Energy Group

Chapter 535:

Since Li Cong’s acquisition failed, countries all over the world have paid more attention to energy groups. Before, they only thought that this was just an enterprise. Now they feel that he is not just a simple enterprise, but has penetrated into all aspects of society. There are natural gas, environmentally friendly oil, and electricity in energy. There are various hotels, restaurants, and various retail supermarkets in life. The most important thing is food, and the most expensive wine in the world is the most inconspicuous transportation industry, the energy group. The Sino-Ocean Group has also become the world's largest oil transportation group.

At this time, the society instinctively resisted the energy group, so the energy group must stop and not be allowed to develop. Li Cong also had the idea that he would not get involved in other industries, but just expand the production department. Ensure that there will be no oil shortage next year, and once again reduce the price of environmentally friendly oil to the wholesale price of 8,000 yuan per ton. Now governments all over the world are relieved. They will provide energy subsidies for a while, but if they are so old If it is high, it won't work. Sooner or later, the richest government will go bankrupt.

In order to cope with such changes, the tens of billions of RMB spent by the energy group for the new refueling chain group can be said to have been in vain. These are all secondary. The key is that Li Er's blood is not enough. No matter how careful his mind is, the child is ultimately a child. It took Li Cong nearly an hour of saliva to convince the child. After all, no one knew that the hearts of all countries in the world would be so united this time. Even the Skull and Bones did not expect that when everyone understood, failure was inevitable.

The energy group’s production plan for the new year has also undergone a large-scale expansion. Various countries and organizations have already paid huge deposits in advance. Li Cong has also repeatedly pledged to increase production and will never let the world energy price be false. Gao, several energy bases around the world have also begun construction, this catastrophe has been calmed down, is it really over? Certainly not, will Li Cong give up after such a big loss? Naturally it can't, but the current international situation requires him to constrain a little.

   Hong Kong Li Family Mansion

Since Li Cong became the king of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, this mansion has become the center of power in Hong Kong. However, since Li Cong became the king of Hong Kong, he has never lived here. This luxurious villa built on the mid-levels cost the Energy Group. Nearly one billion Hong Kong dollars, this is also Li Cong’s second luxury house in the world besides Jinan’s Li Garden. Now live here are the group construction minister Li Ming and the group sales director Richard Liang from Jinan. .

It’s just that the two people’s goals are completely different. Li Ming came to Hong Kong to better supervise the energy group’s Southeast Asia branch plan, while the sales director came to find Kong Qifang. Now they have been in Hong Kong for a long time. Now, Li Ming has done a lot of business, but Liang, the kid, didn't do anything. He didn't look for someone else when he came, just staring at the sky in his own home.

To be precise, he should have looked for someone. When he got off the plane, he went to the Kong’s house. Kong Rende warmly received this upstart in the energy group, perhaps the next vice president. It's a pity that my granddaughter really doesn't give her face, no matter what she says, she doesn't go out to meet Liang, and she also said that she wouldn't marry such a young man.

Liang remembered every move of the little girl that day, but he really hadn’t been so shocked in his life. After more than a month, I was just in a daze at home and didn’t want to do anything. Is it really necessary? Do you rely on power and money to get what you want? Is that still affection?

Originally, Li Cong had a good plan for No.1, and that was to think of a way to make Kong Qifang stink, but because the investigation department appeared, No.1 went to take charge of the affairs there, and Li Cong did not expect himself. His nephew was so vulnerable. In fact, he would understand if he carefully thought about him back then. Anyway, he has nothing to do now, so he should just do it himself.

Richard Leung can’t tell whether it’s morning or evening. Today he went to the pool at home and sat in a daze as before. But unlike the past, there is already a person there, that person. Not a stranger, but his uncle Li Cong, sitting in the place where he often sits with a glass of red wine.

"Uncle, why are you here? Why is there no news at all?" Richard Liang said with some surprise. Li Cong is the chairman of the board of directors of the Energy Group. Why would he come here if he has nothing to do? Is it to do something to the Kong family? Up? It can’t be so fast. Didn’t Uncle say that he would wait until Kong Rende passed away before he did it?

Li Cong glanced at his nephew. He was much thinner than when he left Jinan. He did not answer his question. Instead, he reached out and called the housekeeper of this manor, "How are you taking care of Master Biao is here? You are not working hard here. You have lost so much. If I don’t come, don’t you know what to report? All the people who directly take care of Master Biao will be fired immediately. All others will be fined for three months. You can leave directly.” The housekeeper listened tremblingly to Li Cong and went to work immediately. Is it our fault that the owner can’t eat? It’s just that the president is angry now, and if he contradicts himself, I’m afraid he’ll have to go. Besides, it’s not me who is going to leave. It doesn’t matter what I have to say about my three-month salary, as long as I can keep my job.

   "Uncle, it's not their fault, but I don't want to eat."

"Oh? I don't want to eat, so let me have breakfast with me now. If you don't eat as much as I do, then I will immediately fire everyone in this garden." Li never looked at his nephew , Bowed his head and concentrated on eating his delicious breakfast. He knew that his nephew would not let so many people be unemployed for no reason. Looking at the nephew sitting in front of him, he knew that he was really right.

Richard Leung didn’t understand why his uncle, who was not very strict with his subordinates, was so tough this time. He wanted to ask his uncle what it was that he came to Hong Kong, and he was afraid that what he said wrong would involve him, so he had to Continue to eat, not to mention that I have not eaten much these days, but I am really hungry.

"Everyone will have their own emotional debts. You can't say that your emotional debts are here. After dinner, I will go to the Kong family with you to see their attitude." Li Cong ate faster. After eating, he walked away and said, leaving behind a little bit of himself.

   How would Uncle help himself? Go straight to propose? Wouldn't it be worse if it was rejected?


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