Energy Group

Chapter 922:

Episode 922

American Skull and Bones Headquarters

The faces of the big giants at this time are also full of miserable worries. This Yale is so good at looking for things, why is it so careless, so that most people in the world follow him to worry, it does not matter if your kid is dead, but if that A few madmen really threw a nuclear bomb, and the consequences were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I believe everyone already knows the basic things and what to do. I don't know what you have to say." Anderson, the old guy, now finally knows what sorrow is. Besides that guy Li Cong gave himself a headache, now he has another one. , And this one is more headache than the previous one.

"Our intelligence shows that the Roy family has at least ten nuclear warheads, and they have missile delivery equipment, and their combat radius must be at least 2,500 kilometers. This is just a conservative estimate. If they steal the Soviet Union’s With the highest technology, it is simply immeasurable, and it may hit us in the United States." The intelligence minister in charge of intelligence is doing his own job.

After listening to his words, the wrinkles on the faces of the giants have become deeper. If an ant crawls over at this time, it may be directly pinched to death. After being enlarged, it will be almost like the Loess Plateau in China.

A few people also know that their Skull and Bones have nothing to do with the Roy family. I think they won’t be able to hit the United States. However, the Skull and Bones have always lived as the police of the world. There is no place in the world. The danger of a nuclear explosion is also unacceptable. Moreover, nuclear radiation has no borders. Skull and Bones have many companies in Europe. If something goes wrong, the loss is not small.

"Are there any reactions from other major groups?" Anderson asked such a sentence after a long silence in the conference room.

"The Rothschild family has already begun to transfer their important personnel. Maybe it is also afraid of retaliation. Li Cong's energy group seems to be about to interfere. At this moment, he also hopes that the world will not have such a thing. The Chinese Association and others. The organization hasn’t done anything yet, and the information that may be obtained later may be too late. The attitude of the Russian government is to directly destroy them.” The current time is not very long, but the Skull and Bones people can collect so much information. It can be seen that the intelligence network of the Skull and Bones is much stronger than the investigation department of the energy group.

"President, I don't think that Yale is a tolerable person. If a nuclear war really explodes, that guy might expand the scope of the war if he gets angered, maybe he will involve half of the world. "The head of the Martin family, another giant of the Skull and Bones said.

Several other people nodded, not believing that anyone would think rationally after a nuclear strike.

"What do you mean? We are going to interfere. That's for sure. The question is how we are going to interfere. Now we are in alliance with Roche. If we abandon them this time, it is estimated that we will not have another alliance in the future. I mean to send our elite troops to Europe to help Roche wipe out the Roy family." Anderson's determination depends on whether these people here support or not.

Send our own troops? These are all direct descendants of major families, and it’s okay to ask them to produce something painless, non-itchy, or manpower, but if they come this way, will they lose too much, and they won’t even win. How many interests do we really want to be the police of the world?

In the past, we were the police of the world, but that was just a name. What we did was to interfere with other countries' internal affairs to achieve our own economic goals by relying on this name. Now it is a clear trade at a loss.

But now this matter is indeed a bit tricky. If you really stand on the sidelines, you won’t be able to get away with a major event in the future, and you won’t be able to get out of it if it’s a big trouble. After thinking for a while, a few people still agree to it. Humans are not a matter of their own, even if they suffer a loss, the guild leader will be in front of them.

"Hodge, how are you discussing with the Chinese Association, how much gold and silver they are willing to give us?" Anderson asked when the meeting was about to adjourn, since the old Hodge came back, it has not had time to ask this matter. Well, it's also mainly because there are so many recent things, and the big things in the past have become small things now.

A few other people had already wanted to leave, but they all came back when they heard this question from the president. The gold of the Energy Group really made these people dumbfounded a few days ago. Their reserves are nothing compared to others, or You have to reserve precious metals like gold. Isn't that money just some paper?

"The problem shouldn’t be big. I think it’s okay for them to mean 2,000 tons. As for silver, I haven’t mentioned it yet. They don’t want much. It’s just the Bank of America in Hong Kong and Macau. We can modify the policy to allow them Joining in, I don’t know what the president means to this?" Although Old Hodge is also a big giant, Bank of America is the most important core industry of the Skull and Bones. Generally, there is no president’s nod. Possible thing.

"It's a business that can be done, but the action should be fast. I have a feeling that Li will never let the gold stay honestly. That guy is not a safe master. This time he might even take advantage of the fire. Time u remind you that kid at Yale, I don't want our cannon fodder to be killed by them so quickly." Yale is also a cannon fodder in Anderson's eyes, but compared to other people, the value of this cannon fodder is a little higher.

