Energy Group

Chapter 995:

Yamada Gang was also aware of the matter between Li Cong and the Emperor just now, but he did not have any disgust at the life in front of him. He also knew a little about the royal battle a few years ago, now this one. He knew how the emperor was enthroned, and he is not a good person. Moreover, since the end of World War II, a small number of people in Japan have been dissatisfied with the preservation of the emperor system. This is unfortunately one of them. Basically indifferent to the issue, the money donated to the royal family every year is only a standard of millions of dollars, like the Mitsubishi family is basically tens of millions of dollars.

For Li Cong this person, Yamada Gang really looks more and more pleasing to the eye. This kind of Chinese has a good reputation on Japanese territory. This is not a little skill. You have to ask this kid to help yourself. A favor can be regarded as a favor for his daughter. Li Cong didn't know that he himself had been calculated by the seemingly loyal Mr. Yamada Takeshi.

Yamada’s abacus is very good. The family reception held at home will invite all the elders in the family. If you let the wind go, you will say that it is for the daughter to recruit relatives. Their abacus will start to calculate immediately, and they support The people in's will definitely show up that night, and let them meet Li Cong at that time. It is estimated that all of them will retreat. Take a step back and say that the daughter can't be with this person. It can also be used by those in the family. Do you worry less about yourself? I have to make some compensation for this young man, but if it is done, I will be his father-in-law, and I have to make up for it. To marry a daughter, I have to ask this kid to take off his skin.

"Father, what do you think? So happy?" Yamada Mitsumi, who was sitting next to Yamada Gang, didn't know what was wrong with his father. From the time he got on the car, he didn't say a word, and he always laughed, which his father liked. Although the thing was taken back, it shouldn't be so happy, right? There is a house for such a thing, and it is more precious than the treasured sword.

"Huh? Silly girl, what is so happy about me. If you marry early, I will be happy. I really can't find anything happy except this kind of thing." Yamada Gang didn't want her girl to know her at this time. Thought, I just made a random sentence, can my own daughter still not understand? She will definitely not ask herself if she keeps this sentence.

Sure enough, Yamada had just finished speaking, Yamada Mitsumi patted his unconformity Laozi lightly and ignored him, but occasionally he was still in that silly joy when he looked like his father. What is the joy of it? what? There doesn’t seem to be much to be happy about in this section of the company. Could it be that the man gave birth to a son for his father? No, if that were the case, my father would have known it all over the world. How could he be foolish here? Yamada Mitsumi's forehead was glued, what happened to this old man.

Hanxuan Tea House

A shiny Bentley parked here, which made the people around who woke up early for a walk a little puzzled. Usually, many high-level people come here to have tea with Master Hattori, but this

Some people know that Master Hattori doesn't like these modern things. They parked their cars at the foot of the mountain and walked up the mountain. Of course, those people also hope that Master Hattori can guide their children and nephews in the kendo. Today Why is this person so ignorant of the rules and drove the car here? Don't you know that this is the key area of ​​Beichen's slashing flow? Even if the Prime Minister wants to drive the car here, they will push it down. 【Leaf*子】【You*You】

"You are too presumptuous. Cars are not allowed here. Leave immediately, otherwise we will be rude." A few guys in white clothes immediately surrounded him, and Li brought Ono from this time. , Other people still have to do things, they can't follow oneself every day to meet the world, and what's the situation is that there is no way to know here today.

"Cars are not allowed in? Then what are you doing here? Is this road in your house?" Li Cong asked these people directly after a few questions, although these people knew this was the tradition here. But what others said is also true.

"It's less wordy. Our boss is a guest invited by Mr. Hattori. If you stand in the way, we will just leave? If Mr. Hattori comes to blame, I don't think you can afford it. You It’s not easy to be able to survive until now. Maybe you will be punished to go out and perform some tasks. I want to live in such a comfortable and comfortable life, but I didn’t make it.” Ono-kun shook his head and said, this kid has been in high society for so long I can't tell that these are just some low-level watchdogs, and there is no need for the boss to take action.

"You..." These guys have not been despised since they have been guarding the door for Hattori Zhan Er. Even those MPs who often appear on TV, and the presidents are all conscientious in front of them. He Zeng There are such people, and the most respected by Beichen is the strong. The guy in front of him is obviously a guy who knows nothing. If you guys, you have to **** the guy to teach Ono Jun a lesson.

