Energy Group

Chapter 2245:

This kind of thing also made the people of Cao's House of Commerce very depressed. At the beginning, they calculated everything clearly, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen. The people of the Southern Empire were not able to resist temptation. How is it? The people at Cao’s House of Commercial Bank calculated that basically when they captured a county city, there were about 500 million silver dollars for them to rob. At the end of the day, the distribution ratio was half of the two. In some places, the people of Cao’s House of Business will take the big heads, and they don’t have any idea about the people of the Southern Empire. After all, the people of the Western Empire are afraid of the people of Cao’s House of Business, not them. At most, about 30% of their obligations. Although 95% of the people who died were their people, they also understood that if there were no people from Cao’s business, they wanted to win these cities. The other 95% of the people died and it was of no use. In the end, they could only go back to their hometown and get nothing. They met the strong resistance of the Xidi team in some counties. If there is no artillery support from the Cao’s family firm, they would be the one who would be defeated. Some of the Western Empire’s armies are also very powerful. They are definitely not comparable to their armies. They also know such things very clearly. So when allocating these things, it was very clear. They knew that if they had disagreements with the people from Cao's house on this, the matter would be a big deal. It is estimated that no one from Cao's house would bring it. Literature played with them, and the loss would be great.

Li Cong specifically discussed this issue with the emperor of the Southern Empire. Li Cong also told the emperor of the Southern Empire. If we stop like this now, it will take half a month to digest these hundreds. There are thousands of county towns in the county seat. If this is the case, the southern empire’s army would lose its initial combat effectiveness. They used to have nothing at all. Even if it is fierce on the battlefield, it doesn’t matter. But now All of them are wealthy, thinking that they should enjoy themselves. They will definitely not have the desperate spirit at the beginning. If this continues, when the Western Empire’s troops arrive, the most elite troops will come. Here, they were the ones who were defeated at that time. Besides, at that time, it was impossible for all the looted items to be transported. In the end, they would be taken away by the people of the Western Empire. There is nothing left. In fact, the people in the Southern Empire didn’t believe the Cao’s merchants. Most of the looted goods were transported by airships, just like the Cao’s army. No matter what it is, it will be handed in quickly, and then given to them in a certain proportion. Generally speaking, each class is a unit. The whole class gets the most. Of course, if there is a private possession The trophies will be executed immediately, that is, because of such things, they do the best one by one, so they will not be deceived by these things. These people will be happy when they do things. After the logistic officer registers their things, he will immediately put the money in the bank of the Cao’s family firm. Whether it is him or his family, he can take out all the things when he applied for the certificate. They say that what’s in front of them is very easy, and they don’t worry that the people above will hack this thing, because such things have never happened before. They clearly remember some things announced above, but the people above are. All were notified to the entire army. Back then, there was a logistic officer who handled things very badly. He greeted a lot of things and just broke the car. Very few people in Cao's house would be subjected to such torture. , But for those who take the hard-earned money of the soldiers, it is not enough for such a person to die a hundred times. Li Cong knows deeply that if this corruption starts in the army, it will be so terrible for an army. Because of this, people in the upper and lower levels will regard such things as typical, as long as they catch them, they will be shot immediately. The people in the Cao family firm believed in their logistics, but the people in the Southern Empire did not believe it. The logistics of the Southern Empire was not as good as Cao's Commercial Firm. Even if it were so good, it is estimated that the people of the Southern Empire would not give it to them, because they believed that these people would take their hard-earned money. So they all carry them by themselves, hoping to take them back one day when they go back by themselves, but this also increases their marching weight. If they go to war like this, what combat effectiveness will they have? Therefore, the news that Prince Ding knows is also very important. If this problem cannot be solved properly, the final result may really be what Prince Ding guessed. The 600 divisions of the Cao’s family firm’s army these days That is, the reduction of three divisions, which can be said to be very few, but without the cannon fodder of the Southern Empire, it is hard to say. It may be that a dozen divisions will be cut down a day. In that case, the people of Cao's firm can't afford to lose.

