Energy Group

Chapter 925:

Number one master

"It turns out that I didn't know anything about it. I didn't expect that the internal competition in your investigation department was so fierce. Seeing that you have been in this position, it seems that the challenge has been very successful, but I think your belly is a bit big. , Maybe you will be incapable of action in the future, if you call the number six to beat you down, it will be troublesome." Li Er said with a smile, sometimes it is good to make fun of this guy.

"Huh? The guy on No. 6 wants to compare with me? Master, it's not my fifth brag, I just lie down and sleep until next year's game, this guy is no good." No. 5 said disdainfully, but this is also No matter how hard it is, he still knows the strength of No. 6. A year ago he was able to beat him two by one. Now it is a bit difficult. This is not to say that I don’t work hard. It’s just that I want to continue to improve at this level. Is very big.

In fact, the ranking of numbers in the investigation department is not only based on this competition, this is only one aspect, and another is their own points. This point is calculated by completing the tasks by themselves. Everyone has to go out for tasks every year. The protection tasks are divided into half. Only when all the tasks are completed well can his score be higher, and his seat can be more stable. Just like the number five, his outing tasks and protection tasks are the same. , Is to follow Li Er, as long as Li Er is okay this time, even if his protection mission is completed, and the thing is successful, the outing mission is considered complete, but the score of the protection mission is higher, so he stayed in Li. By the ear.

Master, Martin is starting to do it. The people sent by Anderson have already entered the South American branch. Nothing has passed yet. It should be the headquarter and the branch confrontation. "An intelligence agent immediately reported it to Li Er after receiving the information. It turned out that it was the first to start. It seems that Anderson is really angry. Otherwise, he will not move so fast, and he will fight in front of him. Anderson is also shameless.

At this time, Martin had fallen from heaven to **** ten minutes ago. He really didn't expect that this retribution would come so fast. He just had a dream and went to **** right away? How could the people in this headquarters come at this time, and they have already said more than half of their own plans. The most terrible thing is this guy who leads the team, who is the first confidant of the president, and the code name shadow.

Generally speaking, this person does not often come out to do errands. The last two times he executed Mr. Anderson’s own grandson Gertsen, which seems to be because of collusion with the energy group. The other is that he went to Europe to do a major event. The next time, several of Roche's senior officials completely fell to the Skull and Bones when Roche evacuated Europe. I didn't expect that he would have such a high standard to execute himself in person.

Martin naturally knows why Ying is here at this time, and he has nothing to hide in front of Ying. People are here, and he can't get around him anymore. This person doesn't even have the temperature. Naturally, it doesn’t need to say that the kind of human relationship is, and it has been done to the chairman’s grandson, let alone oneself.

"Mr. Shadow, I know what mistakes I made. This is my savings over the years, 35 billion U.S. dollars. I hope that this money will allow me to die without pain. I also hope that my family can continue to live. I hope Master Ying can look at the face of our Martin family and don't embarrass my family. "Although there is no hope, he still doesn't want to give up. As for his own life, he doesn't want to.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Martin, you are a traitor to the Skull and Bones. You must know how the Skull and Bones treat the traitors, and you are the one who will ask questions. I will only execute orders, and I will not look at any family or people. I’ll do what the president says, and I’ll do it myself. As for your family, you don’t know the rules of the organization." Ying said without a slight expression when he came to South America to perform this task. To kill Martin is as simple as killing 15 of Martin’s immediate family members. This is the way Skull and Bones treat traitors, and if this matter is clearly related to Vice President Martin, his deputy There is no need to continue sitting in the chairman's seat. Even if there is nothing wrong, the Martin family will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in fines.

Although Gertson was also a betrayal last time, it was only meant by him alone, not by the entire family. This time it involves the entire Martin family. I don't expect Anderson to be so benevolent.

"Don't you even spare a child? This is the organization? I have worked for the organization for more than ten years. In the end, I can't even keep my son's life?" Mr. Martin said angrily. At this time he It seems a bit daring to resist the shadows. The dozens of people under him knew at this time that as long as Martin died, it would be their turn. The dozens of people outside had already been resolved, silently, this It is the method of the headquarter, but no matter how powerful it is, you will always have to resist if you want your own life.

"Mr. Martin, you are wrong about this. It's not that the organization doesn't want to save your son's life. It's you who can't save your son's life. If you weren't sentenced to organize yourself, then your son is noble, in the whole world. How many people dare to move him?" Ying Fan asked. There are too many traitors who have been responsible for execution in these years. Although the chairman did not want to explain to them, he is also an individual, not a machine, and sometimes also. Need to talk.

