Energy Group

Chapter 978:

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. Oshima is really well prepared for this matter. I thought those outside were your bodyguards. It seems that those people are all posing, kill me? People who don't know you Do you have the ability?" Li Cong didn't change much, but Ono-kun and Sachiko, who had just installed a stiff gas, were scared at this time.

Originally, Li never wanted to ask Xingzi to follow. After all, it was a little girl who followed. Who knew that Xingzi felt that he could only be insured by following Li Cong. Following others was insecure. Although Li Hui’s bodyguards were also very powerful, But I haven't seen their true ability. Who knows if they are just a look. The Mr. Li he followed is different. So many things along the way have basically been passed by without any danger. If you let yourself choose, you definitely follow this.

"Mr. Li, I will ask you one last time. If you take out my family’s ancestral house and shares now, I don’t care about the lost money. We are still friends. If you don’t take it, I’m afraid you don’t have to go out here. "Mr. Oshima still didn't give up his thoughts in the end. He knew that killing Li Cong now wouldn't have much effect. He wasn't planning to kill, he wanted to take back his home things.

When the old man on the side sees his son, he can still think of what is primary and secondary. He feels that his son still has some merits. At least he can distinguish the priority and he really treats him. To change.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Oshima, those things are mine. I tried my best to get them. Why should I give them to you? And the purpose of my coming today is not to give you things. I came to get things. , I think you have to return some things to China. Ono-kun has already told us yesterday. He said that your Mitsubishi family looted a lot of things during World War II, and you just took out a little thing and returned it to China. Others Some of them were given to the Americans to keep your foundation. I think you must have a lot of things. Those have to be my appearance fee, and I will get the things." Li Cong said without anyone else, he didn't even look at the big island. The black-clothed people behind the husband seemed to be a decoration, and the way they wanted to take things was a bit shameless. People's things would be taken away by themselves, and it seemed that they were not so happy in their hearts.

"Mr. Li, I didn’t expect you Chinese to be so arrogant. This is Japan, our Mitsubishi family. No one can take advantage of us. It seems that you don’t cherish your own life. Then I don’t care if you kill it in my house. You, the soundproofing facilities here are very good. It is estimated that you will appear in the Pacific in the afternoon." Mr. Oshima made a hands-on posture after speaking. Unfortunately, the gunfire did not appear. What happened?

Mr. Oshima looked back, how come the guards of his own house are facing his father and his muzzle at this time. Not only is Mr. Oshima panicked, but the old man just now was also panicked. These people are all They are the guards of their own family. They were raised by people like you since they were young. How could they betray?

"Hehe, Mr. Oshima, things seem to be a bit wrong now, why don't your people listen to you? I think these people would be willing to listen to me, can we sit down and talk about compensation? What's the problem?" Li Cong said to himself, without me being a guest, so he kicked Mr. Oshima directly. When is this, your kid is still sitting here, now we are here. The owner of it.

"What benefits did you give you, you betrayed us?" The old man stood up tremblingly. At this time, he couldn't help but talk. Just now he might feel that he holds his own identity and does not talk directly with Li Cong, but now his own little Life is in the hands of others, what else can you do to be bullish?

Several people in black looked at each other and all looked at Li Cong. They would not be able to speak without Li Cong's order.

These people slowly took off their sunglasses, they are no longer the original people. Since Li Cong is about to come, he has to do things more beautifully. Seeing the surprised expressions on the two faces of the master, Li Cong is already very happy. Now, the feeling of playing a little Japan is really cool.

"Two, they are not yours, they are mine. Yesterday you kidnapped me, and you were planning to kill me. I am usually a very good person, even if you have infringed me so much. I won’t say anything. After all, this world is like this. If you don’t kill me, I have to kill you, but now I have come to my door, I am not dead, I need a statement, I have to pay compensation, two, you I think this Ono-kun knows how many things are in the family. Are you planning to give them all to me for atonement? Of course, we Chinese have an old saying that everything is left on the front line. I will not do things so absolutely. Just give me 50% of the treasure house, and you can keep the rest." Li Cong said generously, almost scaring the two guys to death.

From the perspective of robbers, Li Cong is still very good. After all, people are now on the top. Not to mention half of you. Even if you want it, it doesn’t matter. From the perspective of the Mitsubishi family, this Too much, each of those things is invaluable, so I gave it to Li Cong? No one will be willing.