In fact, the senior leaders of the Southern Empire are very clear who said this is more correct, but what can they do? This matter now is something they can't decide. You must know that the officers and soldiers below have been suffering for a long time. They also need a certain amount of money to live. You said it's good to be a soldier. But fortunately, we have to let us know where to send it to you. If you can’t let us know, of course we have no other way. Another problem is that now we have these things so easily, what should we do in the future? Can we get some things we won? These things are obtained by our lives, and we are not allowed to own these things now. We really don’t know how to say it. Although the emperor of the Southern Empire has been down several times I ordered them to cooperate well with the Cao’s family members one by one. They all listened to the Cao’s family members. They also said that as long as the war is over, they will be given good treatment and official positions. But this is just to lie to the ghosts. It is impossible to interfere with them. These people are not stupid. In their opinion, this is a mitigation plan of the Southern Empire emperor. Now they have all the skills of the emperor. It is very clear that there is probably nothing in the treasury of the Southern Empire except IOUs. For them, such an emperor, such an empire, can they believe it? Of course it is unbelievable. Now what they have to believe is naturally themselves, using their own swords and hands to create their own future, so although these people have received orders, they have not done that at all. The news of the company has arrived at the headquarters of Cao’s Commercial Bank. Li Cong doesn’t know what to say to these people. From their perspective, these people are doing very right things, but The right things you did really started to affect Lao Tzu. If this war cannot bring certain losses to the people of the Western Empire, then this war basically does not need to start, except to help you South The empire has gained so many benefits, but for Lao Tzu, it has no effect at all. He definitely does not want to see such an event. Therefore, Li Cong must change this matter. Besides, the Western Empire is still There is an anti-Cao alliance. Although they have not brought any substantive help to the people of the Southern Empire, they have also done a lot of things. For example, a steady flow of food and money has flowed into the Western Empire. Over there, those who helped them resist the attack of the Cao’s house, if the people of the Western Empire could win, or more closely, if they had the hope of winning, these people would definitely send troops. At that time, the Cao’s house could There are more people who are about to face. In fact, if these people use their full strength from the beginning, it is estimated that Li Cong will not last long, but because of their mutual suspicion, they are unwilling to use it. They use their own power to help others and let others gain benefits, so they have to lose such an opportunity. Of course, the people of the Eastern Empire still have a long-term perspective, but you have the Northern Empire in front of you. You want to help the Western Empire and don't have that ability, unless you can fly.

The staff of the Cao’s House of Commercial Bank almost couldn’t sleep anymore, because Li Cong wanted a result. This result is just a few words for these people, but it requires a lot of calculations. The result Li Cong wants is How long can they sustain the offensive in this state, because the Southern Empire sent out about 100 million troops, but if they attack the next county, about 200,000 people will be reduced, regardless of whether they are in the city. It's still outside the city, anyway, they just won't leave, and they want to bring them in this place. Cao's business has said many times about their way of doing things before, but they didn't mean to ask you. So you can only close your mouths. If there is a conflict with them on the front line, it is estimated that things will get worse in the future, although the people from Cao’s House of Commercial Bank proposed to give them a certain amount of financial compensation. Let them give up these treasures first, but for them, they have been hungry for so long. Now there are so many delicious foods, if they don't eat, this thing will not be completed. They will be very happy to eat this one by one. And the promise you gave is not in front of our eyes. You Cao’s firm beat us a few years ago and beat us very hard. If you want to say trust, we don’t have much to do with you. trust. This is mainly because we were all enemies before. It is for this reason. Let's not talk so much nonsense. If you are willing to attack, you can do it yourself. We will continue to search the land here, but we are most willing to do the things you don't want to do. It can't be too reluctant, right? What Li Cong wants is whether we can maintain this offensive after they withdraw from the battle. Li Cong wants to build a piece of land of his own in the area between the Southern Empire and the Western Empire. Empire Southern Empire and Northern Empire will think about it when they do something, can they do it? If they really offend Cao’s House of Business, they can do it inside and out. The outside is naturally the scary navy of Cao’s House of Business, and inside is the base of Cao’s House of Business. Whether this base can be built depends on this. How many lands of the Western Empire can be obtained at one time. Such a piece of land is useless if ten provinces are missing. Although nearly twenty provinces have been attacked now, this position is not very good. , If you want to control the Southern Empire, there is no problem. Controlling the washing will not have that great effect. As for the Northern Empire? Sorry, there is also a Mountain Range of Warcraft between here and the Northern Empire. If you want to border the territory of the Northern Empire, it is estimated that you will need to kill several provinces. This is absolutely inseparable from the cover of the Southern Empire. Their cannon fodder is It can attract a lot of people. If they all rob, they can't take this place down. I really feel very depressed. Soon, after two days of calculation, these staff members are considered This matter has been deduced again, and it is estimated that in half a month, these people's offensives will stop, and at that time they can only capture less than fifty counties.

