Energy Group

Chapter 839:

When Li Cong saw Wang Lingling the next day, he didn't mean to apologize at all. Wang Lingling was so angry that he couldn't wait to kick him directly. The people who made a phone call basically didn't sleep well all night, and the **** blind date was still alive. The phone call at night was endless, and I was afraid that Li Cong would not dare to turn off the phone after calling me again. I was really furious. I had to take a panda eye to work the next day.

"Secretary Wang, did you not sleep last night? Why did you look so ugly, you missed your bed in Jinan when you arrived in Dalian?" Li Cong looked at Wang Lingling's listless look and asked, one sentence almost didn't make Wang Lingling angry, if you If it's not my food and clothing parents, I really want to kill you directly.

"Maybe, I was a little uncomfortable when I first arrived in a new place. Haha, it doesn't matter if we small people don't have a good rest. President, you can rest well." Wang Lingling said with some knowledge, who knows Li Cong That guy nodded his head for granted, which was really annoying.

Maybe Li Cong and Wang Lingling were not the parties concerned, but the other secretaries of the secretariat felt a little bit different. In the past, the boss basically treated the other secretaries apart from talking and laughing with Dai Lai. I don’t talk about things outside of work. This Wang Lingling seems to be really not easy. She has such an ability on the first day at work. It seems that it should not be difficult for her to replace Dai Lai. I originally thought the boss was a nostalgia. The lover, now it seems like other bosses, there are young and beautiful girls who forget the past.

"Can't you keep your voice down when you close the door? The group car is not yours, don't you know if you cherish it." After getting in the car, Li Cong said to Wang Lingling, who was sitting across from him. I don't know why Li Cong saw this. A woman feels a little uneasy in doing things, and she has to say a few words in her heart.

When Wang Lingling heard that Li Cong said that, she wanted to take off her high heels and threw Li Cong’s face immediately. What's wrong with that? Whoever closes the door is not loud. The driver just closed the door louder than her own. Why didn't I see you and talk to him.

"Yes, President, I'll be careful next time." Although there are a hundred unhappy in my heart, I still have to admit my mistakes in my mouth. If there is a saying, the boss said that the sun rises from the west, and I have to follow It is said that the sun rising from the west is more beautiful than the one rising from the east. This is because there are no people who are confronted by the truth with his boss. Even if the boss does not deal with you face to face, will your little shoes be missing in the future?

Li Cong nodded his head with satisfaction and signaled the driver to drive to the dock. Today is a big day for many people. The group president and director personally attended the scene, which is enough to show the importance of the group's senior management to this launch. It is a giant oil tanker. Although it is not the largest nor the fastest in the world, it is definitely the most eye-catching launching ceremony.

The Port of Dalian is located in the Dalian Bay at the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula. The port is wide and deep, without freezing in winter, and unimpeded 10,000-ton freighters. Dalian is the end of the Harbin-Dalian line, with the three northeastern provinces as the economic hinterland, the gateway to the Northeast, and the most important comprehensive foreign trade port in the Northeast. It is China's third largest seaport after Shanghai and Qinhuangdao.

Energy Group also wanted to take advantage of the various transportation facilities in Dalian to build a large number of production bases in Dalian. This time the shipyard choice here also has its own profound meaning. The two largest shipbuilding centers in China are Dalian, Shanghai and Shanghai. Obviously, it is not easy to get in there. It is impossible even with a giant like the energy group. The strength of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortium cannot be underestimated, so the group chose to start its first step in Dalian.

The three thousand shipbuilding workers next to the dock have lined up for Li Cong's inspection. Although they are not soldiers, their military posture can pass.

Throwing champagne against the bow of the ship to let the ship slip into the sea is a habit of Americans. This time the group is also prepared to keep champagne. The person who smashed champagne is not Li Cong, but Li Yan, the vice president of the group. The method is the same. Whoever smashes champagne will become the godmother of this ship. Li Cong doesn't have much opinion on this. Since you have all arranged this way, just do it.

As Li Yan gently pushed the champagne with a smile, the giant oil tanker of tens of thousands of tons was slowly rolled into the sea. The excited shipbuilding workers were shouting and screaming. The months of hard work are all about this. For a while, Li Cong seemed to have been infected by their happiness, with a smile on his face.

The giant oil tanker was named Dalian, and it will be written by the president of the Dalian Calligraphy Association. Two days after launching and commissioning, the ship will sail to the first pier of the energy group’s Dalian base 15 kilometers away and hit it from there. It started its maiden voyage with 450,000 tons of environmental protection oil. Its first stop will be Taiwan, known as the treasure island of the motherland. After unloading in Taiwan, it will depart for the group’s Zhanjiang base, and then be loaded with 500,000 tons of environmental protection. The oil is destined for Australia. After the completion of the two voyages, a large-scale inspection will be carried out at the Australian Dockyard Group, and then it will be assigned to the energy group Sino-Ocean Group to begin its boring and important transportation task.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome everyone to participate in the launching ceremony of the new oil tanker of our energy group. Next, I will invite Mr. Li Cong, chairman of the board of directors of our group, to speak for you." The minister of the Dalian branch did not agree to government officials speaking on this occasion After the cruise ship was launched, he gave the microphone to Li Cong after a brief sentence.

