Energy Group

Chapter 905:

Episode 905

Mr. Roy? An impression flashed in President Yale’s mind. Damn, I didn’t expect these guys to come. These **** Eastern Europeans competed with Roche for European supremacy. We were beaten to Eastern Europe, and I didn’t expect to dormant. After so many years, I finally found out, and mastered such a powerful force.

Perhaps Li Cong’s understanding of Roy is limited to a business alliance under him. Other information is still being compiled, but Yale knows this guy better, or the family of this guy. .

The Roy family is also a relatively old family. It first appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages and the era of knights. At that time, the Roy family was still the royal family of Austria. However, the change of dynasties later caused the Roy family to suffer. He was the main family that sponsored Magellan’s voyages during the great voyage. At that time, the family fleet followed the route opened by Magellan. I don’t know how many places in the world were searched until the outbreak of World War II. It could be regarded as an inferior power.

It's just that they chose the wrong collaborator during World War II and became a family with Hitler. Hitler saw only the Germanic nation in his eyes. As for the other nations, he saw that he could use it when his strength was not good enough. It was useless. The Roy family was a guest of the SS at the beginning. Unfortunately, when Hitler took more than half of Europe, the Roy family suddenly became a foreigner, not much better than the Jews. He was thrown into prison.

However, the Roy family still understands the truth about the Three Caves of the Tutu. Although the direct line was arrested, some of the collateral children went to the Soviet Union and managed a space there. They also gained the trust of Stalin. Of course, the price of gaining trust was Luo. The Iraqi family donated all the remaining properties of the family to the great Soviet, and also promised that all family assets after the war will be personally owned by His Excellency Stalin.

Stalin's calculations were also very good. Unfortunately, the situation later exceeded everyone's expectations. Most of the remaining assets of the Roy family were in Berlin, but Berlin was occupied by two parties. After the Roy family's battle in Berlin They disappeared directly with their own assets. The disappearance was only for the Soviet side. They arrived in France and started again.

After the reconstruction of the European region, they made a fortune, and they could even compete with Roche. Unfortunately, Roche had control of the country’s power and most of the wealth. The Roy family began to retreat since then. Their huge wealth disappeared, this time it really disappeared, I didn't expect to see them here again.

Except for the Yale President, everyone here must feel that this guy named Roy is really irresponsible. Is this kind of thing that people like you can get involved? Don’t know who can have these? Could it be that your business alliance can obtain such a huge wealth?

Li Cong raised his head and glanced at this guy. Maybe this man is a good choice, but he is not very clear about himself. If the base camp of this man is really in Eastern Europe, then he really has to choose this one. There is a power vacuum belt between himself and Roche. His rise is a dispensable thing for anyone. Besides, there is nothing in Eastern Europe, and no one would care about that place.

"Thirty-three hundred billion US dollars." Then someone quoted another quote. The quote was Li Jianzhang from the Chinese Association. He didn't know the guy named Roy, but he just thought about where this guy came from an unknown guy, anyway. It is for this ambition to directly raise the price of 200 billion US dollars, and there is no need to say anything. Sitting here is the biggest evidence. Li Cong himself also knows whether the Chinese will have the strength to pay the money.

Li Jianzhang enjoys the admiration of others. At least half of the people in the venue are watching Li Jianzhang with a trace of admiration. It is too powerful and directly raised the price by 200 billion US dollars. According to expert estimates, this batch The highest profit of things is about four trillion US dollars. If it exceeds this level, there is basically no profit. Therefore, everyone estimates that the 33 trillion yuan should be the highest. If it is not possible to bring their own influence in two years The return of 700 billion US dollars of profit is really not worth the loss.

"Mr. Li of the Chinese Association made an offer. It seems that we Chinese are relatively wealthy. Mr. Li and I were still our own five hundred years ago. I think if Mr. Li really took the picture in the end, I will give Mr. Li the same. 10% discount." Li Cong said to Li Jianzhang with a smile. Li Jianzhang didn't appreciate such a big gift. You said that I gave me the discount only when I photographed it, but I don't know how much the price is.

Moreover, it is not always certain who took the photo in the end. You just gave me a short promise. It seems that you owe you tens of billions of dollars in favor. But is this true?

There were still a few forces that were planning to unite to bid, but now that even organizations like the Chinese Association have been mixed in. It would be too unwise if you want to enter. Not only will you offend such a large organization, you will also It won’t end up any good, so this auction has set an invisible limit for everyone from the beginning. According to Li Cong’s estimation, there are only so many places where thousands of people are able to bid. Li Cong is also It depends on the strength of those companies.

"Is there no one bidding yet? If no one bids, the auction item this time will be owned by the Chinese Association." After three minutes passed, there was still no one to speak. According to the rule, if no one bids within four minutes, the hammer will be dropped. Up.

