Energy Group

Chapter 943:

Episode 943

The motorcycle plus left the airport, and stopped in a very windy turn in a parking lot in the distance. This is the first time to perform a task to be able to do this. It is already very good. His predecessors followed He didn't have such a record when he was this old.

"Small, yes, the investigation department will give you a grade B. You are young but you missed an opportunity to earn points. If you just gave this nv kid another shot, it would be * grade. A task is a good nn. After this first time, if you want to get another one, it will be more difficult than going to the sky." said the big brother next to this guy, who was broadcasting the news on his laptop. Some senior instructors in Africa also scored their own scores.

"It's hard to be nn? How come, aren't these people all old people? Why are they here tonight too, and they're still in Gang, but just don't have any tasks." The young man pointed to the few people below Said, these few people are people he is familiar with, and some of them have taught him a lot of things.

The veteran raised his head and glanced at this little hand contemptuously. They really don’t know anything. Even if they didn’t look at it, there was a golden dragon sign behind them, which indicated that these people were all performing advanced protection tasks. , I haven’t noticed when I first started. I am in charge of this area. This must have just changed. How can there be advanced protection tasks? Those who came today were all action crews, and if someone needed protection, that was the soldier in front of him, but he would definitely not be any advanced.

"Dudu, all pay attention to the warning, and hear the reply." The veterans and soldiers are a little scared. At their level* level of combat readiness can keep them awake all day and night. This is the first time I have seen you. The second time when I was playing with the US military in Africa, it was only * level, and there were three levels of +, s, ss, and generally it was my good fortune to encounter s.

The soldier took a picture of the veteran who was still sleepwalking and reminded him to enter the coordinates of the two people. This is not the time to stay. If the headquarters knows that they are staying here, the rating problem will be serious. Up.

"Ah, within two kilometers of the 85 and 86 report fields, just completed a mission, the azimuth coordinates" the veteran replied skillfully.

Originally, this kind of thing should be over. Once the two of them are not very strong, the veteran can only show off in front of this hand. The people who are with him are either the instructor or the team leader, only him. It's still the same, so the hands are not very respectful to him, but one day it is undeniable that this veteran is the one who lived in their long period.

"Attention 85, 86, immediately go to place B to change clothes, and then go to the airport lobby to pick up people. Remember this order is an order and confidential." The computer went blank immediately after the sound was uploaded, and then the two of them received it on their mobile phones. At location B, the veteran then threw the notebook aside according to some of the essentials he remembered during the training. After a second, a flashing notebook burst into an open flame, ending his own life.

"What are you doing in a daze? I've reached it. I really didn't expect that two of us would be able to take over the task." The soldier is a bit more responsive than the veteran. Maybe he came in and didn't know how strong the task was.

"Fuck you. Since I entered the training camp, I have been aiming for high-level missions. Do you know how small? If we can successfully complete this mission, there will be a hundred million dollars less. You know that 100 million dollars is How much? We can buy a mansion in a good location in Hong Kong, we can travel around the world, and we can be one of the few rich people.” The veteran and the guests ran to a car on the side of the road. This is Group Japan The branch has been prepared for a long time. It is a Toyota car that is common in Japan. There are thousands of such cars in Japan tonight for those who have completed the task.

The soldiers were supposed to be in the driving position. Who knew that this guy was nestled in the passenger seat as soon as he got in the car. According to his words, he was responsible for the safety of the two people. He has not digested the 100 million dollars. He You must calm down, otherwise the lives of both people will be in danger.

Tokyo Haneda International Airport, Japan

Just five minutes after the bombing, a plane from China landed here. This is nothing. Although the relations between China and Japan are not very good, the trade and personnel exchanges between the two countries are also very frequent. , There are two flights every week between the two places.

It’s weird that the chairman of the board of directors of the energy group got off the plane, and he didn’t bring any of his entourages. It was the same as in Jinan. He wanted to visit the group's central computer, and he just controlled the group’s central computer inspection. After seeing the situation of his own people around the airport, there were only two ordinary people nearby. Li Cong immediately decided that these two people were his assistants during his stay in Japan.

Li Cong can’t be dressed in ordinary clothes. He still has the cover-up glasses. After wearing it, he feels that this person is all over the street, but Zhang’s is still pleasing to the eye. Some flight attendants will still be kind to Li Cong. Some of the daring ones also gave a few winks, but Li Cong thought that maybe this nv person had been patronized by hundreds of men, and he didn’t have much interest himself. He just hacked into the computer system. I found a bodyguard, why haven't I arrived yet?

Just as Li Cong was a little puzzled, two people he had in his impression appeared in the distance. They were dressed up as a Japanese underworld. I x, I asked someone to dress them up a little bit more stylishly, but I never expected them to be like this, one by one. They have tattoos on their faces. It is definitely a scenic route for such a person to walk to the airport. Most people can’t wait to walk around them. It’s too windy.

