Energy Group

Chapter 2215:

Li Wei looked at this girl who went around asking his father about things like this. He didn't know what to say. If he told him that there might be some problems, things would not be so good. The little hope in the heart of the person in front of him was also There may be no more. Li Yun should not say anything. If this girl really has no hope, Shui Neng will know what she will do, but she always goes out to trouble those second-class mercenaries. In fact, this day the team camped outside a county town. Generally speaking, they would not go inside the city. The suburbs are relatively empty and it is relatively safe here. If you enter In the city, it is more troublesome. No one knows what's going on inside the city, whether those people will make their minds, some things are more difficult to predict, or it is better to be outside. It is for this reason that every time they take a break, they rest outside the city. Basically, they have not encountered anything on the road in the past two days. Therefore, they are walking relatively fast. It’s already more than a day. It’s not just four o’clock in the afternoon. It’s already time to rest. Prepare to take a good rest. There won’t be many places to rest on the road tomorrow. There will be a lot of roads to walk. I also have to take a good rest. Taking this opportunity, Li Wei also has to make some preparations for Piao'er's behavior. At least these people can't say anything. Piao'er is also strange. He used to rest. At that time, Li Yun didn't even come to the city. What happened today? According to the regulations, people in their team are allowed to come to the city except those who report in advance. Others are not allowed to come in. However, Li Wei is in charge of this regulation and does not care about it, so he directly said to the organizer. I was going to buy some things in the city and then I took Diaoer away. This guy didn’t say anything, and the other people didn’t feel that there was something wrong with Li Xing’s words. They just talked to Li Xing one by one. I feel a little envious, it would be better if I had such privileges anytime.

After entering the city, some of the conditions inside made Li Wei feel very rare. In the past, this guy lived in a big city. Such a place is rarely visited, but he also knows that those second-class mercenaries like something. Drinking and eating meat is a natural thing. No one will say anything. As for other things, then No, they can't leave at night. If they bring such a group of people back to the station, some people will feel uncomfortable, especially the organizer. I asked you to come out to protect my goods. It’s definitely not for you to come here for a holiday. If you are so comfortable one by one, Lao Tzu’s goods will be problematic. At night, at least one-third of the people will not be able to enjoy the benefits that Li Yun gives them. Piao'er still doesn't know what Li Wei brought him to this county. Although it was on the route of her father's past, she knew that there could not be any news from her father. She really didn't know what to do when she came here. She saw Li Wei stopped in front of a restaurant. , Is this going to eat in? The organizer also brought some chefs over. Basically, they would not use something outside for their food and drink, even if they had nothing to eat. They will also be supplied in a fixed place, rarely come to such a place, but it can only be like this at the moment, each of them is okay with the things in front of them, and Diao'er does not understand. "Master, what are you doing. Don’t we have good cooks? And I don’t think they will use some of the things outside. This is going to be taken back?" Piao'er felt that his master was The young master of a large family, the chef's food is not very delicious, but it is also very good. The young master in front of him is definitely not used to the taste there. I guess it might have been because of eating for several days. I didn’t want to eat. This brought her here to buy food. However, Li Wei did not answer him. Instead, he went inside and said to the shopkeeper, "The best Bring me four tables for the banquet, two jars of good wine, and deliver them to this place outside the city." Li Wei said with a smile.

The shopkeeper hasn’t received any decent business for several days, and the days of the past few days are indeed not very good. Suddenly a young master like this came out. It’s really good. Why didn't he see such a thing happening at that time? I was really lucky. When he raised his head and saw that the person in front of him was actually a magician, he directly called out "Mr. Magician... ..." Li Wei knew that if he let this person continue to shout, it is estimated that people around will come over and watch themselves for a while. It is estimated that people in this place have never seen a magician, and a magic appears. The teacher is definitely a relatively big thing. Li Yun said, "Okay, there is nothing strange, you can send it out to me when the things here are done. This is silver." Li Yun quickly dropped twenty taels. Yinzi pulled Piao'er and walked out of the city. Many people on the road didn't see anything. If Li Yun didn't speak to them, these people would not notice Li Yun. This is Yirong. Dan is great. These people can only feel that the person in front of them is very ordinary, but there is nothing to pay attention to. It took a long time for the boss to react. It can be said that this restaurant has been open for a long time. Time is running out, but this time I have taken out his real skills. This is what Li Wei has to do. If he has more, he will not be able to make it. Then he will give the table that is delicious and delicious to those second-class Mercenaries, one by one, they won’t have any complaints about what Piao’er is going to do. This means that people’s mouth is short. If there are some people who don’t know how to talk nonsense anyway, this matter is nothing. It's not that simple. If the magician is really angry, it won't be something ordinary people like you can bear. Piao'er felt Li Xuan's attentiveness at this time, but young girls also have their own ideas in their hearts. Yes, the young master is so kind to himself, do you have any thoughts? It's just that my identity is very low. When walking on the road, this little girl started thinking about it, but she quickly threw this out of her What a joke, his status is too far from others. If I continue to think about it, I would be a little too much.

