Energy Group

Chapter 851:

Episode 851

When the Special Forces of the General Staff Department began to act, the people in the Energy Group Investigation Department were not idle. Kim Jong-il, who has been a national leader for so many years, said that it is absolutely impossible without his own armed forces. In North Korea, he himself In the final analysis, maybe the entire country's army belongs to him, but there is only one concubine among them.

At this time, the captain of the guard died in the hands of the investigation department. There were seven other people who died with him. These seven people are not sure if they are related to Kim Jong-il’s hidden troops, but as long as they are killed. That would definitely bring some trouble to Kim Jong-il. What we have to do now is to kill one thousand by mistake instead of letting one go.

In fact, if this is what you want to do in a normal time in North Korea, there is still a problem. After all, these people can't always stay in one place. They are also soldiers from all over the country, and some have to live in military camps. It’s not easy for you to get started.

It's all right now, because the nationwide famine Kim Jong Il brought them all to the capital, and the guard is not as tight as before. After all, this is the capital of North Korea and the base camp. Anyone who comes here will relax their guard.

"Retreat immediately after completing the task and continue to observe the remaining twelve goals. Once there is something wrong with them, immediately solve it." The number three received seven reports, proving that the tasks assigned to them were completed, but he still I have kept a mindful eye and are still monitoring a dozen other targets in Pyongyang. Maybe there are still some of those people. It is impossible to achieve Kim Jong-il's position without leaving a hand.

The officer of the General Staff who came to coordinate with him also looked at No. 3 with some admiration. Judging from what he sees now, the combat effectiveness of the people of these energy groups is really terrifying. If his own people are to monitor these dozen people, at least It takes three scouts per person to ensure that they can detect what they need, and these people only need two.

In fact, this is also the number three in hiding. If you really use all your strength, one person is enough. Even those who are assigned to the task are just watching and resting. Everything is acting for the general staff. Whoever You can't take out all your wealth at once.

The people in the general staff are observing the people in the investigation department, and the people in the investigation department are not observing the people in the general staff. Both aspects are the same. Everyone understands what the other party means, but they can’t say it yet. Cooperate to complete this task, otherwise the task will go wrong, and the big bosses in the rear will be angry. It is still a matter of whether these people can go back.

When Kim Jong-il made three consecutive calls in his office and no one answered, this guy finally couldn’t sit still. It shouldn’t be like this. Even if one of them had an accident, the others should be alert. That's right. After so many years of sorting out North Korea, Kim Jong-il can definitely guarantee that no one in the country has such a strong power to clean out his direct line at once.

Suddenly Kim Jong-il seemed to have thought of something. Isn't he a native of the country? That powerful neighbor in the north? That socialist country that is following revisionism? No, I just diverged with them recently, but I can't send people to subvert my regime, right?

Kim Jong-il looked at China on the map. How could he imagine how this country, which he has always regarded as the biggest backer, would send him on the road. His eyes fell on Liaoning Province in the northeast. By the way, it seems that there is a Shenyang Military Region in the past few days. What drill?

Kim Jong Il immediately called his head of intelligence.

"Did you detect anything about the exercises of the Shenyang Military Region in China?" There is nothing to say, because Kim Jong Il feels danger at this time, so every second is very important.

The Director of Intelligence looked at Kim Jong-il in a puzzled manner, but did not raise his own question. After having been with this guy for so many years, he naturally knew what kind of person he was. for a while.

"The Shenyang Military Region issued a notice to our liaison office in Shenyang, and also invited the Second Army in our border area to send observers. There is nothing different." The head of the intelligence department replied honestly, and everyone in the intelligence department now It's concentrated in China. As for foreign affairs, only news from some envoys stationed abroad. Thinking that the chief of intelligence here still blames Kim Jong-il, if you don't scold yourself in detail because of the information you provided, then It is straightforward to say that your son, Jin Zhengzhi, wants to fully monitor the movements of the people in the country. It has nothing to do with us. Then you father and son will blame each other.

Kim Jong-il glanced at this guy with some suspicion. Although this person has been using it for years, it is troubled now. Who can believe it? In Kim Jong-il's current mind, there is no trust in these two words. Could it be that this guy was also bought? Didn't tell the truth to yourself at all?

"Give me some information about this exercise. I want to be more detailed and remind the Second Army in the border area to step up vigilance and temporarily close land transportation with China. Materials can come in and personnel are not needed." Going to Kim Jong-il, he still felt that it would be better to block the entire North Korea temporarily. In fact, he also knew in his heart that if the powerful neighboring country in the north really wanted to send troops to intervene, he would have no chance of winning at all. This would just make his heart feel better. Up.