Ying saw that the few people behind Martin touched their waists, Ying knew that they all had weapons, but what was the strength of these people in front of her eyes? Regardless of the people in this room who belong to one's own side, there is only one and one entourage, but it is a matter of minutes that can be done to solve a dozen of them.

"You guys, I advise you to stay still. You should decide on your own. If you die, it has nothing to do with your family. If you die, your family will receive generous pensions, but if you do If you shoot a gun at me, it is a rebellion. You should understand how big the gap is between these two situations. Look at Mr. Martin. He hopes that he can be treated like you. He just killed himself and forgave his family members. If you want the whole family to die clean, just draw your guns. I don’t care if you kill dozens more." Ying shrank himself in his black robe after speaking. He didn’t look at these dozen or so people at all, it was his. The entourage is also like that, as if it is determined that these people will definitely commit suicide.

Ying’s thoughts were not wrong. After hearing what Ying said, these people had no intention of resisting. They all looked at shadows now, and then thought of their family members. Yes, I can’t be so confused. I originally followed Martin. Betraying luàn is a stupid thing. You can no longer do stupid things at this time. If you involve your family members, then you are really a jerk. One of the bodyguards can’t stand the quiet pressure and pull out his own. A shot of the pistol came to his head.

"Very well, this is our Skull and Bones guy. If you dare to do it, you must dare to be. You have five minutes. I will come to collect the corpse in five minutes. I will give you a shot for those who are not dead." Ying I understand that the president told me that he can’t be merciless when dealing with traitors. The traitor is his own person. But if he betrayed himself, if you don’t kill him, you may be threatened more seriously in the future because of his betrayal of his living organization, even His own life, so Ying did not feel any guilt at all when he did such a thing.

After Ying finished speaking, he walked out of this room. Before he closed mén, there were two gunshots from the room. Even Mr. Martin, who was vowing to have a theory with the organization just now, was also limp on the ground. He really regretted it. If he didn't do that, he would still be the most important expatriate cadre of the Skull and Bones. One day he might return to the headquarters to join the board of directors. Perhaps his son would be better off with his help. The future may be uncertain, but all this has been ruined. Now all I can do is pick up my gun and end myself.

The moment Ying walked out of mén, she suddenly looked up to the mountain outside the villa. It turned out that there were still people watching here. Who was so courageous to watch this place? How could the Zhu family have the courage to look here now that it is hard to guarantee by themselves? It's not that they can only be members of the Energy Group. It seems that if we don't give you a bit of face, we really feel that our Skull and Bones are no one.

At the same time, when Li Er saw the appearance of the shadow on the computer screen for the first time, he felt shocked all over his body. It seemed that things were not so easy this time. This person put a lot of pressure on him, even the number five around him. Only to be able to compete with this person, but why does this person feel better than the number five.

"Quickly, immediately order the people monitoring the Skull and Bones branch to retreat immediately, right away." Li Er almost shouted out. He felt the danger, but unfortunately it was a bit late to speak out now. The shadow on the screen seemed to smile at the screen. After laughing, he disappeared abruptly. Li Er had seen the fastest movements of No.1 and others, and knew that this was not a disappearance, but that a person moved too fast, just like disappearing.

"Master, we can't contact them." An intelligence officer replied, but he didn't think those people were dead, maybe because of the wiring problem. Although there were only four people over there, the strength of these four people was not weak. Yes, there is no difference in the ability of the Thunder Team members. Even if they are not capable of the enemy, it should be no problem to escape. Even if it is impossible to run out all of them, it is no problem to run out of one.

Li Er’s heart sank. This time I really met an opponent. It was not as easy as I thought before. Perhaps this is the strongest force of the Skull and Bones. The ones I have encountered before can only be some. Right.

"On the fifth, order to go down immediately and send everyone the photo of that person just now. If this person appears, I will retreat immediately. Don't worry about Zhu Ran's life." Li Er said after a short period of thought. , The person in front of him is really terrifying. He must be at least a few hundred meters away from the surveillance personnel. This guy actually lost contact with him in more than a minute, and he is almost like a Superman. If your own people run into this guy, it can only be death, so I don't want to play such a meaningless loss.

"Master, our mission will fail in this way. The president meant to save Zhu Ran's life." On the fifth, I couldn't believe that this was his own young master. In my own impression, the young master has never been wrong. How scared? Why did you change after seeing this person this time? Even if this person is very powerful, but not as powerful as the sky, I can see the action just now, even if I am stronger than myself. So, if I really take out my own strength, I will definitely be better than this guy, besides, there are a few killers around, and there is a number seventy in it. I can't deal with such a guy, but it's not enough. Are you leaving now?

