Energy Group

Chapter 2227:

Regarding Li Cong’s banquet, the people in the world have two completely different views. Just now, the magicians and Li Cong have talked together very much, and they talked about each other between some friends. It should be said, but the fighters are not so good, because they all feel the threat. The heads of these fighters are not those of the magicians. They all know very well why Li Cong came here. In fact, if it is possible. If so, it is estimated that Li Cong will get rid of them and talk to the **** alone. Such things are not a joke. For them, the ossified Tianludan is definitely the most important thing. As long as their young master gets something like this, he can definitely become a tenth-level fighter. At that time, their right to speak within the World Society will be strengthened a lot. Such things are necessary for them. It did, but the magicians over there also have their own ideas, and they will not be affected by the fate of the monarch. Although at the beginning, it was said that this thing can only be used to transform the bones of the sky. But having said that, some things are not so absolute. In many cases, it is necessary to know whether to work around. If this ossified Tianludan is given to the people in the world, they will not have any benefit. The last time is to let The young master on the opposite side has only become a little tougher. As for them, there is no benefit, but now if they are all replaced with spirit pills, this will be different. Although the magician can increase his mental power by 10%. It is said to increase the combat effectiveness by 10%, but at least 78% is not a problem. This is where the magician is powerful. They can increase their mental power by all means of commission. This spirit pill is already very important for ordinary magicians, and for these magicians who have reached the top, it is even more precious. For them, such a thing is the best thing, so they want to get this thing is a very normal thing, if they do not think so, this is a problem with their brains, although they are very I wanted to reach a private agreement with Li Cong, but it was a pity that Xuanyuan Geli wouldn't let him succeed like that. You can say nothing after eating a meal. Li Cong originally wanted to continue to do some things after eating, such as the issue of the Light Element Magician, but Xuanyuan Geli directly said that they had something to talk about properly, so he also Stop talking. Oh shit. How do we say it is also a person with status. You all said that, if I continue to stay here, then my face is not so good. At this time, the people below said, the members of the Linghu family of the Eastern Empire are here. They are already waiting for Li Cong at the headquarters of the Cao’s House of Business. They are going to talk to Li Cong about some things. From the last war in the Eastern Empire. After it was over, the people of Cao’s House of Business began to cannibalize some of the land of the Linghu family. They only had fifty provinces. Now, half of the land is shared with the people of Cao’s House of Business. They are very satisfied, after all, they have nothing without Li Cong.

The Linghu family’s recent days have not been so easy. Their territory is located in the southern area of ​​the Eastern Empire. This area has always been an unstable place. In recent years, due to the Eastern Empire’s imperial court, they have worked hard. What toss about in this area, if it weren’t for the large amount of weapons that Li Cong exported to them, they probably don’t have anything now. The Linghu family looked pretty good in the past, but if compared with the royal family of the Eastern Empire There is still a certain gap in getting up. This time I came to Li Cong, it must be their own business. Li Cong knew that the matter should be very urgent, so he hurried over. When I entered the door, Li Cong knew that this matter would definitely happen. It's even more powerful, because the guy in front of you is actually the patriarch of the Linghu family, the kid Linghu. This guy now has a beard, and he looks a lot more fragile and crisp. It's not when he was in the beginning. The young master Li Cong met, the young master Linghu at the time can be said to be very good and handsome, but now there is still what it was in the past. In fact, the whole world has changed a lot. At that time, the Linghu family can be said to be the largest family in the entire Eastern Empire, and a family that can compete with the royal family. This is also for a reason. The Linghu family was also from the royal family before, that is, in the most recent period. It took time to become what it is now. There is no other way. Later in the war, the members of the Linghu family lost again. At this time, it can be said that they have no capital. They can only be honest. They have returned to the former fief, and the Eastern Empire’s army is also advancing with great songs. If it weren’t for the help of Cao’s merchants, they would now be rebellious officials and thieves. Speaking of which, the Cao’s merchants would have rebelled against them. People are very helpful. First, there was the Tuoba family of the Western Empire, and then the Linghu family of the Eastern Empire. No matter which family it was, Li Cong did the right thing at the end. As long as you pay a certain amount to them, you can always get a lot of things in the end. Seeing that this guy still has sweat on his forehead, Li Cong knows that he must be in trouble. Li Cong quickly asked this guy to sit down. He is already the patriarch of a big family. He shouldn’t speak like this. Li Cong called someone to a cup of tea and said, "What the **** is going on with you, I didn’t tell you." Okay, if there is something to ask the people below to come, or just write a letter, why did you come here by yourself, don’t you know what identity you are now? Now you belong to the Linghu family The patriarch’s patriarch is not the patriarch of the previous generation. Over the years, I guess your Linghu family has been eaten up and down by your fellow. It’s okay to find someone casually. If you really are all If you do this by yourself, you can really run away in the future. It is only necessary to be a patriarch of a big family with your own demeanor." Li Cong said with some dissatisfaction, it is true that they have all been themselves these years Human, speak casually. The Linghu family didn't say anything, it's just that Linghu was unclear.

