Energy Group

Chapter 875:

mmm section 875 hijacking incident

"Well, this is a good sentence, two Mr. Joe, as Miss Qiao’s friend, I respect all her decisions. Since she doesn’t want to continue talking with you, there is nothing between us. sī pay, so I hope that the two people who should be aware of current affairs should say goodbye now. Like Miss Qiao said, Li Cong is not such a great person, but I think I can come in that door without my permission. It is estimated that there are no more than five people. See if your Qiao family is within these five?" Li Cong walked in at the right time. This Qiao Mengyuan really pulled herself in now, but Li Cong didn't think there was anything in her heart. It’s uncomfortable. On the contrary, it’s an honor to serve such a beautiful woman.

Seeing Li Cong’s cynical appearance, Qiao Mengyuan seemed to be in a much better mood. I thought that these two people were just a routine greeting, but I didn’t expect it to be such news. Of course I was not happy. I guess the guy in front of me. I shouldn't be happy, otherwise I won't say such things, it will be a little bit of rushing customers

"Mr. Li, sometimes you don’t want to be so extreme. Although our Qiao family is not as good as before, it is not a corner of bullying. Yanxi’s affairs are not over yet." Hearing Li Cong’s tone so unkind, The second uncle’s tone is also a lot tougher, but this guy is just a marginal figure at home after all, he doesn’t know that Li Cong has a huge handle in the family, and he wouldn’t dare to speak like that if he knew it.

Li Cong glanced at the Qiao's second child in surprise. This courage is okay. Does he see that he doesn't want to make that thing public? It's been a long time since I saw someone with such a deep mind, and hinted to myself with a simple thing? Is this mind stronger than yourself?

"My second uncle usually doesn't care about family affairs, Mr. Li, please take a look at my face if there is any offense." Qiao Mengyuan knew from the surprised look of Li that this guy must be wanting to go wrong. Now, I’ll immediately follow the sentence. In the eyes of the two Qiao’s family members, there is nothing wrong with it. The niece is afraid that his uncle will get into trouble. If I add it, Li Cong will understand that the guy in front of me is a low-level brother. The guy who doesn’t know anything, when he has so much time, how can he chat with such a low-level person?

"Housekeeper, these two are not welcome here, please go out, and in the future, don't let these inconsistent people come in. What if you lose something in the house? Some people from small southwestern places may not be so honest. "Li Congbian said and looked at the furnishings in the room, as if the two of them were really going to take something away

Although the things in Li Cong's house are also very valuable, the Qiao family is not the one who has never seen money since birth. Li Cong said this purely for the disgusting of these two people, looking at Qiao Jia Er Uncle shook his body and went out. Li Cong felt very comfortable. Damn, without asking Lao Tzu, he just betrothed Lao Tzu's woman to that guy Long Ying. How could that guy compare to him?

"You shouldn't talk about him like that. Actually, my second uncle is still okay. Others probably know that I'm here with you and won't tell me the news. He was also deceived." Qiao Mengyuan looked at the second uncle. The back said softly, women are like this, charity is too overwhelming, I don’t remember that this guy just gave you ugly things, now I’ve taught you a lesson, and you feel that they are good people. We specify that we don't care about such things

"Counting out, we are friends. I don’t know Miss Qiao you are getting married. You see what kind of gift I am giving you. I heard from the housekeeper that you are very interested in this garden. If you really like it, why don't I give it to you as my wedding gift to you?" Li Cong said with a smile

Qiao Mengyuan directly gave Li Cong a big eye, and her face didn’t blush when she said nonsense. Why didn’t you say that just now? Two people are born now, but you will say that.

"I don't care if you give it to me or not. Anyway, I just decided to live with you. I don't want to pay for it. If you want to, I will agree with you. If you don't want it, then the little girl will be a slave? "Qiao Mengyuan said with her big eyes flashing suddenly

I was frightened by Qiao Mengyuan’s straightforward words. After so many years, Li Cong’s face turned a little red. Normally, this guy’s face is of the city wall level. Qiao Mengyuan smiled and was happy when he looked at Li Cong who fled from the wild. I laughed, it turns out this guy has such a time

New York International Airport

If Li Cong was here, he would definitely recognize that the guy standing in the crowd was Long Ying, who was forced to leave China by himself. This guy is excited now, because he can finally return to his homeland. What is in America? All good, I also enjoy this god-like money empire. With the support of the Skull and Bones, I have done things I would never have thought of before. For example, I can control trillions of dollars and directly enter the financial market, allowing multinational politics. fǔ has suffered heavy losses, all of this is brought to him by his godfather Anderson. Yeke, yes, that’s the leader of the upper Skull and Bones.

