Energy Group

Chapter 847:

Episode 847

Everyone is a bit silly at this time. Although there are many similar disputes between the services, everyone has a certain understanding, that is, casually fighting but not using guns. Otherwise, the above will definitely say that it is their own business, and once there is Such things will definitely be severely punished.

It’s also right for the military to have such concerns. It’s okay for the two services to fight in groups of dozens of people. At most, it’s bloodshed. Everyone’s fights are well-measured. It's dead, but if you move someone, things are completely different.

This time not only the guys in the 6th Army were a little angry, but even the navy people felt that the incident was a big deal this time. An officer in charge immediately went straight to the checkpoint, except for those in the checkpoint. Those two soldiers had bullets, but they were from the headquarters, but this was obviously shot at close range. Besides, the uncles in the headquarters were not in charge of them.

Cui Zhihou was carried down. When he fell down, he didn't understand why someone would shoot him with a black gun. He just became an official, and he didn't have time to enjoy it. He just saw a girl in the opera troupe and was ready to do it. Order something to make her happy and enjoy it. Now there is nothing left. The bullet pierced this guy’s head, and the brain was all over the place. Not to mention it’s in North Korea now, it’s like this in the United States. It's not saved.

When the two sentries saw the officer running towards them, they didn’t know what was going on. They hurriedly took the guns in their hands and let the officers see. There was not a single bullet in them. Obviously it was not the guns fired by the two of them, and the sound of the guns just now did not resemble the retired Chinese rifles equipped by the navy. It seemed to be the guns of the 6th Army.

When the people on the side heard the gunshots, they started yelling and screaming. They had all seen the world in Africa. Some of them had used guns in Africa. They just didn’t expect to hear gunshots in North Korea. In their impressions, let alone guns, they have to hand in a bullet shell. Moreover, most soldiers have no bullets in their guns. It seems to them that killing people and killing officers is something like this. It is too far away from myself.

Naturally, the Navy Guard knew that it couldn’t tell this thing, otherwise, people like him really couldn’t eat and walk around. An officer immediately ordered dozens of people who were still training over there to stop these people who were running around. Unfortunately, These people are really too scared. I didn't know who shouted just now, which means that these people will have to be killed by the North Korean military sooner or later, because they are too poisoned by foreign ideas.

Everyone ran without life, no matter if it was the army or what it was, people can always show their body's greatest instincts when they are dying. Several fast-running guys have already rushed out of the barracks. The gate was closed, and although the officers screamed for them to come back, those people were scared of their courage and the fool would go back.

"You can't let those people out, you must suppress them immediately and shoot them." At last it was time to get rid of them. Seeing that those people were about to run out of the machine gun range, a guy rushing out of the headquarters said to the sentry above. .

The sentry also knew the depth at the beginning, so the first wave of bullets hit the side of those who fled. Unexpectedly, instead of stopping those guys, they ran faster. The officer kicked the soft-hearted one away. Soldiers, taking their machine guns, started to call the dozens of people who ran out of the barracks one by one.

"Look, everyone, those people are really here to kill us. You see, their machine guns are all ready, they don't even want us to go out alive, everyone fights with them." I don't know in the crowd. Whoever pointed to the machine gun with the fire snake on it said that the hundred or ten people who had been controlled all rushed to the checkpoint with angry eyes, and the officer who opened the gun was directly thrown from the tower.

More than a thousand people seemed to have a backbone. These people began to resist the soldiers around them. Although they were ordinary people, they would be dead if they did not resist. All of them would use their strength to feed themselves. With all available weapons and smashed at the people in military uniforms, even the dozens of soldiers of the 6th Army waiting in the base were not immune.

The outside finally alarmed the big heads of the headquarters. A Brigadier-level guy probably rushed out with more than a dozen guys with guns and live ammunition at the order of the people inside. What he saw was hundreds of soldiers in the base holding looters. Beaten by the thousands of people who returned to China, this brigadier general is a steadfast socialist. He immediately convicted these people in his heart. These people must have been corrupted by capitalism. These people have returned to rebel. .

"Kill these mobs to Lao Tzu and let them know how good we are. Don't think that you won't know what you are after a few days abroad." The brigadier general ordered the guards around him.

The people around the brigadier general are naturally better than these ordinary soldiers. I also know that if the current situation is not controlled, the people who go to their own troops will not have good fruit, and everyone has a hatred of the rich, you guys. After going out for a few days of work, and coming back, I still have more money than a regular navy soldier like Lao Tzu. How about it?