"Ono-kun, I don’t think you are idle, and work quickly. Where are the money and precious things? Open it to me. I would like to see what the treasure house of Mitsubishi is like. I've only seen it in some novels before, but I haven't really seen it before. I am also itch in my heart." Li Cong winked at Ono-jun, who was already stunned.

This guy hasn't gotten over yet, how can he not expect this new master to be so powerful, but he knows the bodyguards next to the old man very well, he didn't expect to be killed like this? This is what this Chinese is capable of, but thinking about the intimacy between others and Minister Li yesterday, it is estimated that Rega is really a family, so it is not difficult to explain this matter.

"Yes, Mr. Li, the treasures of the Mitsubishi family are divided into two places, one is here, and the other is their ancestral house. This is one meter below the ground. There are a lot of precious metals and cash here. Of course, the most precious thing is some jewelry and antiques. Those things are accumulated for many generations in the third grade, especially gold." Ono-kun saw Li Cong look at himself and knew that it’s time for him to perform. It's not good to be troublesome.

"Ono, you bastard, I'll give you food and wear you* just betray us? Your grandfather has been in this house since your grandfather, and no one has taken you as an outsider." The Mitsubishi father looked at Ono The heart is cold in that way. Those shares are a face issue with the ancestral house in the final analysis, and will not shake the foundation, but if the things in this treasury are pulled away, this will really shake the root. Such things I can't allow it.

The old man usually pays great attention to what he says. At this moment, he can't care about his life or death.

Mr. Oshima looked like he was holding a winning ticket just now, and now he was dumbfounded. His composure was only when he had an absolute advantage, and the rest of the time was totally useless.

"Hey, sir, you also said that my grandfather has worked in your house since that time, but after so many years, I am still a slave. What do I have? You really cared about me? Don't say send me to school. Those things are nothing. Your family can raise 10,000 children. I don’t want my son and my grandson to continue to serve you. What I want is a free me, so I don’t I’m doing it, but I don’t need to submit a resignation letter. I guess you won’t have a chance to approve it.” Xiaoye, this guy sees that the people in black are all his own at this moment. There is still a certain kind of affection for himself, but Mr. Oshima still remembers what he did to himself just now, and he will never forget it so quickly.

"Asshole, I see who of you dare to move, this is Japan, you just took the things from our house, and you have absolutely no chance to get out of Japan." The old man seems to have not forgotten his power in Japan at this moment, but your family The strongest force has been solved, is there anything else?

"Bang" Li Cong shot the ground in front of the old man, and then fired three more shots, causing the old man to step back several steps.

"Old man, now is not the time when you want to be majestic. I am a Chinese. You also know how much we Chinese hate you Japanese. Now I give you a chance to buy your father’s life. , Why don’t I do the calculations? It’s okay to take out 50% of your family’s assets to buy your life. I know that there are more than ten billion dollars in deposits in your family’s account. I don’t know if you want to Would you like to give it to me? If you are willing, I will be merciful to spare your lives." Li Cong has basically relied on Ono to familiarize himself with everything here. He used to sell energy to make money quickly, but what? The robbery didn't come quickly either. It is estimated that this time the income will be tens of billions of dollars or more.

This old guy really didn’t expect Li Cong to actually shoot, but the people living around him were similar to him. Even if they heard the gunshots, they wouldn’t come to ask what happened, who The home is not so clean, and killings are really common here.

"Don't hurt us, we are willing to pay." Without crying without seeing the coffin, Li Cong would just use a gun if he knew that the two of these men are so soft, and still have ink marks with you for a long time? Li Cong directly opened the notebook on the table and asked the old guy to start the transfer. In fact, Ono can do these things normally, but the old man has the last password.

"Mr. Li, do you really think about it? If I click it, it will be $12.5 billion, do you really dare to ask for it? Aren't you afraid that the money is coming from wrong?" The old man seemed to want to make some efforts. It's a pity that Li Cong didn't talk nonsense with him at all. He called with a rifle butt, and the blood on his head was noisy. This old guy didn't talk nonsense anymore, he just clicked enter, and Li Cong received his cell phone soon The text messages for the transfer are not bad and fast enough.

In fact, the Mitsubishi consortium seems to have hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. It is estimated that some controlled stocks are estimated to be around 700 billion dollars. It is definitely a giant in Asia as a whole, but those things cannot be exchanged for cash, Li I just want to take it but I can’t take it away, and there are those shares and other things, it’s useless to **** it by yourself, there is no formal formalities, and after signing it by yourself, they will not admit it. If you want those things, it’s useless. Such floating wealth is better.

