Energy Group

Chapter 984:

"What? Send me to compulsory drug detoxification. I said you are stupid." After inhaling, your body is getting better now, but I still dare not get close to Li Cong. Even if I have a lot of strength around him, This guy is simply not on the same level. Just now he was carrying the one hundred and eighty catties of himself as if there was nothing in his hands. That appearance was really terrifying.

"Now is not the time when you want to talk. If you want to talk, I don't mind giving you a little bit of color. Maybe then you know how to talk to your sister. Now go in and apologize to your father." Li Cong pointed to this guy and said, strangely speaking, when others said that he never listened to Ueda, he did everything he wanted to do since he was a child, but he did not expect Li Cong to listen to it. , It is strange.

"I really didn't see Ueda being so obedient, thank you." Sachiko said sincerely. If it weren't for Li Cong here, he didn't know what his brother would do. At this time, Li Cong would have done something. I remembered the pair of live treasures in Huang Qiu's family, my sister-in-law, and I had run into them at the beginning. Do these people have to let them solve it.

"Now it is only temporarily suppressed by force. When this guy is really addicted to drugs, this will be of no use. It must be forced to detox. If this thing is not removed, I think there is basically no peace in your home. It’s been a day." Li Cong lighted a cigarette to himself and said.

It's okay not to smoke, but the thing in front of you is really unpleasant, and there are some things that the guy vomited out, I guess Li Cong would have to vomit it out without pressure.

When Li Cong and Sachiko were about to go back, a person ran up from a distance, and when they got closer, they realized that this was Ono-kun.

"Why? I told you to drive and you just parked the car over there and ran over, so what do you do to save fuel, so I am afraid I can't afford the gas." Li Cong pointed to the black car on the road over there. In terms of appearance, it should be a Bentley. It seems that this kid is quite good at it. Such a car generally needs to be ordered. It is definitely not a casual purchase. It will take a long time.

"Hey, boss, ours is a new car. I know that there are only five existing cars in Japan. The Bentley Mulsanne is a limited edition, and I have completed some procedures. I originally wanted to drive over, but here .." Ono-kun did not continue. The situation around here is really a bit bad. If this new car comes in and then goes out, it will become a stinky car. If there is a new car, it will be used immediately.

"What nonsense? Just drive over. We will go out to do something in a while. By the way, do you have anything to do with the drug rehabilitation center? Want a better quality, don't charge money and do nothing." Generally, they are privately established. In the sense that Li Cong always feels that these privately-run things are not very reliable, and the newspapers used to say that the staff in the drug rehabilitation centers in the United States sell drugs in them, not only can’t save it. People have to


"Rehabilitation center?" Ono-kun thought for a while and said, "Boss, the best detoxification center in Tokyo is Kitahara Rehabilitation Center not far from here. It has the most advanced equipment and is fully enclosed. The staff there are also very good. Experienced." Ono-kun said, pointing to the north. It seems that such places are all outside the city. That's right, it's because it's quieter outside.

"Just bring the car over. I'll go in and do something. By the way, you can contact your friends. It doesn't matter how much you spend, you have to get this thing done. If you are successful in detoxification, I will donate 200,000 US dollars. Unsuccessfully asked him to think about it by himself." After Li Cong finished speaking, he went in with Xingzi to find his elder brother, leaving Ono-kun with a look of dementia.

"Haha." It took a few minutes for this guy to laugh. It was cool to follow such a boss, and his waist became straight. Unlike the previous ones with Mr. Oshima, that guy is also very powerful, but what You have to take care of everything yourself. Basically, such prestigious things will not come to your own head. Only the illegal things will come to your own head, such as the kidnapping of Li Cong.

After entering the door, Ueda apologized to his father with a sincere expression. It is a pity that his parents did not understand his painstaking efforts. Everyone felt a little scared. When did his son speak to himself like this, don't hold back any good things. Right?

"Uncles and aunts, I think Ueda is a very good person. It happens that my company lacks some people. Newly established companies need new people. If you can trust me

If so, I will take him to my company to exercise. "Li Cong thought for a while and said, this guy must take a long time to get out of the drug rehabilitation center. It is better to have all the reasons.

Sachiko glanced at Li Cong gratefully. She was thinking about what reasons should be used to explain to her parents. I don't need to think about it now. This person is really careful in doing things. If he is his own... .

"Isn't it troublesome to you?" The old man asked gratefully. It is not that he did not find a job for his son, but he was sent back to the family within a few days, and he went to work unscrupulously. , I always have to apologize to the boss every time, this time don't be the same as the previous few times.