More than a dozen soldiers pulled off their guns and started shooting at the crowd below, but at this time they forgot that there were people under them. Many people also paid attention to those wearing navy clothes. Killing red eyes killed these people too, but some of the soldiers of the 6th Army were more miserable. Those guys were buried in the crowd, and the clothes were not so conspicuous. Once the shot was shot, two of them were unlucky. I went directly with that Cui Zhihou to see God.

It happened that this scene was seen by the second batch of officers and soldiers of the 6th Army who came from outside to receive supplies, and I heard that the soldiers who ran over said that Cui Zhihou was killed by the navy, and the guy who led the team immediately went over and said to the navy. , But the situation in front of you is not clear with your mouth. The other leader in the car outside is quite discerning. He knows that even if he enters now, he can’t give Cui Zhihou any justice. Maybe he will kill the red-eyed guy. We didn't even let go of people like ourselves, and didn't expect such a big deal out of a little broken material.

After discussion, the 6th Army outside decided not to go in for the time being, and sent a car back to report what happened here. The rest of the people closely monitored the navy guys. As for the life and death of the returning people, they really didn’t put them on their own. In my mind, there are actually people who wonder if this is the secret mission of the Navy being caught up by people like themselves. After all, this is not the first time such an organized massacre has occurred.

The members of the 6th Army put on a vigilant posture around them, and the people who ran over rushed in. The Commodore Standing upstairs saw this scene and thought that the 6th Army was here to cooperate with him and accelerated. For the strangulation of these people, try to control this place as soon as possible, and the province will grow up for a while and say that it is not good to do things by yourself.

How did North Korea deal with this issue? Li Cong was too lazy to take care of it. At this moment, he was personally making this group of videos on the Internet. It's okay for the Golden Crazy Army to massacre employees of the Energy Group? How can employees feel at ease if the group cannot give employees a life guarantee.

Soon several major video sites around the world immediately published this video. This 25-minute video was quickly clicked on ten million times in one hour. The North Koreans are really famous this time. .

Americans have always felt that North Koreans really can’t get on the stage. Now that a large number of Americans have seen this video, they have begun to propose to Congress that North Korea should be blocked again. This is a serious massacre. There is even such a civilized society now. The matter is really a great irony of the great democratic America. The ridiculous American president was still talking about cooperation with North Korea a few days ago. Is this the object of our cooperation?

The US President’s response was considered acceptable. The President immediately issued a five-thousand-word condemnation report. Almost all the Presidents read this report by shouting. Li Cong was very uncomfortable with the words that modify xìng. What he needs is the last few words of the President of the United States, to impose an economic blockade on North Korea indefinitely. Any country that dares to trade with North Korea needs to consider the reaction of the Americans and so on.

When the Americans made similar speeches in the past, the Chinese and the Russians did not speak, because you blocked North Korea, we didn’t talk about the blockade, and everyone is a big country. Is it because you didn’t tell me to do anything? Quit it? Then we are too shameless.

This time, the Chinese people’s attitude is completely different from before. Although the Chinese did not impose an economic embargo on North Korea as the United States said, they also expressed their opinions. Because the energy group is a Chinese enterprise, it’s about the massacre. It is hoped that North Korean officials will explain the matter, otherwise a series of measures will be taken against North Korea.

As for the Russian side, Putin is now completely dependent on the energy group. As his master, Li Cong did not ask him to do anything important, but just made a statement against North Korea. From the Soviet era to the present, the Russians I haven’t seen this so-called socialist brother. The Russians’ goal has always been clear, that is, to use North Korea to contain Japan. The Russians had a festival with Japan in the Far East in the early years. As for the recent emergence of China People, relying on North Korea is useless, and now a large number of Russian energy and living materials are from China. It is obviously very unwise to provoke China now. The Chinese have given up on North Koreans, and they are still in charge. What are you doing so much?

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev estimates that he can feel that he is a president by standing in front of the camera. Now he has no job other than reporting Putin’s developments to Li Cong every month. It is really leisurely, but through this He learned that a useless person of himself is destined to be useless when he arrives, just like Putin. Although it is difficult to control, the Chinese still chooses Putin for many things, and rarely chooses himself.

When several major powers had finished expressing their opinions, the younger brothers of these countries scrambled to scold the North Koreans and began to declare an embargo on North Korea. However, their country had no trade relations with North Korea at all, and the North Koreans did not. Some North Koreans want what I need, but he has no money. Should we give it away? There are no doors.