"The king of heaven covers the tiger." Li Cong walked to the two of them and said, this kind of thing is basically something everyone in China, but here is Japan, there are really very few people who understand this thing, so this way of joining is Very safe.

"Pagoda Town River Monster." The veteran looked to one side, but the voice came from him, the soldier's qi knot on the side, this his is the joint signal, just after asking for a long time, the old guy didn't tell him. These are two sentences.

"It seems to be your own person. I am the goal of your mission this time. You just need to follow me as a follower. I am a senior employee of the group and come to Japan with a very special mission." Li Conggao is unpredictable. Said, the two people nodded in a hurry, like a peck at the rice, the people in the headquarters are too shabby, this dress is too shameless for the people of the group, where does anyone in the group wear this kind of counterfeit brand-name suit for several hundred yuan each? , But who told them to be from the headquarters? They gave them ten times the guts to question the news from the headquarters. This must be true.

"Don't worry, sir, I don’t know how we should call you? The boss? The boss? Or something?" The veteran hurriedly took the clothes from Li Cong and said, flattering is not taught in the training camp. This is my own understanding, but the people on the side know what it is. This is the high-level of the headquarters, and I am fond of it, but it will be inexhaustible in the future.

"What boss, are we a triad? You will call me Young Master from now on. Our identity is an investor from China. You two are the bodyguards that my family finds for me. Another lady is my secretary. It's not there yet." When the two heard that there was another person, their eyes turned. The news from the headquarters didn't say that there was another person. Did this young man come to Japan to do business and bring his good friends? This is an absolute public travel.

However, when the two people saw Karelina with the senior mark of the investigation department, they knew that it was definitely not what they thought. According to Karelina's current level, it is much higher than these two people, if not With so many people, these two people will probably salute directly in the lobby of the airport.

Although he came to Japan to play, Li Cong couldn’t do without any preparation. Karelina was the secretary appointed to him by the investigation department. Taking her with her is the same as bringing her half of the investigation department. I brought Wang Lingling here, but she just got involved with Ye Jun. This is when we need to consolidate, so I can't do that bn fighting mandarin ducks.

"Boss, I have completed the formalities and booked a room at the Shirota Hotel in downtown Tokyo." Karelina nodded to the two people as a greeting, and the two of them straightened up and said that the Japanese nv People are beautiful, Watanabe just now has to be considered top-notch among Japanese nv people, but compared with this one, it’s a damn, or if someone is in our headquarters, a secretary can be beautiful like this. If you don't have a mission, you must immediately show off the Japanese in this hall.

"Well, let's go, what do you two call you, you have to have a car too, you can't let me take a taxi." Li Cong asked as he walked out.

"How come, young master, we are a person of identity, call me old grandson, he Oda." The veteran quickly replied, this soldier is far from our eyesight, so it looks beautiful in my eyes. You’re a Russian girl, and don’t look at who is right now. Besides, you are a member of the Class B Thunder Force who has not yet become famous. Can people like you? It's a serious matter to fawn over what's in front of you, so stupid, the veteran scolded in his heart, but he didn't want to think, if this soldier was the same as him, how could he have a chance to speak now.

After a few people got in the car, Li Cong knew what the two men took to pick him up, because the investigation department did not want to attract attention when doing anything. The two men took a Toyota family car to pick him up. It’s not sold in China. It looks similar to China’s Alto. Li Cong, who is used to sitting in a luxury car, can’t even stretch his tuǐ in this car. It’s really uncomfortable. Karelina is obviously on the side. She's not used to it. Her slender curled up at this moment can attract Li Cong's eyes. Why didn't it show up before? For this reason, I can bear it in this car.

"Oh, the territory of Little Japan is restless. I have never encountered any shooting at the domestic airport. There is one here. The one who died seems to be a flight attendant." When I passed by the scene of the shooting. Li Cong said something.

The first two faces looked at Li Cong with a bit of embarrassment. Actually, there would be no trouble at the airport without the orders from the headquarters. Karelina knew about this. She also checked the information of these two people. It was this Oda that Gang did, and the support provided by the old Sun pulled Li Cong a bit, and let him glance at the actual combat video on his laptop.

"Uh, Li never knew what to say. It turned out that this thing was done by himself.

"You still have a few tasks to complete when you come to Japan." Li Cong asked in order to hide his embarrassment.

"We still have three missions, but this little one is all right. He is a soldier and only has the first mission, and the rest is just learning." The soldier has not yet woken up from Karelina's beauty, old grandson Only to answer on behalf of.

"It is estimated that the combined contribution points of your three tasks will not catch up with my task. Ours is an advanced task. Your task is to protect the two of us. As for Oda, you have to follow Be obedient by my side, I promise you will learn a lot." Li Cong glanced at Oda and said.