"Very good, this harvest is still possible, Ono, now let's take these two people to admire the treasures of Mitsubishi's house." Li Cong closed his laptop and threw it into the swimming pool outside. A stream of black smoke rose, but the swimming pool was connected to the sea, and it was estimated that it would have to corrode in a while.

"Hey, Mr. Li, please here. Actually, this treasure house is located underground in this house." Ono explained to Li Cong while taking Li Cong forward. Of course, he had to take the old man's. Don’t expect this old guy’s cornea and fingerprints to be able to open this door. This door is the same as the one at the Bank of Japan’s Central Bank. It was produced by the Mitsubishi consortium. Unfortunately, these things were of no use after I was hijacked. Up.

Originally, the valuable things of the Mitsubishi family were kept in the ancestral house before, but there are some old guys in the family over there. The owner of the family feels that it is better to be separated, and the defense measures here are also very good. Li Cong picked up a bargain.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such a big vault in your house. It really is a big family." Li Cong couldn't help but applaud when he saw the several-meter-high door in the basement on the ground. It was praise, but it was a kind of irony in the ears of the old man.

"Mr. Li, this is just an outside door. The thickness of this door is more than 30 cm. Even ordinary bombs are useless. We did experiments when they left the factory. As for the other cutting tools, basically It's useless at all." Ono-kun slowly opened this heavy door. This door can even be opened by him. It seems that there is nothing useful. There must be a more powerful door inside.

The cost of this gate is tens of millions of dollars. If there are not some important things in it, you can use this thing?

"Mr. Li, I'm just doing it for nothing. I need this old guy's cornea and fingerprints." Ono-kun pointed to a very ordinary wall and said, if outsiders seem to be unable to see this and the previous ones. What's different about the block, and the passage can pass through, and there is a door in front.

"Xiao Ye, what does the door in front do?" Li Cong said, pointing at the end of the corridor.

"Oh, it's just a bewilderment. There are dozens of corpses there, all of which were the corpses of the last people who brought them in. The real treasure is behind this wall." Ono-kun said honestly, he knew it. That's all.

Li Cong made an understanding. These people who carried things didn’t end up very well. There is nothing wrong with this. The treasures of all the royal families of all dynasties have been collected like this. It is estimated that the people who died on it. Not a lot.

As the heavy wooden door slowly opened, Li Cong almost didn't panic. All his gold is gold. Looks like this, but there are dozens of tons. Although he has tens of thousands of tons of gold, I have never seen it in person, this is the first time I have seen so many.

"Mr. Li, this is Gold Reserve Hall No. 1. There are 50 tons of gold in this room, and there are four rooms similar to this one. They all put gold. Walk over from that corridor and put them there. They are all silver, and I don’t know the number very much. These rooms here are all antiques, on the other side are some jewelry and so on, and on the other side are some large amounts of cash." Ono held a blank paper. While drawing a road map for Li Cong, he said that although it was not the first time he had entered this place, some of the things here surprised him.

The Mitsubishi family has a history of hundreds of years. Li Cong remembers saying in a history textbook that the Mitsubishi family’s pawnshop in Tokyo had a daily profit of not more than two thousand taels of gold, which would not be considered a good business. They all have their pawnshops, whose daily income exceeds 10,000 taels of It seems that there was really no lie back then.

Before the Meiji Restoration, Japan’s main currency was gold. At that time, the ratio of gold to silver in the world was one to ten, but only in Japan it was one to five. Back then, there were international friends who brought whole ships of silver. The Mitsubishi family estimated that they had lost some of them at that time, but it was far from their huge reserves. All of this is a proof. Although it can’t keep up with the heavy metal reserves of the Chinese Association, it also made Li Cong. Eyes opened.

"Mr. Li, in fact, precious metals like gold are nothing in this kind of thing. I remember that in the antique room, the old guy said that a blue and white one was worth hundreds of millions of yuan. It seemed to be called yuan. Are you here?" Ono-kun slowly recalled what he knew.

"Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain." Li Cong blurted out.

"Yes, that's the thing." Ono-kun also remembered.

"Hurry up and take me to see if it's true." Li Cong hurriedly grabbed Ono-kun and said, only a few of the things currently known exist in the world.

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