"Thirty-three thousand five hundred billion." This time the bidder turned out to be the person in Li Cong's box. Does Li Cong himself have to participate in the same auction as the first time? Everyone couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb, but when they looked back, they realized that the offer was for the prime minister of China. Is it a childcare? Still have to buy it with all the power of the country?

"I really didn't expect that the final fight would happen between us Chinese. Your Excellency the Chinese Premier offered an additional 50 billion U.S. dollars. I very much believe that in my motherland, the foreign exchange reserves of more than 25,000 billion U.S. dollars are your capital. , Here as a patriot, I announce that if you take the auction item, I will give a 15% discount." Li Cong is really more and more able to be a human being, and it will be cheaper all at once. Fifteen percent, I believe that the news here will spread out soon, and Li Cong's identity as a patriot will be even more veritable.

The Prime Minister looked at Li Cong with a bit of embarrassment. You are a good boy. I just helped you carry the sedan chair. But this thing really fell into the hands of the government. Where can the government give you so much money? Now That is, relying on the credibility of the Chinese government to make trouble.

In fact, Li Cong also understands this matter. Otherwise, how could he only raise the price by 50 billion US dollars in the style of Chinese politics. The foreign exchange reserves are mostly true, but a country and a family are completely different. His income At the same time, his expenses are also very large. Don't need other things on top of it? The reason why Li Cong mentioned foreign exchange reserves is to let other people understand that the prime minister is not here to make soy sauce, but really wants to buy things here.

Li Cong kept emphasizing that the Chinese people wanted to stab the guy at Yale. As a veteran force, although he did not have the high sense of honor as Li Jianzhang, in his eyes these Chinese people were not qualified to be with him, so After Li Cong's two stabbings, the Yale president couldn't sit still.

"Thirty-five hundred billion U.S. dollars." Yale opened his mouth and quoted such a price. Perhaps everyone in the room has only one chance to make a quote. The four trillion yuan of profit is only viewed from the eyes of ordinary people, but Yale doesn't think so.

Owning a complete sales network, you will virtually save hundreds of billions of dollars than those who want to build a network, and the pricing between a certain region is completely different. The energy price increase next year is certain. Is the price increase in your own area controlled by others? According to Yale’s quick estimate, next year’s energy prices will increase by at least 30%. Those who can’t see through this relationship think that four trillion dollars will be able to stop them. From Yale’s point of view, more than four trillion dollars will be bought. It is also very beneficial to myself.

Besides, the same thing can have different results in the hands of different people, right? People who have no power can only make a few dollars with these huge amounts of energy, but these things in the hands of the Chinese Association or Roche can build a powerful empire, at least relying on energy to control several countries. The regime is no problem.

Li Jianzhang only now feels that his opponent has come out. This guy is his strong opponent. The previous guys can only be said to be some fun. The real auction will start now.

Yale looked at the people around with some pride, especially the Roy family. Do you think that you can make a profit with this? I used to watch you. Now that you have come forward, you will face the danger of being disintegrated after this meeting. Even if I want you to die, you will have to die. Whose fist is in this world? I have to listen to someone.

"The Yale president of the Rothschild family made a bid. Roche, as a super large power in the world, is really making an extraordinary bid. Is there anyone offering a higher price? I feel that today this item will exceed 40,000. It’s a hundred million mark.” Li Cong is becoming more and more like an auctioneer. It’s just that the eyes of Li Cong who want to get this item look even more unkind. This man is really afraid that the world will be unlucky. Can you calm down? If you don't raise the price, you are too unreliable. You have sold hundreds of billions of dollars more for things that were less than three trillion dollars. What else do you want to do?

"Thirty-six hundred billion U.S. dollars." In less than a minute after Li Cong finished speaking, the mysterious man from South America made another bid. Everyone, including Li Cong, had to get to know this guy again. , What the **** does this idiot do? Even if you really have so much money, you still have to see what kind of people are fighting in front of you. If you rush in, don’t you be afraid that you will have your life to make money? huā money.

"It's really an annoying boy, thirty-seven hundred billion." Li Jianzhang cursed, but now he is no longer as calm as before. Now he is a little anxious, his bottom line is even better than Yale's. It’s even lower. In the past few years, the overseas network of the Chinese community has basically been cleaned up by Li Conggi. Now the Chinese community is left with savings for thousands of years. There is nothing other than that. I thought Not so many people would come up with so much cash. I didn't expect that someone would dare to do this.

