Energy Group

Chapter 2236:

To persuade you to surrender? The elder and Xuanyuan Geli of the World Society would never have thought that something like this would happen. These guys were all surprised and dumbfounded. How could such a thing happen? This person is really too arrogant, how could such a thing happen? They had seen arrogant people in the past, but those people weren’t that arrogant compared to the guy in front of them. Each of those people was not one-tenth as arrogant as this guy. Know you Now it’s a traitor to the people of the World Society, but this traitor is now in front of the young master and the elders of the World Society to instigate the two remaining 9th-level magicians, and the world will only take that long. Four ninth-level magicians have been cultivated. These four ninth-level magicians have spent trillions of silver in the world, which is definitely more than one-third of the total assets of the world, although these years They also helped the people of the World Conference to do some things, but it is undeniable that these people did not make such a huge contribution at all. If they really left, this matter would have been seen, Xuanyuange At this time, except for barking like crazy dogs, it can be said that there is no ability. Such a guy can't do anything at all, but fortunately there is another person who can do things here, that is the elder over there. Now, he has already seen that there are two Cao’s family members here, and the meaning is obvious. If they really use force, they will definitely not be the opponents of Cao’s family business, not to mention Li Cong’s own. Skilled, even the Warcraft around him is definitely not something he can do. (wWW.VoDtw.coM) ~ top ~ point ~ novel is better to be honest, just like right now, I have to show my ability, come here this time to participate in this The auction of things was a complete mistake. Not only did they fail to get anything, but it also caused the world society’s own strength to drop very severely. Two tenth-level fighters died and one wounded, betraying a ninth-level magician. If the remaining two ninth-level magicians can follow honestly, then this matter is still possible. But if they also followed the **** Khafrov. In the future, the days of the Tianxiahui will not be so easy. At least these years of hard work can be said to have been in vain. Although there are still a few more powerful people after returning home, those people are not created. They all rely on their own ability to go up. They must not be allowed to do such a thing. It would be better for them to win if they all did the same thing, but if they failed. No one can face this failure in front of him, and he is not a fool, so the two magicians in front of him must be staying, just to see how their own skills are. The lipstick has never been this elder. What he is good at, but the time has come. If he can't bring back a little bit of strength to the organization, there is really not much hope in the future. At least he will not be able to pass his own level. The World Club has deep feelings. I am the elder of the World Club, so I can't just watch this happen.

"Asshole thing, you have betrayed your own teacher. You still want to make your two juniors betray. You touch your own conscience. What the young master said just now is wrong, you know you back then Are you going to die? If it weren’t for your master to pick you up, you wouldn’t know where to go now. I really don’t know what to say about you. There are still you shameless in the world. People, people who have betrayed their own teachers will go to other places to hide. They are not like you at all. You dare to run out with such courage. Your master was also blind back then. How could you treat you like this? The **** picked it up. Don’t listen to what this guy says. It’s used to deceive you. Besides, the Cao’s business is not as good as he said. If the people of Cao’s business are really So powerful, why did they retreat when they were fighting with the Western Empire? It is because they also have things that they can’t do. The power that we have accumulated for so many years in the world is definitely not what you see right now. The sects outside also looked in awe when they saw us. I believe you two have seen it during this period of time. Now if you can go back with me one by one, I will The elder’s famous doctor guarantees that both of you will be treated fairly, and our world will be a fair place. No matter what kind of mistakes you make, you will be punished. It will never appear as the guy said. Yes, when I said about him just now, I was actually talking about you. Your master’s life’s hard work has been on you. If you really don’t care about your master’s life and death, you will just follow this bastard. At the last moment But don’t regret it. If you have a brain, you can think about it yourself. This guy is just compensated for the time that has passed. How could he be so highly regarded in the Cao’s house? It is estimated that this is Cao. The people from the family firm let him say this. In fact, you are just one step up for this guy. In the new place, you are simply unfamiliar with the place. Cao’s family firm is not a pure sect. They There are even more people inside. The two of you grew up in the world and grew up in the world. You can’t understand the external favors. I think you should compare them honestly. Well, in many cases, it’s better for you to pay more attention. Don’t be fooled by this guy who eats inside and out. If you pass by, what do you do if you are not what this guy said? When I want you, I believe you all know how powerful our world will be in the organization. If you really betrayed, the people of the world will be your enemy when they see you in the future. You want to Are you enemies with people you know before? Maybe your heads will be taken by people you know in the future." The elder stood up and said, Xuanyuan Geli was not like what the elder said just now. It seems that this guy also has a backbone.