"I will follow up on this immediately, and our opponent Zhu Ran has now returned to South America. Our people have been observing this guy for a long time. It seems that he has a little idea about moving to Australia. We want Don’t?” Old Hodge didn’t finish talking. The killing and surrendering of goods is not a problem, but it’s better to say it more obscure. There are some nobles sitting here, the most expensive nobles in the United States. Said.

Zhu Ran? This guy is really a hot character recently. Almost all the senior officials of the Skull and Bones know this guy. This kid is not an ordinary person. He took out tens of thousands of tons of gold, almost all of which have been stored in various countries in the world. All in all, this Chinese still has such a huge list of energy companies in his hands, and it can be sold in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. If he does not take a layer of skin off his body, I am really sorry for this person.

To Australia? Want to run? Is it that easy? In America, it's all in its own world. In Australia, half of them belong to Li Cong. Of course, I can't just tell you to leave.

"Sell someone to follow this guy, don’t hurt him. We can’t be diverted from the European side. This Zhu Ran is our most important prey at the moment. Even if his money has been spent, this kid still There are hundreds of millions of tons of environmentally friendly oil contracts with various energy sources. These are real money. This kid must spit it out. If he doesn’t spit it out, he can’t be so cheap.” Anderson hated him when he mentioned this guy. For so many years, there hasn't been such a rich man in his field now.

"According to our news, this person brought back Li Cong's escort. Are we going to kill them?" The Minister of Operations next to him asked cautiously. If he accidentally went to war with the energy group because of this trivial matter, he would be unlucky.

"What's going on with it, is our Skull and Bones afraid of things?" President Anderson came out domineering, and everyone wanted to come over. Others were afraid of the energy group. We may not be afraid of them. Even if we are with the energy group until now, we are It can't be regarded as a failure, and our overall strength is much stronger than them.

Somewhere in South America

This is the Zhu’s house in South America. The scenery in the southern hemisphere is beautiful. The Zhu’s family has occupied this place for nearly a hundred years. Whether it is Spanish colonizers or Portuguese, it was not that they had not had the idea of ​​playing here. But in the end, the governors and the wealthy all disappeared. The government at the time had also checked a few times on a large scale, but then nothing came of it. With this lesson learned, the life here is pretty good.

Zhu Ran only returned here a few days ago. This time it can be said to be a success, but there is a risk if there is a gain, and the risk is not very small. The anger of the Skull and Bones will come soon. Tian Zhuran is busy disposing of some fixed assets under his hand, and preparing to dispose some of the fixed assets he can't take away. He wants to start again in Australia, but the whole Zhu family has been here for hundreds of years, and there are tens of thousands of people. Some of these people like this place, and it is a bit difficult for them to move.

Zhu Ran did not force everyone to follow him. It is okay to leave some people here, but their destiny can only be determined by themselves. Anyone who is willing to stay will buy a family property and do it. In the small energy business, Zhu Ran’s bargains are available, so it’s okay to mix things up here.

"Zhu Ran, is this the result of your going out this time? What is our ancestral training? Just tell us to completely expose ourselves like this? The gold is left by our ancestors. Now you can The flowers are clean, and you still have to leave this place where you have lived for hundreds of years. What do you want to do?” You don’t need to look at Zhu Ran to know who it is. This is his elder brother, a bookworm, who pays attention to ancient teachings, but now this time Is it time to pay attention to those things? It must have been caused by his disagreement because he wanted to stay.

"Big brother, I know you can't bear this place, and I can't bear it, but if we don't leave, we can only be eaten by people. Now we are like a kid holding gold bricks. We are all in our hands. If we are interested in the BRICs, if we want to keep this golden outfit, we can only expand our own influence. We have to leave this place. The ancestral training also teaches us to move. Isn’t it better for us to go to Australia? We finally Isn’t the purpose of going back to China? By then, aren’t we going to leave the same way?” Although there are tens of thousands of people in the Zhu family, only this brother is the closest to his own blood, but I don’t know why the two brothers That means I can’t go together.

"What golden bricks? I don’t care about that. Just keep it for yourself. I have my own job. I can support myself. I don’t want a penny from this guy, but I won’t leave with my family. You don’t need to pay me the resettlement allowance you gave to other people. I still live on my own. Go and go by yourself. Don’t force me to move.” Sure enough, for this reason, I told him to leave a few days ago. However, there has been no movement in the past few days.

