Energy Group

Chapter 806:

Section 6 Disputes Caused by the Office

"Boss, there must be trouble, and it's not a small trouble. Our rise has attracted the attention of some people. Our large self-defense force is a bit inappropriate. [Ye*zi] [You*you]" Angola rubbed her hands and said embarrassingly.

"Wait a minute, what is the situation, how is it called the Self-Defense Army? We are not the name given by Little Japan. Didn't you say that you are the African Army? Why do you get me another Self-Defense Army." Li Cong When they hear the word Self-Defense Army, they feel bad. Don't these people know that what they hate most is Little Japan.

Angola quickly nodded and said yes, he is getting old and confused, and it is hard for others. An African does not have such a big hatred of Japanese devils, but the president does not like Japanese, and he has to follow him. , And have to scold Little Japan vigorously as the president said.

"You just said that there are some people, who are they? Where did Lao Tzu's army hinder them?" Li never knew what he did. When he came to Africa, he was like a mountain king. He didn't mean to compromise at all. It's also because I can trample on the laws here at will.

"The main thing is South Africa. After all, he used to be the boss of Southern Africa and even the whole of Africa. Now our influence is rising a bit quickly. They feel uncomfortable. You know that most of our living supplies are from South Africa. They detained two shipments of our goods recently, which made our soldiers unable to keep up. There are also supplies in Angola, but according to the nutritional standards you provide for soldiers, these things here are not enough." Angola said with some embarrassment. After all, in his opinion, these black soldiers need to eat so well for what they can do. They should be very happy to feed them by themselves.

This question should have been thought of before. If you want to gain more space for the new exhibition, you must challenge the old power. Otherwise, where can you find your own space for action? It just feels like Angola is not a saying Nonsense, he should be able to solve such a thing by himself.

"Did something happen? Is there any friction between us and South Africa?" After Li Congxian asked this sentence, the guy visibly shrank. It seemed that he had really guessed it.

"Haha, it's actually nothing serious, it's their fault." Angula still wanted to fight haha, but seeing Li Cong's eyes immediately knew that today is not going to pass. I don't know how to do it. I am over 60 years old. People who have been the number one in Namibia for so many years before, how can this young boy stare at himself and listen to him, even a little scared.

After listening to Angula, Li Cong realized how big a thing his son had done for him. This kid led some people to have a dispute with the grandson of South Africa’s founding president Nelson Mandela. They scolded this kid. The guy directly discounted one of his tuǐ, and threatened to kill the whole family.

"He still has no King Fa, don't you hurry up and get me the little bunny back. What if something happens on the navy side? I don't have many sons. I can I want you to lose your life. [Ye*zi] [You*you]" Everyone knows that Li Cong protects the calf, but everyone does not know that he can protect the calf to this degree. Angula feels that he has been very charitable to the children. Unexpectedly, this guy is better than himself.

Especially when Angola went out, I heard Li Cong babble, "What **** Mandela, Lao Tzu’s son is comparable to his grandson, and the whole family is a bit sorry for him, so let’s leave him a root. It’s better.” Angula’s head is in petrochemicals, and it is estimated that Li will be able to pick up a fossil soon after going out.

The kid Li Er also knows that the trouble he caused this time is really big. The policy that his father made was easy first and then difficult. He had to take down all other southern African countries before going to South Africa. He already has it. I have begun to challenge South Africa. I am afraid that my father's strategy will change because of himself. The moment Li Er saw his father, he was really a kid who had done something wrong, bowed his head and waited for Li Cong to scold him.

"I know all about you. When all people are impulsive, you have not reached the age of eighteen. Maybe more when you are impulsive. I won't blame you this time, but this is the last time. If there is another next time, I will teach you a lesson and let you know when to provoke what kind of people." Zhang is so big. This should be the first time Li Cong has spoken to Li Er with such heavy words, kid He was a child after all, and almost burst into tears when he heard this.

Speaking of this, this is the affair between the two government offices. Mandela’s grandson Gut is South Africa’s tyrant. Although his grandfather is no longer the president of South Africa, the Mandela family is definitely the most powerful in South Africa. , He is his only grandson, so he usually walks sideways in South Africa with his father's pampering.

Li Er also happened to be going to South Africa because of some things. The two big and young met in the most luxurious Grand Hyatt Hotel in South Africa. Arrogant people couldn’t understand people more arrogant than themselves, Gut and Li Er. The same is true, the dispute between the two is also very simple, because of a beautiful waiter.

