Energy Group

Chapter 562:

Hong Kong Energy Group Investigation Department Headquarters

Li Cong has already seen what happened in Japan from the satellite. It seems that what he has to face is not a small force. He also has plans to let them make trouble in Japan on the 39th. See how long these people can hide, and when they die of a wife, are they so tolerant? Absolutely not, these people must pay back their blood.

"Are the staff ready to support Japan?" Li Cong has often felt a little tired recently. Since Zhou Xue left, Li Cong has become even more tired. Looking at the still gorgeous photo, Li Cong thought of this woman never again. When the meeting came back, his wife left like that, so he was very angry. He wanted to bring the Gao Fu back in 24 hours on the 39th, but almost half of the time had passed. , I didn't even see Gao Fu's shadow. This investigation department usually seemed to boast with myself, but it was a bit of a misnomer when it came to business.

On the 1st, according to Li Cong’s instructions, more than 70 people from the investigation department in mainland China have been selected to prepare for the second batch to Japan. These people are not special forces or the like. These people can be said to have passed halfway through. They were reformed, but the reformed were not perfect. Because of the time issue, they could only be called semi-reformed people, but even so, their combat effectiveness was very strong.

"Head of State, the personnel have been prepared. This time the subordinates will personally lead the team to Japan, and they will definitely give the head of state an explanation in the shortest time." It is really difficult for him, the head of the investigation department, to deal with the investigation department in Japan. Resigning the blame, so now he has to go out in person, and when he speaks to Li Cong, he appears to be so lacking in confidence.

Li Cong understands No.1’s thoughts. If this guy stays in Hong Kong and waits for news, it’s better to kill him, so Li Cong nodded his head and approved him to go to Japan. Today, he was not here at the investigation headquarters to ask questions. These things, but there is a breakthrough here, because the people in the investigation department found out that the method of killing the wife and other people in the mansion that night is called blood. The person who invented this method is the Japanese, but Because too many people have been sacrificed in this way, it takes dozens of people’s blood to plant a certain kind of poison at the same time. Generally speaking, the cost is relatively high. Moreover, not many people in Japan know this. Li Cong is here. Wait which school is from Japan.

After research, it is found that there are three such organizations in Japan, one is Suigetsuyu, one is Amaterasu Shrine, and the other is the notorious Yasukuni Shrine. These organizations are beyond ordinary existence and generally do not take action. To deal with others, you must know that their ninjas are very powerful. If they really head-to-head with the energy group, they might be able to fight hard, so Li Cong didn’t dare to attack them without evidence, but no matter what The road ahead is so difficult, and I will never endure this hatred of killing my wife. The big deal is that your entire Japanese archipelago will sink into the Pacific Ocean. I have that ability.

According to the information sent back from Japan, it should be Amaterasu Shrine that can use the power of the underworld. If the Eguchi group in Kobe and the Black Flag Gang can work together with the black flag gang, only Amaterasu Shrine has this ability. No, don’t think that the dark emperor in Japan is the Yamaguchi group, but the leader of the Yamaguchi group also needs to bow and say hello when he meets a person at the end of Amaterasu Shrine. Other forces also have this ability to make the Eguchi group and the Black Flag Gang Doing things together, but it will cost a huge price, just like now, and immediately reconciled without any signs, it can only be this Amaterasu Shrine, as for what was promised, Li Cong could not guess.

As for the dispatch of the Japanese police, it is the Yasukuni Shrine. Most of the members of this organization have very close relationships with politicians. Some people also say that the backstage supporter of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party is actually here, and it has a good reputation among the Japanese people. Especially in the hearts of militarists, this place is even more of their paradise. Usually, the Japanese police absolutely turn a blind eye to the energy group. Now they dare to check the energy group’s cars so daringly, I’m afraid not. If people are pressed so tightly, they will never say the past.

As for Shui Yueliu in Japan, it is even bigger. They directly monopolized the Japanese imperial martial artist, and their relationship with the Japanese imperial family is not trivial. The emperors and princes can be said to be the disciples of Shui Yueliu, but they have no complaints with the energy group in the past. In recent days, those who have had no worries should not take action against the energy group. Moreover, there is no sign of their action now. It should be ruled out. But at this time, a detail cannot be given up. Li Cong is listening to the report of the intelligence analyst. Later, the water and moon flow was not ruled out. At this time, a mistake may mislead the direction of the investigation.

"After you arrive in Japan, you will continue to follow the clues on the 39th, but you have to find out a little bit about the attitudes of these three organizations. I will send people to support you in succession. By the way, when necessary. You can use the Skull and Bones in Japan.” Because this time it was caused by Li Cong’s family affairs, so all the actions of the Investigation Department in Japan did not have trouble with the Skull and Bones, but the organization level of this appearance is getting higher and higher. Li never wanted to help, and he also had a new understanding of the investigative department's ability. It would not work without a helper.

   There are two Do you think this clue will be broken after you kill everyone? My hatred of Li Cong for killing his wife will do whatever it takes. Little Japan, please pray carefully. Li Cong drank the high whiskey in his glass in one sip. If you don’t offend me, I might go to you. Things, if people offend me, that would be an unimaginable result. Japan is really a place to be brave.

On the 1st, he promised to go down and prepare. You must behave yourself. Otherwise, it would not be good for the head of state to lose confidence in the investigation department. Originally, the investigation department focused on China and Southeast Asia. Japan can only say that it is developing steadily. If it is a general small problem, it may be solved there, but it may not work if it involves such a large force. Fortunately, the people I brought this time are all good hands. Perfect solution.

   Amaterasu Shrine Main Hall, Japan

This is where most of Japan’s spiritual support lies. The Amaterasu God enshrined here has always been the highest **** in Japan. I don’t know how these Japanese people think of such a name. These gods wear all kinds of things. It’s just that people can’t understand themselves, but this is supposed to be a place that doesn’t matter to the world. At this time, there is a photo of a non-Japanese. The person in it is Li, the chairman of the board of directors of the energy group that has recently risen in the world From the inside, he looked right into the distance, but the person holding the newspaper was shaking all over.

"Such people continue to develop, it is too bad for my Great Japanese Empire." The hoarse voice means that he is an old man, and his weak body can mean that his body is almost reaching its limit, but now, he still has nothing to do. In fact, he will dedicate everything to his Great Japanese Empire in his lifetime.


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