Khafrov saw that his two juniors were going to follow him, but he was told by this guy to go back. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen. This elder was still very much before. I understand. Didn’t it mean that this guy’s mouth is not very good? I can be considered misleading today. If this guy is a stupid mouth, I guess he is the person who can’t speak. How could such a thing happen? At the beginning, the two magicians also thought that there would be no good fruits after going back, and they knew how much their lifespan was. If I leave it closed for so many years after I go back. After I came out, I definitely didn't have much time. At that time, the World Society would not be embarrassed, and there would be no good way. I guess my daily life is just waiting for death. As for the master mentioned by the elder. It's a pity that they really don't have much idea about that master. Because the relationship between myself and the master is not very good. It can also be said that it doesn't matter much at all, because Khavrov is a big brother, and these little guys below are all operated by himself. So if you have a relationship with the teacher, that is, Khavrov himself is. As for other people, it must have little relationship. It is obviously a bit inappropriate to play the emotional card, because they There is no deep relationship between them. Now these two magicians are also considering their future way back, but they are also thinking about the days after entering the Cao’s house. What the elders say is also reasonable, other things Those don’t want to think about it. For now, it’s just a short period of time since the seniors have entered the Cao’s house. After entering, they will have no choice. The people at Cao’s house will do whatever they want. What must be done, in fact, these two guys really want to say that they don’t want to go back to the world and don’t want to go to Cao’s house. They really want to build a power on their own. Both of them are ninth-level magic. Teacher, if you really want to establish a stronghold of your own, there is no problem. It's just that the two of them won't say it, neither are fools. There is no need to say such things that offend both parties. In this case, they You can see it very clearly, you have to join one of them today. No matter which one you choose, you will definitely be unhappy. They are also hesitating about this matter. They have been so long for a lifetime. I really didn’t expect to encounter a multiple-choice question like this at this time. If I can’t handle it a little bit, I might lose my life. This time I really stand on the crossroads of life. Speaking of words, Hafrofo will never let this elder take his junior brother back in just a few words. He knows that after he arrives at Cao's house, he will definitely have no one of his own, and he needs his own person in Cao very much. The house firm’s internal help, the two people in front of me are the best candidates. I can say that I have been in friendship with them for hundreds of years. Apart from them, I don’t know which guy to trust.