If you don’t rely on the Southern Empire’s army, all of which are Cao’s own army, then the 600 division’s army would have to stop when it occupied less than three provinces, because these troops had to defend them. The place is not easy, and it is impossible to continue the offensive. If the Cao’s house is transported by air, at most it can support an army of less than 30 divisions. This is already the capacity of the Cao’s house. It’s the limit. If it’s on the beach, it’s okay. Although it can be transported continuously, the elite of the Western Empire also came at that time, and then it will be in the same scene as the last war. In that case, If you want to compete with the people of the Western Empire, your chances of winning are not very big. The reason for victory with the Southern Empire that time was because you invested too much. This time, you don’t have that good ability. It’s okay to push the tiger bit by bit along the coast, but the problem is that it’s inland, and there is absolutely no such strong transportation capacity by airships. The logistics of these people is also a huge problem, although it is the Cao family firm. People like space rings have things like space rings, but the daily consumption of so many people is an astronomical figure. It is absolutely impossible to keep Li from running around to do this. For a long time, the army will have one Dependent, they will not be able to become a master of all battles in the future. The people in Cao’s house also started to have a headache at this time. One month later, the development of the matter is much more serious than they thought at the beginning. The army of the family firm had to stop at this time, because in today’s battle, the last Western Emperor team with less than three million yuan also began to stop. They have all entered the city. For the Cao family They didn't listen to the things the firm told them at all. They all thought of going to the city to enjoy it. This is something they can't do. Today’s fighting is really tragic. About millions of people have died. The death rate is as high as 40%, and even in some places, it can reach 70%. Although I have seen it at the time, the number of people fighting against Cao’s house firm was not very large after all, but now the number of people fighting against the Western Empire is very large, and it is for this reason that it stimulates their minds. The hedonistic one should enjoy it for a while. If you don't enjoy it. This thing is a bit of a problem. For them, whether they can see the sun tomorrow or not is another question. At this time, do they still have to follow these Cao's merchants to move forward? That is absolutely impossible. They knew that the people of Cao's Commercial Bank lost very little. It has a direct relationship with their weapon. We are cannon fodder? Why are we all the same people, and the things we do are so dangerous? In fact, Li knew from the very beginning that these people must have such thoughts in their hearts, but he didn't expect the eyes to be filled so quickly. This time all of them are unwilling to advance because of this problem. Their mortality rate is as high as 50%, but the war damage of Cao’s house is at most 1%, and some armies even have it. It's not that number because they didn't go to the front line, and all they went to the rear.

There is no other way. The people in Cao’s house are doing things that fire guns. If they go to the front line, their deaths may be higher. These people have learned to fire guns easily. Li Cong naturally does not They will be sent to death. Although they are all new soldiers recruited from the Southern Empire, it is undeniable that they are very qualified. Hearing that the soldiers of the Southern Empire are making noise, they also have their own. What is waiting for these people, "Although we have fewer dead people, but we also paid, how much money does one of us need to spend from training to being able to fight? It is completely different from you , What you people do is far from ours. You people usually spend a lot of time, and we spend more training time than you sleep. Besides, our Cao family firm is Those who spend a lot of money, you people know that our shells are thousands of taels of silver each, and it takes nearly 2,000 shells to attack a city. This is **** hundreds of thousands of silver, you guys. What is the loss?” It is because these words made the soldiers of the Southern Empire even more passive and sabotaged. In their opinion, this is simply a disturbance. If you have money, you don’t need to go to the front. Is it because we don’t need to go there when we have money? After all, it’s because of a problem of money. Since you said that, we don’t need to go even more because we now have money. , As long as people enter the city, basically everyone has a lot of money. For them, they are also very depressed about such things. How can there be such a thing? Your money can They were all robbed, not the same as our silver, but the Southern Empire doesn’t care about so many people. Now the problem that Cao’s House needs to solve is not just the shortage of troops, but also two aspects. There is a problem of conflict. Now the armies of the two sides often get into trouble because of small things. This also makes Li Cong feel very angry. Some officials of the Southern Empire also talk to the previous ones when they talk to the people of Cao’s business. The time is different. In the past, these **** were all cautious, but now these **** seem to feel like they are up, and they have little to do with the people of Cao’s house. We have already regained our land. This has nothing to do with you. You can move on, but we can’t move on. We can’t let the Southern Empire enter a state of war. We must know that we lost a lot of people before. Now we You have to take a good rest for a while. Even if you don’t want it, there is nothing we can do. We will do that. If you are not satisfied, you can attack on your own. Also, the generals of the Cao’s house on the front line. It’s not enough to be run by the people of the Southern Empire. It is true that some people just brought their own people up. The result is conceivable. The city has been attacked, but he Our division also suffered more than a quarter of the casualties. This kind of battle damage ratio is good, but they know it. The people of Cao's Commercial Bank can't afford to lose if this continues, and it will be theirs who will fail in the end, as it was last time.