Just when the North Koreans were in distress, the spokesperson of the Energy Group also issued a statement. It was not very long, but it was more effective than others. It is certain that the Energy Group will impose an embargo on North Korea, but there is one more thing later. What's great is that no matter if any country or organization has any reason to trade directly or secretly with North Korea, then this country or organization is the target of the embargo of the energy group, and the country or the aircraft transits through the border and the country does not intercept it. The embargo is imposed.

It turns out that those countries made such a declaration just to cooperate with their masters. Now it seems that they really have to play a little more substantively. They are not worried about their country’s trade with North Korea, they are afraid of the latter one, if there is a transit. If he flew to North Korea with himself, wouldn’t he be unlucky?

Almost a dozen countries at the same time ordered their country’s security agencies to strictly inspect all the planes and ships coming and going. If something goes to North Korea, your country’s energy will be out of stock next year. If you go to a third country to buy high-priced goods. It's a big loss.

The leaders of several countries suddenly felt that a statement made by the United States and China’s political fǔ is not as effective as a statement made by an energy group. The world has entered the era of an energy group?

In fact, North Korea is useless to the United States, because the United States does not want to deal with energy groups, but it is different for the Skull and Bones. Although the Skull and Bones does not support North Korea, it still hopes to keep it. Now Li Cong It was like slapped the hand of Skull and Bones into Asia.

Naturally, Kim Jong-il would not have thought that just coming back with such two thousand people would cause such a big trouble. Although all countries in the world have announced that they will cut off trade with North Korea, Kim Jong-il was not very afraid at the beginning. Wasn’t it the same at the time, but when Li Cong’s declaration came out, this guy was really scared, and there was a piece of it there, which meant that all the illegal trades in the past were gone?

In fact, a few years ago, North Korea opened up a piece of land specifically for growing poppies, but there are no outsiders in North Korea, and the people who plant them are all people who have been brainwashed by the government, and they all believe that these poppies are used. It is used by people in the capitalist world, so nobody knows it.

In those few years, North Korea did indeed earn a lot of money by relying on these things, at least more than the money earned by farming and getting food, but if all countries are strict about this, then they do business with themselves. A few gangs might not come, besides, they used to exchange dollars and renminbi. Now these things can be exchanged for money, and there is no place to buy things themselves, right?

Kim Jong-il tried to contact the other party when Li Congbiao made a statement, but the other party didn’t directly say anything about trade, so he just said that he would let himself die. Don’t do it for the sake of the previous cooperation. Tell yourself, otherwise, the other party will tell you about the North Korean state’s organization of poppy cultivation.

The poppies in North Korea are basically made into drugs and shipped to Japan and the United States. If it is announced, it is estimated that American soldiers will come to the door immediately. Americans are really suffering from drugs. Basically, they only find a drug planting site. To ruin one, they still saw North Korea not pleasing to their eyes. Now that they have this reason, they will really attack North Korea. Moreover, with the current relationship between North Korea and the Chinese, don't expect another volunteer army to come over.

While Kim Jong-il was in distress, Li Cong and the Prime Minister of the Republic had reached an agreement to carve up North Korea. Li Cong had nothing to do with North Korea’s territory. It was only the working people in North Korea that Li Cong wanted. .

In fact, according to Li Cong’s idea, the Republic should directly annex this place. It is just that the current international community will not allow a sovereign country to be annexed by other countries. Even if American soldiers are fighting all over the world, it is only temporary occupation. , Never said that it was American territory.

The agreement is very Li Cong, the newly appointed member of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, can arrange for two people to enter. The means of subsistence can be used. In the Sinuiju area of ​​North Korea, a special zone of less than 400 square kilometers was granted to the energy group to build an energy supply base for the energy group to supply North Korea, Northeast China, South Korea and Japan. In the Russian Far East, the shares vacated by the Dalian and Qingdao bases are supplied elsewhere.

Such a base would have an annual output of no less than 500 million tons of environmentally friendly oil, trillion kWh of electricity, and 70 million tons of liquefied natural gas. The energy group would need to pay about twice as much capital to build supporting facilities, but think about the future work here. Nearly one million workers do not need to pay wages, and Li Cong can't bear it even thinking about it.

Nearly one million workers, according to the current standard of 30,000 yuan per year for ordinary employees of the energy group, only one aspect of the salary this year is 30 billion yuan. A few years of work can save hundreds of billions of yuan in base construction. People only need to give one-tenth of outside workers every year to be very satisfied.

Li Cong also directly asked for some vacant areas in other parts of North Korea. Just grow food. We can grow them in the desert. What's more, you are still the land. At least two thousand or so people in North Korea are not allowed. I'm hungry, of course, it's not for you free of charge, let me continue to work for Lao Tzu.

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