"These people usually do something to help you out of sympathy with you, but don't hold on too much hope. If you often pass by, it will hinder them from working, but I also know that you must If you do this, otherwise, there will be no news from your father. This is considered to be an invitation to dinner. This time I will bring you here. Later, I will give them some money and ask him to get it." Li When he went back, he said, he didn't know that just such a few words that he said casually already made the girl next to him almost cry. No one had ever talked to her like this before, and sometimes she felt herself It was like dreaming, but when she walked to the camp and thought of her father, she also woke up. At this time, Li Xing had already spoken to dozens of second-class mercenaries. He listened to Li Xing’s saying, "Everyone, we all want to pay attention to peace when we come out. Today my maid has added a lot to you. It’s troublesome. I believe you all know what her situation is. In the future, she may come over frequently. I hope you can give me a face. If she has anything offensive, you just tell me directly. I will take care of this. Today, I personally invited you to have this meal. If you go to a place to rest in the future. If the organizer agrees, I will buy some for everyone, but you can’t drink too much. Forget that we are here for work. This is our original intention. At the same time, I hope that you can tell your friends about my maid. If there is accurate information about the water, I will give three thousand. Two silvers, if you find someone, thirty thousand silvers, this will definitely not be false." Li Wei said with a smile. These people quickly thanked Li Yun one by one. They used to inquire about these things because of sympathy, but if they get busy, they probably won’t take care of them, but now it’s different. Can the affairs of the magician be the same as the affairs of the maid of the magician? It will definitely not be the same. Now that there are so many silver rewards, it is natural to do this thing well.

To be honest, Piao'er never thought of such things before. In the past, she didn't need to do such things. It was all done by her father, and she would never come. Worry, it's completely different now from before. Now she needs the whole family's affairs, and there are a lot of places she has passed by. Many people have already told her more or less what she should know. Something, that is to tell her that her father may not survive, and she has given up sometimes, but thinking of the mother and younger siblings at home, she knows that there must be a result to bring back. In fact, sometimes she also thought about it, this day is impossible to go on like this, there is a result that is good for everyone in the family, if there is a choice, she hopes that this journey will never be It's over, because I can be by Li Yun's side, so that I can be the same as before. When I was with my father, I didn't need to do other things by myself. I could do very well, and it was also very good. It’s leisurely, but it’s different now. Now I can only rely on Li Wei, and I have only met for a few days, but this young man can make himself feel safe and he doesn’t know him. Of course she didn’t know how to do it, but Li Wei knew it herself. This girl suffered too much. It can be said that no one would give her a good face. She sees. When I gave her a good face, I just habitually move closer to a good place. In fact, there are many people like this in the world, and I can’t give them a quieter harbor, but if I can save one, I will save. One is better than not saving one. In the future, I hope this girl can live well under her own protection. Today’s meal has another meaning, second-class mercenary. Naturally, I won’t make her idea, but the first-class mercenaries over there still have their own ideas. Today, Li Wei told those people that the knight did this, so don’t do it in the future, this People are important to me.

"Damn, isn't it his own maid? I didn't expect someone to treat his maid like this. Damn, if I were a woman, I would find such a person to become the young master of my family. He invited those people to dinner for his maid. I really don’t know how this magician lived. How could I not find such a good person in the past? Why didn’t I run into such a guy? I thought it was. There will be a good start next time. I didn’t expect it to be such a result.” One of the bearded said angrily. He was very interested in Piao'er when he was in the city, but he himself was a fourth-level fighter. Such a person can be said to be the bottom of the first-class mercenaries. In fact, the organizers did not think about hiring these low-level fighters this time, just because they often go this way, so there is nothing. It's easy to say, they can be regarded as local snakes after all, so they got this guy and some of his buddies, but their salary is really not very good. The maximum amount is 50,000 silver in the whole course. This kind of work is only three times a year. Other times need to rest for a while, so they are very careful when they spend silver. Let yourself pay too much. Otherwise, there will be no way to enjoy it after going back. The guy next to him seems to be much better than him. He glanced at him and said, "You kid don't pee and see what virtue you are, that little girl. It’s impossible to do something like that. In the past, in the Mercenary Alliance, many people who were stronger than you went there, but there was no good result. I will tell you. This person’s life is all It’s destined. You see that she is an ordinary person. If you look down on her, you feel that this person is nothing, but you can see what life people are living now, **** it. Mr. Sorcerer personally accompanied me, I feel this The level of the magician must be very high. Even this time, the magician is not here at all, it is entirely because the magician will come with this girl to find his father. If it weren’t like that, I’d really be here. I don't know how to explain this matter." This guy suddenly thought of this question, and his words made more people say nothing.