"Really? That young master, what is your mission, can you tell me? Although I am not a member of the investigation department, I can go in. It is all from the same department. Let me tell you." Oda said When he said this, the old grandson wanted to kill this guy directly. Even if you are a soldier, you can’t ask the question. This is a big taboo. He hurried to see how the two people in the back seat reacted. After seeing that nothing has changed, relax.

"My task is very simple. It is to turn the whole Japan upside down. This is my task. You will be named after me." Li Cong smiled and replied, Oda leaned back. Is there any difference if there is no answer? I still stopped talking and went back to my fresh state. If I just drive by myself, I can still see the beauty of the back seat through the reflector. At this time, there is nothing wrong with looking at the back seat with my head tilted.

When driving to the edge of Tokyo city, there was a big traffic jam. Just because of the shooting incident at the airport, all vehicles from the airport to the city must be checked, especially those riding motorcycles.

Lao Sun drove this common Japanese car and swayed to the checkpoint one step at a time. At this moment, I remembered that I can’t speak Japanese. In my group, Oda can speak Japanese, and his driver’s license belongs to this guy. A car hurriedly grabbed Xiaotian, because both of them were strong men. This transposition action squeezed them so hard that their bones would be broken, but Li Cong was confused, but stuck. Lielina didn't laugh, but directly recorded the performance of the two people. The deduction is affirmative. Who told you two to not act according to the regulations.

"Hey, for a temporary check, take out your driver's license and ID card." A Japanese policeman asked in Japanese. Li Cong and Karelina both understand a little Japanese, but I didn't expect this place in Japan to start checking this. I thought there was something here, but I didn’t expect it to be the same as in China.

"This is my Japanese driver's license. In the back are our young master and his wife. One of us is a bodyguard and the other is a driver." Oda took the full set of documents and handed it to the guy. Everything was at the assembly point B. I also learned how to deal with police from various countries in the training camp. Before I came here, I had to perform tasks in Japan. I deliberately made up for it. I knew that the Japanese police seemed to be upright, but corruption was widespread. A ticket for one hundred dollars was added.

Sure enough, when the policeman looked at the previous information, he saw that the car was all Chinese, and it was about to start shaking. It must be a tourist in Japan, because the car rental company at the airport also provides such self-driving cars. It is said that there have been cases of Chinese car stealing. You must tortured these guys carefully, but when you saw the one hundred dollars in the back, you immediately changed your face, put the money away, and asked again. They even pointed them a shortcut when they were going to the Chengtian Hotel.

"It's said that our Chinese policeman is very corrupt. I don't think this little Japanese is going to be any better. It's really easy to release you two who are the real murderers. I thought there was a gunfight. What about it?" Li Cong said with a curl of his lips to the policeman behind him, the two guys in front of him had a black line.

If it weren't for your appearance, what happened to the shootout? Are these Japanese policemen our opponents? A group of old people.

According to what the police said, the road really appeared in front of the én of the Shirota Hotel. This hotel is a very ordinary hotel in Japan. The grade is in the middle and high-end, but it is similar to the Chinese Home Inn chain. A few people get stuck after getting off the car Lielina went to open the room. Li started walking in the hotel accompanied by Lao Sun. Xiao Tian went to the parking lot to leave the car. It is estimated that the car will be parked here permanently. At least half a year later, after the mission is over. If the person is liquidated, he may drive the car away, otherwise he will have to die here, so he can't let a clue connect with the energy group.

"It's said that our Chinese policeman is very corrupt. I don't think this little Japanese is going to be any better. It's really easy to release you two who are the real murderers. I thought there was a gunfight. What about it?" Li Cong said with a curl of his mouth to the police behind that black lines of the two guys in front.

If it weren't for your appearance, what happened to the shootout? Are these Japanese policemen our opponents? A group of old people.

According to what the police said, the road really appeared in front of the én of the Shirota Hotel. This hotel is a very ordinary hotel in Japan. The grade is in the middle and high-end, but it is similar to the Chinese Home Inn chain. A few people get stuck after getting off the car Lielina went to open the room. Li started walking in the hotel accompanied by Lao Sun. Xiao Tian went to the parking lot to leave the car. It is estimated that the car will be parked here permanently. At least half a year later, after the mission is over. If the person is liquidated, he may drive the car away, otherwise he will have to die here, so he can't let a clue connect with the energy group.

"Welcome." The Japanese waiter at énkou wore a nv servant outfit that made Japanese men crazy. Like some Chinese mobsters, Li Cong put a hand on the faces of two **** beauty nvs, and then took out his freshman card. The 10,000 yen ticket that Lielina held in her hand went to their deep ditch. The two girls saw that the guest was so bold and immediately gave Li Cong a card. Ten thousand yen, I don’t know how much it would be if I fell in love for a night. The two Japanese silly girls are now full of money symbols, so that the next guest who comes in will protest. Why should the Chinese come in? It's so cheap, you don't even look at the old Japanese.

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