Energy Group

Chapter 280:

Speaking of the real reason for Li Cong’s return this time, everyone knows that when Li Cong’s plane took off from Jinan to Paris, the Skull and Bones officially gave a note to the Beijing government. Li Cong and his energy group will become the first of the Skull and Bones. The six major groups and core groups, although the Chinese government was dissatisfied with the Skull and Bones invasion after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the strength of the Skull and Bones lies there. It is their strength to control the world’s largest power and a few European countries. Not to mention, except for China, North Korea is basically the sphere of influence of the Skull and Bones, and the Skull and Bones have an absolute overwhelming advantage both politically and economically.

The Beijing government has always regarded Li Cong as private property. Unexpectedly, this piece of gold has not been preserved. It is not that the Beijing government has not done its best, but that Li Cong's strength has grown to a level that cannot be accommodated by one country. The energy group’s expansion plan will reach an annual output of 1.1 billion tons of environmentally friendly oil by the end of this year. Electricity production will also reach a height of several trillion kWh. The annual revenue will reach a record-breaking RMB 10 trillion. There is a lot of room for growth.

The GDP output value of the entire China in 2012 was 39.85 trillion yuan, which is the amount excluding the output value of energy groups. Energy groups have accounted for a quarter of the country's output value, which is unmatched by any company in the world. The annual operating expenses of the energy group are only hundreds of billions of yuan, and a large amount of wealth is quickly concentrated in the hands of Li Cong. At this time, it is not surprising that the government quickly summoned him to Beijing.

   "Blueberry, I don't think this route seems to be right. Why does it seem to be the way to the State Council." Li was never a fool, and naturally saw that the route was wrong.

"Sir, don't ask knowingly, is it really calling you back for that energy conference? Of course the prime minister wants to see you." Blueberry now feels more and more that he is really a little difficult to do, since childhood Education has taught me that I can’t betray the country, but now the two masters have to choose one. I hope Li Cong can talk to the Premier today so that I don’t have to be so embarrassed, and I better get out of the ranks of the National Security Bureau.

Li Cong smiled and didn't say anything. How could he not understand that his step was indeed a bit too big. It is definitely expected to cause the government to be vigilant. It would be strange if the government did not respond, but he He is an absolute patriot, and he will never go against the country. Joining the Skull and Bones only allows you to do things more freely in the future. For the Skull and Bones, Li Cong’s background in the Chinese government is also something they are afraid of. Li Cong prepared. Using these two behemoths to make a fake tiger, but this is also a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you may have nothing. After all, not everyone can do good things with tigers.

This is the third time that Li has come to the State Council. Unlike the previous two times, the person driving the door has changed from an ordinary worker to the prime minister’s first secretary. It seems that his identity is really because of the skeleton. It’s going to go up a lot. When I entered the Prime Minister’s office, there were always a bunch of people like this to listen to the teachings, or it’s better to be scolded, but now there are no such people. The Prime Minister is not sitting at his desk this time. Behind him, but on the sofa, treated Li Cong like a guest.

   This made Li Cong a little flattered. Before he came here as a subordinate relationship. Is it equal now? No, I'm a rich man at best. How can I be equal to the prime minister of a large country with a population of 1.3 billion, but judging from the current situation, this is the case.

"Xiao Li, I haven't seen you for a year. Do you remember me as an old man?" Premier Li Cong walked in and got up to greet him. This is one of the country's top figures. He can talk to himself like this. The previous majesty is no longer found. It feels like an elder in my own family.

"Prime Minister, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting." Li Cong knew that he was too powerful and could not act like an uncle here. In the past, he could be on the same level as the president of South Korea in South Korea, but this is China. Growing up in China, this psychological pressure is still necessary.

"Haha, not bad, I know what role I am, Xiao Li, you are no longer the same you were before. Now you are officially visiting which country I dare to say to be treated by an official national leader. It's not an exaggeration to rely on you as the sixth largest member of the Skull and Bones." Li never expected that the Prime Minister would get involved in the Skull and Bones so quickly. For a while, he was caught off guard and didn't know what to say.

   The secretaries brought tea and went out, knowing that this kind of talks are usually secret agreements, so all recording equipment in the room stopped working. Such talks do not need to be recorded, as long as both parties know about it.

"I don’t ask why you joined the Skull and Bones, because you have already joined. I have also received letters from the Skull and Bones. Besides, those are all meaningless things. I just want to ask your thoughts. You also know the Skull and Bones. It is a semi-hostile state with our government. After you join, how will you handle the relationship between China and the Skull and Bones? How will you exercise your rights when it is critical, or which side you will stand on." The conversation is very sharp. Obviously, it is time for Li Cong to make a statement.

Li really didn’t know how to answer from this moment. Taijiquan would definitely not be able to get through. The prime minister bypassed many questions that should be said and directly asked such sharp questions. He wanted a clear attitude of his own, but Li I also understand that I have joined the Skull and Bones in some matters. I can’t completely control the The Skull and Bones can give me great benefits, but sometimes some of my actions should be consistent with the Skull and Bones’ actions. These are all axioms that need not be mentioned. After all, only idiots eat a free lunch.

"Prime Minister, I did join the Skull and Bones, and I also became an official core member. I believe your report has told you that I am not a normal partner of the Skull and Bones. I also have my channel. I understand that the Skull and Bones will be very good to me. Sincere, so I can't do anything that would harm the interests of the association." Li Cong saw that the Premier nodded, letting go of a stone in his heart, and continued.

"As for the contradiction between the organization and the government you mentioned, I think I will do my best to help resolve the contradiction between the two sides. As far as I know, the probability of war breaking out is very small now, and war is also detrimental to both the government and the organization, so cooperation is now. I can only say on behalf of myself that I will work hard to promote every cooperation between Skull and Bones and the government. As for my energy group, I just want to say one thing, that is, I am a Chinese.” It seems that the Prime Minister is right. Li Cong's answer is also very satisfactory. Li Cong said that he is a Chinese in such a temperament. This answer shows that Li will never betray his country in the future, and the prime minister's request has been met.

"Very good. With your words, the government's support for you will continue. With your energy group, China's GDP this year can surpass Japan to become the second in the world. I hope your group can afford more. Social responsibility. Of course, you have put a lot of effort into donating to the disaster and educating the children. These governments are all visible. I hope you can continue." The Prime Minister took a sip of water while While I was observing Li Cong's reaction, it is a pity that Li Cong's reaction now is exactly the same as when he entered the door.


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