Energy Group

Chapter 895:

"Boss, we still have a way to delay their offense. The Americans are only responsible for transporting arms, but not for their use. Can we be robbers?" No. 2 patted the head and said such a way.

Yes, Li Cong's eyes suddenly lit up. This is a good way. After the Americans gave the arms to those Africans, they couldn't immediately distribute them. We could **** those things, but we couldn't. It can also be blown up directly. The weapon is nothing like other things. A single match bāng can cost tens of thousands of tons of munitions to fly into the sky. It won't be the first to provoke the war. Whose fate is not fate?

"Hehe, don't tell me, you can still think of such an idea when you are usually stupid and black. It's not bad, you know how to use your own brain." Li Cong praised No. 2 Road, but how does this praise make people? So uncomfortable.

"Number two, since you came up with this method, you can finish it. As long as you don’t let these arms go into our opponent’s hands, you can do whatever you want. There is nothing in Africa anyway. It exploded. Originally, we were a loser. It would be best to maintain this status quo." Li Cong is not a wife, and if someone else will practice this idea several times, Li Cong will just decide. The number two may be a lot worse than the number one, but if you talk about sabotaging this thing, the two number one combined may not be able to keep up with him.

"Hey, President, you can rest assured that we are doing this exclusively for mén. If I let American arms go out of my hands, I will not come back directly holding the fried yào bag." The number two is obviously right. I like this job very much. It's hard for him to make him think of ideas in the office. His working place should be on the battlefield.

"One more thing, President, our killers have basically collected enough evidence, don't you let them arrest people?" One thought of those friends who were still following the US special forces in the jungle.

"Catch people? Tell them to continue to follow me and continue collecting evidence. It is not time yet. If they are tired, they will immediately change me to another group. There must be no mistakes. I want the United States. People slap themselves a little louder, a little emerald, and a little pain." Li Cong said with a smirk, and Number One could only pray for the Americans in his heart. Who told you to provoke you Our boss is now.

"Boss, there is news coming from the European side. It seems that the agreement between Roche and Skull and Bones has been basically reached, but we have not been able to get the content." An intelligence agent reported the information that had just been received.

Have these two organizations that have been fighting for hundreds of years finally unite? In fact, when Li Cong aggressively attacked Europe, the two organizations showed signs of uniting, but it was not so obvious. Later, after Li Cong immediately after the Skull and Bones, the two organizations became even more scrupulous. Now it seems almost like a family. Got it.

"Roche is a ugly jumper in the final analysis. We should not pay too much attention to him. Let the European branch pay more attention to it. However, the movements of the Skull and Bones must be clarified, and every detail must be clarified for me. Report the matter to me." Li Cong's office upstairs still has a lot of business to deal with, but there is no time to spend the morning with these guys in the basement.

Sure enough, something had happened since Li hadn’t even arrived at the office. It was Zhang Jun and Ye Zijun. Seeing that they both wore black suits, it seemed that these two had been discharged from the army. Determined to follow him, Li Cong smiled and let the two of them into his office.

"I said, Brother Li, it's not nine o'clock yet, how come your big boss comes earlier than ordinary employees." Zhang Jun looked at the watch on the wall, and the receptionist downstairs just went to work now. That's it, this Li Cong is too dedicated, but why did he see the lazy side of this man before? Could it be that all he saw were illusions? How did your ability to observe people decline so quickly? Or is this guy hiding too well?

Li Cong wouldn't answer the question mark of that guy. Now they don’t need to know such secret things. If Zhang Jun is alone, Li Cong will consider telling this guy appropriately, but Ye Zi Jun has not been in contact with himself for a long time. To put it bluntly, this guy has not yet gained his trust.

"Of course it is a good thing to come early, aren't you two here the same early? Look at your current look, you should both have retired your military uniforms, what's the matter? This is for me, a businessman. Has the road gone dark?" Li Cong found a topic and crossed the words just now.

"What do you mean by walking all the way to the dark? Don't we both want to create a better future with you? We won't have much achievements in the army. Our father is basically almost on the line now. I can take care of us while they are all gone. If they all go down, we might become the one being bullied in the army." Zhang Jun said bitterly, just exaggerating it a little bit, looking at Li Cong’s expression I knew that Li never believed it.

