Energy Group

Chapter 800:

Section Killer Group-Qingshan

In Ma Yun’s view, Li Cong asked him such a question as an insult to him. How could he not know the important stronghold of the Qinggang, that is, the lover of the Qinggang’s boss knew where he was, so he patted his chest to make sure. I absolutely knew that Li Cong then led the fat brother to the front of the map and asked him to mark all the strongholds of the Green Gang.

There are not many people who have been involved in the underworld this year. The map is a Russian map. Li Cong has some place names that I don’t understand. The boss of a small city can make this very clear. I also told Li Cong about the local customs there. If this guy was not from Hongmen, Li Cong would definitely block this ball-like man to his subordinate to join the investigation department.

In less than five minutes, the seven big strongholds, twelve small gathering spots and the places where the leaders lived in the urban area of ​​the Qinggang have been marked by this fat man. It seems that Hongmen usually pays attention to the Qinggang. It's not that small. If it's not possible, I asked the Action Team of the Investigation Department to help them and wiped out the Youth Gang in one fell swoop. Of course, I had to wait until I ran out of them. Now these guys still have their use value.

As expected by Li Cong, there are green gangs around his five trash cans, but I don’t know why there are others without Li Cong. After thinking about it, I understand it all over again. It seems that Putin also knows that eggs cannot be put In a basket

Maybe there will be other gangs doing things for him besides the Qinggang. It turns out how this guy made money. In fact, there is no evidence that Putin did it, but Li Cong has preconceived it as Putin did it.

Li Cong asked Ma Yun to look around the other trash cans, but Ma Yun had nothing to suggest. The surrounding areas were not within the sphere of influence of the Green Gang, and there were no big gangs around, mostly dozens of people. Small gang, then it’s impossible. Li Cong knows how huge this matter is. If there is no big gang to operate it, it is estimated that nothing can be done. Putin should also be looking for a strong partner. Yes, those who are not strong will not cooperate.

The several strongholds of the Youth Gang are surrounded by local businessmen and European businessmen. It seems that these guys have learned how to attack their compatriots. You have the ability to bully foreigners and bully your fellow villagers.

"Tomorrow afternoon I will have an appointment with the old Dalian Haolong of the Qinggang to talk about something. You can arrange a place. I will meet him as the leader of Hongmen and solve some things with him. You can prepare as you did before, your brother. Zhong Qile is not in Moscow, and I can’t wait for him to come back. You will be responsible for this matter and do the work well.” In fact, Li Cong can arrange this matter as the president of the Energy Group, but he still feels inferior to Hongmen. The identity of the Dragon Lord is better.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for your appreciation. The subordinates will definitely do this thing beautifully. It's just that the most powerful assistants of the Qinggang in Russia are his killer organization Qingshan. We are not afraid of the others, but if these people are there. , Then Mr. Li must pay attention to your safety. WWw.YZUU point m" Ma Yun of course wants to do it well. There are millions of Hongmen disciples, tens of thousands of his own level, how many are there? I’ve directly hosted an affair for Long. If I can handle this matter well, wouldn’t it be the same as playing in the future when I become an official.

Green shirt? What Lao Tzu hates most is the killer organization. The existence of such a thing is indeed a threat to him, and he cannot keep it. Li Cong immediately pressed the internal phone.

"Tell Shisan to come in and see me, I have something to tell him to do." Of course, Li Cong told him to get rid of these guys in blue shirts. Is it a gift for them?

"Boss, what are you looking for me?" I came in soon on the 13th. I already knew that the fat man in front of me was the person in charge of Hongmen in Moscow. He stood up when he saw him come in, although he didn't think much He started such a gang, but he still nodded, at least for the moment, he is still a guest of the boss, and he has to show his due quality.

"Well, this is Jack Ma from Hongmen. You brought the two teams from the Investigation Department. Tonight, with the assistance of their people, give me a solution to a killer organization in the blue shirt. If I wake up tomorrow If I have not completed the task, I will transfer all of you back to Africa. Useless things are not worthy of following me." Li Cong called the 13th to give a chill. If the chills can be superimposed, then Jack Ma next to him has already fought. Two.

Sure enough, he is the president of the Energy Group. This shot is cruel. It has long been known that the people in the Investigation Department of the Energy Group are very powerful, but the talents of the green shirts are not blown out. It is certainly not ordinary strength to take the stage. When they assassinated a politician, the Moscow police sent hundreds of people to round up for a night without any results. Can you solve it overnight? You guys are a bit too powerful. Ma Yun still doesn't believe it very much.

"Yes, I will complete the task very well." On the 13th, he didn't say much nonsense, and went out to wait for Jack Ma's fat ball at the door. The only help that guy can give himself is to give himself the photos of the green shirts. Then tell yourself where those people are.

