Energy Group

Chapter 940:

Section political fǔ trust crisis

Although Vice Chairman Wang also understood that this incident was done by the son named Li in the Chinese Association. I am afraid that only he knows what it means, but these people are not fools. Naturally, they also understand that there are reasons for interest. What is hateful is the attitude of the Wang family in the Chinese Association. Although he is not the core of the Wang family, he is also a family member, and now he joins outsiders to fight against him.

However, Vice Chairman Wang quickly figured out what was going on. He and the Wang family are in the same family. But with the growth of his power over the years, his concubine is about to catch up with the direct line, and the family comes out to suppress it. It's not a rare thing for me, and it's the same as the idea that Empress Dowager Cixi said that she would rather not give domestic slaves to your friends.

Since each of you can unite with outsiders to deal with your own people, then I don’t need to save you any face. While I still have the right in my hands, I will ask you to pay the price together. The mastermind of this matter is my niece. It’s true, but the Chinese Association used to do things like this. Now, if something goes wrong, you can’t let your niece fight it. If you want to go in, it’s better to go in together. The bigger the wind, the more people will go down. , Only when there are more people in the river can there be a chance to go ashore.

"You immediately go south, bring these materials to the people above, and ask you to go to the commissioners of the central government to confess their crimes, and ask them to bite out the top of them. Anyway, do as much as you can. No matter how big we are, we are not afraid of something we can’t control. Remember, the bigger the better. We don’t accept anyone’s adjustment, and everything is done in accordance with the law.” Vice Chairman Wang said to his cronies with a USB flash drive, since he wants to play Just play a little bit bigger, and I saw who was the one who suffered in the end. I lost so much, naturally I can’t ask you to watch my jokes.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." The cronies agreed and went out immediately. As Vice Chairman Wang’s cronies, he obtained this information. It has always been a trump card in the hands of Vice Chairman Wang. He is very Knowing how many officials and celebrities will fall off the ground if the content inside is released, it seems that the magnitude of this earthquake in the south should be top.

But from the perspective of Vice Chairman Wang, you can understand that the only son is in prison, and now the niece is like this again. Basically, there is nothing to worry about. Do something good while you still have the right. , Can dig out these worms not only for oneself but also for the people of the whole country.

At the same time, the Hong Kong TV station at the southern tip of the mainland also received a piece of material, which shocked the entire wireless executives. It turned out to be the inside story of the recent uproar Xiamen smuggling case, which involved dozens of Xiamen and Fujian officials. Of course, there are several officials from the central government, and the highest one is an official at the ministerial level.

Wireless immediately blocked the news. In the past, such things were published immediately. News and newspapers were bombarded. But now it has been back for such a long time. Now it is not what it used to be. You should be mindful of the above feelings, especially the feelings of the actual master of Hong Kong, the energy group.

They didn’t wait for the wireless executives to prepare to report it. Their neighbor, a Macau media outlet, had already stabbed the news, and what was terrible was that they had obtained definite evidence. This was not forgery at all. The seven on the list Officials at the main department level have already defended themselves to the local procuratorate after they received the materials, and the local media in mainland China have begun to track this matter.

Since this is no longer a secret, there is no need to wait. The most important news of Hong Kong’s major radio stations in the past few days is this. As a result of the information opening, the public has begun to know it. Most people I started to pay attention to this matter. There were hundreds of thousands of messages on the webpage of the Central Office of the Central Office, and the server was down. These things were things that Li Cong and Li Jianzhang did not expect.

Li Cong naturally doesn't care about this. Although he can find his own figure, basically there is no c in the whole incident, and he is right to let the people know that he is c. He is also for their benefit, and the upper class should blame it. If you don’t, I can only blame Li Jianzhang for not being able to do things anymore.

The matter has not ended so quickly. After a few hours, the deputy governor of Fujian Province, the director of the port authority, and the director of the public security department announced in front of reporters that they had something to do with this matter, because they could not bear the condemnation of their conscience and came to the Provincial Procuratorate. Shou, at the same time. The president of the Fujian branch of PetroChina committed suicide by taking medicine in his office.

Usually, as long as one of these people has a problem, it is a very big news. Unexpectedly, there are more than 20 related to this matter. It seems that the biggest smuggling case has become this. Back then, Lai Changxing and this It's nothing short of comparison.

Beijing Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall

"Lao Wang, what do you want to do? Is this the result you want?" The Premier is angrily accusing Vice Chairman Wang. There are only three people, including the Chairman, him and Vice Chairman Wang. Naturally, there is no need to cover up, everyone. Just explain it.