Are you two even embarrassed to say that someone bullied you? Good people are considered unlucky when they meet you, and bad people are even more unlucky when they meet you. Who is bullying you? If you don't look for other people's things, they will have to burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Well, you don’t say you are so pitiful. Is this still a new society? How can I tell you two to say that I feel like I’m back in the evil old society. It’s not impossible to come to me to help me, but I But I have to tell you two first, you used to be lawless, you will have to listen to me after I am here, if this is not satisfactory, then we should do after drinking this cup of tea. "Li Cong had to talk to these two elders first. After saving things, I blamed myself for not clarifying. These two were also lawless before. If they come up with that stubborn stubbornness, maybe they really don't give me face. Well, for these young masters, face is more important than anything else.

"No problem, our Lao Tzu has told us about these things, and we have agreed, do we start working right away? What can we do with you, clean up for you?" Zhang Jun Hu luàn agreed and began to look for sanitary utensils everywhere in Li Cong's room.

"Damn, I ask you to clean up for me? I have a brain bubble, you sit down honestly, the two of you are not the most important skills here, the Qilu club you did in the previous paragraph is very good, now I will give you a job that you like. You and the two of you will take some high-level members of the club to the Northeast, and you will come out of a club in Shenyang or Dalian. In the future, you two will be the club’s one. The president is now, have you seen Bai Chen? As long as you follow me well, you don’t have to worry about surpassing him." Li Cong threw down a huge pie, what kind of character Bai Chen is possible for ordinary people I don't know, but these two people know Bai Chen's abilities. That's really one person and ten thousand people. Can he have that day?

"Brother Li, do you mean that I will be in Liaodong and Zhang Jun will be in Shandong? We will bloom in the two places?" Ye Zijun quickly understood what Li Cong meant. Bai Chen was in Beijing in the center, but the Great Wall Club still has Many places cannot be looked after. He occupies the upper levels of the central government and the local government. Then we can occupy the middle and lower levels of the local government. If we do it well, it is not necessarily worse than that guy.

"Yes, that's right. At the beginning, it was impossible for you to compete with the Great Wall Club. Of course, he was not your opponent. Everyone was on the same boat. All you have to do is to do what he does not want. The rich two generations are organized by a different force. The local capable people or many in Beijing are nothing but talents in their three-acre land. They don’t want these people. We want them. "That's what Li Cong meant. Bai Chen was always afraid that Li Cong would cultivate a second political group. Now we want the people you don't want. There is always no problem.

Speaking of it, the Great Wall Club attracts some high-level talents. Li Cong can't say that they are incompetent. Because they haven't encountered a matter, how can they know that the people they want are incompetent? I have to try it.

"You are new to this one, you are new to this area, so many things are not alone, so let Zhang Jun go back to Liaodong with you this time, and establish this club together. Of course, you will have to talk to each other later. Don’t worry about funding. I will invest 5 billion U.S. dollars to build a club in the place you chose in Liaodong. We will add more funds in the later period. Do you have any confidence?” Li Cong scared these two guys. Up.

These two guys were in the army before, and they just ate and drank every day. At best, they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars a month without treatment. Now there are 5 billion thrown here. Zhang Jun was ready when he took over the Qilu club. , I just took over without needing to do anything by myself, but now I have to start from nothing, a whole series.

"Brother Li, are you not afraid that we will take your five billion and then we will be dead?" Zhang Jun swallowed his mouth and said.

"I'm afraid, but I'm afraid you two will regret it in the future. You will have more than five billion dollars in the future. At that time, if you just want to regret, I won't pity you anymore. If you can take this club Give me a bonus of 100 million yuan per person. From now on, this will be your annual salary. If you do well, the bonus will continue to double. If you don't do well, I'm sorry. I don't raise idlers here. You are leaving." Li From spreading out your own hands, it is one thing to fancy the relationship behind you. If you are sloppy, it is another thing. I will not use my time to joke with my money.

The two people glanced at each other, and Ye Zijun felt a little hesitant. After all, he had never encountered such a situation before. He had done some business before, but that was basically because people looked at their own face and gave themselves a stabilization. It was the first time for a profitable business to take an adventure like this, and for the first time he saw Li Cong talking to himself in the voice of a businessman, he was a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Jun didn’t have such a big wave. After all, he is already very comfortable with his current position. The chairman of Qilu Club, although not a big club, can be regarded as one of the top ten in Jinan. He is a member of the club. There are hundreds of them, but they are all unimportant figures, either the official’s younger brother or the businessman’s son, but the fact that these people can earn hundreds of thousands or even millions of dues per year shows that these people are very rich. Ability, of course, is relative to ordinary people, isn't it just these people that Li Cong wants?

