they didn’t have that chance. They could only suffer honestly. Normally, they didn’t have the courage. Now, seeing that the brothers are so passionate, one by one is also causing trouble. All the generals have recognized this fact clearly. The army with more than tens of millions on the front line has entered a state of mutiny. , If it’s okay to cause trouble in other places, just ask the people in the army to suppress it. But now it’s the army. Who can suppress it? Also let the army suppress it. The result may be that the army that was suppressed in the past will fall into mutiny. Although tens of millions is a small number for a frontline army of more than one billion, there is no guarantee that it will not expand. , Now there is a tendency to spread. The general on the front has a headache. He himself hates these food exchange behaviors. He himself has no money to eat. Although he hates it, he also knows. The truth is that if the water is clear, there is no fish. If these generals are blocked from making money, they will not fight hard. Sometimes things are like this, and they must be healthy. After development, it now means unhealthy. Many people are in this situation. They are speechless about this and don't know what to do.

Seeing that something like this had occurred on the front lines of the Southern Empire, Li had already ordered the next wave of offensive. Since the Southern Empire did not agree with the current situation, it was necessary to fight until they agreed. Looking at the signing of some treaties on the earth, basically there will be some interspersed in the middle. Under Li Cong’s order, Wu Zuoxi and Gu Xin forcibly evacuated the capital of the Southern Empire, which made the upper level of the Southern Empire a little bit By surprise, they never thought that Wu Zuoxi would be so tough. You must know that when he was looking for high-ranking officials of the Southern Empire before, his face could be smiled like a flower, but now it has changed. It became like this. This change seemed a bit unacceptable. This kind of thing also made them feel that something was wrong. Sure enough, later in the day, the 101, 102, 103, 107, 109 of Cao’s house A total of approximately 700,000 troops from the eight divisions, 114, 116, and 120, began to attack the hj province, the second line of defense of the former southern empire, and all six counties in the south of the province were attacked. Nearly 800,000 troops from the nine divisions of the Cao’s House of 077, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, 081, 0/82, and 085 also launched an offensive against the central provinces of the Southern Empire. The troops were divided into two groups and began to rise again. After the war, at the same time, more than 200 warships in the four squadrons of the Cao’s 011, 012, 013, and 014 navy, as well as the independent 325 and 327 regiments of the Marine Corps, carried out a renewal of the remaining few sea ports in the Southern Empire. Attack, if they succeeded in their offensive this time, it is estimated that the southern empire's exit to the sea would suddenly disappear. This would not do much harm to the southern empire, anyway, they did not need to go to the sea before.

Cao’s army can be said to move quickly, and none of these troops have gone through any rest. The attack was launched again on the battlefield. It can be said that this is the first offense launched by the Cao's House of Commodity after the rectification again, because after the second line of defense was broken by the people of Cao's House of Commerce, there is no decent line of defense behind the Southern Empire, so The Cao's commercial firm's offensive also had to come from one county to another. Generally speaking, there are not many garrisons in these counties. A regiment of 5000 men carried a battalion of 16 127mm heavy artillery artillery. A gun battalion with 24 92mm mountain cannons can take down a county town. From this time, Li only ordered them all to stop, and he would never really expand the war. Because the area occupied by the Cao’s House of Business is not very peaceful now. This war is only to win dozens of counties and cities in two provinces. As for the navy, it must be successful, as long as it is occupied. It’s a very simple matter to attack all the waters of the Southern Empire in the future, and the surveying and mapping team of Cao’s Commercial Bank has already set off. They want to investigate some rivers in the Southern Empire. If they still refuse to sign an agreement with them, When the time comes, you will go straight up along these rivers. At that time, even if you want to sign this contract, it will be impossible. Maybe we will go directly to your capital along the canal you opened. At that time we It’s not just a few hundred counties. Maybe we want thousands of them. We’ll see if the Southern Empire has this ability. Besides, Li Cong already has an exchange system. Now, the serial crossbow can be exchanged directly. It doesn't matter if the silver is more expensive, what is missing is the weapon, not the silver.