"Oh, my eldest brother, I came here naturally because of my own business. You think I came here for two months because of the reason. Do you know the people in the world, they took one of you? For things that you like very much, if you can get that thing, your life will be much easier, and accordingly my life will be much easier." Finally, he can talk. He also said what he was saying. This kind of thing made him feel very good. How could there be such an opportunity in the past? No one would tell him how to talk, and no one would teach himself when meeting Li Cong like this. Li Conggang wanted to continue to say something. Suddenly I heard the three words Tianxiahui. Now this organization is the one that Li Cong is most interested in. No wonder this kid came here in person. Apart from telling himself this important news, Li Cong also saw other meanings from the guy on the opposite side. That is the need for a certain amount of labor. Our patriarch came in person. This labor cost will definitely not be less. Li Cong is also mentally prepared for this. He nodded and motioned this guy to continue. Unexpectedly, this guy started to show up. He slowly drank the tea in his teacup, and slowly said, "This is not something we didn't give you before. It is really sudden. , Do you know? It turns out that one of the guys in our family who has been doing business is a peripheral member of their Tianxiahui. That thing was obtained by his ancestors. At that time, they didn't know exactly what the thing was, so I gave that thing to the people of the World Association, but this guy’s ancestors always remembered the look of the thing. One day when he came to us to do business, I happened to spend a lot of money to get a picture. , The things on this turned out to be the things that their ancestors gave to Tianxiahui at the time. I was dumbfounded and stuck it in. What this guy said is still true, so I feel that the people of Tianxiahui want If you change your baby, it should be that thing. I just ran up without stopping, just thinking that you shouldn’t do other business with that baby pill. If it is really gone, you can do it this time. It’s a terrible loss. You must know that that thing is the most precious treasure in the world. Even if the pill in your hand is so powerful, I guess it’s not as powerful as that thing. The original version of the thing is given to you, even if it is a counterfeit, it is more valuable than the pill in your hand." This guy said cheerfully. I don’t know what he said Li Cong really didn’t know much. If according to this guy's statement, Li Cong is still confused now, what kind of thing it looks like actually has such magical power, it is not the original version, even a fake can be more important than the pill in his hand Oh, what a joke, the thing in my hand can definitely create a tenth-level fighter, and it's the kind of super tenth-level fighter, not a normal version.

