Energy Group

Chapter 405:

"Since this is the case, you should stay at the President's Office for two days, and then manage Wal-Mart. I think you, an MBA from Harvard, can't even do this." Li Cong's words made everyone in the cabin It’s a bit surprised to know that He’s industry in the world is less than 100 billion US dollars, but Wal-Mart’s face value is already 240 billion US dollars. The Wal-Mart brand alone is worth tens of billions. With US dollars, Li Cong is really relieved to let such an outsider take care of his largest piece of industry.

"No problem. Since the boss praised me like this, I will not let the boss down. But the last Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott had an annual salary of 150 million U.S. dollars. Boss, are you too bad for me? It’s.” Everyone knows the difference between 50 million RMB and 150 million US dollars. Now Li Cong is very pitiful and puts on a stingy hat. This is something Li could never allow. He has always been God of Wealth, how can you lose face now, but if you just recognize it like this, you will be too shameless.

"Haha, really? I haven't studied this, but the guy you mentioned brought 30 billion U.S. dollars in revenue to Wal-Mart last year. If you can have his skills, I will give you 200 million U.S. dollars next year. This year is your probation period, only 50 million yuan, but the company treats president-level people very well, and you can enjoy it.” Li Cong said as he threw a folder to He Chaoxiong.

In the folder is the treatment at the group president level. He Chaoxiong can be regarded as a person who has seen money. He originally thought that his father had treated his subordinates very well, but he did not expect that he was too far behind the world's richest man. First of all, I have my own villa or high-end apartment in the company’s major bases and some major cities in the world. These ten houses alone are worth 40 million U.S. dollars, and a commercial aircraft worth 20 million U.S. dollars is working. After five years of age, it will be owned by you personally, and the maintenance costs will be borne by the company. After one year, the cars and yachts distributed by the company will also belong to you.

   is the membership card of some international and domestic clubs. The annual fee of these dozens of cards is more than 10 million yuan. This is also for the boss of my company to talk about business.

"Boss, do I have to take this red flag car to work?" He Chaoxiong is satisfied with the company's other requirements, because they are all for his own enjoyment, such as his own clothes, which are designed by the company's specialists in Europe. Hand-made, each of which costs about tens of thousands of dollars. There can be dozens of such clothes every year. Why don't you agree? It's just a problem to take the company's special Hongqi HQE to work. I really don't like this car.

"Don't bargain with me for this. As a Chinese, of course you want to make your own country's car. Among all the high-end cars, only the red flag can be said to be completely our country's own. Officials above the minister of our company are all sitting on this. , Are you going to be special?" Li Cong's tone was unquestionable, which made He Chaoxiong a little helpless. Thinking of the Rolls Royce in the back of the plane, he wondered whether Li Cong's patriotism should only be loved by hand. , But I don’t use it.

When he got off the plane, he saw a red flag car parked on the side of the airport. He Chaoxiong understood. It seems that Li Cong only took the Rolls Royce when he went outside. He still took the red flag in China. The twenty cars in the queue were also very impressive. He said nothing. Just about to get into Li Cong's car, he was stopped by Blueberry.

"I'm sorry, Miss He, your car is in the back. After the president comes back, he usually rides with our chief executive officer in a car, mainly to quickly understand the company's affairs." This is also the habit of the energy group, but He Chaoxiong I don’t know.

   Red flag car

"Yes, you didn't go to Hong Kong this time. There were no major events here in China. They were all carried out according to plan. There is one thing you can't think of. The US and Japanese governments report to the Ministry of Commerce of our country and let our government do business. The Ministry of Commerce has opened a green channel for exporting Tibetan wine. They believe that the annual sales volume of 2 million bottles is too small to meet their needs. They require an increase of several times. The Ministry of Commerce is waiting for our opinion." I felt sorry for my brother, and before Li Cong called out, he had already pulled a white hair off Li's head.

"It hurts to death. There is no big deal to have one or two. You are fine to wonder what my head is doing. I thought that selling wine was a sideline business. Now it seems that I have become a big business. If I do not expand exports, I still have two million per year. Let them **** the bottle. The price for foreign sales is increased by 50%. If you like to buy it or not." Li Cong said arrogantly, anyway, the whole world is our family. , But it has also averaged 1,000 yuan a bottle, which is after tax, but it only sells 100 yuan a bottle in times the price difference, some smugglers have begun to target this , The biggest one is Hongmen.

"But the country’s liquor reached 8 million tons when it reached the highest level. We only had 30,000 tons. Isn’t it less? There are only tens of billions of profits every year. So the winery has an expansion plan, waiting for you to come back. The decision is made. Basically, it will reach an annual output of 100,000 tons and become the largest liquor manufacturer in China. The annual profit can also reach 200 billion yuan. This will be matched with the brand of our energy group. As for the sales problem, you have no need at all. I am worried that if the sales department arranges the order, it may be arranged until next year." Li Yan also did not expect that a project that Li once thought of would soon catch up with food production.

"If this is the case, let's go ahead. Find a proper person in Tibet and watch it. It's better to cooperate with Hongmen to sell alcohol. Foreign countries also give the extra share to Hongmen, so that they can earn more. "Li Yan also understands that Li Cong's plan is to reduce the pressure on Qingshan. After all, the problems on the Golden Triangle side have not been resolved, and he, the boss, has to rely on these "side jobs" to make money.

"Tomorrow there will be a ceremony at the headquarters. It will be the diamond series of our Tibetan Immortals. It costs 500,000 yuan a bottle, only 2,000 bottles. I wonder if you have time to check it out? It can be regarded as our first high-end series. Right." Li Yan said lightly, but Li Cong was a little surprised, could it be that he was so good? A bottle of wine costs half a million yuan, and you can't steal money like this.

But then I was relieved. There are hundreds of thousands of euros worth of red wine in Europe. It’s not that I haven’t drunk it. My own wine of 500,000 can cure diseases. Some of the rich are They value their own body, don't they want to pay?


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