Although the crossbow arrows of the serial crossbow can be exchanged, Li never does such a thing now. The crossbow arrows can be said to be a very important industry chain. The crossbow arrows are all made by some ordinary people, and they all like them. It’s very easy for the Cao’s firm to control them if they are in such a job. If they are not allowed to do this, it is estimated that they may be dissatisfied with each of them. Now the world is against Cao’s firm. However, the dissatisfaction of the people in ¡¡¡¡is more. Now that more people’s support may be brought to the next level of Cao’s business. So there are some things that cannot be done, but Li Cong has also exchanged some for his own The army won’t be gone in an emergency. Li Cong’s account is very clear, saying that the people in Cao’s house use weapons very well. This weapon can only cost a few dollars, and more use of the shop will give the soldiers a way out. If a soldier is unfortunately killed, the blood stipend system given by the Cao’s family firm may cause them to lose more. Therefore, weapons must never be saved for them. On the contrary, they must be encouraged, such as attacking. When you are in the city, as long as you see someone on the wall, it will immediately be a rain of arrows. It’s okay. There is no shortage of those bows and arrows. The premise is that you can be safe. If you hide, you will be artillery. Anyway, that thing Money can also be made, and there can be a lot of full-scale construction on the earth. The navy's warships are also like this. A ship is resolutely prohibited from sailing independently. This is impossible and it is easy to be shot by the enemy. Yes, two ships will be enough. At least one will help. The soldiers still support Li Cong's decision.

It’s very rare that Cao’s family firm can produce 17 divisions plus 3 divisions in reserve this time. Except for these troops, it’s estimated that they won’t be able to take it out at all. These people know them all. Because of their own ability, they really don’t have much power in normal times, and they all understand in their hearts that Cao’s army has reached its current level, and there are too many places they need to defend, just say the original one. The second way of the Southern Empire rest assured. How long is this? The hundreds of millions of troops in the Cao’s house will start to defend. Otherwise, they may be counterattacked by the southern empire’s troops. If this is the case, they will do everything for nothing. In terms of quantity, it can still bring a lot of pressure on the army of Cao’s house. As long as people want to do it, there is still no possibility for the army of Cao’s house. Li Cong has just made this and it is a gesture. Empire, as long as it is something that is not available at the negotiating table. People from our Cao's Commercial Bank will get it on the battlefield. After experiencing the initial panic, the people of the Southern Empire also understood that this time they must resist the attack of the Cao's House of Business. As long as they can resist, the negotiation may be opened again. If this is unstoppable. It is estimated that the Southern Empire may really suffer a big loss. The next time the Cao's firm comes to negotiate, it is estimated that these requirements will not be the same now, and even the top of the rain boots will feel it. After agreeing to these conditions, there won’t be so many things. The Cao’s family members can get along with us, but that’s from dozens of provinces, all of which are given to the Cao’s family business. People, how can they feel at ease in their hearts? This is definitely the sinner's in history.

In addition to the territorial issue and the indemnity issue, the good guy’s 50 trillion taels of indemnity, according to the apparent income of the Southern Empire, their annual income is about 5 trillion yuan, so they It takes ten years to repay them without food or drink. Even if they are paid in installments according to the calculation method of Cao’s Commercial Bank, they will not get a penny of tax for these 30 years. If you want to give it to the people in the Cao’s house, they don’t have a penny. How should the entire empire run at that time? You can’t let everyone drink the northwest wind, so people in the southern empire can’t do it. When it arrives, then borrow money from the Cao family firm? In the end, I don’t know how much money I owe others. At that time, you have to do whatever they want to give you. These officials will settle accounts one by one. At that time, the income of the entire empire They are all in the hands of Cao’s House of Business. Even if they want to earn some money, it’s impossible. After hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation in the Southern Empire, there are a lot of weapons in this warehouse. It’s no problem to form a large number of teams again. It’s just that the high-levels of the Southern Empire didn’t dare to be the same as last time. Last time, they got half of the Southern Empire into chaos because of the problem of capturing strong men. After suppressing some of the peasant uprisings that are easier to extinguish, how could they do the same wrong thing? Moreover, even if so many soldiers are recruited now, it is impossible to transport them, plus the mutiny of frontline soldiers. It is estimated that the soldiers will become insurgents before they pass. It may not be a good thing for the Southern Empire, and it has to be considered in the long term.