Li Cong immediately praised Li Jianzhang again. Everyone felt as if Li Cong was more willing to cooperate with Li Jianzhang. Li Jianzhang naturally understood Li Cong's sinister intentions. If this guy really wants to cooperate with him, he should do it for a while. I dropped the hammer, but I didn't drop the hammer for a long time. I was just talking nonsense here. It was obvious that I wanted to put myself on the opposite side of everyone. I was afraid that I didn't have enough opponents and died fast enough.

"Thirty-eight hundred billion." This is the first bid for this person. He is the old Hodge of the Skull and Bones. This old guy seemed to have fallen asleep just now. I saw no one bidding. He quickly came out and shouted, he was not here to raise the price, the Skull and Bones can definitely pay the money, and if the Skull and Bones have these energy, they can definitely set off another round of energy around the world. In the crisis, only they know how much money they can make in the end. Li Cong would rather announce the unsuccessful auction than let this guy take over.

"The gentleman over there offered a higher price. I don't know if I have followed." Li Congshi lazily introduced the Skull and Bones. Most of the people in the room probably know each other. People who came from the country in the mountains also saw from Li Cong's attitude that there is really no possibility of harmony between the two groups. Of course, Li Cong's attitude also shows that whoever is right with the Skull and Bones is his friend.

Old Huoqi gave Li Cong a weird look, and didn't take his negligence to Li Cong's heart. The hatred of this boy is not low. I'm afraid I will learn from this boy after changing himself. The Skull and Bones cannot sell such high-priced things. I just want to make these people bleed. There really is no meaning to buy it back. I just bought it back. It is estimated that Li Cong will be desperate next year. Expanding production to offset this part of the rights in his hand, wanting to increase the price, Mén did not, the old Hodge is sure that whether it is himself or the Rothschild family living in the Chinese will buy it will be the result.

Thinking of this, Old Hodge still wrote two notes and asked his entourage to send them to Yale and Li Jianzhang. Originally, he wanted to talk to Li Jianzhang when Yale came to Beijing, but they didn’t meet each other. It’s not a day or two if I want to cooperate, so it’s not too abrupt to send this note by myself. Originally, Old Hodge also wanted to make the two of them bleed, but then I thought that if they bleed, they wouldn’t have any trouble at all. The advantage is that it is better to help them.

"Thirty-eight hundred and fifty billion." The Roy's son seems to have made the last bid. When this guy speaks, he almost pops out word by word, and the distress in his heart has already come out. He didn’t have the strength to continue to compete. Originally, he thought that the power of the family should be easy to buy. As long as the Skull and Bones don’t grab it, it’s almost the same, but now it seems that he is really a frog in the bottom of the well, in this world. There are so many things that I don’t understand.

Thirty-eight billion dollars is his final bottom line. The reason why he insisted on adding fifty billion dollars is because of his unwillingness to give up. Even if he went back to sell iron, he would have to collect the fifty billion dollars. This is his last The bottom line is that for the revitalization of the family, for the future of the young people in the clan, he must make this decision, but unfortunately, it takes less than five seconds to finish his dream.

"Thirty-nine hundred billion." Yale's offer directly sent the guy from the Roy family into hell. The guy held his head in remorse and sank, wishing to put his head on his double tuǐ In the meantime, living like an ostrich, there must be no good fruits after returning. Roche will definitely take crazy revenge on his family. Even if Roche has no previous power, he can still be very powerful now. Deal with yourself easily.

Although Yale received the note from Old Hodge, he also received another piece of news. He received it along with this note, that is, because the Skull and Bones are preparing for Li Cong’s attack, the current funds cannot be moved. Naturally, this news was given to them by Li Cong, and another meaning was formed in Yale's mind.

That is the Skull and Bones itself cannot eat this thing, so I came up with this idea to tell myself to give up this Maybe Roche's power will develop rapidly after I get it.

This is how the business of a partnership works. The speculation among insiders will directly destroy their own business, so Yale just tore off old Hodge’s note without even thinking about it, and then took it out. Own offer.

Old Hodge glanced at Yale disappointedly. This guy didn't listen to his words at all. It seemed that his kindness was to misunderstand this guy, but fortunately, the guy from the Chinese Society should not be so stupid.

Li Cong glanced at Old Hodge and saw that the audience was still under his control. The Chinese Club naturally did not receive that message, but he gave the Chinese Club members and Yale members a chance to contact. Will they pass on your note of writing? But in Li Jianzhang's mind, why would Yale still bid? It must be that he has other ideas, and is the Skull and Bones deceived himself? They may want Yale to get this thing. After all, their relationship is closer than their own. Thinking of this, Li Jianzhang glanced at Lao Huo. Qi, finally held up his brand firmly.

"Four trillion U.S. dollars." Li Jianzhang blurted out. Yale looked shocked, and Old Hodge looked regretful. He had known that he would not give them a note. Perhaps their sensible ideas would help them. To nònghún.

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