Energy Group

Chapter 224:

Li Cong's arrogance does have his own arrogance. These people in the conference room can be arrogant in front of ordinary people. They are worth more than one billion US dollars. But compared with Li Cong, they are no different from a beggar. They are called energy tycoons and oil tycoons at various cocktail parties, but they are a small role in Li from here.

The most worrying among the people present was the group vice president Park Yongzhi. He should have been Kim Yong Nam's right-hand man in Samsung Group. He was also the top leader transferred to the National Petroleum Group in the past week. He was upgraded from an assistant president to a vice president. It would be strange if such a person were not Jin Yongnan’s cronies. All the newly transferred officials would take him as the leader. Jin Yongnan also promised him to wait for Jin Meiren to marry Japan and the position of the president of Petronas would be his. From the moment Li entered this office, it seemed that he always looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, always making himself hairy.

That’s right, what Li Cong wants is to kill him. If he doesn’t control the boss, it’s hard to find him one by one. "Vice President Park, I hope you can cooperate with President Jin’s work to make PetroChina a better development. To seek greater benefits for us shareholders, don’t you know what opinion you have about President Kim’s re-introduction?" Li Cong walked to Park Yongzhi’s side and said that this made Park Yongzhi feel more pressured, as if this Chinese is with God same.

"Mr. Li, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. President Jin has always been the president of the Petroleum Group. Although some personnel changes have been made recently, that’s also a decision made by Chairman Jin Yongnan to act in accordance with the board’s charter. I don’t think I am What can we cooperate with? Besides, President Jin Meiren’s wedding is coming soon. As a subordinate, we should also share the worries for the president, solve problems for the group, and benefit the shareholders.” The words are pretty beautiful.

"Moreover, I don’t know if Mr. Li and President Jin have seen the company’s No. 1 document today. Last night, Chairman Jin Yongnan has officially signed the suspension order of President Jin Meiren. President Jin Meiren will leave before 5 o’clock this afternoon. The reason is to prepare for the wedding with Mr. Kimura, the deputy prime minister of the Mitsui Consortium of Japan. This is a document from the head office." After that, he took a document with a big red seal and the lawyer's letter to Li Cong.

Unexpectedly, the old guy’s actions were really fast. Maybe he wouldn’t react so fiercely if he didn’t come by himself. Maybe he would wait until some cronies were put in before announcing this decision. After all, Jin Meiren did a good job, and there is still some Strength, now to announce this decision is to take risks. If Jin Meiren tears his face, the Petroleum Group will suffer a certain loss, but all shareholders decided to turn a blind eye after receiving Jin Yongnan’s compensation report. After all, this It's a family affair, and it's not enough to oppose your own shares. The loss has already been over-compensated by others. It just takes a form.

After Jin Meiren heard the news, she didn't make the slightest move, but all of her cronies objected, thinking that the smooth transition of the oil group was Jin Meiren's great contribution. At this time, the group's withdrawal of Jin Meiren was to kill the donkey. I took out my mobile phone and read the news on the Internet boredly. This disappointed her staff. They thought that the president had lost the confidence to continue to struggle. Does the head office have better arrangements for her? Still know that this matter is irreversible?

   In fact, in the morning when Li Cong said that everything was controlled by him, she put her heart back in her stomach. As long as she didn't have to marry the Japanese, she was fine.

"I oppose this resolution. I don't think that President Jin Meiren will no longer serve as the president of the group company because of the marriage. As the second largest shareholder, I can raise an objection to the board of directors according to Article 15 of the board of directors law of the company. What I have to say to everyone is that if my requirements are not met, I will consider tearing up this contract." After speaking, Li took out a green contract from the bag. Perhaps the shareholders did not know what it was. However, the management understands that it is the supply and demand contract signed between China National Petroleum Corporation and Li Cong, the contract for the annual supply of 100 million tons of environmentally friendly oil. If this contract is torn up, OPEC, which has already reduced production on a large scale, will not share it. One ton of South Korean oil exploded in the meeting room.

   "How can this be? Let's ask the chairman to come over. All our net worth is on that contract."

   "My God, is the end of the world coming early?"

   "I think we should seriously consider Mr. Li's proposal. After all, the company is not owned by the chairman. If there is no support from environmental oil, I am afraid our company will go bankrupt."

   "The supply of environmentally friendly oil must not be stopped, and the government will not be willing."

For a while, there is everything in the room. Park Yongzhi knows that this is no longer under his control. I am afraid that his plan has been completely forgotten by these people, and the checks made by the chairman have become waste paper. Yesterday, people vowed to support the chairman’s resolution at the dinner table. This would make Li Cong just a small threat to forget everything about yesterday. No wonder some people say that the most ruthless person in this world is a businessman, the most terrifying The promise is the promise of the merchant.

Li Cong and Jin Meiren laughed at each other, and both saw the encouragement in the eyes of each other. Everything was in his own expectation. I am afraid I will leave the rest of the time to these quarreling minority shareholders. Blueberry Report Jin Yongnan I got on the bus ten minutes ago and it is estimated that I will be here in an hour. However, Hongmen’s guards have been arranged to stop him. I am afraid that he will not be there in a few hours. When Jin Yongnan enters, he will find that he may not know him These former subordinates.

"Mr. Li, I don't think we can get any results. I have already notified the chairman. Why don't we wait for him to come to discuss our unfinished topic again?" Park Yongzhi knows that it is for him to continue. Disadvantageous After all, Li Cong’s approach just now made everyone see who is taking the initiative. Environmental oil is very profitable, but in this world, only the energy group is producing, and he wants to sell it to you. You can continue to make money. If you don't want to sell it to you, you won't be able to make money.

"Mr. Park, I don’t think you have to wait anymore. Everyone is quiet. Now, I want to tell you a few things. Then I will give you ten minutes to think about. Remember, there are only ten minutes. First of all, I To show my determination, I fully support Miss Jin Meiren to continue to serve as the president. If any of you can find out her negligence, I will consider agreeing to the chairman’s resolution, but unfortunately we don’t. Secondly, I will continue to give Petroleum Group’s share of 20 million tons, but it must be based on the premise that Ms. Jin Meiren continues to serve as the president. Finally, I want to talk about my mistakes. I know that Chairman Jin Yongnan gave the directors a private dividend yesterday. I think I am the second shareholder of the company, so I have to give you some benefits. Of course I am not that stingy. I know that all shareholders have received checks or real estate worth 300 million yuan. Of course I am Chinese and I like to use RMB To measure the value, Blueberry, give my gift to everyone." Li Congyi waved Blueberry and several assistants to send an envelope to all the people present. The difference is that Jin Meiren's cronies are thicker and others are thinner.

This time, Jin Yongnan has actually paid the money. The six shareholders received a total of nearly two billion yuan in gifts. This money is not a small sum for anyone. Therefore, no shareholder will oppose Jin Yongnan’s plan. Besides, According to their share dividends, it will be about 1 billion yuan at the end of the year. Why don't they get 30% of the annual income for no reason?


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