"Master, the plane is ready and ready to board at any time," said a **** man behind Long Ying. This guy can also rank in the top twenty in the entire Skeleton Club. Such a person will never come to protect him. One of the young masters in the meeting, he will only stay with the big giants, but now he is Long Ying’s follower

Anderson Yake is very fond of Long Ying. This is no secret in the Skull and Bones. This man in his twenties from China has reached the real top of the Skull and Bones in just a few years, although he has a few big giants. There is still a huge distance in comparison, but compared with some young ladies in the Skull and Bones, he is even ahead of a few direct descendants. Is it just because of his godfather? That’s impossible. There is one more important thing here, and that is strength.

Long Ying is undoubtedly very capable in the financial market. If Long Ying had not broken up the Shanghai Financial Club with Jie Dongyang, maybe the Chinese would not lose so miserably in the Sino-US contest, at least He would get back hundreds of billions of dollars in gambling. If Li Cong and Long Ying were on the same starting line back then, it is estimated that the person who lost was probably Li Cong. Unfortunately, the two are not of the same grade, but now Long Ying I am very grateful to Li Cong. If Li Cong didn’t force him to leave China, how could he have this series of adventures in the United States?

"Ready? Very good, now you will set off with me, to China, my hometown, I will be there, continue my struggle, I will win back everything I need there" Long Ying seemed to be making an impromptu speech It’s a pity that he didn’t see what kind of situation he was in, what kind of people he was facing, these bodyguards had been trained by the Skeleton Society to die, how could he casually reveal his feelings, that’s the dragon. What Ying said was better than what Washington said, and they still had the same expression. Seeing that no one came to agree with him, Long Ying couldn't help being a little annoyed. He pulled his collar and took the lead in the security check.

The people in the US branch of the Energy Group in the distance also saw all this. This guy disguised as an airport worker, a standard American handsome guy, and while walking, he kept whistling towards those beautiful flight attendants from various countries. Very popular

"Long Ying has been on the plane, the special plane of the Skull and Bones, unable to penetrate, waiting for instructions." The intelligence agent reported everything he found

Li Cong is also aware of the security capabilities of the Skull and Bones. He just wants to make Long Ying a little trouble. Only by constantly hitting this very arrogant guy in the little trouble can he constantly reveal his weaknesses, so that he can be fast. Beat this guy

"Beep, the computer invaded successfully, start to execute plan a" The handsome member thought of the voice in his headset, okay, everything is done, this guy is still like that, walking to a communication cable and seeing no one around him paying attention. Just unplug the green thing on the cable. It was the airport command network that this thing invaded just now. Now you just need to watch the show.

"Tower tower, tower tower, here is the b0012 plane, we were hijacked, we were hijacked, dozens of people with submachine guns are on our plane, they are quickly controlling the plane and asking us to open the door and ask for support" New York Suddenly this sound came to mind on the tower of the international airport. This is the sound from the encrypted channel. It shouldn't be a boring person.

Since 9/11, all Americans have a certain degree of resistance to similar things. The people on the tower immediately notified the National Guard stationed at the airport, and a large number of beautiful people were armed with guns and took the Hummer slowly. Going towards the plane, I’m too soon afraid that the blood of these gangsters will be killed and the hostages will be killed. Generally speaking, these people and vehicles are driven to places where the gangsters are forbidden to move forward.

There was also a Boeing Group aircraft’s maiden flight ceremony nearby. Dozens of reporters were interviewing there. I don’t know which of them received a message on their mobile phone, saying that there was a hijacking incident here, the people of the United States. What kind of news they like to see is no better than them. The airplane inauguration ceremony is estimated to have a 5% audience rating, but the class events are completely different. Such things will definitely have 5%. With a ratings of more than ten, who can't care about their own life, maybe this is another attack by terrorists?

A large number of reporters immediately reported their request for support and immediately threw down the senior officials of the Boeing Group here, and ran towards the explosion-sound spot over there in groups.

The handsome staff just now actually sent messages to reporters. Watching a large number of reporters ran past, he threw his mobile phone into the sewer, unless someone wanted to check the hundreds of kilometers in New York City. The sewer system, otherwise, I don’t even think about finding the source for the rest of my life. Now it’s time to retreat. Originally, the final result of this incident was beyond our control. Everyone in the investigation department bought a ticket at the airport at this time. Leaving New York, as for the remaining mess, I hope Lord Long will be able to solve it by himself

In the cockpit

The captain and deputy pilots are both veterans with thousands of hours of aircraft experience. They have sent all the big players of the Skull and Bones. There is nothing to be nervous about at this moment. Although the place to go is the headquarters of the energy group, but they themselves On the surface, the identity is a staff member of Pan American Airlines. As long as they don’t get off the plane, the Chinese have no right to behave like themselves. I really don’t know what kind of skills the little white face behind can send a group like us to send this. Guy

Long Ying adjusted her chair, what happened? Isn't this a special plane? Can’t it take off in a while? How come it’s been half an hour now, and it hasn’t taken off yet. Americans’ efficiency in doing things is getting lower and lower, and they can’t keep up with the Chinese. Long Ying cursed in his heart, this time at Skeleton, he will see the Americans. The bureaucracy is not much worse than the Chinese. It seems that some of the things that I have seen before about foreigners focusing on efficiency are pure nonsense.