"Don't be rude, this is indeed my guest. You guys are too unreasonable. You all go to the back mountain and face the wall for a year to sharpen your xinxing." An old guy came out when he was about to do it. This guy seems to be that one What is Hattori Zhan Er? Li Cong felt that this old guy still has a certain threat to him. After all, he is considered to be a top-ranked person in the Japanese martial arts world. If you are a match for those people, then Japanese martial arts What else in the world?

"Mr. Li, my apprentices and grandchildren don’t know Mr. Li. I don’t know that you are my distinguished guest. Offended, please." Although Hattori Zhaner is quite old, he is very good in etiquette. The waist invited Li Cong in, and the few people next to him were immediately dumbfounded. There is no one who can make Master bend down these days. What role is this young man in front of him? It doesn't look like such a powerful person.

"Hehe, it's okay, I often encounter such things." Li Cong calmly accepted the bow and followed Hattori Zhaner in and walked into the top of the Japanese martial arts world.

The place of worship, but for Li Cong, this place is no different from an ordinary tea house. The only difference is that there are not so many tea drinkers here. It seems to be empty inside. It is estimated that there is no support from Beichen. If so, it should be closed here. 【Leaf*子】【You*You】

"Mr. Li, please sit down. This is our Japanese tea. Although our Japanese tea culture is not as long as your country, but in terms of tea making skills, it is much stronger than your country." This old guy Slowly gave Li Cong a cup of tea, but unfortunately Li didn't know how to appreciate it, so he drank it directly. This action made the old guy affirm that Li Cong is a member of the big family.

The average Chinese warrior will not eat Japanese food when they arrive in Japan. Drinking water is also prepared after preparation. Anyway, they don’t touch anything of their opponents. This is also because Chinese warriors have eaten ninjas in history. It’s caused by the loss. Although his identity will definitely not do things like poisoning, he is definitely worthy of admiration, and he knows that there is a kind of drug in the big family in China. , Although it can’t be said that it’s not poison-free after eating it, there is a certain reaction when facing the poison. He thinks the person in front of him should have such a thing.

"Tea is indeed good, but I think Master Hattori will definitely not come to me to drink tea, right? I think there must be something else?" Li Cong put down the cup and said, although the surrounding scenery is good, but he is not. How can those idle and boring people continue to drink tea here? Don't you want to do the family affairs?

"That's natural. Mr. Li must have known it. Our Beichen swordsmanship is considered to be a good man in Japan. Mr. Li and your people killed our three disciples. After all, we can't just because you are a guest. Not to be held accountable.” The old guy didn’t have the same smile on his face at the moment. Although Li Cong’s origins are terrible, they are not vegetarian at all in Beichen. There must be a result of this matter, otherwise the hearts of the people below are also Those who are unstable, the brother explained to himself before the retreat. If he can't even do this well, he will be disappointed too much.

"I have known that there are no such cheap things. If you cause trouble, you are responsible. It's just that the person who caused trouble is very important to me. I can't give him to you. You must be ready too. , I’ll do it.” Li would never say this before. It was learned from Qing Shan urgently. There are many martial arts experts in Hongmen. They heard that this matter had not been blocked by Qing Shan. The plane came. Li Cong is still the dragon master of Hongmen. If he is humiliated by Japan, how can he meet the dragon heads and dragon masters of Hongmen in the future? Zhong Qingshan knows that his elder brother is tough, These elders are much stronger.

"Mr. Li is really a refreshing person, but can I first know whose sect Mr. Li comes from? I have also interacted with several martial arts masters in your country a few decades ago." Hattori Zhanji was not in a hurry. Hands-on, but a little

I want to draw out Li Cong’s ancestry. If it’s really a big school, I can only teach Li Cong a lesson. People like Li Cong must be their genius disciples. If something really happens. , Not even the whole school of people have to go east to seek revenge, you can play it a lot.

"Mr. Hattori, you should know a rule of our Chinese people. Generally, we don't tell the origin of our mentorship after getting into trouble, and I don't have any master. I learned it by myself." Li Cong said the truth.

