Energy Group

Chapter 2173:

The main reason why knights are so powerful is their so-called knight virtues, humility, politeness, respect for others, humility and prudence. This is how knights treat others in their daily lives. The knight has its proud side because of its glory and status, but one of the places where the knight is not equivalent to other nobles is that he also has a humble side. A humble attitude is not only about facing young and beautiful ladies and distinguished nobles, but also when dealing with ordinary people, the knight will never speak against each other. The knight respects all well-meaning people, and his politeness is almost innate. We have seen those scenes depicted in film and television literature countless times: a young man wearing exquisite soft armor with golden curly hair, kneeling on one knee under a skirt of a favorite woman, confessing his love; a handsome man The tall and majestic man opened the door of the carriage with a half bow, and with a smile watched an elderly civilian get into the carriage. This is a portrayal of the humility of the knight. If you are a knight, you have to be courteous and courteous in the face of all people who are not malicious. Of course, such words are stated in the rules of the knights, and some knights need to abide by them. However, such things can only happen when the empire was just established. The knights of the first generation were allowed. These knights later, Don't expect them to know these things. These things are **** for them. They think that this might make them all stupid. They don't want to be cheap. They are at the same level as the ordinary people. Why do we become knights? What? We just want to become nobles, and we will definitely not be in the same class as those people, and because of this, they have all begun to deteriorate, and the knights are no longer the original taste.

The second is honor, knight honor, where does honor come from? What does honor mean to the Cavaliers? Fight for honor! Even at the expense of everything! This is the creed of the knight. The bright and dazzling badge of the Knights in the sun reminds its wearer: This is your pride. The title of "Knight" is an honor in itself. It is not easy to obtain such a title. An alternate knight wants to become a formal knight, it needs to go through many strict tests, that not only requires a smart riding skills, but also requires outstanding command and rich combat experience. And a conspicuous iconic result. Honor comes from God's welfare and people's approval. God's blessing bestows qualified people with the honorable title of knight. But whether the words and deeds in the future will not humiliate the glory of the knights depends on whether they adhere to the faith. As always, fight for God for the people. The title of knight is not the end of those who have strong beliefs, but their starting point. People pay attention to you, and so do gods, knights. You must not slack in the slightest. Cherish and defend your honor. This amount is also stated in the Knights Code. I guess they don’t believe it when they say these things. The biggest role of the empire’s establishment of the knights is not these things. The biggest role of the empire’s establishment of the knights is to make them the guardians of the empire. If no one poses a threat to the empire Back then, you could do this, but now it’s different. There are people who threaten the empire. You have to kill him.

The third important thing is "sacrifice", knight, do you have such courage, when you need to pay a price to fulfill the interests of most people. Do you dare to sacrifice? Perhaps it is the sacrifice of material benefits, or the sacrifice of life. You must have such courage and courage to be a competent knight. Sometimes, those knights who are loyal to the empire and the Knights are pitiful. The gods they believe in are undoubtedly enjoying their sacrifices. If it is for the benefit of the majority, then the sacrifice is certainly worth it from the overall perspective. But the intricately intertwined political interests sometimes cause personal and historical hatred. There is such a plot in the famous mythology: Prince Philip of the Southern Empire was imprisoned by his younger brother, the then Emperor Louis, in the bus crying prison, and the Knights loyal to Prince Philip rescued him from an adventure Later, he was ambushed by the Louis King Musketeers. At this time, the jaw-dropping thing happened: Louis ordered the fire, but the Musketeers did not pull the trigger. On the contrary, they threw their guns away and solemnly saluted the four remaining blood-stained knights of the Prince Philip Knights. , The supreme king also lost his dignity at this moment. The knight understands the knight. Let us pay tribute to those warriors. To express the necessary etiquette and respect to that self-sacrificing spirit. At that time, the knights understood the meaning of sacrifice, but now, there are very few knights who can understand this thing. They don't understand the meaning of sacrifice at all. How can such a knight let them do these things? ? It is absolutely impossible, and they will not do such a thing.