"Sit down for me." Li Cong hurriedly pulled down the dancing guy in front of him. This guy knew what was going on, but he didn't understand what was going on. What this *says, what is it? I don’t understand. If I continue to listen to what he says, I guess there will be more things I don’t understand. Taking advantage of the fact that this guy hasn’t said much, it’s better to ask yourself quickly, Li Cong. This guy pulled to the seat and said, "What the **** is that thing you are talking about? Why haven't I heard of how important a baby is so powerful? We have also seen the treasures of this world from the people in the Cao Family Firm. Quite a lot, things like Ossified Tianludan are nothing in your mouth? How do I feel that you, a kid, haven’t woken up yet? If such a thing is not a treasure, how could it bring so many people Is it all attracted? Didn’t the people in the world also bring that thing with me? Sooner or later they will also take out that thing and call me, then I may not be able to choose their thing, that thing It may be a very common thing to me. You also know that our Cao's firm is very capable." Li Cong said without caring, he thought the guy in front of him was a bit exaggerated, but Li Cong You have also used the method of radical generalization. Since you know this thing, then you kid should quickly tell this thing. I also see if this thing has that effect. Some treasures on this continent are really nothing to Li Cong. I have encountered definitely not a few over the years, but I saw you in Linghu before. There are also a lot of babies who have ever lived. People are not the ones who have never seen them. If someone from the village said that, Li Cong would definitely think it was a big gold brick, because for them something like a gold brick is What they need most, but for Li Cong, although gold bricks are not common, they are not much more valuable than stones. Because I don't lack that thing. Therefore, in my own eyes, the level of the baby definitely needs to be improved. Here Li has just finished talking, but people over there are not happy. What does this mean? Does it mean our buddy hasn't seen the baby? Take the chicken feathers as an arrow? This is unbearable. Linghu immediately jumped three feet high and said loudly, "I said eldest brother. Brother, I am not a person who has never seen a baby. I think back then our Linghu family also occupied half of the Eastern Empire. All the treasures of the Eastern Empire must come to my eyes first. As long as I see it. I guess there is no possibility of seeing it on the stage. This thing is really not my own, it is invaluable, I know Some time ago, the people in Cao’s Commercial Bank seemed to have lost an ancestor charm. There is such a thing among the people in this world. The one I got a while ago was a painting of ancestral charms. Those who came with the real thing, they also brought a fake, a copy, but the people in the world can make the copied ancestor talisman half the power of the original ancestor talisman, which is already a very good thing. "The guy said loudly, afraid Li Cong would not hear him.

Zufu? Why is this thing again? Li Cong had never heard of such a thing before, but he just heard that both the martial arts of warriors and the magic books of magicians in this world came from the ancestor talisman. Some things are things that many people need. If you want to become very powerful, this ancestor talisman is something you must get. According to legend, these things are things that appeared before the establishment of the four empires. For this As far as the planet is concerned, the ancestor talisman is like one of his controllers. As long as there is an ancestor talisman, everything can be held in one's hands. The records of the ancestor talisman on the entire continent have only appeared three times. Yes, once was an ancestral talisman battle before the establishment of the four empires. At that time, dozens of large forces in the world arrived in the eastern part of the Warcraft Mountains. Not only were there humans, but also Warcraft, and even There are some creatures in the sea, they all came for this thing. Now the Great Rift Valley in the eastern part of the Warcraft Mountains is the thing left over from the accumulated fight back then. At that time, everyone used their own. Strengthened. At that time, the aura between heaven and earth was dozens of times higher than it is now, so if you start to practice yourself at that time, you can definitely get a very good result. It is said that at that time ordinary people had fourth-level fighters. In terms of strength, the fourth-level fighters were the beginning at that time. There were many tenth-level fighters, and there were even more than tenth-level fighters at that time, but no one said how much more than tenth-level fighters existed. It’s a great skill. In the end, it might be because the person who recorded it died, so this first record ended just like that. However, this ancestor talisman is also the most informed one. It is said that the person who got the ancestral talisman established it It’s a very big school, and it has them now. People will naturally put this on the heads of the four sects. It’s just that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and they haven’t seen the appearance of the ancestor charms. The people of the sect never took out the ancestral talisman in their hands no matter what happened. It was really surprising. I felt whether they had it or not. This is not something everyone knows. It can only be an honest guess. The second time that the ancestral charm appeared tens of thousands of years ago, that is, when the world would be fighting against the four empire wizards’ unions, many people said that time War is for the control of magicians. People in the magicians union want to know why so many magicians are willing to follow the people of the world. Is it really that way? Many people said that at that time, the people of the Tianxiahui had an ancestor charm, and the people of the Wizards’ Guild knew about this, but they couldn't publish the news, if they were to get it out. It is estimated that more people will intervene in this matter at that time. There is no hope for the four major wizards’ unions to unite, so they thought of such a crappy excuse to go to war with people in the world. The final result I don’t know what it is, and no one knows where these things are?