"Mr. Li, let me talk more. Those blue shirts are not so easy to deal with. They all have their own set of skills. I think it is not impossible to kill them with the skills of the investigation department, but it is possible in such a short time. It will be a little troublesome." Ma Yun said embarrassedly. Although he also knew that he shouldn't say these words at this time, but if Li Cong suffered a serious loss if he didn't say it, if he came to blame himself at that time, then he really I didn't run away, it is estimated that the domestic leader directly killed himself.

"Hehe, Boss Ma still don’t have to worry about my brothers. Tell me about the specific strengths of the Moscow Youth Group. Oh, yes, you don’t need to say anything about the blue shirts. They won’t exist tomorrow, I I don’t want to waste my precious time on dead people.” Li Cong said with a smile, his expression naturally made Ma Yun scared, and he lived a life of licking blood. It's still too tender, and it's far from others. Hearing Li Cong told him to hurry up, he trot to the front of the map. 【Leaf*子】【You*You】

"Mr. Li, Russia is a country where gangs are prevalent. Especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the late 1990s, a large number of unemployed workers formed such and other underworld groups. Our Hongmen and Qing gangs entered Russia at that time. In the twenty-year exhibition, we have also gained a firm foothold. It’s just that we have the support of Hongmen from all over the world. Our exhibition is relatively fast. In fact, it is mainly the trade of drugs and arms. The Qinggang did the same as us. The trader is considered a deadly opponent with us, but the quality of their drugs is not as good as ours, so we have robbed most of the business."

Li Cong smiled and nodded. The Golden Triangle is the largest drug production area in the world. It is all under your Hongmen. The quality of your drugs is definitely the best. How can the Qinggang want to compare with you? On top, and at that time, Russia didn’t have anything to make money. The best thing was munitions. You opened up your own situation in Russia with the drugs in the Golden Triangle, and then used Russian munitions to support Hongmen all over the world. The road is really right.

At that time, the leader should belong to the old man Huangfuyu. The kid Qingshan simply picked up a big bargain. If you don't have your master paving the way for you, it will take a while for you to become the world's largest dark pope. .

"This is about the time of the year. Our Hongmen is already one of the wealthiest gangs in Russia, but the Qinggang is only a large force in the Moscow area. It only controls a few nightclubs and casinos, and does something that is not on the table. But all this has been different since three years ago. The boss of the Green Gang in Russia, Zhou, rashly recruited a military division. This guy didn’t know what he had come up with. The Qing Gang’s exhibition in the last three years can be used to fly. Described, my brothers rarely use swords and guns, but they make a lot of money. Some other businesses are also done, but according to my observations, it is no longer their main business, but some younger brothers are doing it. And another problem is that the relationship between the Youth Gang and the Moscow police is very good, so good that it makes some Russian gangs jealous."

These things are some secrets observed by Hongmen, but Li Cong is not an outsider to Hongmen, so this little fat man just said it out of his head. If he said that, he would figure out what the young gang did. What kind of new business is still necessary. Is there an energy group behind them, just like Hongmen? This is absolutely impossible, and now I can't help but Li never took the whole thing to Putin, it must be this guy.

"Well, I know, by the way, tell me about a gang of the Three Swords Gang. I think their people are very good." Li Cong said casually. In fact, it doesn’t hurt to know more about these gangs. Tomorrow, Hongmen and the Green Gang will definitely have a series of rushes, and maybe the underworld forces in Moscow will have a new shuffle.

Although Ma Yun didn't know why Li Cong talked about such a gang, could this guy also provoke our dragon lord? , There are a lot of people who are not long-eyed, although I have a better relationship with your father's prisoner of war, but if the dragon takes your life, then we are unambiguous.

"Dragon Lord, the Three Swords Gang is nothing powerful. It's just a very small gang in Russia. Maybe you also know that all the major gangs in Russia will give him face. In fact, this face is not given to Lang Kori himself, but his Father Tomahawk’s, Tomahawk is the number one gang in Russia. This person is very particular about his work. He is deeply respected by other gangs in Russia. Tomahawk should be considered the number one figure in the Russian underworld. So for him His son is arrogant, and most people consider him to give him face." Ma Yun thought for a while and said what he said was quite upright. After all, Hongmen's exhibition of others in these years also gave him face.

"Mr. Tomahawk? Number one? Haha, it is really interesting, do you Hongmen have any interest in dealing with Tomahawk?" Ma Yun heard Li Cong's question and laughed. How could it be okay? That Tomahawk is in Russia The strength of the underworld is like the status of your energy group in the world business community. How can there be no connection? Anyone who wants to set foot in this field is related to Tomahawk, that is a must.