The people of the Western Empire had found a good opportunity at this time. Their troops began to gather everywhere, and all of them were chanting the slogan of protecting their homes and the country, although there was no official way to deal with Cao. Something wrong with the business of the family business, because they couldn’t afford the subsequent anger, but the common people would do what they call patriotic. For example, many people would not come to Cao’s house. Consumption in the business of the firm, but for some bureaucrats. They won't care about this. The cooks in other restaurants are not as delicious as the cooks of Cao's firm. Why should we go elsewhere? When someone accuses them of helping the enemy in disguise, they still don't care one by one. Isn't this nonsense? Why did we start to help the enemy? This is just nonsense. We didn't do anything like that at all. We just spent some of our money in the past. Do you know how huge Cao's business is? We spent tens of thousands of taels in a day. How could this money have been in the hands of the Cao’s family of the army? It is estimated that it was consumed elsewhere. This behavior of ours is absolutely nothing. If someone talks to them, it is estimated that they are I can still make sense with you, but if it’s after a meal, I’m sorry, shit, everyone drank so much wine, if you want to die, we will definitely give it to you. They are all It’s some bureaucratic children, even if they kill people in the street, those old scholastics open their mouths one by one for the empire, and shut their mouths for the frontline soldiers, but until they are all dead. There was no result. At this time, they knew what the so-called imperial brother had done to them. This is an impossible thing. You are patriotic with all your heart, but the upper-class people don’t have that idea. They all eat, drink and have fun. Except for these things, other things are nothing to them. On the contrary, although the common people's transactions done by Cao's House of Business have a lot of base, sometimes they can't make much. For those with money, basically no one comes to patronize now. The extra guys can just do some other things. This is also very good for anyone. The people at Cao’s house are also happy to treat those who don’t. The business of how to make money is just closed. When those places are really closed, the people will know what to do one by one, just like the grain business. In the past, the Cao’s business people bought grain. Those who gave you money on the spot, if they don’t go there now, the other food stores don’t do such good things. Each of these people will give you a small amount of money. Naturally, the rest will be given to you. I will give it to you when I have the silver in the future. Of course, I don’t know when you will get the silver next time. As for the mercenaries in the Warcraft Mountains, they don’t care about it. Regarding the matter, what happened to them even if they were from the Western Empire. People from Cao's House of Business gave high silver, and Lao Tzu would sell them there, patriotic? It's best to love Laozi's head first.

The Cao’s family members did not let go of this matter within the Western Empire. The main thing they have now is not this. The people of the Zodiac have been dispatched to the Western Empire. These people are one by one. They are all able to do a lot of things. These people usually have no use at all, but they are the best at doing some destructive things on the enemy's territory, and now they are here. On the territory of the Western Empire, everyone happily wanted to make trouble in the Western Empire. Their arrival really made the people of the Western Empire feel the pressure. Some people everywhere are really making trouble. The more it grows, it’s just like the county town where Zishu lives. In the past, people knew that the magistrate there was very greedy for money and could do almost everything, but the people there were all used to it. If you are in a lawsuit when you are in a lawsuit, of course, whoever gives you more money, this matter is the one who says, and I have never heard of any dissatisfaction. In the eyes of the straight master, there is only money. No matter what you have, if you give enough money, naturally there will be nothing. But if you don’t give enough money, this thing won’t work. Even if you have great grievances, it’s useless. People here don’t believe your tears very much. What’s the use of that hungry thing? What we believe here are all silver. This time the turmoil is a bit fierce. It is said that a widow in the city jumped into the river. There must be a reason behind this incident, but the county magistrate gave the sentence to fall into the water. Naturally, not many people believe in such a thing. Many people immediately started discussing this matter in the street, but everyone was also from the common people. Naturally, there was not so much news, but it was one morning. Many people say that the wealthy Zhu family in the city did this. The young master of the Zhu family is very clear to everyone. It's okay. As long as you see someone with such a bit of beauty on the street, you will immediately go over and strike up a conversation with them. If you are satisfied, you can talk a lot. If you are not satisfied, you will immediately let his doglegs go over and beat people. I don't know how many times this happened, but the government doesn't care about it at all. Why? The relationship between Master Zhu and the county grandfather is not ordinary. They are relatives. Of course, this relative is not related by blood. He is a stalker at all. When he is fine, he usually walks around, of course. It was Master Zhu who gave the silver to the past. The county magistrate would naturally not embarrass his godson for such a small matter, and he just fell into the water. In the past, things that were more powerful than this could be handled, and now such a thing. What's wrong with the little things, do those people dare to have other opinions? Naturally, I dare not have any opinions. Who knows that something happened this time, and I don’t know where the person who came out from is turned out to be the widow’s younger brother. I have never heard of such a person before. Brother, if you have a younger brother, why would you still stay in this place? Naturally, he would go to other places, but unfortunately, he didn’t go there. Just stayed here like this. This younger brother turned out to be the young master of the Zhu family. It was killed, and one stone caused a thousand waves.