Li Cong can handle this kind of scene very well, and his speech is also very brief.

"Welcome everyone to come here in your busy schedule. I will not let everyone come here in vain. Here I am very happy to announce that the Energy Group will have an additional wholly-owned subsidiary and the group will inject 300 billion US dollars into an international machinery The group’s business will cover all aspects of machinery manufacturing. The group is also very interested in a series of large-scale machinery products such as automobiles and airplanes. I hope that the intervention of our energy group can bring this ancient industry to life again. I hope that this super-large group settled in Dalian can drive the development of the old industrial base in Northeast China. Of course, what I hope in the end is that everyone can support us vigorously and support us as always." After Li Cong finished speaking, he signaled the waiters to serve the buffet. It also means that there will be no leader's speech except for a few words from the head of the branch.

People from the government have basically prepared their own speeches. Maybe the source group didn’t let them speak at all. This made all the officials helpless, but they couldn’t afford to offend them. The audience and reporters. I really like this model, there is not so much nonsense, what is recorded are some important things.

Within a day, the front pages of major websites and major newspapers in the world are full of brief speeches by Li Cong. With an investment of 300 billion US dollars, what is the total economic output of the energy group and what is its annual profit? Everyone is speculating wildly, but some economists have calculated its annual income of at least two trillion US dollars. Otherwise, the bank will directly take out 300 billion US dollars without relying on the bank. His capital chain is not dangerous yet. That only shows that people have a lot of 300 billion dollars.

"It seems that you didn't make it clear to me in your speech today. I said that the international machinery group is going to be established, but I didn't say that I will inject 300 billion US dollars. You did this again and pushed us into trouble. On the tip." Finally found an opportunity to talk to Li Cong, and Li Yan went straight to the subject when he came up.

"Hehe, I just made a temporary decision after hearing what you said. You are going to buy other people's Volkswagen Group. That one project alone will cost about US$150 billion. Why should I give this new group three thousand dollars? Is there a lot of billions of dollars? I guess it’s not enough in a few days and I have to ask the headquarters for help.” Li Cong said while watching the news on TV. He didn’t feel how arrogant he was when he spoke. Talk about how low-key you are.

"Then you should also discuss with me. At least let me know how to answer these reporters' questions. How did our money come from? How could we suddenly have 300 billion US dollars? I said a few days ago There’s something wrong with the group’s finances, and now you have just come out so much money.” Li Yan has been holding her head for fear of falling out accidentally.

"That's your business, it doesn't matter to me, I'm tired, I'm going to rest." Li Cong thought for a long time and said something like that. Seeing that Li Yan was already furious, he quickly took the thirty-six plan as the best plan. , If you continue to stay, maybe you will have to be beaten. This sister is still a sister for so many years, but she has to be violent to us. We can't fight back. We didn't wait for Li Yan to catch Li Cong. His body was long gone. Li Yan couldn't calm down for a long time.

Stepping out of Li Yan’s door, Li Cong looked at the clock in the corridor of the hotel. It’s only nine o’clock in the evening, and I can’t sleep when I go back. Look at the entertainment facilities in this hotel. Li Cong waved his hand to scatter those who followed him. Just kidding, if you go out to play with such a bunch of people, don't play, just go back and stay.

The sauna, the bar, the disco, and the Pauling Arena. Li took only half an hour to stroll around. There was nothing that interested him. The MM in the disco and the bar was too young. He was only a teenager. I don’t know what their parents think. I always don’t want to go to places like saunas. If I do that stuff, I’ll just go back. It’s cleaner than here. It’s better to go out and have a look. It is said that the night view of Dalian is good.

I’m x, what the **** is it? Li saw Wang Lingling talking with a man from the stairs downstairs. Although it’s off work now, you don’t need to ask your boyfriend here. Did your boyfriend tell you from Jinan? When I came to Dalian on a business trip, it looked like there was a war there, but Li was never prepared to take care of it. Last time Dai Lai was so anxious in the hall. I took care of it myself, but it turned out to be my secretary for many years. When I walked far away, I still got a fishy ass.

However, Li Cong never thought that the beautiful secretary who was so dignified in front of him would have such a side. He wanted to raise his fan fist to hit the man, but from the perspective of Li, he looked more It's a bit flirting, how can your strength hurt that old man? Look at the cheerfulness on that guy's face, maybe you like you to fight.

