Energy Group

Chapter 289:

After listening to those old guys explaining to Li Cong about the Skull and Bones all afternoon, it was nothing more than how powerful and how powerful. These Li Congs had already seen them. The purpose of telling myself was also very clear. Closer to the organization, but now Li has long been a noob, and he also understands how big his mouth is to eat how big a meal, and those things that do not belong to him should be avoided.

When lunch was almost late to the evening, the chairman finally gave Li Cong a new task, that is, to stop supplying environmental oil to the Kong family. The opponent of the Skull and Bones will not be the Kong family, but India. A family of Gandhi-Nehru family, this family has important influence in South Asia.

Kong Rende can only admit that he is unlucky. If the Gandhi Nehru family does not challenge the Skull and Bones, I am afraid that he can continue to make his fortune, but now things have happened. The incident is very simple. The Skull and Bones must master the emerging The country started with India and Brazil. Brazil was originally the backyard of the United States. It was easy to do what it should do. India also promised very well, but the first family of India actually proposed to talk to the Skull and Bones. Marriage makes the Skull and Bones big guys very upset. Don’t think that you are the first family in India and you can walk sideways in the world. Sometimes you have to understand your identity. Skull and Bones shouldn’t be a family like you. High climbing.

Therefore, the Skull and Bones’ counterattack was very quick. First, the arms group immediately stopped supplying India, and then the financial group put pressure on India to repay its financial debts, and Li Cong’s energy group stopped supplying environmentally friendly oil. India is about to collapse. This is just sanctions and has not taken the initiative to attack, because India is still the target of the Skull and Bones, otherwise the financial group will immediately raise huge amounts of funds from other major groups and destroy India’s financial market in one fell swoop , That is the real disaster.

This is the usual method used by the Skull and Bones. Several big families work together. In the end, whether you are a dragon or a tiger, you will eventually bow your head with the Skull and Bones. Otherwise, destruction will follow. Including Li Cong, none of the six giants is a fuel-efficient lamp.

   "Yeke, is this the Skull and Bones method? It seems very simple." Li Cong declined some other "fiancees", he is still more used to let Miss Yeke explain all this to him.

"Of course it's simple. What's the use of so many conspiracies? Any conspiracy is useless in the face of absolute strength. You should understand this. Originally, this action was planned long ago. Let you join in. It was decided temporarily, because the threat of your energy group is not something ordinary countries can absorb. If you use you in a country with strong reserves like China and the United States, it will definitely not work. But India, according to the data, they With only half a month’s reserves, coupled with the threat of financial conglomerates, I can’t think of a month that our lovely Prime Minister Singh would bow his head to us, or he would have to step down.” Li, who was listening, sweated from behind. The powerful ones are too outrageous. A regional fight has been rectified like this, and it seems that there is no ability to fight back.

"The direct heirs of the Gandhi Nehru family are not as unbearable as you said. Why do they feel that they are much lower? Am I a lot more noble than them? Are they all the same people?" Li Cong's I've been thinking about this question for a long time. Now that people have raised it, they just don't want to answer it. Why do you want to make this happen?

"You and them?" Yeke tidyed up his clothes. Li Cong is casual here. This villa is Li Cong's residence. Maybe it will be his new house in the future. Take off his **** high heels and put his legs on the sofa. Take a break. It’s just such a bit of effort. Li “unintentionally” saw the girl’s pink lace **** from the eye that was even more eagle-eyed, and he gave him a glance, but he knew it was. My husband, after he got married, he just picked him up and threw himself on the bed. No matter how he looked, he still cares if he takes a peek at him now?

"You may still be the reason why you just came, but don't say those things in the future. I am being laughed at. I don't want people here to say that my husband is an earth leopard." Yeke poked his mouth and said such a sentence. , Making Li Cong even more stupid, it’s no wonder, after all, this guy is an outsider, if he has been living in the Skull and Bones, he would never say such a problem, the Skull and Bones is such an organization, as long as you are your own Everything is easy to say, as long as you are not your own, even if your family is of royal blood for ten generations, you still feel that you are inferior.

"By the way, according to your information, you hate Indians so much. Why would you ask this? Is it because you have saved the 20 million tons of environmental oil?" Yeke suddenly thought of this. It seems that Li Cong is not very happy.

"That's not the case. It was mainly Mr. Kong who helped me in the first place. I cut off his money and it was not very easy to explain. You must know that he put all the assets of the Kong family on fuel sales." Li has never lied. If it weren't for Kong Rende, he would have no problem even if he didn't sell it to Indians in the future. Indians don't need environmental protection anyway.

Through this incident, Li Cong basically understood the law of the Skull and Bones operation. There are so many large families imposing sanctions, which is more useful than the UN Security Council. However, the cost of maintaining such rights is not small, such as this operation. The second half of the project is to support the emerging Kaban family in India to become a rising star in Indian politics. It takes billions of RMB before and after to build such a new This part of the money requires the joint efforts of the six major families. After the family came to power, India’s door was basically opened for the Skull and Bones. By then, the money will be returned ten times a hundred times. The Skull and Bones have always made such high-yield investments, which are more than the highest loan sharks. Awesome.

What Li Cong did not know was that this incident also indirectly helped the Chinese government a great favor. The military enterprises under the Skull and Bones stopped supplying contract weapons to India, which made the Indian military start to lose ground. After all, with the development of the times, India A large number of American-made weapons have also appeared in the army. If there is a war, there will be insufficient supplies. Let's deal with the provocative incidents on the Sino-Indian border in a low-key manner. The Indians who died are some untouchables anyway, and there is no need to be with China. At this time, the face was torn apart, and an event that was enough to trigger the South Asian War was so that the Indians swallowed their breath.

"Yek, can you come back to China with me? I can't stay in the United States all the time." Li Cong meant clearly that he hoped that this girl would become his liaison with the Skull and Bones, although the Skull and Bones is now half of his own. A family, but I am a newcomer after all, staying here always feels like a guest, unlike the owner.

   "Hey, the faulty thing on my ring finger." Yeke raised his hand and stretched out his slender white hand, screaming at Li Cong.

The meaning of others is very obvious. If I have not expressed it, I am afraid that I will have a bad relationship in the future. The policy of Li Cong, the beautiful woman, is to kill one thousand by mistake and not let go of one, especially if she is a virgin. The strict rules of the Skull and Bones will definitely allow These women can only break the chubby in the bed of their husbands, otherwise the two big families will have conflicts because of such a small matter, and no one will be able to save face, and it will be even worse if they break up.


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