Energy Group

Chapter 368:

From a single word of Li, the entire northwest has begun to open in disorder, adding 200 million mu? Jenny really wants to kick Li Cong to work in the desert. There are already hundreds of thousands of workers here. If we add another 200 million mu, how many more workers will need to be added. This is Xinjiang, but not the interior. Solving the problem of workers’ accommodation is already very serious. Now thousands of Uyghur herders have rushed hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep into the canteen of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Energy Group. The food is not worried about our own production, and the taste It's pretty good. It's hard for ordinary people to eat the food produced in the ordinary land.

COFCO and Energy Group jointly established large-scale flour mills in Xinjiang. A dozen extra-large flour mills with an annual output of more than 500,000 tons of flour have been established throughout Xinjiang. This area has basically become the world's largest flour mill. The production area, but compared with the annual output of 200 million tons, is still too weak, so more investment is needed in this area. This is why Gianni is opposed to starting construction of 200 million mu immediately. You must know wheat and flour. The sales price of Energy Group is completely different. The flour produced by the Energy Group is better than the flour produced by the world's first-class bread and wheat. According to the agreement with the festival, only 1,200 yuan a ton can be purchased by the state, and the state changes hands. It can be sold for 1,700 yuan a ton. Of course, the price may be increased in the future, but if it is replaced with flour, it will become 3,200 yuan per ton, which is still the price of ordinary flour, 1.6 yuan a ton. Jin, if the large-scale promotion goes on to sell to three thousand and six, it will definitely not be a problem.

In terms of sales, the energy group was basically finished without much intervention. COFCO directly purchased 40 million tons, the Egyptian National Food Group purchased 20 million tons, and the energy group retained 20 million tons, and the rest was directly transferred to Central Asia. Several countries have run out of luck, and tens of thousands of large vehicles are quickly shuttled between the wheat field and the railway station. Now there are not enough manpower. It is better to digest and summarize the results before starting a new one, Li Cong. Can't be so happy.

The role of super locomotives is really obvious now. Most of the food in Egypt is directly shipped from the northwest to Lianyungang for shipment to Egypt. The price is naturally not six cents a catty. Li Cong sells it to COFCO for six cents. , COFCO sells to the Egyptians it is only one piece and two. This is still let them advertise. When the people of the world become addicted to eating, it is estimated that it will immediately increase to one piece and five for you.

If there is a single round of harvest, Li would never come to the northwest. This one hundred million tons of wheat sounds like a lot, but one thousand and two hundred yuan per ton is only a mere 120 billion yuan, deducting everything. The expenditure is 60 billion yuan. Even if you count the 20 million tons you have left to make flour, it will not reach 200 billion yuan, but what you want is such a name. After the COFCO and Energy Group signed a purchase agreement Instead of purchasing grain on a large scale across the country, 40 million tons of grain reserves are basically sufficient. Coupled with the number of large granaries in the northeast, China's grain reserves are relatively safe in the world.

A large locomotive with a load of up to 16,000 tons drove in the two directions of Dongxi at the speed of half an hour. If Li Cong had to take the train, he might not be able to get on his shift. After getting off the plane When I drove to the grain base, I only saw small hill-like grain piles in the book before. This time I saw what is really called a grain hill. The grain hills of tens of thousands of tons are arranged neatly one by one. Heavy trucks filled up and rushed to the train loading point. They were all mechanized operations, and they were very fast.

   "How much food can we send out every day at this speed? It seems that it has just been shipped out and it is full." Li Cong asked Jenny like a major inspector, but he really didn't know the operation process of this loading and unloading base.

"Now it is not the highest level of delivery. At the highest level, it could be 1.5 million tons per day. Now it is only 900,000 tons per day. They are all transported by light trucks to such a distribution center, and then transported by heavy trucks to the train, and then transported. In Central Asia and coastal areas, there are hundreds of such distribution bases in Xinjiang, and the drivers are all linked to three drivers. They can rotate and work 24 hours a day." Jenny gave it patiently. Li Cong said that it can be said that he has set many world records here, and everyone who works here is very proud.

   "What's the matter with that high shelf over there." Li Cong pointed to several high shelves in the distance and said.

"That is our newest loading and unloading tool. It is in the experiment. The upper part is iron nets that can drain the grain, and the lower part is in the form of a funnel. The light truck drives the truck directly and dumps the grain. The heavy truck below is waiting below. At the exit of the funnel, the staff is responsible for controlling the funnel to fill up and leave. This is several times faster than loading and unloading with a forklift. However, we have not yet launched a large-scale promotion." There is such a thing, Li Cong Those who are very interested have watched it for a while. This is simply an invention.

"This will be promoted immediately after the verification how about the flour processing plant." Li Cong asked casually, and he seemed very excited about everything here, especially watching one by one. The car pulled back food from the desert.

"At present, we and COFCO hold half of the shares. We already have the capacity to process 5 million tons of wheat annually, and there are still 10 million tons under construction. The main reason is that we did not consider this in our original contract. The COFCO Group will not give us too much share." Gianni said the difficulty, and now COFCO Group has made concessions. After all, the food processing was originally a business of others, and he has now crossed the border.

"In the future, you will discuss with COFCO. In the future, we can invest 55% of the capital and only 50% of the shares. Don’t be too rigid in doing business with the country. Just take some of the losses you should suffer and transfer the flour. How can it be compared to that 5% if it is sold." Li said that he would pay more than one billion yuan, but what he said was the truth. This project is mainly not profitable, but to increase his own influence. problem.

   "Okay, President, officials from the Food and Agriculture Administration of the United Nations have been waiting for you in the conference room for a long time. I wonder if you want to see them?" Dai Lai asked for instructions.

Li Cong shook his head. He knew why they came without seeing them. He must have convinced himself to export food, and he must have been behind the door of the Chinese government. The government does not **** you. You come to me as a small businessman. It's hard for me, so Li Cong simply didn't see you, and served you with delicious food, but he didn't mention your proposal on food export. Maybe he can give himself a good reputation now, but this is equivalent to working against the country. How could the country agree to them when it didn’t get enough political chips? Just be a good citizen yourself.


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