"No, Ueda is just a little younger and led by some bad guys. His sister and I watched him and nothing happened, and we took care of food and housing, so his salary was basically If you don’t need it, you two elders will just wait to take his salary and live a good life. I think the surrounding environment is really not very good. Why don’t you rent a house on the edge of the downtown area? It’s not very expensive. I’ll just deduct the wages of their brothers and sisters.” Li Cong thought about it, and if the good guys do it through, I’ll make arrangements for you. Anyway, it’s just slurping for myself. Sachiko will do it himself.

Sachiko’s parents wanted to kneel down for Li Cong at this time. They hadn’t seen such a good boss in Japan for a long time. Although they thought it might be because of their daughter,

There is no other way. It is the most terrifying to watch him fall like this. How many people in slums end up becoming thugs in some clubs, and they can't even save their lives, otherwise they will end up with disabilities. This will let the son live in the future.

"Ueda, let's go. WWw. YZUU point m" Li Cong patted Ueda who was kneeling on the ground. When this guy wanted to resist, he felt a soreness in his arm. Li Cong increased his strength. This kid doesn't have the courage anymore. This man can do anything. The tragedy of himself just now is still vivid.

When I left the house, the car had stopped at the door. After reading the receipt, Li Cong sighed. This is good in Japan. In China, the car will cost more than 10 million yuan plus tax. In Japan, it is only less than six. I can buy it for a million, and high tariffs have both advantages and disadvantages, and I can't manage it alone.

The old couple who sent it out had never seen such a luxurious car. It seemed to be much better than the taxi that came just now. We don't understand anything else, but the size of it can be seen clearly.

When a few gangsters in the distance wanted to mess with something, they didn’t have the guts. One of them knew such a car. The person who could buy such a car was not something they could provoke, if it was offensive. Now, maybe I have to lose my life. In Japan, the ability of the community is very big.

"Boss, my mother is going to worship God too, can you take us there?" Sachiko whispered

Said, anyway, this car is very big, you can take your mother. It takes more than half an hour to walk from here to the new shrine. The mother’s legs and feet are really bad, and she will have to kneel for a long time. Yukoko is an atheist. But her mother was not. The mother and daughter had been arguing for a long time about this. It was just that the mother's age was old. This can be regarded as a spiritual sustenance. If so many things happened today, if you don't let your mother go to worship, it might be the evening. Can't sleep again.

"Of course there is no problem, just go up and worship God? What kind of **** do you worship?" Li Cong asked casually. There are so many things in Japan, but it is not as elaborate as China. The first fifteenth day.

"It's Amaterasu, our Japanese god, you are Chinese, but you should have heard of some." Sachiko carefully helped her mother get into the car, let Ueda sit in front, and sat with her boss and mother. in the middle.

Amaterasu? Haven't I already driven out those guys, how come there will be people? Go and see.

"Well, we have nothing to do anyway. Why don't we go and have a look with my aunt. I am also very interested in this. I have not seen how you worship gods in Japan, and I always see gods in China. They will go to worship, and it is good for you. As for Ueda, let's go to work with Ono-kun, and come back to pick us up later." Li Cong said in a gesture of worship.

"Okay, boss, I have already contacted my friend, and I can go through the formalities." Ono-kun glanced at the place next to him.

This guy, Li Cong has just told him briefly. Don't look so strong, but if you really want to do it, you won't necessarily be your opponent. The boss has to do well.

"Hehe, it's good for young people to worship gods more. Unlike Xingzi who never went with me once, the **** is to blame, or your boss is better." At this moment, the mother looked even more pleasing to Li Cong. Now, I don't know if I can tell my atheistic daughter, or the young man in front of me pleases him. If such a good person is his son-in-law, it would be fine.

It turns out that it is not only the Chinese mother-in-law who is pleasing to the son-in-law. It is also the case in Japan. Li was a little embarrassed for a while. Sachiko on the side wanted to explain to his mother, but she didn’t say it when she saw her smile. Please make her happy, she won't meet with the boss anyway.

It takes only ten minutes to go to the place of worship by car. If you walk there, it takes more than half an hour, and there are some garbage mountains around. The smell of walking is really not good. When you arrive at the place, Li Cong The three of them got out of the car. Li Cong squeezed Ueda’s shoulder again when he got out of the car and locked the boy’s vigor. After a while, he wouldn’t have the strength to run. Who knows how old this boy is. As for the skill, if Ono-kun can't catch it, he can't find it.

Looking at the car going away, the old mother looked satisfied. This son was sitting in such a car to do errands. It was good to tell his relatives afterwards. Maybe he would be good after working for a while.