The high-levels of the Southern Empire are not fools. They can only concentrate the current frontline army to chase, chase and intercept the one million army of Cao’s business. As long as they are soaked and beaten down, that’s the best thing. Okay, when they worked out their combat plan, another matter came again. The impact of this matter was even stronger. Li Cong dispatched more than 50,000 large airships to carry more than 2 million tons of various bombs for air strikes. There are about 300 counties and cities in the south, and the people in these 300 cities also know that the war is really close to them. Because the air strikes are all the walls and military equipment of these cities, the people’s losses are not very big. , But the fear of the common people is absolute. Those common people are all dumbfounded. How could such a thing happen? Isn’t Cao’s army still a thousand miles south of them? How can I wake up? It is said that they are in front of them. Many people went to the city wall to have a look. Isn't this the wall that was rebuilt last year with hundreds of thousands of dollars? What has become now? All have become a lot of money, and all are of no use. Is this kind of thing in Cao’s house of business, it’s nothing, people just give us a warning, if this is a real offense, we can persist. Live? Now the tens of billions of ordinary people in the southern part of the Southern Empire are in panic. They were originally unwilling to join the army. They saw the powerful weapons of the Cao’s House of Business, and they will no longer join the army. This is too great for them. It's difficult, they don't want to be like this, they all think about whether the war can come to their own area. One by one began to take to the streets to protest some of the government's propositions, and they wanted to cease the war.

The power of the people’s hearts is terrible, and the power of the people’s hearts can also be used. The people of the Southern Empire would not use these things, so they would fail in the confrontation with the Cao’s House of Business. It’s very powerful. Take it for now, the Cao’s family of business’s army does things that really make them feel scared. The Cao’s family’s army has not come over, but who knows that their thing flying in the sky can’t Some bombs were dropped to kill them all. They also know that what those people said hasn't come yet. But how can you solve this security problem? As a result, the people in the government didn't know how to answer them. Well, if you don't say it, we have to have our own ideas. The troublemakers are all wealthy people. They saw no one in the government cares about this matter. Immediately, they took their own gold and silver and started to run north. They ran away, and it was natural to forget the shops they operated. It is impossible for them to continue their business anymore. This is related to the lives of all the people. When they go to the streets to do some things, no one does it at all. A large number of people also feel that something is wrong, and they all start. There was a fuss ahead and asked the government what was going on. These local officials don’t care when it is now. They first sent away their family members, and then called the government officials to start one by one. Give the people outside, what do you say above, that we can’t, and I don’t think that method will have any effect, and none of them is as easy to use as the one in front of us. Just give you all. I'm scared, so things will be easier to do. You dare to make trouble one by one? It's strange not to go back.

It’s better not to go crazy during the civil commotions. This is an ironclad fact, but it seems that many people in the Southern Empire didn’t think of this. They just wanted to quickly suppress the civil commotions. The result was counterproductive. Most of the common people in the Southern Empire were getting angry one by one. What the **** is this government, and you can’t ask casually. It even suppressed the common people. As a result, more common people rushed over and surrounded. The government wanted to ask what was going on. Some parts of the interior were okay, and their control was pretty good. Even if there were some peasant troops around, they wouldn’t dare to make trouble in such a big city, but they were on the border. The area is not good. The city owners of these counties in the Southern Empire didn’t have the mind to see what was going on outside, because the spies had already told them that the Cao’s business was already under the city, and these city owners trembled. I trembled to the city wall and took a look, and almost didn't scare myself to pee. Damn, didn't you say that you are going to talk about peace? How come there are so many troops from Cao’s house? How the **** is Lao Tzu’s response? The city owners’ reaction immediately is to pull all the people in their city up to defend the city and see how old they are. The combat effectiveness, but one by one suddenly thought that the army in the city seems to be less than 100,000 people. Most of them have stopped because of the war and went home to visit. Although their homes are all around, but those The soldiers are all old-fashioned. Usually they may return to the team on time, but now one by one sees that the county is surrounded by the enemy, are they going? Are there bubbles in your head? It's strange if you don't rush to find a place to burn your military uniform.

"Damn, I don't care about Lao Tzu's life or death. Lao Tzu doesn't want to lose his life in the artillery of Cao's house. I won't do such a thing by myself. Give me the order and open the city gate. Damn it surrendered." In front of the city lord of one of the county towns, there were more than 80,000 people from the 112 division of Cao’s business, and he said that, this city lord is not unreasonable, but there are less than 50,000 people in the city. If there are hundreds of thousands of people, I might dare to go out and fight for a while, but if there are only a few people, we dare to go? Unless there is a problem in his mind, otherwise, he would never do such a thing. The people below him were relieved after hearing his decision. If the city lord said that someone is in the city, The matter of the death of the city is really exciting. I can’t be **** off by this guy. The ratio of the people from the Cao’s house to the people on their side is basically more than one to twenty-five, even worse. There are more people, and now I don’t have as many people as others. Although I am defending the city, I can see that their infantry phalanx is already ready. Each regiment is a unit. Five thousand people release the serial crossbow together. This bow and arrow is like rain. It is basically impossible to hide it no matter where you are. They have encountered such things before, and there is such a powerful one. A war crossbow, you can go in directly with a grenade on it. This is the most powerful thing. Those **** artillery are not as deadly as this thing. That kind of heavy artillery with a large caliber can explode the city wall with one shot. of. Do you want to use your body to resist something like this? What is this not looking for death? As long as there is no problem with the brain, people will not choose to resist. Unless it is a fool.

