Energy Group

Chapter 422:

After the old man scolded him, he would eventually get tired. In the end, it was Li Cong who got the advantage. He had to take Jin Meiren and Jiang Qinglan home during the New Year's Day. Even if he was not at home, he must be there during the New Year's Day. At this time, Li Congcai I understand that the old man is really old, what I want is a lively, but the family member Ding has been a little deserted since he was driven out by himself a few days ago. It is okay to ask Jin Meiren to go back, but Jiang Qinglan is not his own woman. , I don't have to bear a false name for myself.

The two brothers had a meal and changed to sit separately. It is safer to stay away from the old man. If the old man thinks of something later, he might have to scold him. The wife of the two rooms stayed with them, which is better than them. When the son can talk, besides Zhou Xue's body is still carrying, the old man can't always toss about it.

"Big brother, what's going on, my uncle used to hate you looking for a kid, why today I watched the thunder and the rain are small, but I solved a lot of things for you. In the past, only three sister-in-laws could reply. Home, it seems that I can go back now.” Li Ming also understood after a long time that this uncle was too unkind. He used his own affairs to do things for the eldest brother, and talked about useless things, and even put himself out. The matter between his daughter-in-law and future grandchildren was settled.

"Okay, don't hold your face, didn't my father also give you benefits? Don't tell me that you have no feelings for the Tianjin side. It's wrong for men to say this. Well, a few days ago, I heard that you asked people to send a lot of things. Although they went along with the Mid-Autumn Festival ceremony of the group, they were a lot thicker..." Looking at my younger brother, I still annoyed myself. , I will give him a slap in the face first, and he will mumble for a while.

Sure enough, Li Ming's face blushed. I was true to Huang Qiu. Although I didn’t have such a deep love for Zeng Yuyun, I still talked about making up for it. Besides, I have my own child now, so I don’t look at the monk. The Buddha face also needs to take care of one or two things, but his brother's saying so makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense with me, I was not like you before, you are a brother, but the uncle did not call you wrong, you didn't bring me a good head. It's still early in the United States. I will sleep first. Li Cong originally wanted to put on the airs of a big brother to talk about him, but before he opened his mouth, he gave the boy a chance to prevaricate, but he still wanted to come to the younger brother before. It’s still the case this time. I made it by myself, but is it really bad?

Ten hours later the plane landed smoothly to a large-scale airport, but the problem was that the airport could not be found on the map. This is the Skull and Bones. As long as the president is unhappy, what should the President of the United States do? Go, the entire United States is the largest property of the Skull and Bones. Although the big giants did not personally come to the airport to greet them, they basically sent the first or second heir of the family to wait at the airport for a long time.

After the greetings, Li Er and Li Cong got in a car. Mom and Dad also split into other cars to go to their destinations. Now Li Cong also has a lot of assets in the United States, and Li Cong and Li Er are going to go. At the headquarters of the club, the family went to downtown Washington. After all, my dad was here to see the legendary United States. If he went to the headquarters of the Skull and Bones, what else to watch? I guess I can only see the guns on the lawn. The bodyguards and a bunch of idle aristocratic ladies.

"What's wrong, seeing your mother seems to have a problem with your eyes." The changes in your son just now are in your own eyes. He has grown a lot taller. When he sees himself and his grandparents, his eyes show that special kind of Family affection, but when I saw Zhou Xue's body, it was a little bit tasteful.

Li Er didn't expect his father to ask this first. He thought that his father would definitely ask about his walking, and how he should answer when he was ready, but his father really stopped asking him when he asked. Cao Zijian's talents became a poem in seven steps. I don't know how to answer his father. The hospital has confirmed that Zhou Xue is a boy in his stomach, and his position has been challenged. Although it has long been known that there will be such a day, but When I really arrived, I still felt a little uncomfortable. What Li never knew was that this time Li Er borrowed the group's affairs and did something private. He tried a little bit about the ownership of the energy group heirs by the major families, but the result was not very good. Satisfaction, although they all say that they support themselves, the iron rule of Skull and Bones is that the major families must not interfere with the heirs. Therefore, if no help is sought, and grandparents are so kind to this "mother", they have some Taste.

"Father, would you choose your younger brother not to choose me?" Li Er didn't say anything too much, but stared at Li Cong, as if he was a baby and didn't give it to Li Cong was surprised at this time. I didn’t expect that his seven-year-old son would ask himself so directly. To be honest, everything Li Cong did was paving the way for his son. Even the eldest daughter often told her, "Good Learn from your aunt, and you will be like your aunt in the future. She helped her younger brother be optimistic about the company, and you also have to help your younger brother optimistic about the company." Now that there is something wrong with this sentence, you just ask her to help her brother. He didn't say which younger brother was asking her to help.

Now Li never knows what to say. According to what he meant, it was given to this guy, but the second young master in Zhou Xue’s stomach also has the right to inherit, plus the excuses made by his father on the plane just now. What promise has been made, but the look in his son's eyes cannot hurt him.

Li Congsi has no doubt that the child in front of him will take care of his younger brother. This is the reason for the blood of the Li family, just like taking care of his younger brother, but these are all based on the situation that that younger brother is not as good as himself, if his younger son It's such a capable person, so what will the brothers do?

"Can I trust your brother to you? Whether he is smart or not." Father and son have been playing the game of playing football for a long time. In fact, they have no answer in their hearts. They just want the person opposite to not ask themselves. But they all wanted to know the answer to the question they raised. In the end, the car fell into contemplation. Before getting off the car, Li Cong said a word that made Li Er smile again. It seemed that his father still favored himself too much.

The power of the Energy Group may have started like this, but it may also have ended like this. No one knows how the father and son negotiated. It was just that when Li Er took control of the company, he looked at the portrait of his father in the office and fell into contemplation. People he respected throughout his life always gave him problems.


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