Kim Jong-il told him to go out without giving the guy a chance to speak. At this time, he couldn't listen to anything. Now his mind is full of the idea that the Chinese want to seize their own power.

This is something that really scares me. If the Americans are like this, it wouldn’t make me so scared. The biggest enemy of North Korea has always been Americans, but Kim Jong-il’s mind understands that in fact. How big is the threat to them on the other side of the earth? The country behind me is what makes me unable to sleep.

They are all socialist countries, can they help each other? Historically speaking, yes, but the former Soviet Union sent troops twice, one is Afghanistan and the other is the Czech Republic, both of which are brother countries of their own. The reason is the same. As long as they don’t agree with their own opinions, they have to wage war. North Korea immediately after the disintegration of the Soviet It's relying on China. Are you now the Czech Republic at that time?

Cui Zhihou, you **** it, you dare to betray, Kim Jong-il is chanting that hateful name, but the prime time for him to launch the first wave of attacks has passed, and now he has missed the opportunity to go further. Deployment.

At this time, Cui Zhihou has reached his secret residence. He will not go out from now on. No one knows whether Kim Jong-il will really get rid of himself. All he has to do now is to wait, slowly Wait until Kim Jong Il is finished, and he will become a puppet to take the position of the highest leader.

At the same time, the rapid reaction force of the Shenyang Military Region assembled on the border between China and North Korea also crossed the Yalu River arrogantly under the cover of the night. The difference was that half a century ago was to beat the Americans. The century now is purely for the benefit of his country in North Korea.

The transportation between China and North Korea was done through the iron bridge on the Yalu River. At this time, there were some rapid reaction troops, and heavy equipment was assembled in Anton. If the troops that entered the early stage could not grasp the overall situation of North Korea, Beijing will not mind the advance of large forces.

The former leader of China once said that a war can guarantee the peace of the Republic for 30 years. It has been about forty years since the last Sino-Vietnamese counterattack in self-defense, but this time it’s not Vietnam. North Korea has very good relations with the Republic.

Li Cong will not miss the learning opportunity for such a large group to march into it. Although his own African Army already has such experience, the time of establishment is still too short, and this is an opportunity for actual combat. How can he let it go? The combat effectiveness of the North Korean army is estimated to be much stronger than those of the African bandits.

More than 900 people from Li Cong’s two African companies participated in the first part of the operation, which was to seize control of the iron bridge. On the North Korean side, a company was responsible for guarding the Yalu River iron bridge. Fang’s request was to not use heavy weapons as much as possible. Fortunately, this kind of thing has been done a lot in Africa. More than 40 reconnaissance soldiers from two companies took down this most important transportation channel at the cost of seriously wounding one person and destroying 40 people.

Then one company garrisoned, and the remaining company continued to move forward with the PLA's large units. Li Cong, Angula, and Liu Zhi were watching the video of the battle at that time. It was a good summary. Li Cong also fully realized the difference between the usual armed battle formation and the real war.

Especially when the People’s Liberation Army confronted thousands of diehards in the Korean Second Army, the huge scene of several missile regiments covering positions directly shocked Li Cong and his African regiment. Hundreds of missiles instantly covered six square meters. In one kilometer of land, 7,000 North Korean defenders and 3,000 reserves disappeared in an instant.

"Angula, you haven't seen such a scene in your entire life, right?" Li Cong pointed to the scene in the video and said to Angula.

Angola’s eyes have hardly been moved from the beginning to the present. This scene is really shocking. Although there are many wars in Africa, there are basically no people with this scale. The Chinese army is really strong. It’s amazing. I don’t know what happened in the Vietnam campaign thirty years ago, but if the army in front of you attacked your African army, you would probably have more troops than the Korean army in front of you. Support for a while.

Although in terms of weapons, the army on your side may be better than here, but when it comes to soft skills, it is much worse. Just like the artillery regiment attack just now, it really means wherever it is, and how fast the artillery advances. It's very amazing. His artillery knows what it is. If you scare the natives of Africa, there is absolutely no problem. They really have nothing to do with being slaughtered.

The strength of the North Korean Second Army is also good in North Korea, and there is even a mechanized infantry regiment, which is second only to the First Army in North Korea, but its own army aviation has been blocked by the Chinese Air Force before it takes off. There is, of course, a lot of it is because there is no enough fuel to take off at all, and the North Korean army also lacks important emergency measures.

All this seems to be back to the time of World War II, when the German blitz to Poland was also like this, but now the weapons are much more powerful.