The quarrel between the two brothers was basically uninterrupted. Most people would definitely think that the quarrel was due to the uneven distribution of the family property. In fact, Zhu Ran’s eldest brother was not interested in money at all, and he was pedantic. When something happens, I always feel that the society Zhu Ran is talking about is a bit exaggerated.

"Big brother, can't you listen to my persuasion? Those who stayed are the collateral children of my Zhu family. Will Skeleton make trouble for them, but you are different. You are my eldest brother. , If you are really caught by them and threaten me with you at that time, what should I do." Zhu Ran still has a deep feeling for the eldest brother, so I must take him with him.

"Second brother, isn’t our Zhu family out of money? Didn’t all the gold be taken away by the people of the energy group? What are we going to do? In the future, we can do our business in peace. If the Skull and Bones come. If you are in trouble, you just give them a portion of the profit. Besides, the idea of ​​returning to China feels too unrealistic. It has been for many years. Have our fathers made little effort, but are we successful now? It is said that one day will be successful, but when will that day arrive?" Zhu Jian said sadly. His father was an emperor mí, but he did not expect his younger brother to be such a person.

Back then, their father wanted to revive the Ming Dynasty, but the final result was to watch the sea die. It was impossible for that kingdom to return to their hands. Wouldn't it be okay to have the money left by the ancestors to live a good life? It's a pity that the boss, Zhu Jian, understands that this second child still doesn't have any awakening, and always feels that he can still return to that land.

"Brother, you can scold me and beat me, but you can't insult our fathers. It's your business if you don't have that kind of ambition, but I can't. We are different from others. We are members of the royal family. We should have the royal family. How can we become ordinary people? You know more about how our great ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang got started. You know more than me. We are now stronger than our great ancestor by many times. As long as we plan properly, we The dream of our ancestors will be realized in our generation. We have now successfully replaced the silver and gold that our ancestors left us with something we need. As long as I can get rid of these oils, we You can earn back at least 30% of the interest. That is the efforts of our parents for decades, brother, it only takes two years in my hands. Is there such a chance that I will not do it?" Zhu Ran Looking at his elder brother angrily, he had known that his elder brother had no big ambitions, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have what a royal family should have, and it hurts myself too much.

"You are really unreasonable. I won't leave here anyway. I don't believe that the Skull and Bones people will come and kill me. You have to go and go by yourself. I tell you, your dream is impossible to realize in your life. "Zhu Jian didn't come back when he was persuaded, he just threw the tea cup in his hand and left. For so many years, the two brothers would have a quarrel when it came to this problem.

"Come here, send my eldest brother to Australia first." It’s just that Zhu Ran can’t let Zhu Jian go out like that this time. He doesn’t know when the Skull and Bones people will do it, or where the Skull and Bones people will do it. I still have time to do these things in advance.

"Second, do you dare?" It is a pity that Zhu Jian was dragged out by a few people before the next sentence came out. Zhu Ran didn't want to do that, but if he didn't take him away, he might regret it for a lifetime.

I have come out of this step, and it is destined that the Zhu family cannot continue to hibernate. Since sooner or later there will be this day, it is better to let myself do it. The savings of several generations have allowed me to exchange the paper in my hand. The effect of the contract is not bad. At least I have sold one-tenth of it so far. Once I change hands, I get 30% of the profit. What I have to do is to sell the contract in batches faster. I originally wanted to I stayed and waited for the shot next year, but I have not estimated this form for myself. Recently, there have been more and more people in the vicinity. If I still keep it in my hand, it will be reserved for the Skull and Bones~www.wuxiaspot .com~Second Young Master, it's not good, just now a few people went out with the Young Master, and there was a car accident before the corner. "At this time, one of the servants hurried over and said, just now those people took Zhu Jian to go to the airport. They did not expect that they ran into a small truck when they left the house. This is a coincidence, and Zhu Ran was killed. Don't believe this is an ordinary car accident.

"How is the young master?" Zhu Ran asked hurriedly.

"The car accident was not very serious. The young master just scratched his skin, and now he has returned, but he was frightened." The servant quickly said, and Zhu Ran let out a sigh of relief when he heard it. If you don't want to do everything, this can only be a warning to yourself, and it shouldn't be that simple next.

"Order immediately, don’t go out if there is no need, wait until I come back and talk about everything, and notify the masters at home, don’t transfer for now, let those who came back with me come to me this time, I have something to do Find them." Zhu Ran ordered.

Now I can only talk to the Skull and Bones. The whole family is shifting. They can't stare at everyone, they can only stare at themselves and the people around them. They should be a target. Show them and let others transfer.

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