Another important thing is bravery. Almost all knights understand it, and all people understand it. There is no doubt that the cowardly is not worthy of the honorable title of knight. A person without courage simply cannot pass the knight's test. One of the essential qualities of a knight is to be brave, fearlessly declare war on evil, stand up to protect the weak at critical moments, and you must not back down. Dragon slaying, which is often said in fantasy literature and games, is the most extravagant test of a knight. Confronting the dragon, this is a gorgeous dance of life and death, you are likely to be buried in the dragon's den. But if you defeat a powerful dragon, you can get the title of "Dragon Slaying Hero", the supreme honor. Of course, bravery is also reflected in the battlefield. It is the mission of every cavalry talent to wield a spear to launch a brave offensive to the enemy to win the final victory. In traditional round war chess games, knights are often the most courageous main force in combat. Just like those faced with warcrafts in the early days of the Southern Empire, human-eating warcrafts were everywhere hurting those weak humans, the knights at that time. The regiment had almost no living space of its own. They all died one by one under Warcraft’s hands, but none of them flinched. For them, they couldn’t retreat because they were the people behind. Empire, they are the most loyal knights, so they can't do such a thing, they have to bravely rush to achieve the honor of knights.

Compassion is also an indispensable aspect of knights. To sympathize with the weak, knights must have a broad and tolerant heart. The knight shoulders the mission of eliminating evil and evil and upholding justice. Although the knight is loyal to the lord or the royal family, justice should be the criterion of their behavior. For opponents who are brave enough to sacrifice, the Cavaliers are full of respect. This led them to defy Wang Ling. In ancient China, there was also a saying that heroes cherish heroes. Among the two who are forced to become rivals due to the situation, friendship may be greater than hatred. But time has passed, and this is the first thing the Cavaliers lost. They think they have become nobles. These ordinary people are not in their eyes, and they all believe that these ordinary people are not worthy of being the object of their protection. They began to ask for what they needed, which is why the local knights fell.

Honesty is the most important creed of the knight. No matter where it is, honesty is a commendable virtue. As a knight. Honesty is also a necessary quality. Because the knight is the lowest rank among the imperial aristocracy, even lower than the jazz. Until now, most people have forgotten that there is such a knighthood. If a knight wants to have good interpersonal relationships, He must have a good reputation, which inevitably requires him to be honest and not cheating. Most of the rules of the Knights also marked a prominent position in the rules: Knights must be loyal to their souls. The famous knight of the Eastern Empire Round Table-Lancelot is also the representative of keeping his promise. When he was treated as a guest of honor by the Eastern Emperor. The rest of the round table knights expressed their dissatisfaction. So Lancelot and them set a time limit of one year and one day, using this time to prove his courage and kindness, and then he set out to eliminate the evil Sir Garon and the vicious dragon, and defeated 50 A thief, killed 2 giants, and finally returned to the castle in a year and a day. His honesty made him the greatest knight of the round table in the Eastern Empire. knight. To gain the trust of others, you must be honest. Face your soul calmly and stand up to God's interrogation. But now the knights have also forgotten this. They are no longer honest people. Many people start to lie about what they need, and even ask others to help themselves. This is why the emperors of several empires One reason for not developing the Cavaliers, because they are already in decline.

Justice is the last thing the knight needs to abide by, being just and selfless, strictly observing the law, and acting in accordance with the rules. In history, due to the class nature of knights, they could not fully enforce justice. On this continent, after all, it was the age when the monarch power was granted by the gods. The king's will is the god's will, and it is irresistible, and the knight is just a subsidiary of the king. Of course, there are some "rebels" in all ages. It is said that at the beginning of the empire, there was an Eastern Empire knight who was dissatisfied with the unjust judgment of the country's law. An innocent man was sentenced to death, and he took the death row on the day of execution. It is easy to imagine what price this brave knight paid for his fairness. Today, in a museum in the Eastern Empire, there is still a statue of this knight for future generations to admire. Well, we have seen that for injustices, history will always use colors to correct them. Today, the knight received the praise he deserved. For the just, history will give him a fair evaluation sooner or later.

Let's end this paragraph with the oath that the emperor of the Eastern Empire gave when he formed the Knights of the Round Table! "My noble warriors, let us swear together. We only fight for justice and justice, never for wealth, and never for selfish reasons. We must help all those in need, and we must also Support each other. We must treat weak people with gentleness, but severely punish the evil ones." It’s a pity that very few people remember these words now. There may be those among the knights who remember them, but they are definitely not many. They still rarely have such a person.

