Energy Group

Chapter 615:

Li Cong smiled and took out a coin from his trouser pocket to match between the two peaks of a girl who was bowing. The girl was about to say that this guest was so stingy that she only gave herself a dollar, the one opposite The girl had already screamed. It was indeed a dollar, but it was a commemorative gold coin just issued by the People’s Bank. It is said that it has been scrambled for several thousand dollars. Li Cong turned around and booed the lady. In the action, he carried another gold coin he was playing with and sent it into the hands of another girl.

Li Cong’s mentality to come to this place is completely different from before. This place has existed for thousands of years, so it is necessary for society to exist. What happened to these young ladies? People make money on their own bodies. Isn't the one who steals and doesn't steal is much better than the corrupt officials? So if you can help others, you can do more. Anyway, you don't lack the money.

These two girls are also college students at school, and they are also of the kind with family difficulties. They used to sell their hue here for only a few hundred tips, plus a guaranteed deposit of 100 yuan a day. Although the money came quickly, it was really good. Although I don’t like it very much for the money for selling meat, I still have to endure the expensive tuition. In their opinion, they don’t do anything here, just let people see their exposed skin, it’s not a big deal. Moreover, only five or six days a month, so that I can earn a semester of tuition and living expenses very cost-effective.

But Li has never seen it that way. You have just entered a place like this now. Maybe your self-control is OK, but people’s desires are increasing day by day. You have earned what you need in this place. The money, perhaps because of the strength of the fun field, no one dares to mess around here. For the time being, you are safe, but you will also recognize the scenes you could not see before. If you mix here, you will be money Completely conquered with desire, you are also working here. You can only have a few hundred yuan a day, but the ones in the house are ten times your own income. Will one day be depraved if you lose your self-control?

The answer is known without answering. As long as you stay here for an extra minute, you will have the possibility of making yourself fall. If you want to prevent yourself from falling completely, then leave this place. Li walked in since turning around. I want to be nosy. Although I have a lot of ability to save these people now, I can’t do that. If I do, I will change the course of a person. Someone may not come out in the future. It is said that Hitler was himself when he was a teenager. Formed the intention to kill the Jews, it is better not to be nosy.

The layout of the house is very elegant, a small room, there are only five or six people, it seems that only members or rich people can come here, not the kind of people who want to play casually. There are about twenty people in it, basically there are many boys and girls, and each man is accompanied by three or four women. The clothes of this woman are all less, and it is no different from being naked.

Li Cong took a look and found that the good positions were already occupied. He only had to go to the position on the northwest corner. No one in the room greeted him. It seemed that there was no one acquaintance, and he had not waited for him to sit down. Then came a few goods that were the same as the women in those seats. It seemed that they were the waiters here.

"Mr. looked very stunned. The first half is over, and the second half will begin in five minutes. Presumably Mr. is also here for the lady on the outside screen. Then you have to prepare yourself to bleed. The price has reached 270,000 yuan." The woman walking in the front said while observing Li Cong, it seems that it is the head of these people.

"Hehe, I just came here to take a look. You don't have to come over if you leave others." Li Cong drew out five or six pink hundred-yuan bills and told the other two people to go away. I'm afraid it's the first time I came here. The person in front of him can tell himself the rules. Who wouldn't let himself come to this kind of place? Even if he went there, someone had arranged it for himself. How could he understand the things inside.

In fact, these women are the waiters in this room. Of course, it’s okay if you look at these people, immediately go to the private room behind to let you enjoy it, and make sure to let you better than the first virgins. Knowing the fun, Li Cong casually ordered a bottle of wine without seeing what it was. This made the waitress very happy, because it was a bottle of Lafite in 1992. It would not be cheap to buy such a wine outside. It's even more expensive here. I'm not doing anything tonight. I can eat enough by relying on the wine. It seems that I have to take care of this uncle.

Then the waitress began to introduce. It turns out that this room is dedicated to auctioning There are several rooms in the auction house, sisters, twins, etc., as long as you have money, Everything here can satisfy you, only what you can't think of, nothing can't be bought here, this is the purpose of service here.

The four people in this room are all for Zhang Xiaoou. They bid very high one by one. It seems that they all like this girl better. It’s no wonder that even Li has seen this girl for the first time. I took more than one look, and there is still an amazing feeling. Let alone these people. It is not an exaggeration to say that among Li Cong's women, except for those who are similar to her, other women may be slightly inferior to her. Yes, of course this is just a look, and the inner things have to be found slowly by yourself.

   "It depends on how much I have to pay to get it tonight." Anyway, before it started, Li Cong poured her a glass, and the two slowly drank red wine while chatting.

"It's really hard to say. The few people today seem to be rich people. It seems that I know the one at the front. It is a Wenzhou businessman. You know that Wenzhou people make a lot of money from real estate speculation. Yes, this is his second time here. He paid the highest price." The waiter whispered. Generally speaking, such things cannot be told to customers, but this woman was given by Li Cong's pride. Frightened, I was thinking about how to satisfy him. Even if he couldn't bring any changes to him, it would be good to make more money.

Li Cong raised his eyes and glanced at the Wenzhou businessman. It’s just a small businessman. Is he daring to fight with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu started to burn money. I haven’t played this money-burning game for a long time. Li Cong always used to be at auction. The most arrogant, but it is all about buying some dead things. What I want to buy today is my first night. This is really the first time for Li Cong.


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