What Li Yun wants is such an effect. He doesn't have time to wait for those people to come and find something before telling them about it. Now they should all understand how important Diao'er is to him, and the team The organizer also understands things very well, and they have already told everyone that they must cooperate well with the maid of Mr. Mage. This guy also has his own ideas. If he can talk to Mr. Mage in front of him If it's a good relationship, there will be nothing you can't do in the future. After all, I am a businessman. Every time I come and go, even if there is so much profit, what is the use, in fact, my status in society is still not very good. High, but if you have a friend of a magician, that’s a completely different thing. I remember that I also have a good businessman friend. That guy is much better than myself. Twenty years ago, he I started the trade here together, but now people have left the work to their nephews, and they just have to rest at home honestly. It doesn’t take several years to finish this time. After buying and selling, don’t you work hard? Or is your nephew not worth entrusting? It's not like this, and it's not because this guy made a magician when he went back, and the magician gave him some of his own business. This guy is beginning to rise, and now he is just doing some northern empires. Trading in the territory is just fine. With the above channels and the relationship here, it can be said that this money really does not know how to make it. In a few years, this wealth has increased several times. I always struggled with myself at the time, but now people are much better than myself. If I don’t have any thoughts in my heart, it is absolutely impossible. I must have my own ideas. Just follow Now, he also feels that his luck has come. If he can become friends with the mr. wizard in front of him, can he do many things that he likes just like his friends? You don’t need to hold your head everywhere to make money as you do now, and you may have a lot of time to rest at home. The opportunity for such a thing is already here, and it depends on whether you can grasp it. Of course, Everything is not as simple as I thought, so I have to see myself for certain.

That night, most of the second-class mercenaries were all awakened and drank too much wine. If an ordinary mercenary bought so many wines and vegetables for these people to drink, this The organizer of the team must doubt this guy. But if the other party is a magician, there is no need to worry about such things, because if a magician is interested in your things, he will never do such a thing. Besides, the things on this car are pretty good in this place, and the profit is the difference between the two places, but they have to go for a long time. In the past, many people did it. For this business, they used to spend a little bit of money here to buy the things in this car, and then include the transportation fee or something. If the merchant returned to the Northern Empire and sold all these things , You can also earn millions of silver, but it’s different now. Hundreds of thousands of silver is already a great thing. It’s all because of the airships of the Cao’s house, which has made such things drop very drastically, but this still has its own profit, just follow this Same time. Because of the joining of Li Yun, several bandits on the road saw the business opportunities here, but none of them did it. It was because Li Yun was in the team. It didn’t matter if there were more fighters in the team. , The most scared thing is that a magician will appear, as long as the soldiers in the team block the enemy in front. Then the rest can be directly handed over to the magician. Those magicians can point out these people one by one. In the end, no matter how many bandits come, it may be a result. Yes, this organizer has avoided a lot of trouble, even some official obstacles to the Southern Empire. It doesn't matter, if Mr. Mage said a word, even if it was an official force, there would not be too many things. They were not fools one by one, offending a magician? How can our brains be so powerful? Don't we all die? This organizer even hopes that Li Wei will also go to the Northern Empire.