In fact, this kind of young master is fighting for that tone. Li Er, a teenage boy who wants a woman to do, he just can’t understand the appearance of that guy. In the end, Li Er naturally won. We have the right place. Here is In the industry of the energy group, the people here are naturally the people of the energy group. Your Mandela family is very powerful in South Africa, but our energy group is not a vegetarian, and neither of them is afraid that if they do it, they will be killed. .

Although Gut’s men were from Lianjiazi, they were still a few grades worse than the people around Li Er. Gut’s men could not find North in less than two minutes. Naturally The fate of this guy is not much better. Li Er also knows that he can't cause trouble when he debuts in Africa. Besides, the power behind this kid is not small. Just give him face. Who knows that Gut just opened his mouth. A little **** scolded.

We originally wanted to give you a way out for your kid to find death on his own, so I can’t blame us. Li Er personally went over and interrupted this kid’s tuǐ, telling you to talk more, and he would teach you a lesson. Your mouth will still smell so bad from now on.

Now Li Er was in a catastrophe. Gut’s men immediately notified the chief of police in Cape Town of the incident. The chief of police was dumbfounded when he heard of the trouble. He was not Mandela. The old team of the new president, he is a member of the new president, of course, he also knows the relationship between the new president and the energy group. Both sides cannot afford to offend him, so he can only choose the middle route, and quickly ask someone to give Li Er a gift. The news, leave South Africa. In other places, the power of the energy group may make Li Er a little bit. But in South Africa, Mandela’s words are just like the emperor’s imperial decree and cannot be violated. 【Leaf*子】【You*You】

Li Er is not a reckless man, but he does not sit in his room and wait for someone to catch him. He also knows when to be tough and when to be soft. For example, now, on the ground of others, the hero doesn’t suffer immediately. I left South Africa by helicopter.

Just less than ten minutes after he left South Africa, the South African official representative had arrived at Li Er’s room just now. The manager of the hotel directly said that their eldest son had left because of urgent official duties, and it is estimated that he has arrived in Namibia. It's empty.

What kind of government is Namibia. No one knows better than Mandela. It’s impossible to ask them to intercept Li Cong’s son. But his grandson was beaten up like this, so how could it be possible for him to swallow this breath? The next thing everyone knows is that Mandela used his strong influence in South Africa to directly make it difficult for the energy group to move. In addition to environmentally friendly oil and electricity, other industries have been more or less hit.

After knowing all the things, Li Cong is not very popular. His son is an abomination. It is naturally not the time to provoke a big man like Mandela, but sometimes life needs some uncertain factors to be fun, since If you want to play, then our father and son will play with you.

Mandela is the leader of the South African people, and even among all blacks, there is a trace of prestige. Africa is a country with the largest number of blacks. It is impossible for Li Cong to fight Mandela militarily. That would not be good for his subordinates. Black soldiers will point their guns at themselves.

The energy group also has a lot of power in South Africa. The current president Jacob Zuma has inextricable connections with the energy group, but this guy is also the heir selected by Mandela. This guy is one in this incident. Neutrals, this made Li Cong very upset. It seemed that he had to give this guy a choice. Otherwise, his strategy in South Africa might face strong resistance.

In the past, Li Cong’s understanding of South Africa was the southernmost point of Africa. There were gold and diamonds. Li had long planned to get involved in the guide, but he was delayed because of his lack of strength. Now he is strong and strong, as well as sons. The reason for conflict with such a political party, if you don't do this again, you would be too sorry for yourself.

The financial department of the Energy Group immediately split up 70 people into a small team and took the group’s special plane to Cape Town, the financial center of South Africa. Compared with the Skull and Bones, Li Cong’s financial team may have some weaknesses, but compared with these locals. Mao is naturally much stronger than them.

The group mobilized tens of billions of dollars to carry out this financial shock. When everything was ready, Li Cong appeared in President Zuma’s villa. This president was not very obedient. Perhaps he felt that he was walking on both sides. You can get the most benefits for yourself, but today Li Cong has to let him know how he should go and whose shore he should go.

Zuma has been the president of South Africa for a few years, but he has always been an emperor in recent years. Small things can be the masters by himself, but the big things still require Mandela to nod. He also wants to break free of his control. He became the president of a country, but obviously he couldn’t do it himself. Mandela’s relatives and friends old-fashioned control over half of South Africa. This place is like his independent kingdom. On the outside, he is the highest leader of the country, but in fact he is A microphone, although Mandela is no longer the president of South Africa, he still needs to decide on all major issues in South Africa.