"Boss, I think our army still has a long way to go. I just calculated it roughly in my heart. If the People's Liberation Army is our imaginary enemy, with our current ability, 200,000 people can resist the People's Liberation Army 100 thousand. People’s two-hour offense is already very good.” Angola’s face is no longer the excitement he had when he first came. For him, seeing the strength of the team directly proved his failure. The Chinese saying is very similar to sitting on a well and watching the sky.

"Haha, don’t be so discouraged. The PLA’s army is universally recognized as invincible. Besides, we won’t be enemies with this unit in the future. Naturally, we don’t need to consider so much. This General Liu Zhi, you should still know Yes, this is the adviser I sent to you." In fact, Liu Zhi and Angula had known each other before, and now Li Congcai gave them an official introduction.

Liu Zhi has adjusted his mentality and stayed in Angola a few months ago. It’s just that he was hidden in the past. Only in this way can he find some problems hidden in Li Cong’s sī army. For Angola, he I still admire it. It’s good to be able to train a group of mobs into what they are now, but Angola only has this ability. I am afraid that he will not have that ability to make him develop more, because he has not seen those things. I have never heard of it, crossing the river by feeling the stones is a very risky thing, so Li Cong found Liu Zhi for the second stage of training.

It is a good thing for two people to cooperate with each other. Angula is responsible for the basic training of the first stage, and Liu Zhi is responsible for selecting people with better performances to fill the trump card team.

Liu Zhi stood up and shook his hand with Angola. Of course, Angola had a bit of bitterness in his heart. He had known for a long time that the boss arranged for him to watch such secret things, and perhaps this was to kill the donkey. Well, the boss needed himself in Africa in the early stage. Now that he has helped him lay a good foundation, I am afraid I can't help myself with the rest.

Li Cong didn’t know what he was thinking when he looked at Angula’s expression. In fact, Li Cong did mean to decentralize Angola. It was not that Li Cong didn’t believe this guy, but he had to think about everything. At the worst, this will minimize the chance of bad things happening in the future.

"Angula, I have no other meaning. Don't think too much about it. I just want to make my army stronger. You will be responsible for the first phase of training in the future, and General Liu Zhi will be responsible for the second phase of elite training." The problem should be explained immediately, otherwise there will be a gap between the two people, and it will not be so easy to solve it at that time.

"Haha, Mr. Angula, I am the master in China, and I hope you can take care of me when I arrive in Africa." Liu Zhi held up the wine glass in front.

"General Liu is polite. I know General Liu's ability. We will help each other in the future." It can be seen that the mood that appeared in Angola was very bad. Li Cong also knew that it was useless to say something else at this time. After a few gossips, he let him go back to rest.

Looking at Angula’s back, Liu Zhi still feels a little uncomfortable. After all, he used to fight for jobs with others, but it is intolerable for him to live in Beijing at such a young age. There are not so many opportunities in this world. wait for you.

"It seems that some people are already upset when you arranged me to go to Africa. My work there shouldn't be that easy." Liu Zhi looked at his brother-in-law helplessly.

Li Cong poured wine for Liu Zhi. From now on, this professional soldier will be the number one figure in his army. Compared with Angola, he still trusts his brother-in-law.

"Whether he wants it or not, you are going to go. It is good for you and me. He can already see from the video just now that his own shortcomings are coming. He should not be the kind of stumbling you. People from go to Africa and give full play to your talents." Li Cong said quickly, afraid that Liu Zhi would fight again.

"While there is no one now, tell me the truth, how much does your kid want your 200,000 army to become? The same level as the People's Liberation Army just now?" How far did Liu Zhi train his troops? There is no bottom. In this regard, it depends on what Li Cong means.

Li Cong thought for a while and felt that he couldn't tell Liu Zhi too much. He knew what the situation of those people in Africa was. It would be impossible to let them be like the People's Liberation Army. But if they are too weak, what should Liu Zhi do? Angula, an ordinary soldier, can also train himself.

"I know that it is difficult for my sī army to be at the same level as the soldiers just now, and I would also like to downgrade you to a higher level, but if, I just say if, if you can help me train them in that way, Is this possible?" Li Cong said tentatively.

"Hehe, we are not outsiders, I might as well tell you the truth, there is nothing impossible in this world, but if you want to make it fast, it may be absolutely possible, but the cost will definitely not be low, I know If you have money, don't be too busy to agree to me. Just take the missile coverage just now. Do you really think it can be done with just a touch of your finger?" Liu Zhi said instead of answering Li Cong's question directly.

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