Li Cong doesn’t know very well about the ancestor symbol, but he also knows that such a thing should be very important by looking at the person in front of him. The third appearance of the ancestral symbol is the one in the Cao’s house. The people who robbed the transport fleet of the Northern Empire, in fact, the royal family of the Northern Empire and the Cao’s merchants weren’t very serious about the ancestral charms. If they were to take them very seriously, they might already be in their hands. . People like them don't care much about such things. For them, they don't know what effect something like ancestor symbol really has, because this thing has never been in their hands, how can they know what effect this thing has? What effect does it have on your own world? Although I don't know. But they all know that there are only seven ancestor charms in the world. Something like this. It is impossible to increase, and it is impossible to decrease. No one has said that there will be such a thing. They all know very clearly that such things must be in their own hands, but they also understand some other things. Unfortunately, their arrangements are not very good, and in the end they let others take care of them. This thing was taken away. In fact, Li Cong did a very good job. He has already made good preparations. Before, Li Cong had never dispatched a level ten monster. He thought that as long as he was dispatched With a tenth-level beast, things like this won’t happen. Thinking of this, Li Cong suddenly thought of how the tenth-level beast died. There were no wounds on his body, and suddenly he thought of the light element just now. The magician, is it light magic? If it is something else, it can definitely be seen. Even a space magician with the ability to suffocate can never be completed in such a short time. A tenth-level space magician can suffocate a ten Grade-level monsters were killed, but in that case, the inside of the monsters must have traces of this or that because of the lack of air, but there is no damage to that monster's body, **** it, they must have done it, Li Cong This suspicion can be regarded as a reasonable suspicion, but it can’t be called because of this incident. Another reason is that they did not show up with tenth-level magicians. If they didn’t show up for a day, it meant that people didn’t have the ability. , It’s impossible for a ninth-level magician to kill a tenth-level beast. No matter what kind of baby there is, it’s impossible. At most, it is just to seal the beast. Otherwise, they don’t There may be other ways. Because of this kind of thing, Li Cong felt that the matter was really strange, so Li Cong immediately said to the outsiders, "Let me go out and check it out. There is no light magician, as long as there is this clue, I will report it immediately." Young Master Linghu on the side is also dumbfounded, why does this matter have something to do with the light magician again? Is this eldest brother of my own brain having a problem? He wouldn't say such things in front of him before, is it because of the ancestral charm that he said stimulated him? Impossible, the mental quality is very good.

Light magician? Linghu on the side said to himself that light magicians, space magicians, and undead magicians are the three rarest varieties of magicians. When the most of these three varieties are the entire continent There are fewer than ten people, so such things are rare. Why does Li Cong look for such people now? Everyone knows that he himself is a space magician. There is also his master who never shows up. It is said that the greatest wizard in hundreds of thousands of years should be the master of this guy. A pharmacist is already a very rare thing. I really didn’t expect others to be a space magician. Why did Li Cong look for a light magician? It seems that there should be very important things, but I have never heard of light magicians. Such things are no longer accessible to the people of their Linghu family. In the past, Their family is still the top strength on this continent, but now, hehe, they don't believe they have top strength anymore, they all know very well. The Linghu family has become a complete second-rate force this time, but this is not bad. It is much better than the extermination of the clan at the beginning. Just like the Tuoba family, when the Tuoba family was at its strongest. Just like the current Linghu family, it can barely be regarded as a second-rate force on the entire continent, but their final result is not very good. The processes of the two families are surprisingly similar, but only some prerequisites. They are all different. In the end, members of the Tuoba family can only take away some of the elites of their own family. The remaining hundreds of thousands of family children died one by one. This made the entire Tuoba family directly become a third-rate force, and now except for Tuoba Yuanye which is considered acceptable, the others are not very good anymore. Those people can only be regarded as general. Just a little bit stronger than an ordinary person who is slightly more powerful. As for the others, they have nothing. Thinking of this, Linghu this kid is also depressed and unclear. He took a wrong step before, and now he has to pay for that. I was too impulsive in the past. If I can endure it for a few years, it may not be me who started the war, but the emperor of the Eastern Empire, so I don’t need to lose. There are so many, although it still has its own territory on the surface, it will sooner or later be eaten by the people of the Eastern Empire and Cao’s House of Business. Many people in the family want to cheer up, but this excitement is also needed. It’s the same as now. The first reason he came here was to send news to Li Cong, and the second was the request of the Linghu family. They needed a lot of naval warships. Although they also have their own shipyards, their own warships are really not very good. The warships made by the Cao family firm are nothing but two worlds, and the things from the Cao family firm are very different. Great, look at theirs again? It's just a pile of rubbish.