These two magicians kept looking at their big brother and the elder over there for half a minute. The two of them are really conflicted, and I really don’t know how to choose. If you follow the big brother, elder Those words.... What if you follow the elders? The days after I went back were really not so easy. Even at this time, the elders only said that they would give themselves a fair treatment, and absolutely did not say that we would not be held accountable after we went back. Is this a slow strategy? Just when the two of them were still hesitating, Khafrov spoke over there, "The two of you have followed since childhood, but it’s not the master’s. From the first day you entered the World Congress, I was doing something for you Yes, I was thirty years old at that time, and you were all seven or eight year old children. At that time, how many times did you see the master in a month? If I remember correctly, you could see the master in two months at that time Once, the master just looked at your progress? As for the other things, I was in charge, Xiaosan, at that time, do you remember who was taking care of you when you had a fever? At that time, the master arrived Where did you go? This elder? Where is this president? At that time, you were useless like many failed experiments. At that time, if I took care of you, they would throw you in. Feeding the fish in the sea, I think you will remember all these things. How has the brother treated you badly in these years? I wanted to exchange the spirit pill before. To be honest, I am a very selfish person, but I am also a real person. I also thought that this thing might bring you some growth. I am not entirely for my own sake, but look at our young master, how this guy used to be There is no need to talk about bullying you, anyway, every time he sees us, he will say that we are wild species, that we are of unknown origin, indeed. Compared with this guy, we are all inferior to his origin. Noble. But what does this represent? The princes and generals are like Xiangning? This is what the ancients told us. There is a way in front of you now. In Cao's house, we are all a starting point. The people here don’t have any privileges. Even their young master is like that. But what if you return to the world meeting? This guy will definitely kill you. The elder’s guarantee is of course good. But I'm sure no one can do it to you after you go back. The master will not care about you, because you are just a tool, and they will surely squeeze all of your skills, and you will not have much in the future. When it’s useful, it’s estimated that it’s time to deal with you. The people at Cao’s Commercial Bank have said that as long as you join, you will get a salary of tens of billions of silver every year. It’s also okay. Cao’s firm will not stop you, but if these are all meeting in the world, is it okay? That’s absolutely not possible. I don’t care about you anymore, I will go first, I will follow or stay. You choose yourself." The guy said sensationally.

I have to say that this guy is indeed a good talent, especially on such occasions. This guy is still very good when doing things. Just like now, the guy in front of you is doing things very well. Yes, the speech is also very good, I really didn’t expect that he would say so sensational, the two magicians were obviously mobilized by this guy, watching the shadow of Khafrov walking out, these two guys He glanced at the young master over there, the elder over there, the guy named Xiaosan among them followed up without looking back, and when he left, he said to the guy who was still chilling, "I don’t know. Who should follow, but I know how big brothers usually take care of us. As for these people, they give me bad memories. I don’t want to go back to the island where there is nothing, Cao’s firm. I have also seen the boss’s ability. I want to fight the world with someone like that.” This guy followed up after he finished speaking. The guy next to him didn’t know what to do, he actually followed him up. The actions of this guy already showed their attitude. This almost didn't make the elder vomit blood. The two soldiers from the Cao's house on the side didn't say anything at all. This is the internal affairs of the People's World Association. When people come here, they just stand and show them to the people of the World Club. As for the rest, they don’t need to know. In the future, the members of the World Club may have better people out, but at this moment, Xuanyuan Geli and the elder of the Tianxiahui felt extremely frustrated. They used to be very confident people. They did not expect that the people of the Tianxiahui would encounter such a fiasco here. The masters brought out. Actually none of them went back. Except for the seriously injured one, there was no much hope for that person after he went back. Everything was caused by the **** Khafrov. Xuanyuan Geli vowed to kill that guy in his life. Yes, his own path has followed this hatred in the future, and the future destiny of Khafrov and his two juniors will definitely be different from before. They will all enter the training of Cao's house. The camp, helping the people of Cao’s Commercial Bank to build more influence. At that time, they may all feel how correct their choice was at the beginning. If they have been following the world meeting, there will be no such thing. Opportunities have been seen everywhere. After watching them go out, the elders of the World Society closed their eyes in pain. The efforts of the World Society for tens of thousands of years have now come out, basically without any effect. It was only for these people to improve their strength as soon as possible, but they ignored their central issue. He understood the words of the banquet of the whole world, but the banquet of the World Association was really too scattered. Soon, many people don't have the energy to prepare this thing and it's over. It seems that after going back, people in the World Club should not say revenge on the people of Cao's Commercial Firm. Whether or not they can protect their own territory is a difficult question. It is better to be honest, and stop looking for trouble.

