Energy Group

Chapter 512:

Seeing that the conflict was about to occur, Li Er was about to go out at this time. He could not put his mother in a kind of danger. Although his father's guard team might not all know him, somebody knew him. It’s always bad for a team to go out in opposition on the street, but it’s clear that the development of things is beyond his expectations, because the whole street is under the supervision of the villa security department, so the security in the villa is also Knowing the situation here, a large number of security guards came from all directions, there were hundreds of people, and the people in Jinan headquarters also detected that many people were approaching, but now this situation of confrontation can not be cloned, so they have to fight. The wink made the people in the car ask for help from the nearest department of the Energy Group. Fortunately, Qingdao is also half of the headquarters of the Energy Group, and there are always a lot of manpower.

The security captain received the look from his subordinates and raised his hand. Suddenly dozens of security guards with guns appeared on the surrounding heights. These people were not holding pistols, but submachine guns. If they wanted to, these headquarters People would turn into a hornet’s nest in an instant, "Take Madam away right away." The security captain knew what to do at this time, and immediately two security guards stood back with the statue of Wei Qihua, although Wei Qihua still shouted to stay, but These security guards will be disobedient. It doesn’t matter to them whether the person who got the car or not. Protecting the heroine is their most important thing. These people are carrying guns around the villa. It was a big taboo, and now there is a conflict, which is even more shocking.

   Wei Qihua was shocked when he returned to the villa. Is this still his home? How come so many people came suddenly, and I don’t know when there was a helicopter on the roof. It looked like a war, and the security guards took her into the house without her saying anything. The helicopter’s motor It has also been activated. If one is not good, leave here immediately. The person in charge has also asked for help from the Qingdao Energy Group branch. I believe the reinforcement will come soon.

The Qingdao Energy Group branch is a little confused at this meeting, why the people from the headquarters and the people from the other hospital are calling for help, and the location is still together, could it be the headquarters from the headquarters, and I can’t see it. Ask someone from the other hospital to help with this matter? Now that the two parties can not solve the problem of asking for help from the branch? In short, this is not something that I can manage. People from the headquarters came with the president's warrant. Naturally, they shouldn’t be negligent. As for the other courtyard, it’s even more important. The young master is still there, besides the woman who lives there. It was the president who paid attention to it several times. Without a second word, the team of over a hundred people passed away. They were all fully armed and requested to report the situation at any time. The security minister in Qingdao felt that this was not his own. If it can be resolved, call Li Cong's secretary directly and ask Jinan to give instructions too. If something happens to the young master and the woman, the president will not take the surgery himself.

   Standoff scene

"Friends, what do you mean? We just want to take away the two people in the car, and ask you to raise your hands. You can't afford our backstage." It's not a solution to being so stalemate, it's time to move your backstage boss Come out, still do not give the energy group face this year?

"What do we mean? Don't you understand what our wife said? The above is our wife's brother. Your background is very strong and ours is not weak. If you know, let go. You can go, and we don't want to be troublesome. "Speaking of looking at the people around me, they may not be as hard-working as those in this department in training, but my advantage is that there are more people, and the commanding heights are in my own hands. If you really fight, you won't be able to take advantage of it.

Seeing that we can’t agree, the guns of both sides are loaded. At this time, even if a balloon is broken, things like this will happen, "Stop it to me." Li Er can't help but come out, now there is no mother in front of him. It’s much more convenient to do things by yourself. When the two people saw a child and a man in black coming out of the woods next to them, they just wanted to say whose child they were, but everyone swallowed that sentence. This child is no one else but the young master of his own family.

  "Young Master··"

  "Young Master··"

   Li Er nodded naturally, the two leading the team were confused, what's the matter, this person is a family with himself? Seeing the face of the young master, it's over, what did I really do this time, confronting my family for so long.

"You two idiots, how do you usually do things? You are still in a high position. He belongs to the security department of the headquarters. You don't know anything else. Don't you know the license plate? You usually look at people from the nostrils? Arrogant It depends on who you are arrogant, and so are you. Do you know what this place is when you come out to do errands? This is the Li family’s other What are you still doing in a daze? You all ask for help. The reinforcements didn’t come and let them go back quickly. It’s okay. It’s okay to spread the reputation of our group.” Such a group of people is a little funny to hear a child teach here, but this is true. The two captains are eager for Li at this time. If you scold you a little bit harder, then you don’t have to be punished if you get scolded.

Finally, two people got out the phone and talked for a long time before letting the people at the branch know that this was a misunderstanding, but they didn’t elaborate on the specifics. The people there also knew that this is a sensitive place, and it’s not wrong to know a few things. At this time, the talent from the headquarters told Li Er what the mission this time was. It turned out that his father had been eyeing this guy a long time ago. It seemed that he wanted to leave the idea of ​​this brother to his mother. The people at just know that they want to arrest people and don’t know why they are arrested. It seems that the arrangement is still a step too late. If the people in the headquarters take away before he sees his mother, then nothing will happen, but now the mother sees. This person, if something happens to this person, I am afraid that neither he nor his father will be able to remove it. I just had a good impression in my mother's heart, and it would be no good if I mess it up.

"Okay, leave the matters here to me. The people in your headquarters will go to the branch and wait first. I will tell my father about the situation here, and hand the people to the other courtyard first." The people in the headquarters naturally I know that this is the president’s sharp-hearted son. Seeing Li Er go to explain to him in person, naturally there is nothing to say. We should not mix things in between father and son, and fulfill the president’s order. It's very important, but you can't offend the next generation of the little master, or else the little master is upset and finds someone to pay it back.


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