Zhang Jun gave Ye Zijun a look. Similarly, Li Cong didn’t trust Ye Zijun, and Ye Zijun didn’t really believe in Li Cong. What he was afraid was that Li Cong would use him to use his father, but now he sees Zhang Commander Zhang agrees that the army has the same status as himself, perhaps because he really thinks too much.

"Okay, I'll take it. Give me two years. If I can't make this club become popular within two years, I will have no face to come back and see you." The Ye Zijun seemed to have made some important decision. He thought Li Cong would arrange it for himself, but he didn't expect to give him such an important position, which was 5 billion yuan, and he had never seen so much money in his life.

Putting 5 billion renminbi in the northeast area can definitely build a top-level club. The hardware is ready for me, and my network in the northeast should be successful. At least it should be like the Qilu club. There is no problem, Ye Zijun believes that he is still several levels higher than Zhang Jun in terms of using his brain.

"Hehe, I know that I didn't misunderstand the wrong person. Then I wish the two horses a success. When the clubhouse is completed, I will bring the senior leaders of the group to cut the ribbon for you." Li Cong said with a smile, the two young People, especially the Leaf Army, should be a rare talent, and Li Cong believes that his vision cannot be wrong.

Because Li had too many things to do next, he didn’t keep these two people, so he arranged for them to go to the personnel department to pick up people. To build a large-scale clubhouse, there are people who specialize in mén. Let these two people do everything. It is estimated that the establishment will not be possible until the next century. With the help of these people in the group, it is estimated that construction should start in a few months, and the main building should be almost completed by this time next year. .

"President, the documents are urgently needed today." Wang Lingling took several folders and threw them on Li Cong's desk. Yes, they threw them up. What is going on, even though this secretary usually has a relationship with herself. It’s not bad, but I rarely bring emotions to work, but Li Cong thinks that the last few times are because there are so many things with one more sentence. Isn’t it just to scare myself a bit? We are a gentleman who don’t follow this girl. Generally speaking, Li took the file from the heart of his heart. He really didn't know who had provoked this girl, and he dared to lose his temper with the president.

Wang Lingling glanced at Li Cong with her face sideways, which made Li Cong feel very panicked. What happened, she didn't do anything wrong. Why did this girl panic when she saw me? Could this matter have something to do with me? My relationship is very luàn now, but I can't involve this girl anymore.

"Well, it's okay, you should go out first, and I will call you in after the approval." Li Cong thought that he should send the secretary aunt quickly.

If Li Cong said this before, Wang Lingling usually filled Li Cong’s cup with water and went out. But Wang Lingling did not move today. She still stood in front of Li Cong’s big table and looked at Li Cong. Just like eating him, Li still doesn't understand where he has offended this secretary.

"Is there anything else?" Li Cong seemed to ask casually, but he was actually very concerned about what the problem was.

"Of course there is something. What did the Ye Zijun who went out just now do? Why is it so mad?" Li Cong immediately relaxed when he heard that it was not his own business. It turned out to be such a thing, no, if you say Zhang Junliu The madness still talked about the past, but the fellow Zizijun almost didn't even laugh, how could it bother you?

"What the hell? You are not mistaken, are you sure you read that it is the Ye Zijun?" Li Cong asked doubtfully. In fact, the two of them would definitely go to see Wang Lingling before they came to see him. As the secretary of the president, they admitted their mistakes. The possibility of things like people is almost zero, or it should be said that it must be zero.

"That's right, the look is like a gangster, President, what does our group need such a person for? We are a large national enterprise, how can we have such a person to lower our standards, and call him to the president's office. , If the people who are seen by our customers have such eyes, wouldn’t it be a loss of our do you, the president, do things, don’t let this guy come up in the future." Wang Lingling breathed a sigh I finished talking, just like when I taught Li Cong for the first time. When she finished speaking, she found that Li Cong’s mouth was open and could be inserted into a jī egg. Only then did she realize that she was in this office. My boss gave me a roll, which was too much.

"Well, Comrade Wang Lingling, I don’t understand the question you responded to. I don’t know if you can tell me the details of what you just said. You also know that I am a very enlightened boss. If you have something as unbearable as what you said, I will expel this guy directly based on the overall situation of the company." Li Cong resisted not letting himself laugh, and he could guess it. It must be that Zizi Jun didn’t know how to provoke him. This elder sister, but this elder sister is too incapable of doing things. Generally, when subordinates provoke the secretary of the president, they are basically confused. The secretary just wants to say something that is not painful or not related to this person. He can basically leave his job. It is very rare for a secretary like Wang Lingling to directly find trouble with others, and who can't tell the key points after talking for a long time.


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