"Tomahawk is connected with our Hongmen. It is not just us. There are probably millions of underworld members in Russia. It is estimated that at least half of them will be connected with Tomahawk. Now our main business with Tomahawk is that we every year They sold large quantities of drugs to Tomahawk in exchange for their arms. Of course, recently they also did some electricity business with us, mainly in Europe. Later, due to the financial crisis in Europe, this business gradually faded. Yes, but the annual drug and arms trade is more than billions of yuan." Li Cong took a breath after hearing this. The power of this tomahawk cannot be underestimated.

The billions of renminbi that Ma Yun said are the most primitive transaction amount. Generally, things like arms and drugs are sold at several or even ten times the benefit. If you calculate according to this theory, Tomahawk’s annual income from Hongmen alone is tens of billions of RMB. How can a triad society only have arms and drugs? Porn, gambling, and drugs are always independent of their families, and the other two In addition, it has to be about the same as drugs. In some places, casinos are more profitable than drug trafficking. Tomahawk's annual income is definitely more than 100 billion yuan. This is still the most conservative estimate.

"The relationship between Tomahawk and the Russian branch of your energy group is also very good. The new Minister Nova has a good relationship with Mr. Tomahawk’s eldest daughter. According to our country, it is a best friend. For the next big move, Mr. Tomahawk did a great deal of cooperation." In fact, he wanted to say that it was helping, but he thought of whether the energy group needs help from others, or it would be better to help or cooperate.

It turns out that it’s her own person. Nova was mixed in. This shows that the Antonov family should be behind the Tomahawk. If not, their support is absolutely indispensable. They have been the top spot in the Russian underworld for 20 years. It is absolutely impossible without the support of a big power. The Antonov family is undoubtedly very powerful.

Handkerchief? How could there be such a coincidence? Li never believed that there are so many coincidences in this world. This must be inevitable.

"I have a lot of things, so you can remember some things. Tomorrow the day after tomorrow, when your boss Zhong comes back, you will also make a post for me. I can also visit this Mr. Tomahawk. Of course, if people don’t like it. No need." Not happy? How could it happen? Ma Yun simply thought, when your son was in Moscow, he wanted to visit him, but he couldn't find an opportunity. Now if you go in person, how could he be unhappy? Maybe he can jump up if he is happy.

I had received the favor of Mr. Tomahawk in the early years. Today, I have to pay it all back. Of course, there is also Ms. Ruolin, the daughter of Mr. Tomahawk, who is comparable to Miss Nova. If you can win the favor of Mr. Li, it is estimated that your Tomahawk can continue to mix in Russia, otherwise it would not be a good thing to be targeted by the energy group.

"Okay, I will definitely arrange it for Mr. Li." A trace of embarrassment flashed in the guy's eyes when he heard the name of Boss Zhong. This was also caught by Li Conggi. It seems that the two people are not in good harmony. In general, Li Cong knows the structure of Hongmen. The boss of a country and region should be the boss of the country’s largest city. After all, the turnover of this city should be more than half of the entire country. Li Cong didn’t plan to take care of their affairs. As long as you all do things well for me, the chance of promotion is okay. But if you want to fight the civil war by yourself, you have to see if your neck is hard enough. .

"Nothing. Thirteen should be waiting for you at the door. You have to act together in the evening. Go and see. Maybe there is something you need to discuss." It's almost time to talk, and this guy should go out at this time. Otherwise, if the things you say next are not troublesome, you have to bring troubles. People are like this. If you feel like you are a friend, you might have to say something to embarrass you.

Sure enough, when this guy went out, he saw Thirteen sitting on a round table not far away, watching some pictorials of Russian tender models, but he felt that these people can't be called tender models. These people have such skinny skins. How can roughness be a tender It’s just a better figure, but Miss Nova really took advantage of Eastern and Western people, she was tall and delicate, and only someone like the president could be with her It.

Thirteen raised her head and glanced at this fat man. In fact, people in the investigation department have a common problem, that is, they are unwilling to cooperate with others, especially those who are not as good as them. Thirteen came out of the most elite killings, and they naturally treated these triads. The elements are even less eye-catching, and they are also at the same level as Hongmen's top ten guards. These young men naturally don't understand what a master is.

Thirteen arrogant and arrogant, but I went to read some information about Qingshan just now. I also know that although this assassin group is not very famous and does not participate in any rankings, it is definitely capable. This is the only thing that the Qinggang can get. It’s something to sell, otherwise the Qing Gang can only be called a second-rate gang in Russia.

Qingshan never accepts some tasks like this. Most of the tasks it accepts are commissioned by the Youth Gang from other parts of the world. To put it bluntly, it is like an internal killing machine. If outsiders ask them to take action, the money they pay is definitely Ten times more than other killers of the same level, but others did not dare to promise things, but they dared to promise. They had also created several large cases, and now everyone has double-digit murders.

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