Have you heard of it? The young master of the Zhu family was killed. The scourge guy used to see my daughter-in-law on the street. It was still unruly. Now that I am honest, someone will kill them sooner or later. These people have done a lot of crimes. , I always encounter such retribution, but I heard that the people of the county government are going to catch the murderer. I really don’t know where the hero has gone. It’s better to run quickly. I have also heard about this. Speaking of this, Master Zhu is really a serious evil in our place. People can kill this guy. What kind of morality is this. It's a pity that the county magistrate is not his godfather. Well, I heard that Rich Master Zhu took several thousand taels of silver this time and sent it to the yamen. The people at the yamen will definitely do things well. Alas, it's a pity that this is a good guy. Many people on the street were touched by this person. After all, Master Zhu has been damaging here for a long time. They all hate this guy very much. If there is no such guy, they will. Life should be better than this. Many people want to kill the young master Zhu, but none of them have the courage. Now suddenly such a person has appeared. Such a thing is really admirable. However, people’s emotions are not so high now. The special plane for the matter was all night. This evening, the strong man led someone to rob the bank in the county office and threw all his money on the street. On the above, the ordinary people were robbed away directly. All the money was collected by the county magistrate over the years. Now these ordinary people were moved. No matter what the county magistrate said, they did not cooperate in catching this. People, out of anger, the county magistrate arrested several people who were violent in the trouble. These people were some of the more prestigious people in the city. The county magistrate said, it’s okay to release them, as long as It’s just two things in Daying. One is to call out all the money that was robbed, and the other is to let them help find the whereabouts of those people. This makes the people anxious, their patriarch teacher. Everything was arrested. Many people didn’t know about taking money. Besides, it was clear that this kind of thing was blackmailing them. It turned out that it took one hundred thousand taels of money to release people. Now, he can only get tens of thousands of taels of silver stolen. The county town is already raided by this guy. There are still hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, even if he takes out his family's silver. Possibly, the people of Caojia Commercial Bank chose such a relatively poor old county town. If they were in a wealthy place, it is estimated that they have not achieved the results today. The people are angry. There are only dozens of government officials. Usually they are pretty good, but now they are all scared by the common Thousands of good guys directly attacked the county office, and the county magistrate immediately sent the nearby garrison to dispatch To help, I didn’t expect that thousands of soldiers would be dumbfounded when they arrived. There are tens of thousands of people in the riots. They don’t have the guts, and we are not invulnerable. This is not easy to do, one by one. One such thing constantly began to appear within the Western Empire, and the officials of the Western Empire were also battered by such things.

Originally, the army of the Western Empire could send the army over in three months, but it seems that there is a problem now. There are no people making trouble around the capital, but there are quite a lot of them along the route. People make trouble, but these people are not very obedient. When they go out, they can all meet the troubled people. Besides, the soldiers are assembled. The lack of food and grass is also a big problem. The people are all set on fire. Now, every one of them wants to kill their parents and officials, how can they still use money to support you in the war? The defense of the home and the country that I said before, but no one has said that at this time, the people's sentiment in the Western Empire fell so badly, it was all those **** officials doing things.

The saying that flies don't bite seamless eggs is really correct. If these people do everything right, they will definitely not have what they are today.

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