"By the way, your kid is a busy man. I heard that the people of the Eastern Empire have built two naval bases under your noses. What's the matter, you are not there to deal with your own affairs and run to me. What are you doing here?" Li Cong thought for a while before he looked up and saw the guy in front of him. Anyway, when someone sent this news to him from a long distance, it’s pretty good. He can’t do everything. Don’t give it to others. If this is the case, people will not have such enthusiasm for doing things in the future. Li told the current situation of the guy in front of him in a few words. The reason for the development of the navy in the Eastern Empire, so let Dong There are naval bases everywhere in the empire’s coastal areas. The Eastern Empire raised about 150 billion silver on its own, and obtained about trillions of silver from the bank of Cao’s Commercial Bank. Their navy can be said to be very good. Of course, this money can be paid back by the Eastern Empire. In the inland areas of the Eastern Empire, people who have a large area of ​​land directly gave all the cultivated land to Li Cong. That is tens of billions of acres. For the land, Li Cong also asked someone to see it. All of them are of high-quality land, but they have not been reclaimed. As long as this kind of land is done by a small number of people, the next thing will be a matter of course. In fact, the guy in front of Li Cong knew what he was talking about. There was another thing he wanted to say, and that was the arms race they were engaged in. Of course, the target was the people of the Eastern Empire. They already have nearly 200 million troops in the border area, which is already a very powerful number. Their Linghu family has a total population of about 6 billion in 50 provinces. Now all the troops have arrived. It’s 400 million. There is already one soldier in fifteen people. It can be said that he has played a bit too much, but he can’t do anything if he doesn’t play that much. Now it’s time to burn his eyebrows. These people have already reached them. The border of the Eastern Empire’s family, Daye Daye, doesn’t feel that there is anything wrong with this matter, but their Linghu Jiake does not have so many assets. Just like now, a loan of about 70 billion silver is already up to be repaid. It's time, they must not pay the money. The money is used to pay the interest. The money still has to be owed, but they still need more funds to build the naval base. I talked to Li Cong about this matter. Their total loan amount is almost seven trillion silver, and the annual interest is nearly 800 billion silver. Their annual total income of Linghujia is only this figure. If you continue to give them loans. This requires Li Cong’s consent. This is why this guy came here. How could he worry about things like silver in the past, but now there is nothing to do. If there is no silver yet, After I go back, the military pay for the soldiers will not be able to pay. Each month, the military pay alone will cost more than one billion yuan. If you include some other expenses, this army will spend more than tens of billions of them every month. Silver, just supporting them every year is already very difficult.