The city gate slowly opened, and what came out of it was not the army, but some of the city lord and his entourage, and some of the flags on the wall fell. Zhang Pu, the commander of the 112th Division who was preparing to attack, was dumbfounded. Oh shit. How could this happen? The 112th Division was a reserve division during the last war, and it had never been on the battlefield at all. Just when the war was about to end, I went up and tried it. This Pu Ke was depressed to die. Look at the people who came out with me in the military academy. Which one does not have the rank of major general, and he has nothing. Now the army The internal military ranks are all achieved by military exploits. Now he has nothing to say that he has no military exploits. This is really the most shameful thing for a soldier. If other things are better to say, like this How did you explain the matter to others, but this guy hasn't lost his mind in anger, otherwise, he must have called the heavy artillery camp to open fire. What is this yourself? Still have no military exploits? However, the people of the Military Appraisal Committee would definitely not say that. People did not resist and opened the gate to you. You have occupied the county city without blood. This kind of ability is also very good. If the whole army is All the teachers are the same as you. Once they have this ability, this thing is very good, so he still has a great work, but his heart is always uncomfortable, and other teachers are not very convinced. In their opinion, this matter is just a matter of luck. The city lord does not resist, even if other teachers come over, they can beat this place. Your kid is taking advantage, there is nothing to show off.

"Dear general, I am the lord of the city. On behalf of the 6 million people of the county, I surrendered to the army of Cao’s house. This is the key to our account book and warehouse, as well as the lord’s seal. If you allow me, I The army on the city wall and all the armed personnel in the city and surrounding counties can all come out, but I hope you can guarantee their safety and the safety of the people in our city.” This guy said cheerfully, looking at him. It seems that we are not here to surrender at all, and neither of us are enemies, as if we are friends we haven’t seen for a long time. Isn’t such a thing a bit too much, but Zhang Pu has no time to think about it. When they finished speaking, these people knelt down one by one. In their opinion, their fate lies with the general of Cao’s business at this moment. The city gate is already open anyway. It is very easy to rush in. The most important thing is that the city lord has given up resistance. This is a big blow to the soldiers below, even if there are individual soldiers or officers who want it. After resisting for a while, that idea is gone for a while. For them, this thing can’t be done like that. If the city’s chief is resisting, he is called bravely killing the enemy. Now the city master has given up resistance, and he has paid If they resisted so secondly, this would be a disobedience to the order. They would not do things like this. In the end, the people from Cao's house wanted him, and the city lord would not regard himself as his own. The empire may reward itself, but it's all useless and its head is gone. What use is there to ask for that thing?

"Huh? Okay, don’t worry about it. Our Cao’s business people never deal with people who lay down their weapons. According to our regulations, we will have people from the War Management Committee go in. You just need to cooperate. Of course, they will also carry out investigations throughout the city. If you are really the same as what you said, you can pass the test again, so that you can continue to be a deputy in your position, if you don’t It’s okay if you are willing to continue to provide services to our Cao’s house. You can bring your family members and your assets back to your hometown. Of course, we need to check your assets. As long as it is legitimate, it’s not a search for things that people care about. , All can be taken away, of course, if you are bullying men and women at ordinary times, it is impossible to have good results. This point may be known to you in the past. Now follow what you said , Just call out all the armed forces in your city, and give them half an hour for the remaining ones. If they don’t come out. If they are caught by our suppression team, then I’m sorry.” Zhang Pu’s Even if I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I still have to tell these people some of the policies of Cao's Commercial Bank. These are all things that must be done. The above has been said repeatedly. If you don't do that. Some members of the gendarmerie around here will report themselves, and these people are selfless and selfless, regardless of whether they are a division commander or an army commander. As long as you make mistakes, these people will not give you any face, and the political department at the top will also give you a punishment. You can't afford such things, so don't do such things. Honestly To accomplish what you should do.