"No, this person also appeared once when Gertsen died. At that time, his displayed combat power was amazing. Dozens of people protected one person. This guy unexpectedly gave Gertsen to him. Killed, and I feel that he must be the strongest force of the Skull and Bones. If we run into such a person without preparation, the loss will be great, and it is worthless for Zhu Ran." Li Ear bit his lip and said, if you discard a large number of subordinates' lives to complete the task at this time, you can't do it.

After the shadow killed the surveillance personnel of these groups, it did not take any excessive actions. It just broke the generator of the energy group. This time it is the people of your group who crossed the boundary. If your own people are watching Li Cong believes that you will not take us into consideration. When I came this time, the chairman specially ordered mén not to show weakness. There was such a big thing in Europe, and nuclear weapons could not be solved in a short while. Yes, all the energy in the organization has gone over there. This is in the backyard. You must not leave the house. This Zhu Ran, the chairman of the board, ordered him to be taken back alive. His body is worth trillions of dollars. The contract, even if that āoyi is ruined, this Zhu Ran cannot develop.

Ying turned his head and glanced at the original Skull and Bones branch, which was basically completed. It seemed that Martin was not very convinced, and wanted to fight it by himself. Unfortunately, his loyal men gave this kid the result in advance. If this guy rushed out to fight against the movie, it would mean that everyone in the room would be rebellious, and all their families would not have to live.

"Master Shadow, some of Mr. Martin's family members are in contact with the major families in the organization, do we really want to kill them all?" A subordinate looked at Martin's information, because the Skull and Bones are all intermarried. , Martin's wife is Anderson's grandnephew nv, so I asked such a sentence.

"You don't need to kill it. If you are willing to trade your life with your family, are you willing?" Martin asked back, I really don't know how these idiots got into the inner circle. All of his grandsons can be killed, not to mention a grandnephew nv, it is estimated that the president has never seen this person.

Under the order of the shadow, more than a dozen people fell to the ground. Martin's family in South America went to see God. Just because of their family's momentary greed, Anderson's methods will naturally not stop. Killing Martin is just the beginning. , That Zhu Ran’s mistake with the Martin family is what he needs. Internally, he can suppress his opponents, and externally, he can increase his income by looting.

"Come here, cut off Martin's head and send it to Zhu Ran. If that guy understands, call me the contract in his hand, otherwise tell him I will talk to him personally. "Shadow pointed to Martin's body and said, even if you are dead, you are still the organizer, and your corpse can serve the organization.

Zhu Ran made a list just after he got home. In a Zhu family of Nuo Da, only a few people on the paper can go with him. The rest of the people have to die. If you want to say that you are not sad at all, it is not Possibly, many people are playmates who grew up together, but for the sake of the family's cause, let's give up on you.

"Second Young Master, a person outside is from the Skull and Bones. He sent something and said it was something that was given to you by the envoy of their headquarters." The butler held a box and said. This butler is usually Zhu Ran's right and left hand, so he told Zhu I also know a lot about the family, and his name is on the list of people who can be taken away.

Hearing the news, Zhu Ran felt a stiff feeling all over his body. People from Skull and Bones headquarters? When did I have any contact with the people in their headquarters? What is in this box? Is it a bomb? Didn't open the thing Ran immediately picked up his mobile phone Call Martin to see what the **** is this guy doing, but to his surprise, the ringtone of the phone came out of this box. When Zhu Ran tried to hang up the phone, the sound inside also stopped. , An ominous hunch spread around.

"Hit... open that box and see what's inside." Zhu Ran said with some fear, and the butler was also wondering for a while, why there is a sound of mobile phones in it. I tested it during the inspection just now. What's the danger inside? There is no product, it shouldn't be a bomb or something.

"Ah.. Human head, vomit. vomit." The housekeeper took a look and ran to mén's mouth to vomit. It was really disgusting. A red head was thrown in that box like that, red. The white ones are everywhere, they are all mixed together, that is, the sealing of this box is better, and there is no smell wafting out up to now, so I even put my head on it.

Zhu Ran also felt a little vomiting, but he didn't react so strongly when he was so far away. He just twisted his head. But when his formidable light swept over that head, his heart hung directly, my god. Well, it turned out to be Martin’s head. That guy is the core member of the Skull and Bones. The controller of the entire South America didn’t expect this guy to die, and the people from the Skull and Bones headquarters. Needless to say, this guy was killed by their own people. Yes, otherwise, who else has such courage?

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