Now this new emperor relies on such a knighthood. The knighthood is no longer the knighthood when the empire was established. In the past, there were thousands of knighthoods in the empire. They belonged to the major nobles, but now The knights are only available for royals, because the other nobles feel that raising these knights in this way is a waste of their resources. They all hope that they can use other methods to increase their strength. You must know the knights. Each of the knights is a nobleman. What do you want so many nobles to do? The great aristocrats have limited territory. If they are distributed to these so-called knights, they will have fewer of them. It is better to form some It's even cheaper. For example, mercenaries, these mercenaries can go out to help them work and make money when they are fine. They don't need territory or anything. Compared with these knights, they are so much better. But the royal family kept the knights for their reasons, mainly because the royal family was too large and too many people, if they couldn't find a suitable place to house their children. Not good either. The Royal Cavalry Regiment in front is also like this, but the ones there are still a bit lower. These knights are the most advanced military system, and their combat energy is also the most powerful. The weakest among them is also a fifth-level fighter, and there are even more powerful eighth-level fighters. The commanders of the Knights are all unified by the ninth-level peak fighters. There have been cases of tenth-level fighters in history, but it is enough to be temporary. There are many complicated things in the knights. They It's impossible to always manage such things, they have to cultivate on their own.

The knights in the palace have been stationed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the people inside have changed again and again. They were the last patron saints of the entire royal family. The people outside didn't even know their existence. Even some people in the palace rarely knew about them. Half of them were put on normal clothes when they went out. No one knows that they are members of the Knights at all. Among them, more than 90% of them have royal blood. Therefore, they are the last guardians of the royal family. Without them, it is estimated that the Knights are also They will degenerate like the outside. In any case, the society has developed for so many years. Although these knights have gone through the strict and cumbersome procedures, their thinking has also changed. Maybe they will die for these things, but some of them have their own beliefs. They are still a real knight. Such talents are needed by the new emperor. When he gave orders, the leader of the knights Appearing in the main hall, this guy hasn't been here for fifty years. He is very familiar with everything here. He has long foreseen that he will appear here. Other people look strangely. With this guy, he made a courtesy of kneeling down on one knee. This is the most noble courtesy a knight has to the king of the county. They won't all kneel down, because the armor on their bodies does not allow this, just follow your eyes. Like this ninth-level pinnacle warrior, armor is no longer useful, but he still wears this suit to protect the dignity of the knight and the dignity of the knights, whether it is winter or summer, it is the one in front of him. Look like.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the Royal First Knights reported that all the members of 53,525 have arrived, and there is no shortage of them, please order." This guy said, everyone around was dumbfounded, the number they had heard before turned out to be It’s fake. How could there be such a thing? How could they have so many people? This kind of thing makes them feel strange. With so many people in the palace, it’s impossible for them to feel even if they are eating and drinking. No, what is going on? How could such a thing happen? But no one of them dared to ask. UU Reading was not talking about such things at this time. The Chief Guard of the Imperial Front felt that there would be so many people under your nose. They can think of it. Normally, they must be hidden in the guards. Only at this time will they come out. The face of the guards of the guards also feels fiery. These people are posing as their subordinates. The time should be It’s not short, why don’t I know it? It seems that my Majesty the Emperor also knows some of his usual things. Thinking of this, he glanced at the Emperor with some guilty conscience, but fortunately, the Emperor’s attention was not on his at this time. In his body, the emperor's attention is on the knights in front of him. Since he can't be an emperor, this city doesn't need to exist anymore. Destroy everything and leave everything to nothing.

"Take your people out, kill anyone who offends the palace and bring my father to me." The emperor thought for a while and said, the strength of the knights must be huge. This is beyond doubt, for sure. Can do such a thing.

"Subordinates obey the orders, Cao's house..." This group leader obviously also knows the outside affairs. Yes, if Cao's house has participated in it, would it be the same? Can something like this work? Do you remember the battle that just ended? Receiving land compensation, do you want another such thing to happen? Isn't that a bit bad? His Majesty's face clearly thought of this terrifying return. It seemed that he could not do such a thing. He shook his head, it seemed that he could not touch it.

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