The people who came to the meeting today had no other way. They had no hope of staying. They all packed their things and had to leave, but when they all walked to the city gate, another letting The depressing matters of their high-levels, the attendants of several magicians are no more, they are all eighth-level fighters. I used to mix well with those magicians. In fact, just now, they also thought that they could walk with the people from Cao's house, but now it's not too late, and there is no problem in catching up. The house is just like a cold island. Compared with this Huahua world here, it's nothing. Why give up such a bustling place here and go back to the previous place? This is simply unbelievable. Four eighth-level fighters are nothing to any large force. When the people of the World Society first arrived at the headquarters of Cao's Commercial Firm, the eighth-level fighters were taking the route of soy sauce. But now it’s not the same as before. Now their tenth-level fighters have been killed and one injured. The number of ninth-level fighters was not very large, so the eighth-level fighters are now their most important personnel. People lose Xuanyuan Geli but are very angry, but the elders seem to have seen through life and death. At this time, it is meaningless to say those details. The total value of the remaining people is not as good as a nine. Level magician, what needs to be done at this time is to take these **** back with gratitude. If they all ran away, then their place would really become a place where no one is, Harvard Rove didn’t go directly when he came out. Instead, he sat down in a teahouse on the side of the road and slowly drank tea. He wanted to observe how his staff was doing. The first person to come out was the little mistress. This guy had a good relationship with him before. Now that he has such an opportunity, if he still stays in the world meeting, it means that his brain has a problem, and he has to pursue countless higher peaks. Khafrov was very satisfied with what these three guys did, and immediately took out 20 million silver from the silver ticket that Li gave him, which was regarded as the settlement fee for these two guys, but those two The guy feels that he shouldn’t have taken the money, but Khafrov told them this. From now on, he will have his own place to live. If there is no money, this matter will be very difficult. Since this is the case, just hold it. It is estimated that Li Cong will feel uncomfortable after hearing this sentence. In the past, they did not go out to make money one by one, always when they needed it most. Someone helped them, and it was for this reason that Khafrov got them. It’s not a problem to do some small things with their skills, but if you want to do something big, then don’t It's possible. Li was also very happy when he saw this guy come back with two people. It's really good. The guy in front of you is very reliable in doing things, and will give him some in the future. More important things, many, many important things.

Basically, all the major forces knew about the World Conference. They were very dissatisfied with this matter. I came here and heard about it, but they all wanted to see the jokes of Cao’s firm. Yes, what's going on? Why did the Cao Family Commercial Bank expand so much in vain? This* is not a random person on the street. If that were the case, it is estimated that the people from Cao’s Commercial Bank would get billions and they would not worry about it. The most indispensable person in this world is ordinary people. How many ordinary people are born, just like the Eastern Empire, the population on their mainland has more than 250 billion people, and there are nearly 100 billion people on the islands. For them, if they can understand the Western Empire early In terms of the human sea strategy, it is estimated that the people from Cao’s Commercial Bank failed back then, but not them. Of course, it is not too late to understand this matter, at least in the future, it will happen with people from Cao’s Commercial Bank. If there is any conflict, they will know what to do. The most uncomfortable thing is the people of the Xuanyun Sect. They have singled out the people from the World Association and Cao's Commercial Firm. Who knows that the final result will be like this. . For them, neither the people in the world nor the Cao’s family can make them feel better. Although a large part of the Cao’s family’s experience has not been in the arena, it is undeniable that Dao The joining of Zong made Xuanyunzong feel the pressure. He knew that if Dao Zong was attacked, it would not have any effect, because the people of Cao's house could give them the necessary support in minutes. With support, they can only do some useless efforts to fight against Taoism. So it's better not to do it. No matter who won a complete victory this time, it is not a very good thing for Xuan Yunzong. They have to let the two of them lose and hurt both. The fault of this matter is that they have the strength of both sides. After evaluation, they thought that the people of the Tianxiahui were equal to those of the Cao Family Commercial Bank. Who knows that they have not seen the masters of Cao's firm. I saw Li Cong's shot. It can be said that Li Cong's shot was absolutely shocking to them. The most important thing for a huge power is the one at the top of the pyramid. Why are the people in the Northern Empire so weak? It's not because they lack a very powerful character at the top of the pyramid. Why did the Southern Empire not destroy the country? Have they been so miserable in the war? Fundamentally speaking, it’s because they haven’t failed yet. It’s because of the Southern Empire’s Supreme Emperor and the Royal Horse Lord. As long as the two of them say that regardless of the Southern Empire’s life and death, it is estimated that the other three empires will immediately take the Southern The empire was divided up, and it was precisely because of the existence of such masters that such things did not begin. Everyone knew such things very well, that is, they did not say it. In the past, the military strength of the Cao family firm It's very powerful, the commercial power is very powerful, and the high-levels are OK, but most of them are Warcraft, but now absolutely no one dares to look at Cao's merchants that way, because there are three 9th-level magicians joined.