If the family rents a house in the suburbs, someone may be willing to marry his daughter.

"Auntie, I heard that Amaterasu Shrine was closed for some reason a while ago? Why do we still have it here?" Li Cong asked the old woman after getting off the car, although the air here is better than that over there. It's a lot better, but there is still a stench in the blowing wind, and the Amaterasu has been squeezed here by us, which is not easy.

"It used to be that group that occupied the land of our shrine. It seems that his boss is also a Chinese, but he is not the same as you. He doesn't respect the gods at all. If you occupy the land of the gods, there will be retribution. Yes, we didn’t have any gods anymore, but recently someone spent money on our side to organize a simple shrine, but there was no name, and those people didn’t ask anything, but although there is no shrine, we also regularly The party, and the sacrifice there was the same as before, and I was asked to call both Sachiko and Ueda." The old woman patiently explained, but she didn't know that the unscrupulous boss in her mouth was herself.

Ask Sachiko to follow Ueda? In the past, Amaterasu Shrine did not deliberately develop young people. Now it seems that there is no one who has been run by themselves. It is not interesting to use these old people. Relying on the old woman in front of him to attract the young people in his family. Right.

After walking a few steps, he reached the place. Li Cong almost didn't laugh. This is a ghost shrine. He built a shed, and it was still shaking. Li Cong dared to bet that he could kick it away with one foot. Amaterasu

The mud statue of the great **** is still okay, but it is a good thing if it is old.

Originally, Li Cong thought it was a small-scale gathering. He didn’t expect to chat with a few young priests at the door to find out that thousands of people around would come here regularly to worship, just a muddy thing that can be collected every day. These people are one hundred yen each, which is hundreds of thousands of yen a day, which is more than that of Sachiko’s boss. Look at which worshippers are so religious. This is religious. Strength, it seems that the Investigation Department is busy again.

Li has seen many sacrifices when he came to Japan before. Obviously, this one in front of him is a novice. The previous sacrifices respected the **** Amaterasu very much. The current estimate only cares about the money box. With the money, I don't care much about other things.

It can be said that the original Amaterasu Shrine is still very organized, and these are estimated to be impossibly mopped up and temporarily formed. However, you still have to believe in Amaterasu Shrine’s ability to deceive in Japan. Look at this endless stream. Those who have incense can see it. When they go in, they all have a sad face, and when they come out, they are all puzzled. They should have more psychological effects. It seems that my previous practices are symptomatic They dismantled their shrine, and made this kind of thing in a blink of an eye, and even the sign of Amaterasu Shrine was not put on the spot, so their own people would not be able to detect it at all, especially in places like slums.

One hundred yen per person is not too much, but if it’s a day

Thousands of people is not a small number. It is estimated that it will not take long for Amaterasu Shrine to accumulate funds for development, and through these believers to vilify the reputation of their group, these people really kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay, let's go." Li Cong saw Sachiko's mother come out after a few words, but the expression on her face was different from the previous one. In fact, this is because she is under more pressure. Tell God God I was relieved in my heart, and coupled with the nonsense of the people around, it basically felt as if the gods had helped me.

Li never followed Sachiko to send her mother back. Instead, he continued to stay and want to observe. Unexpectedly, when he unintentionally uttered a Chinese word, those people would just kick himself out, and everyone else on the road felt that What Chinese people come to worship, even if Li Cong wants to take money in, it’s not okay. No wonder the investigation department has no news about this. Although there are some Japanese informants, their eyes are all staring at the original Amaterasu Shrine. The people on the ruins don't care about things here at all, so it's not a good thing for them to develop and grow.

Li Cong thought for a while, let's call directly to the head of Japan, He Chaoqiong.

"Mr I’m Li Cong, I want you to put aside what you are doing and investigate the affairs of Amaterasu Shrine. I found a new phenomenon..." Li Cong didn’t say much Nonsense, it is estimated that this thing will give those guys the hope of resurgence in a minute.

"Okay, President, I will make arrangements immediately, and you


The goods in the queue are also being transported quickly. The Mitsubishi consortium has no signs these days. It is still the same. Some of our group’s assets in Japan have also begun to be sold. It is expected that our group’s assets will be sold in two months. complete. "Take advantage of Li's chance to call Li Cong and report his work.

"Very good, continue." Li Cong hung up after finishing talking. It is necessary to sell the various Japanese assets in his hand. You Japanese can buy them at a high price. When the financial crisis arises, at that time, you have nothing. The loss from you will be bought back from you at a lower price.

11/11. ..

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