"What do I want to do? I'm doing harm to the people, shouldn't these people be arrested? We have to be worthy of the people, the party, the country, and ourselves." Vice Chairman Wang said with a righteous expression, but he The little smile at the corner of his mouth completely betrayed the old guy, after all, it was his own reason.

"I know it should be done, but everything must be done in one way or another. If you do this, the whole Fujian is involved. Now almost half of the seats are freed up there. Where can we find so many places at a time? People to make it up? Besides, even if we make it up right away, can you guarantee that they can quickly assume the responsibility for that position? And there is still a trend to expand this case. Is it necessary to change the entire Fujian officials before we have to stop.” The prime minister said angrily, this storm is really too big, and the credibility lost by hitting the people’s confidence will definitely exceed the punishment of a few corrupt officials. the value of.

The chairman sitting in the main seat watched the two people arguing in front of him. He is also the one who is going to be the next one. What he needs more is a stability, but now the southeast coast is almost going to shake the sky, and people everywhere are suspicious. Here are some officials who used to be upright, and the officials are also afraid that they will be affected. Although there has not been any turmoil in the society, it will be sooner or later that there will be turmoil in this situation.

"Don’t say anything, the matter has already happened, and it’s meaningless to say it now. I asked you to come here to let you know how serious the crisis we are now facing is. There is a large-scale military parade, but you can see how we are going to do it now. Our petition departments are working under tremendous pressure. Then look at the current online comments, saying that if we dare to engage in public opinion. In the case of investigation, basically our political fǔ does not have any credibility. What we have to do now is how to immediately reverse this decline and let us behave as a good political fǔ should be before the National Day." The chairman's voice echoed in the room for a long time, but it was a pity that the two people in the room blamed each other for the fault at this moment.

"I totally agree with the chairman's opinion." Vice Chairman Wang immediately stated his position, and then stopped talking. That means you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I just listen to you, and almost didn't make the Prime Minister angry. , You made this matter, and now you say something like this again, it seems that this old guy is also a little scared in his heart.

Although Vice Chairman Wang never thought that this matter would be within his control at the beginning, the current trend still scares him a bit. Now he is almost going to march in the streets. Although the Chinese do not have the habits of the Americans, but It’s not a way to keep pressing like this. The media control is not as strict as before. The main reason is that the current network is too difficult to control. There is no fixed place for this thing, and the thinking of some netizens is that simple. Just a little bit, after passing rumors, maybe this is a precursor to a big change.

"I think we should give the people a statement as soon as possible. These people can't take it anymore. Since they are all borers, we have to get rid of the carrion on our bodies. I will go to Fujian to deal with this matter myself. I think we can still do it on the eve of National Day. This matter was resolved.” The prime minister glanced at the old monk’s deputy chairman Wang, who knew that this guy wouldn’t say anything, he should go on his own. Besides, who knows what the old guy thinks? The opposite effect is too late to regret.

Hearing what the Premier said, Vice Chairman Wang and Chairman both breathed a sigh of relief. The Chairman himself certainly cannot talk about this matter publicly. As the chairman of a major country, if he takes care of this matter himself, he will undoubtedly make this matter again. When the time comes for the upgrade, it is better not to go by yourself. Besides, the chairman must have a good ending. But the current situation is not clear.

"Well, it's good. I think it's your fault. This time I will do a little iron fist and show the people of the whole country that we will never be merciless to these people. We will use heavy punishment." The chairman said At that time, Vice Chairman Wang glanced aside, thinking that this old guy would be okay. He sold all his people when he temporarily stepped down. Wouldn't you be afraid of those people's revenge after you step down?

The news was broadcast on the news network that evening. Although the reaction was only 48 hours after the incident was exposed, the speech of the Prime Minister was very encouraging to the people of the whole country, and the Prime Minister still trusted the people of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister knew this time. I am betting on my political future. I must deal with this matter properly. As for the prisoners, it is estimated that they don’t need to wait for many years in prison. When the prime minister gets on the plane, they only have one result. , That is death, only these dozen **** heads can calm the anger of the people across the country.

After the news that the Prime Minister was coming to investigate this matter spread to Fujian, Wang Yue’s face did not show any joy, but became even more anxious. She knew exactly what kind of person her father-in-law was, and she could still do it because of her. The problem of the child in the belly threatens him, but now the trouble is so big, in the father-in-law's eyes, the country is more important than himself, and he can even survive the child in the belly.