Don’t think that three ninth-level magicians are nothing. In fact, these are all very important developments. Just like the Southern Empire Mage’s Guild, they only have four ninth-level magicians on the surface. There are so many magicians. If you know how difficult it is to come out of a magician, it can be as difficult as a few fighters or even a dozen fighters. The rarity of a magician is very clear to everyone, and you want to get to nine. It will be even more difficult at the level of the first-level magician. Such a thing is very uncomfortable for anyone, and everyone is very clear. For them, the Cao’s family firm is now a company that can follow The four big sects are monsters, of course, if you count some of their military things, it is estimated that they can be behind the four empires, although the people of Cao’s house have defeated two of the four empires. , But they all think that this is a manifestation of the two empires not exhausting all their strength. If they exhaust all their strength, it is estimated that the Cao’s family members will suffer a lot. The Xuantian son of Xuanyun Sect already feels like this When it comes to immediate danger, this guy has never played against a Space Mage in his life, so he is not very clear about some of the Space Mage’s abilities. To him, these people seem to be erratic. These people have not been in contact before, and the chance of contacting them in the future will be very small. However, these people in history don’t come out very much to look for things, but the one who comes out is a headache, and the one in front of you is one, Li It has been possible to use his own confinement to kill a tenth-level fighter. Such things have to be taken seriously by Xuantianzi. The rise of every genius in history seems to have something to do with the people of Xuanyunzong. Four Among the big sects, Xuanyunzong has its own very powerful ability to dominate the world, and the next is Fengyunhui, but no one is here to participate in this auction this time, so I don’t know much about things here, and recently At that time, Fengyun Club seemed to organize people to enter the Warcraft Mountains. Their favorite thing was to hunt the Warcraft. The relationship with Cao’s House Commercial Bank was very good, mainly because the people from Cao’s House Commercial Bank gave them the price. I am very satisfied. The remaining one has a bad relationship with Cao’s family firm, and that is Danzong. Listening to their names, you know that this sect is related to pill. In the past, Cao’s family firm did not have a relationship. When it came out, it could be said that 80% of the medicines on the whole continent came from the medicine, and at that time there was not even one-tenth of the medicines on the rivers and lakes. Many people were rich. Those things can’t be bought, but it’s different now. The medicines of Cao’s family firm are all ten percent pill, and none of the people of the Pill Sect can make the medicine to this level. Their five alchemists are also depressed to die, which is because of the rise of Cao’s family of firms. Their Danzong’s recent days have been very difficult. For them, the people from Cao’s House of Commerce robbed their business. Without Cao’s House of Commerce, their life would be the same as before. Good.