Long Ying was a little bored and opened the window next to him. The sight in front of him almost didn't scare the young master. Although Long Ying grew up in a military compound when he was a child, most of the people there did not carry any weapons. See The most common is the pistols carried by family members. What is going on outside? There are hundreds of people, to say nothing, and heavy machine guns. The target is still this aircraft.

"Olik, what's going on outside?" Long Ying cried out. This Olik is the **** man, the top bodyguard of the Skull and Bones. The rights in the Skull and Bones are better than those of useless young ladies. Higher status

Olik glanced at Long Ying a little contemptuously. This person was so flustered when encountering things. Why did the president want to cultivate such a person? Is it because of this guy's financial ability?

Olik violently pulled down the window next to him. He had seen this kind of scene. After all, the Skull and Bones' own action team also practiced similar formations to rescue the hijacked plane. Could there be anything on this plane? inappropriate? The first thing Ollick thought of was the five bodyguards of the dragon family who came to Solitaire from China

Olik immediately took out his pistol and pointed the muzzle at the few Chinese who were sleeping on the sidelines, "Who are you?" If there is a problem with the people on this plane, it must be the problem with these people. , Some of the other people are all old people who have been in the Skull and Bones for more than ten years, and some have been in the Skull and Bones from the time of their parents, so there are problems with these people.

For these few people who came to Solitaire Longying, in fact, Longying only knew one of them. That person was the person used by grandpa, so it shouldn’t be a problem. As for the other four people, they have never met before, but these Personal appearance and xìng grid are consistent with the information from China, these people should not have problems

A few Chinese were obviously trained, and the five immediately faced the Americans around them back to back. They didn't understand why? They came to the United States to take the young master back after receiving the order of the old man. What do these Skull and Bones guys want to do? Is it to take advantage of this opportunity to disadvantage the young master?

Olek’s mission is also to protect Long Ying. Both Olek and the Chinese number one stepped forward to Long Ying’s side. Judging from his hands, these two guys should be evenly matched. Olekga believes that this person should not be easy. , Either he really belongs to Old Man Long or Li Cong’s

Two of them held Long Ying’s arm

"Before checking the matter, let go of Mr. Long, or I will tell my people to do it," Olik said, pointing a pistol at the bodyguard head of the Long family.

"Fart, I was there when the master was a few years old, what are you, get out of me" Obviously this guy is not outdone

Both of them looked at Long Ying. In fact, Long Ying’s head was not good enough at this time. What is going on? The middle-aged man in front of him should be trustworthy, but the Skull and Bones. If you want to deal with yourself, you don’t have to be so troublesome, and you have been tracked by energy groups many times in the United States, and sometimes there have been several assassinations, all of which were blocked by this Ollick. If you want to die by yourself Wouldn’t it be beneficial to the Skull and Bones to die in Li Cong’s hands?

Seeing that the Chinese didn’t mean to let go, Olik gave a look, and his subordinates began to approach. There was no panic on the faces of these Chinese people. A few people kept a good cover angle. Anyway, this is in the cabin. With guns, it is estimated that these people have no way to But there are always more Americans. They must suffer more losses than their own. One death is enough, two Just make a profit, it can still be done like this

"The people in the cabin listen, immediately put down their weapons and release the hostages. If you have any conditions, please come out and negotiate with the top commander of our airport. Don't hurt the hostages and talk about everything." Just when the two parties are about to start fighting, Shouted at the plane in English from the loudspeaker outside

The plane was hijacked? The people inside don't understand

Olik used his seldom-used head to come up with a lot of things. These guys in front of him must have solved the person who came to pick up and drop off the Long’s family halfway. They pretended to be up there. It seems that the military got some Similar news, otherwise, how could they come to the rescue with such a big fanfare? These **** National Guards, as long as they give us a secret message, we can easily solve these guys.

The Chinese man over there also understands English. After he understood the words outside, he felt that the young master must have been sold by the Skull and Bones. Although the young master was taken care of by the Skull and Bones in the United States, he has never reached the core level, just superficial. It’s only going to enter. Now these people are definitely trying to kill us all under the guise of fighting terrorists. When the time comes, people will be gone. What they want to say is their business. Americans are best at such things.

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