Energy Group

Chapter 567:

Polanyi really felt a little panicked at this time. If others were so bludgeoning that she could have other ideas, but now this is actually said in Li Cong’s mouth, and there is no other meaning. To terminate the cooperation.

"Mr. Li, I hope you can think about it carefully. You have to know that your large sums of money are still under my control. Are you not afraid that I will throw them all out and give them up? You must know that I will do it." Polanyi made another mistake at this time. Li Cong was not the kind of person who could be threatened. Using threats to deal with Li Cong was probably her biggest mistake.

"Hehe, Mrs. Polanyi, I think you should understand that there is something called equivalence exchange in this world. Why would I terminate my cooperation with you? It must be that I have already got more things, as for you. I don’t think you dare to lose that amount of money. I believe you have a rough idea about how much money Li Cong has, but I can tell you that what you see is only a small part of mine. I lost some money again. What can be done, I will still live well, but your loss will be greater, you will lose everything, you will lose your life, well, I still have a lot of things, but I can give you a suggestion if If you can't live in Europe, you can consider coming to Hong Kong to find me. I will keep the seat of the head of the energy group's investment department for you." Li Cong hung up before waiting for the other party to say anything.

   There was a burst of blind tone on the phone. What caused Li Cong to abandon him. Didn't he still think about his victory a day ago? As long as the energy group continues to provide funding, everything in Europe will have a place to speak for itself, and it seems that everything is gone now.

"Madam, the people in the energy group have already started to liquidate their positions. They are closing their positions regardless of cost, and the patriarch has also launched an offensive against us with them. We have lost three price equilibrium points. Is there something in between? What's the matter?" The assistant came in hurriedly at this time and said that these price points were all snatched back through tens of billions of euros, and now they have lost so much in one day.

Polanyi’s mind was blank. If her assistant hadn’t come in to tell her this terrible fact, I’m afraid she would not wake up yet. Everything has changed. What I have to do now is not to think about the reason for this matter, but It's the right thing to solve this problem. Is it just that you have the ability to solve it? The two groups of people have already discussed it, and they must have thought of what they should do. Did they really fail like that? No, I have another way, that is, the fish die and the net is broken, so that neither side will end well. What if Yale wins, it is not a tattered Europe.

   But can I really do that? The development of Europe to the present state, how many people's efforts, if because of their own reasons, a large-scale economic crisis broke out across Europe, what will Europe become? What will the whole world look like? Thinking of the terrible appearance of the currency devaluation and the sudden increase in unemployment, Polanyi suppressed her crazy idea, but if she didn't do that, she would have no hope at all, and could only watch them eat herself. , Not even a chance to fight back.

"Collect all our funds and industries, and fully cooperate with the energy group's liquidation. Even if I lose, I won't leave any for my hateful cousin." Polanyi thought for a few minutes and finally made a decision, this The decision can be said to be a hugely cheap energy group. Most of the trillions of euros in the assets of oneself can be said to have entered the pockets of the energy group. As for the Rothschild family, I am afraid that they have won a miserable victory and contributed the most. In the end, they did not get it. What they imagined.

   Yale smiled bitterly after learning Polanyi's actions. He was indeed a victory, but what did he get? A huge family fund was used to fight a civil war. During this period of contention, what happened to Europe as a whole, and various crises are showing signs. In the future, as long as you don’t have a good grasp of it, it may be a catastrophe. There is energy outside. The group and the Skull and Bones were staring at themselves. It seemed that it was time for the Rothschild family to be weakest in hundreds of years.

Looking at the white clouds in the distance, Yale felt like this cloud. Sooner or later, it would have to be blown away by the wind. In fact, you don’t need them to calculate the data. You can know by yourself. The biggest winner this time is the Energy Group. That so-called younger sister suffered from his great loss. From the beginning, the two knew they would suffer, but they had to continue walking for their own desire for power. They continued to walk on this endless dark road, and now they have It's over. On the outside, the Rothschild family is still so powerful, but everyone inside knows that it is no longer the two major groups in the world like the Skull and Bones. Maybe now he is almost the same as the previous oil group. So it exists because both Skull and Bones and Energy Group need a buffer.

Thinking of this, Yale really feels I used to have a passion to revitalize my family. Now it seems that I and that sister have wiped out the whole family, no more. ·

Hong Kong Airport

Now it’s eleven o’clock in the evening. Even if Hong Kong is an international metropolis, there are now fewer people in the airport than in the daytime. Outside the international arrival exit, dozens of people in black are staring intently. Looking at the exit, they have the Energy Group Investigation Department logo on their chests. Some airport security guards are also far away from them.

Today is the day that Yale promised. Polanyi has been settled, so that person should have been sent to Hong Kong as agreed. Li Cong has been waiting for this day for a long time, so he personally went to the airport to see this day. What can the traitor of Terujin bring to himself?

This guy who is now going out didn’t expect that he would be sent to Hong Kong and would betray his teacher. In fact, he has nothing to do with that Amaterasu Shrine. Maybe he’s just messing with the world’s richest man. Maybe I will be the owner of that shrine in the future.

I finally saw this guy. He was not tall and he was no different from the average Japanese. Li never said a word to him, but directly asked someone to send him into the car. In Li Cong’s view, this guy said strictly It was also an accomplice who killed his own wife. Who told you to have lived together before? If it wasn't for your usefulness, I really wanted to kill you with a single shot.

"Give you three hours, they will transfer it to you, and immediately check my family's affairs." After leaving a sentence, Li Cong left the Japanese. I really hate this guy. Isn't it the Japanese? Can one piece be taken out?


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