People like the city lord naturally didn’t dare to do anything wrong. They heard that the people of Cao’s house would be purged and suppressed. Naturally, they understood that, in fact, there are millions of people in a county city who want to surrender like themselves. Just like that county in this city, this guy has always been against himself. I heard that the woman in his family is still the daughter of a big bureaucrat in Beijing. Although she was born by a concubine, she is in such a small town. The city can be regarded as a great person. You can go to the capital once in two or three years. When they come back, the ladies are surrounded one by one. People can tell some things about the capital. In such a small city This is the most powerful thing, and for this reason, even though he is the second in command of this county, he sometimes doesn't give himself face. Who says he has no one in the court? The road to promotion is also considered I’ve been sealed off here, I can’t continue to rise, I can only stay here honestly. As for other things, I still don’t want to be boxed. It’s better to be honest, usually. He wouldn’t really have any confrontation with Jun Cheng. Everyone thought he was weak. The surrendering matter was naturally disapproved by Jun Cheng. This guy was going to gather his own people to retake the city, just The people in the city didn’t even think about surrendering. The most important thing is to save your own life. However, the county Cheng has been in the city for so many years, and he will have some own team, so Qing suppressed There is still a certain degree of difficulty. This prefecture is already the last resistance force in the city. Just like Zhang Pu said, some of the most sinful people are all there, and they all know the policies of the Cao's firm. .

Zhang Pu waved his hand after finishing talking, and the 4,500-man cavalry regiment rushed in immediately. Although more than 40,000 people in a division of more than 80,000 people are riding horses, when it comes to the real people with cavalry fighting capacity, there are only two people. A cavalry regiment has more than 8,000 people. The others can only be referred to as horse-riding infantry. After seeing the command of the division commander, they rushed into the city on horseback, although they were talking about surrendering. Before controlling the entire city, everyone's words are unbelievable. Only when the city is in their own hands can everything be considered conclusive, and everything else is nonsense, since it is in the city. There are also resistance personnel with no less than 10,000 people, so Zhang Pu’s order is very simple. The 131 Infantry Regiment is responsible for killing them. It takes only half an hour. A group of more than 5,000 people quickly followed the Cavalry Regiment. After all, the remaining people followed some of the city’s confidants and immediately went to the surrounding seven counties, which are also places that need to be quickly grasped. It is enough to leave 10,000 people in the city. After all, there are only tens of thousands of troops here. If even these tens of thousands of people can't stand it, Cao's army is really incompetent. Zhang Pu is still very confident in his army. For them, if it is impossible to guard a county, I'm finished. I'm really a lucky general. I don't need others to say that I am ashamed to die. The artillery outside the city also left half of them and continue to face the city wall. Half of the people are starting to load the artillery into the truck. No one knows what the surrounding counties are like. If there is resistance, they will rush over. Those places are where they need to behave.

The entire division of the 112th Division occupied a prefecture without a bloodbath. It can be said that everyone in the division was a little uncomfortable, but the 131 regiment in this division was different from them. The entire regiment of the 131 regiment had its own. It’s a matter of hurriedly knocking down the Juncheng Mansion within an hour. Otherwise, the 112th Division’s face will lose its brilliance. Zhang Pu hasn’t fought a battle yet, so he immediately accepted it. The matter was handed over to the chief of staff, and he took his guards and went directly to the position of the 131 regiment. The commander of UU reading is here. The original regiment can only be honest and act now. All the next things are done by the commander. Look at the fortifications of the 131 regiment. It is still very good. Patrol posts have been set up on some main roads in the city, and some sacks are used as temporary obstacles. If those people want to run out, it’s not so easy here. If they want to continue to resist, it’s okay. What we want is a tough battle. The city lord introduced to them carefully about this county palace. Counting the minions, there must be at least a 10,000-person car. Except for the more than 4,000 people in the chase battalion under the county Cheng, who are regular soldiers, the others are some miscellaneous soldiers. Those people are either taxing or warning from the prison. It can be said that there is not much combat effectiveness, and some of the rest are gangsters on the street. They usually do evil one by one. If they fall into the hands of Cao’s house, it is estimated that they will be destroyed. Those who were killed directly, because of this reason, they hurried to the only place where they could resist when the entire city was surrounded. Although they knew that they were also hitting rocks with pebbles, they were still able to survive and survive. It’s good to live an extra day. If you die, there will be nothing left. Jun Cheng himself does bad things in his usual time. You can see how many bad things this person has done by looking at his ten aunts and wives. At this moment, I saw Cao’s army coming in neatly. This guy almost didn’t fall off the gun. There is no wall in their house, but a three-meter wall is pretty good. Bian was directly sealed off. Anyway, there was a lot of food in it. It is a good choice to resist here.

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