Ok? It's three o'clock in the middle of the night, and most people are already resting. Even if there are a few people who are still sober, they are already feeling sleepy and they want to close My eyes rested for a while. No, the situation tonight is a bit wrong. They used to know that this time is the most sleepy time, but as long as their spirits are refreshed, this sleepiness can leave them. Yes, but I don’t know what’s going on today. No matter what I do, I feel sleepy to death. This is the way of others. At this time, Li Wei is no longer in his tent. Here, what's a joke, the most important thing for a magician is his own perception ability. At this moment, this guy has already felt that a lot of people around are coming, and these people are not simple. It can be seen that these people have made a lot of preparations one by one, and they have wrapped their shoes. It can be said that there is no sound when they come, and these people have been in the air beforehand. A kind of medicine has been spread out. Such a thing is not harmful to the human body, but it makes you feel like you want to sleep after smelling such a smell. This kind of thing can be said to be used frequently in the world. Li Wei knew this thing before, but he didn’t expect such a thing to come to him so quickly. This guy slowly walked to a few staff on duty not far away, except for one Seventh-level fighters still have their own sobriety. Others can no longer resist it. It seems that today’s things are all to blame on themselves. If they hadn’t let them drink, many people would have felt it. In the eyes of this seventh-level fighter, he already saw his blame. Yes, he has to take full responsibility for today's affairs. If such a team is not successfully hired afterwards, someone will definitely calculate it. It was Shui who did the wrong thing. Li Wei also knew that the culprit this time was himself. He has nothing to do with other people in the family, but with himself, it is not so easy for these people to come over. It's a great honor to be seen by you the first time I came out to **** something.

"Hehe, don't look at me like that. I'm not in the same group as them." Li Wei said with a smile when he saw the only sober person next to him. You can see from this guy's eyes, this The guy thought that these people were all brought by Li Yun. Li Yun still doesn’t know what this guy is transporting. Even if it’s gold, he wouldn’t care about it. These things are really nothing to him. . Li Wei went on to say, "These people are already dizzy when they drink alcohol. There must be no other abilities now. We don't have to count on them. I think there are only three people in this action. You and I With my maid, but that girl has no effect at all. To be precise, it is the two of us." In fact, the guy felt that the two of them were still awake, when Li Wei said there were three others. This guy also looked at some places around him. He was dumbfounded when he knew that Li Wei would still tell a joke to adjust the atmosphere at this time. Who is this person in front of him? How did he encounter this? As for a superb magician, shouldn't he tell himself that no matter what happens, he must be safe after a while. Only in this way can the two of them go out? If I said that, I would feel that this magician would be a normal person. But now I really don’t feel that the person in front of me is a normal person. They say that the magician’s head is crazy, but it is really rare like this one in front of me. This guy shook his head helplessly, and listened to Li Wei. Say "Okay. Don't feel that I'm so unreliable, even if I'm not reliable, it's better than you alone. In many cases, don't underestimate your own comrades, just like me. There are still a lot of misuses. I have already felt the people outside with mental power. There are about six people. But the weakest ones are about the same as yours. They thought we all passed out. Now, I can sneak a successful attack on one person at most. As for the rest, you have to block them. If you can hold on for two minutes, I guarantee that all of them will be dead.” Li Wei relaxed Said. This soldier was dumbfounded. What's the matter if you are joking?

Six people came, and the weakest one was almost like me. How long would you tell me to hold on to such a person, if not for not being able to speak loudly now. This guy is really going to stand up and ask Li Yun vigorously. Why don't you try it yourself in these two minutes? Just when this guy wanted to say something, the six people over there were already less than a hundred meters away from them. At this time, Li Wei threw something to this guy. He took it over and took a look. Good guy’s. Damn it, but Cao's commercial serial crossbow, he can get this kind of thing? After looking at it again, it turned out to be a civilian version. I said, Cao’s firm recently launched a civilian version of a serial crossbow. In fact, this kind of thing is no longer a serial crossbow. It is the same as the difference between a submachine gun and a pistol. , You can only fire one crossbow bolt at a time, and you need to re-install the crossbow bolt after firing five times at most. The price of this kind of thing is also very expensive, more than 50,000 taels of silver each, this kind of thing is still limited Only 300,000 are issued each time, and they are still available every day. If you want it, you can just order it directly. This is all in the ranks of rush purchases, and after 300 launches, you need to go to the Cao’s house. Replace the parts. Otherwise, the range and power will not be as good. Even with so many harsh conditions, people from all over the world still buy this thing, although the guy in front of you is not the same. Archer, but with a serial crossbow, he can also successfully injure one of these people, and the magician can kill another, then he is facing four, and it is still better to insist on two minutes among four people. There is no problem. If six people think that it is absolutely impossible for him, he can see the slowest one of the six people at a glance, and he also knows when the best attack is the magician attack. At that moment, all people’s attention will notice the person who was attacked by the magician before. At that time, whether they attacked that person, they are very likely to succeed. Of course For the sake of safety, attack the weakest one.