Before, Li Cong said that the size of their army was already a very dangerous thing. But they did not listen to Li Cong. Because they all felt the danger, it was because the army of the Eastern Empire was too compelling. In a few days, a bad thing would come up. Although every conflict was not very big, they were still frightened. . The Eastern Empire deployed 10,000 more troops on the periphery, and they needed 20,000 troops. Because their army's combat effectiveness is really bad. This is also impossible. Just like an archer, the archers of the three major empires had to practice at least about 200 times before on the battlefield. Every time 50 bows and arrows are shot out, the number of archers in the Eastern Empire has to reach more than 300 times. It is estimated that Linghujia’s army will not even have 50 times. This is because they do not have enough. The reason for the funding is also the difference in the military pay. The military pay of the Linghu family is only half that of the three emperors, one-third of the Eastern Empire, and one-fifth of the Cao family’s army. People are full and don’t give them much money. They are still threats of war every day. This is a very strange thing if they can make people have high combat effectiveness. In fact, the kid Linghu really wants to give it quickly. They have some money, but clever women can’t afford to cook without rice. How can they pay them military pay if they don’t have money in their hands? When he came, some of the generals below had already told him. If they could not pay the military pay, what would the soldiers in the army have? Thinking that this is not something we can manage. When the time comes, you should do it yourself. The generals of this army are really helpless. For the soldiers to go up and work hard, they must first let them have no worries. , And most of the Linghu family’s troops were captured, and they weren’t coming voluntarily. No matter how you train these people, their hearts are not in this place. No matter what you say is a mess, but at the end. People just don't want to come to you, you have no other way, right? In the past, Li Cong had a lot of ideas in order to solve Linghujia’s financial difficulties. The most important one was to lay off the staff of Linghu’s family and withdraw part of so many troops. The Cao’s House of Business’s army helps them guard the border, and the Cao’s House of House of Commerce does not need to send out many troops. They don’t need any money from the Linghu family. They just need a garrison right. This is the case. I refused. What a joke. As long as the people of Cao's House of Business come in, this last place will not be kept. It is impossible to be the place of their Linghu House. The ambitions of Cao's House of Business are everyone. It can be seen that this was murdered by a soft knife. Since that time, after being rejected, Li Cong has not mentioned it again. So this time I just waited for this guy to speak. If I want money, it won’t be right for the time being. It’s possible. Let’s see if you can give us something useful. Although the relationship between the two of us is pretty good, if there is no satisfactory answer, we cannot continue to help you. I also need it. Those who eat must also be accountable to the people below.

"The most important thing when I came to you, my eldest brother, was naturally the ancestor talisman. Now that my eldest brother has his own plans, I can feel relieved. In addition, there is still some gossip. I talked to my eldest brother." This guy also looked at Li Cong when he talked. Li Cong was also puzzled. When he called him a brother before, this guy was considered a good person. How could it change now? It’s just so ridiculous. Such a thing is not a good thing. It is not a good thing for anyone. Such a change is not what Li Cong wants to see. The guy in front of him is really good. I don't know what to say about him. After seeing Li Cong nod his head, this guy felt a little depressed. Shouldn't such negotiations be equal? I don’t know when I’m not equal to the eldest brother in front of When I first met him, he didn’t have his current ability, and Li Cong at that time was considered to be the same. Just a slightly stronger person. Now it seems that Li Cong at that time has passed. He is now a very strong person. He can't look at people from the previous perspective, and he doesn't think about these problems now. At the time, the guy said quickly, "Big brother doesn’t know. The pressure on me from the Eastern Empire is not just those two naval bases, but they also have a lot of actions on the land. I said at the beginning, the border area. No one can enter, the army is the main one, but one of their cavalry corps has openly crossed the line. I can’t take this breath, so my army has some conflicts with his army, and now it’s all in scale. There are more than millions of people. This money is the most important thing above all. I have a sum of money to pay back a loan of 70 billion silver to my eldest brother. I wonder if my eldest brother can take it easy?" It's such a thing. Li Cong doesn't have any expression. He knows that this day will come sooner or later. Such a thing can be encountered. Your Linghu family no longer has the ability to occupy such a large land. Besides, Dong The people of the empire are not fools. They feel that your land is given to the Cao’s merchants as well as to them. That’s why they will keep looking for you. If you don’t even see this, then It's too unqualified. Although Li Cong understands these things, Li Cong can't give him the money, so Li Cong is ready to refuse. The Eastern Empire needs benefits, and we also need them, especially the benefits from loans. , This must be held. (To be continued...)

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