In fact, this man is the young talent introduced by Wang Lingling’s aunt. I don’t know how this guy knew. Now Wang Lingling is the secretary to the chairman of the Energy Group’s board of directors. I am not a character in the class. I was originally regarded as a beloved son-in-law by others, but now I have met someone who is better than a rich girl. Of course I have to join her strong, how can I let it go? With the strength of the nine cows and two tigers, she knew that she was in this hotel, and she posted it. Who knew that she was unhappy when she met Wang Lingling, and the two were not suitable.

This young talent's name is Yang Fan, and his family is in Dalian. His grandfather has the rank of deputy office. The family is not bad. He doesn't care much about marriage, but he is introduced by friends at home. When I arrived Wang Lingling, I fell in love with this girl immediately, but at the time I only liked it. I couldn’t live without it. However, after knowing that she was an important figure in the energy group, I couldn’t bear it. If you live, you must quickly settle this matter down, maybe you can also enter the energy group.

"Lingling, listen to me. I really like you. I like you since I first saw you. Can you give me a chance? Let's talk about it for a while. In fact, I am a Very good person, maybe you have misunderstood me, I really was..." It was just a few words to explain, he said it was not annoying, Wang Lingling felt annoying.

Wang Lingling sneered and looked at this guy. What is liking for herself is just a idiot. Don't think about asking me to spend a while with you.

"I give you the last chance. If you don’t leave, I asked the security guard to drive you out. You also know that this is the place of our group. If you want to make trouble here, I promise you will be very Suffering." Wang Lingling stood straight, a light green long skirt touched the ground, making herself very temperamental. The three thousand green silks on her head were randomly tied with a colorful headscarf, which is really fascinating.

"Don't be so shameless, let's go to the coffee shop over there for a cup of coffee and have a good chat, OK? I waited for you there that night." Thinking of that night, Yang Fan's voice wanted to go up. Coffee, I really drank all the coffee of my life that day. I drank fifteen cups in one night, and the hiccups all have a coffee taste. Fortunately, the cheapest one I drank was only three thousand yuan for fifteen cups. If you drink the most expensive, those fifteen cups are worth tens of thousands. Your hotel is really cheating.

"Guardian, come here." Wang Lingling saw that her kind words had no effect on this guy, and she said something to the security guard standing there.

The security guard saw that the beauty told him to come over quickly, and this beauty seemed to be someone from the headquarters. She walked in and saw, my mother, she is the secretary of the president, and the security knows herself Maybe I don’t have the ability to deal with this kind of advanced disputes. I just pressed the help button on my walkie-talkie. The people in the gem lounge are stupid right now. What's the situation? Why are there still in the lobby of the hotel? Something unfair? The security captain hurriedly led a dozen security guards towards the hall.

"Lingling, no, what do you call other security guards to do?" Yang Fan was obviously a little scared seeing two security guards coming over. After staying in Dalian for so long, he naturally knew what this place was. What kind of temper, even if I crippled myself, I have no place to reason.

"Miss, what's the matter?" The security guard came over and gave Wang Lingling a salute. As for the guy on the side, I just omitted it. You are not a member of the group. I just saw you harassing this girl. If you don't look at you, what I hate most is the little white face. If this girl asks us to beat you, I will be the first to do it.

"What's wrong, what's the matter, who is making the trouble?" Before Wang Lingling could speak, seven or eight security guards rushed out from the elevator, and there were seven or eight more in front. The security captain ran directly to Wang Lingling's side.

"Boss, this woman is the secretary of the president from the headquarters." The security captain was about to speak, and a guy behind said to Good guy, secretary of the president, you can't meet it in normal times. No wonder Zhang is so beautiful.

"It's nothing, it's just a private matter between us. It's nothing." Yang Fan was really a little scared right now. Seeing his scared look, Wang Lingling despised even more. If such a person is really in danger, he Shouldn't you leave yourself?

"Why is there nothing? This person has been harassing me. I hope you can invite him out. He is not a customer here, but I am. It is your duty to protect the good mood of the customer?" Wang Lingling did not look at Yang Fan's eyes. , Now that she saw this guy, she wanted to vomit, how could she care about him?

"It turned out to be like this, I'm sorry this lady, please." The security captain made a request to Wang Lingling, but saw that Yang Fan wanted to keep up, so he blocked it.

"What's the matter, sir, are you not giving face to our brothers? Are you going out by yourself, or are we helping you?" The security captain's attitude towards Yang Fan is obviously not so good. If it weren't for the flowers of other guests , Maybe beat him up.

Yang Fan looked at the graceful figure over there, then looked at the big guys around him, and chose to give up, and walked out of the hotel one step at a time, feeling very depressed.

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