The Danzong incident could not be found in Li Cong's head. When Li Cong was born, they also noticed it. But none of them took any measures. I always think that this matter doesn't need to pay too much attention. For them, an ineffective alchemist has nothing to do. Besides, this guy doesn't have any secret recipe in his hands, doesn't it? But later, who knew that the alchemist became more and more powerful. Wait until they want to attack this guy. Suddenly the terrible master appeared. Even if such a person is the boss of the Danzong, they are not opponents of others, and absolutely cannot bring the whole sect into danger for this reason. This is also a problem for them. If these guys had a little adventurous spirit back then, it is estimated that this thing would not happen today. It’s just that none of these people have the so-called adventurous spirit. They don’t do anything like that. They could have watched the Cao’s family of firms become more and more powerful, and they also wanted to lower their fees and wanted to use the price to win, but the probability of their alchemy failure was too high, Cao’s family of firms The maximum over there is 50%. They are more than 80% here. Besides, the Cao’s firm comes out with ten percent pill. Nothing is better than others. Now Danzong can only It’s about refining some low-level pill. For them, this is also a means of earning a living. After Li Cong knew about this, he deliberately controlled the shipment of his low-level pill. , It can be regarded as a face to their Danzong, and it can't make people all have no way to survive, right? However, Li Cong’s thoughts did not make the people of Danzong very grateful. On the contrary, the people of Xuanyunzong just said that they would deal with the people of Cao’s business. The people of Danzong passed by happily. For them Now the forces can still tell the past. If they can’t kill the Cao’s merchants at this time, they won’t be able to get ahead in the future. They will never do such things. Needless to say, they are now an affiliate of Cao's firm. If they were asked to do this, then it would be a problem with their own brains. Xuantian hadn't gotten confused by the four empires. Regardless of whether it was the Northern Empire, which had a good relationship with Cao’s House of Business or the Western Empire, which had a bad relationship with Cao’s House of Business, they all sent their own people. Under the intervention of Xuantianzi, the war between the Northern Empire and the Eastern Empire was actually possible. I stopped. Li Cong was also a little surprised when he got the news. He really underestimated this guy's ability. In the past, he just knew that this guy was not very good at dealing with it. Now it seems that there are still many things. How did this guy mess up before? How could he let an empire listen to him? What he didn't know was that people's life was not so easy in the past. It was the wars that were fought again and again, and there were countless people who died under Xuantianzi. If those people all stand up, it is estimated that the current Cao's firm will be paralyzed for a while. This is their ability.

At this time, not many people paid attention to the results of the auction. At the beginning, Li Cong thought that his pill was very important. Now it seems that this pill can no longer attract the attention of these guys. Instead, it’s something else. For example, the strength of Cao’s Commercial Bank is skyrocketing. This is what they are most concerned about. In the past, they didn’t know where they were paying attention. Now they can see it. They don’t want this continent. Joining a new force is a new challenge for Li Cong. He knows that his most depressing thing has happened. All these large forces will unite and put pressure on him. They are likely to be in various places. Dealing with himself, but Li Cong knew that they would not fully suppress himself. Back then, the Southern Empire had already proved that the currency and various things of Cao’s Commercial Bank are now used by the entire society. , If you continue to do the original thing, they will definitely suffer in the end. The people of Cao's business are now very familiar with the situation in the land, in some big cities There will always be several airships held by Cao’s house in the sky above. It’s the Cao’s house’s warehouse. It’s definitely not the one on the ground. Some important things are all on it, even if Cao’s Some of the strongholds of the home firm are of no use and will not have very good results. There is nothing in these places. There are treasures on them, but we have no way to go up. They are very clear about this. Therefore, Xuan Tianzi’s strategy is to arm the Tianxia Society at this time, so that the people of the Tianxia Hui will fight against the people of Cao’s Commercial Bank. They will contribute their efforts in the back, and the people of the Tianxia Hui will start to stand up there. For the famous, this time the world will make Cao’s firm a great deal. As long as you can talk to them, many things will be easier to handle in the future. Of course, if they don’t want to There is no problem. We can put some pressure on them. Now the world will be able to withstand any pressure. They are not fools, and these people are not very reliable in doing things one by one. If the meeting receives such a rule, it is estimated that it will be happily closed. As for future things, Xuantianzi will not think about it. Anyway, at that time, the Cao Family Commercial Bank must have been greatly injured. Their organization is like this. I don’t want to destroy the Cao’s House of Business. As long as the Cao’s House of Business is similar to them, it’s fine. It is absolutely impossible to let the people of Cao’s House of Business rush up so quickly. This is absolutely impossible. If so If they do, their life will not be so easy, they will pay attention to this matter. (To be continued...)

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