Those elder brothers really caused a lot of trouble for Wang Yue. When Wang Yue knew all their plans, he could only use 100 million yuan to send them all back to Beijing, guaranteeing that things would not follow. They are involved in any relationship. Usually, when they look at the few people with the wine bag and rice bag, they really didn't expect that they would have so much courage to play with them.

If you have nothing to do with them, you will definitely play with them, let them know that you are not good to be bullied, but at this time the investigative team has already made a lot of trouble, and his uncle’s plan is definitely not. I can’t stop what I want to see. Although those arrested didn’t tell me about themselves, an important person, the customs chief Wu, is said to have confessed himself, and the police around him are getting more and more. That’s too much. The reason why you didn’t do it yourself may also be because of the Prime Minister. This order should come from the Prime Minister’s mouth.

The Prime Minister issued the order to arrest Wang Yue ten minutes after getting off the plane. The major media that received the instructions from the Central Propaganda Department reported the news immediately. The Prime Minister also treated himself in front of the TV for failing to discipline the children at home. Making an apology, although the people's views on the prime minister have changed a bit, it is undeniable that the prime minister's selfless image has saved a lot of face to the government, at least the current government can do things.

Jinan Energy Group Headquarters

"Oh, I really don't know if I did this thing right or wrong. The Prime Minister must be very sad now, right?" The Prime Minister said helplessly to Liu Yan. Since the Prime Minister started to go south, he wanted to have a good talk with the Prime Minister. It's a pity that I still don't have the courage to make that call. I have grown up to the present, and I am afraid that only I know how much I owe the Prime Minister, but this is my first return to him.

"You don't have to blame yourself so much. Even if we don't look for this thing, someone will stand up sooner or later. Besides, it's not you, it's the guy Li Jianzhang. Don't always take these things to you. Are you here? Didn’t the Prime Minister say anything last time? If you feel guilty, let’s go to Beijing to see him after the Prime Minister has dealt with Fujian’s affairs in a few days." Liu Yan took Li Cong’s hand and said, really. If you feel sorry for your husband, he will feel uncomfortable if things are not successful, but he will feel even more uncomfortable if he succeeds.

Li Cong nodded, just wondering if he would have the guts to go to the prime minister's door by then. Although the child will still be born, the child who lacks maternal love will definitely be different from other children.

"I have read the information of Wangyue Group. If they are allowed to continue to grow, it will not be a problem of tens of billions of yuan each year, and they will start to transfer from energy to other aspects. They have already started. The business of transporting high-end cars, it’s just that there is no energy and the profit is big, and it is not doing it. Now destroying them is not only good for us, but also for ordinary people." Liu Yan took the remote control on the table and opened it. The big screen on one side contains some Wangyue Group information. I hope Li Cong can feel better after reading it.

"In the final analysis, it is all because of the money issue. Wang Yue is actually a very smart person. She belongs to the same person as Wang Ping, but her current strength is too much. If she has a platform like Wang Ping, I really don’t know how What kind of achievements?" Li Cong said with a little emotion, and suddenly realized that Liu Yan didn't want to hear anything related to Wang Ping. She looked at her daughter-in-law with a little fear, but fortunately she didn't show much.

“Wang Yue’s son who married the Prime Minister had no good intentions at the time, but I didn’t expect that the Prime Minister would be so indifferent to her. Her platform is actually not low. It’s just that she did one thing wrong and let this There are too many people involved in the profitable business, which are the opposite of our energy group's two exhibition Her style is easy to do at the beginning, but one person has a personal idea, and finally when it splits It's so fast." Liu Yan's words are usually in one sentence.

"We can't do nothing and ask the Propaganda Department to make a notice, saying that we also made mistakes in our work. As compensation, we will compensate the 1.3 billion people across the country, each of whom will be given 30 degrees of electricity and 20 kilograms. Flour." Li Cong said, this handwriting is really not

"Okay, I will arrange for someone to do it right away, but you still can’t be a good person. Let’s get in touch with the government fǔ and let the Prime Minister talk about it. We will pay the money, but the compensation party has to add politics. It’s okay in terms of fǔ.” It’s better for Liu Yan to think about it, so that the government and the people will care about our good.

Counting the two things together is about fifty yuan, it will cost nearly hundreds of billions of yuan. It’s just that many people estimate that there are 1.1 billion people in the country. Others are either wealthy or wealthy. If you disdain to take this, you can't force it to others.

However, there was still a shocking news that came that night. Wang Yue committed suicide in prison. The fetus in her abdomen was saved in time, and it was not a few days before delivery, but she did not leave the greenhouse. Whether he survives or not depends on his good fortune.

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