The six people over there are about to go in. This team is considered to be a relatively large bandit organization nearby. They have another identity. They used to belong to the regular army of the Southern Empire. The people from the family business were occupied. There is no other way. Returning to the southern empire, they would definitely accept such inspections. Of course, they would not want to be like that anymore, but what if they were those who turned to the Cao family business? There won't be too good days, and many of them have murder cases in their hands. If there are other things, they can be alleviated. The only thing is that this matter is not accommodating at all at Cao's house. Many people have said that other things can be discussed for you, but if you had caused a life in the past. I’m sorry, I’m sure it’s not going to end well. The few people who didn’t stop doing it all went up the mountain and became the mountain king. What they did was pretty neat. There were no brothers who followed them before. For those who stayed, they knew that the Cao’s members were very powerful in suppressing bandits. That army was not something their former subordinates could handle, so they just took some of their powerful roles to go up, and they did three times a year. Four cases are enough. If there are more, they will probably attract the attention of Cao's business. After they do something, they have to rest for more than half a year. During this half a year, they usually stay honestly and do not do other things that attract attention, so they can live in this way. It's been several years. The Cao’s House of Business’s army has also investigated them, but they will change places once they fight, and they are also very vigilant. Therefore, the Cao’s House of Commerce’s several encirclements and suppressions have not achieved any effect, but they were lost at the end. Quite a few, now they have received news that these dozens of trucks are pretty good. If it can be robbed, there will be a lot of benefits afterwards. Although the value of these things sold here is not high, there is definitely no problem with millions of dollars. As long as they can rob them, they will Immediately retreat, here is really too close to the county seat. If something is wrong, they won't be able to continue in this generation in the future, after all, they are more familiar here.

"Boss, I've inquired about it before. There are no more powerful people in it. These people are nothing. Under our attack, they must have no way to survive. In fact, At the beginning, I calculated that these goods are nothing to us. We can't get one hundred thousand dollars. What I want is the things on these people. If you take these a dozen If all the mercenaries are taken away, we can earn at least four million silver. This is definitely enough. Now they are all dizzy. We quickly finish our work and leave. If no one sees it, the most Okay." One of these guys is responsible for investigating these things. Now basically none of the people on the opposite side are awake. You can't help but show your merits, and the other guy looks at him. I was very upset. I used to be the second child of this team, but I used to help the boss deal with some things in the city. I am also a fifth-level fighter, and I don’t have much skill. Like this kid, he used to deal with outside matters before, but now he is on his site. These recent robberies were planned by this kid and they were all successful. This kid is more and more important. If this is the case, you may not have a place to stand in the future. The boss will eventually find that he is a useless person. No, the things in front of you are absolutely impossible. He was so successful. By the way, didn’t he also get a little bit of news, and said quickly, "The third." He frowned when he heard this voice. Damn, this guy always calls himself the third. , Although I’m the third child, but now I’m doing the second child’s work. Maybe I can become the boss in the future. You used to be the second child, but now you can’t do anything fucking. When there was no one, I would definitely force him in the past, but now it’s not enough. Now the boss is here. I definitely can’t do anything that is not big or small. If I really do it, I’m really in trouble. I can only listen to him carefully. "I heard that there is a magician in their team. Don’t be bad because of this. The magician feels very powerful. If we are not careful..." I didn't finish the rest, because he saw that the third child's head was the ice blade...

This.. This.. Several people were dumbfounded, they immediately knew that their actions had been They were also desperadoes, and the boss quickly saw the magician opposite. , This is also a few of them being too careless. If they are not so close, it is absolutely no problem. The things in front of him have made him a bit of a fight. At this time, they will lose one in vain. Yes, since this is what I did, I just rushed forward. I didn’t wait for him to rush forward. The third oldest yelled. He thought that the third was also killed. Take a closer look, it turns out that it’s not. There was an arrow in the arm, shit, and there was an archer on the opposite side. This **** archer and magician are both masters of long-range attacks, and it’s not wrong to fall into their hands. No one was idle, and rushed in quickly. When they ran closer, they felt the danger of the archer. The magician would not have such a fast speed, but at this time they already had themselves. He’s alert, so he won’t let the archers succeed again, but they also slowed their speed a bit. At this time, they saw four big fireballs coming in succession from the magician not far away. When the fireball was released, the soldier next to him had already replaced his crossbow bolts. Li Wei really wanted to give this guy a military use, but he was strictly disciplined, even if he was Li Cong’s grandson. The guy’s bows and arrows were all going out with the fireball. These people were more or less disturbed to a certain extent, but at this time Li Xing also knew that it was time for melee combat, and their attacks were over. But the results of the battle were pretty good. One person died, one person was seriously injured, and two were slightly injured. Only two people did not lose their combat effectiveness. This result is definitely the best one among the sneak attacks, but the rest will be tough battles. Up.

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