The energy group had already detected this when it penetrated into South Africa. Zuma also seemed to see his own dawn. He could use the power of the energy group to check and balance Mandela, and then use the power of Mandela to suppress the energy group. , It’s best to fight on both sides when exhausted. At that time, it’s time to come out and clean up the mess. I have to say that this is a good strategy. If Li never showed up here, maybe this guy’s plan can really come true. Now Seeing Li Cong in front of him, Zuma knew that he should have a choice.

"Mr. Li is the first time to come to our South Africa. I really want to take a good look at the scenery here. The scenery in the southern hemisphere is completely different from yours in China. I have been to China and I know the beautiful scenery of your country, but I dare I am sure that the beautiful scenery of our South Africa is not inferior to your motherland." The first impression that this guy gave Li Cong was that he was able to talk and talk nonsense.

"Hehe, then I have to take a good look, but we will talk about the scenery later. This time I am here mainly to talk about my son and Mr. Mandela's grandson. I heard That kid got hurt. Do I need to visit Mr. Mandela and apologize to him personally." Li looked around when he was speaking, everyone could tell that this guy was not sincere. The reason To say this is to see what attitude this Zuma has.

Zuma looked up at Li Cong suspiciously, as if he had never been alone with the Li he had heard of. How could the president of that energy group put the word apology on his lips? In fact, this kind of thing It's just that you haven't been caught at the time, and you will find individual reasons when you are looking for something in the future. If you still catch this thing, you will be laughed at.

"Mr. Li doesn't really have to worry about it. Fighting between children is normal. Don't you Chinese have a saying or don’t know each other? I think Master Gut and Master Li might become very good friends. It's." Zuma started to get along with the mud. This is in line with his usual policy. It is often like this between Mandela and the energy group.

Li Cong glanced at this guy with some dissatisfaction. There is absolutely no need for such a person in his camp. He usually takes pictures of you and starts to shrink back when something happens. This is absolutely not allowed.

"President Zuma, I have one more thing to do when I come to South Africa this time, but I won't say what it is. I think you will know it by reading the news tomorrow, and it will stab the economy of South Africa." Li Cong said After that, I left this guy with a back of his head, and it was useless to tell such a double-faced person.

President Zuma personally sent Li from his presidential palace and immediately found his assistant.

"Check it out immediately. What does Li Cong want to do? I don't think this is a trivial matter." Zuma walked back and forth in his office, as if a volcano would explode if he sat down.

"Mr. President, I have basically checked. Mr. Li Cong’s energy group has come to a financial investment team, and yesterday major banks detected that about 40 billion U.S. dollars had entered South Africa through various channels. Our foreign exchange management The bureau has already begun to issue warnings, do you think it has something to do with the energy group?" The secretary replied in a low voice. Recently, the president's temper is getting worse and worse, and he will curse at every turn. He has suffered several meals.

Forty billion U.S. dollars, Zuma is a little silly when he hears this number. What exactly does Li Cong want to do? South Africa’s economy is not that good now. If it is mixed up again, there will be a large-scale decline. Even if a financial crisis occurs, he may not even think about head-to-head with Li Cong in the financial market. All the GDPs in South Africa add up to only hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and the wealth is not concentrated in the hands of the national government. It is all concentrated in the hands of a few big capitalists, who will not offend the energy group.

At this time, Zuma really hates that kid Gut, you say you have nothing to do to bully South Africa’s own people, and you want to go to Li Er to fight with the prince, your family is good, your grandfather If you hurt you, you can walk sideways in South Africa. For so many years, no one has ever cared about you, but this time you provoke someone who shouldn’t be and like no one else, your grandfather still wants to interrupt People’s tuǐ, did Li Er’s tuǐ be so easy for you to fight? Now that you have been beaten, people are still looking for you.

"Notify the major banks to closely monitor the movement of the money. There must be no slack. Come and report to me immediately." At this time, there is no other way. The government used to face these financial speculators. Generally speaking, foreign exchange reserves can be used to deter, but this person is not an ordinary foreign exchange speculator, and the wealth behind him is definitely not something South Africa can contend.

"Wait, immediately deposit all the foreign exchange of the South African Ministry of Finance into the UA Banner Bank." Zuma finally said this, and he was also afraid that once the financial war began, Mandela would order the Ministry of Finance to put all the foreign exchange into this In battle, if all foreign exchange is exhausted and no success can be achieved, what is left to me is a bankrupt government, and I can't be a scapegoat for him.

It’s a pity that Zuma still didn’t expect that this assistant who had been with him for ten years was still Mandela’s. After ten minutes, Mandela knew about the situation here. This old man experienced too many winds and waves, but he His culture has not improved much, and he still doesn't understand the financial war very well. In his impression, how can such a thing pose a real threat to a country.

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