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. Li doesn't want to say it anymore. No matter, I have had many people who have caused trouble for countless years in Beichen. We also have a complete set of rules. Mr. Li killed the three of us, of course two of them were It was caused by Yingzi and belonged to their internal affairs. Those two people will not be held accountable, but the one that Mr. Li killed was our elite. We want Mr. Li’s hand and one hand for another life. It’s not too much. Right?" When the old guy finished speaking, several other people around stood up, as if they were suffering a lot. In the past, if their people hurt a hand, they would kill them. This I want this guy to have a hand when I am dead? Is it too cheap for this guy?

"Master, we can't..." That day, Ichiro Nochu was also there, and it was this kid who spoke.

"Presumptuous, is there any place for you to speak here? Retreat." The most shameful thing about this kind of thing is the person in front of you. Without educating his subordinates, he just came out to talk nonsense, letting Hattori Zhanji face Very glamorous.

"Hehe, a hand?" Li Cong seemed to have heard the biggest joke, his whole body was bent down, he had been so long, and there was basically no time to be injured except for the Chinese to count a shot. , A dog like you actually wants a hand from me? I wonder if you are all stupid? Or is the world already under your control?

On the side of Ono-kun's face was pale, but he knew that Beichen's swordsmanship was terrifying, isn't the boss really going to cut his hand today? The hand has been secretly stretched into his pocket. Although I know that the police must be useless at this time, it is much better than nothing.

"Sir, I don't think you should do the little moves? So that everyone is ugly." Hattori Zhanji naturally noticed Ono's movements. In his opinion, Ono had to kill him directly, and the cherry blossoms that day. Son, such a traitor used to be thought to only appear among the Chinese, but I did not expect that there are so many among the Japanese.

"Okay, he didn’t do anything. Hattori Zhanji, I don’t think one hand is needed. We Chinese have an old saying called the parents of body hair and skin teaching. You can’t drop it casually. Of course, if you have If I can take one of my hands, I don’t have any opinion.” Li Cong interrupted Hattori Zhan’er, he was already torn by now, Li Cong was not in such a good mood anymore, so he just called out. Its name.

The room is full of the sound of drawing knives, and a dozen people around are already preparing to rush

Go up and break Li Cong to pieces.

Hattori Zhan'er raised his hands, and the people around immediately became quiet. It seems that this old guy is still very capable.

"Mr. Li, you are very uncooperative. Do you know what consequences you will cause?" Hattori Zhan Er is a mud man. At this moment, the fire in his heart also rises. Because you are the son of a big family, you have already given You have saved a lot of face. If you kill someone, I only need you with one hand. This is a discount to you, but your kid doesn't even know how to promote it. This is your fault.

"I only cooperate with my friends. As for cooperation with you? Sorry, there is no in my plan. Don't talk to me about these useless things. I have read your history, but you are allowed to appeal, as long as I can If I defeat the three of you, I can go out safely, right?" Li Cong also knows Beichen's swordsmanship very well. If it weren't for the fear that they would delay their own affairs, he would not come up. Just leave them alone.

"Yes, it seems that Mr. Li really understands it very well, but those are only for us Japanese. We don't treat you Chinese as such. We want ten to one." At this time, the Japanese are inferior. It was immediately shown. Hattori Zhanji also knew what this guy was capable of. If there were three people, there would be no hope of winning at all, ten people would surely win, and Li Cong would not be able to be killed by that time. With one of his hands, if he sent him back to China in this way, those sects must be unable to say anything. After all, he has left you with his life.

"Ten to one? Haha, but am I too disadvantaged? How about this, I will let you twelve to one, but if you lose, I have conditions." Li Cong smiled and looked at the people around. , These people are like ants in his eyes. Li Cong also has ideas to say twelve to one. He knows that Beichen Yidao Liu has a self-made formation that requires twelve people. If these people can If there are twelve people out, you will definitely win.

Sure enough, everyone was a little happy after hearing what Li Cong said. This kid really didn't think he died fast enough, so he dared to let the twelve of them go together? This is simply going to die, no matter what conditions you have, you can agree to it.

"Young man, let me advise you, no matter how genius you are in powerful you are, it is impossible for you to defeat 12 of them. I will tell you Some experts in the country also have some origins. If you give up now, I assume you haven’t said anything.” Although Hattori Zhanji is also very happy, there are still some things that should be said. These words are naturally I want to tell the people behind Li Cong that I have persuaded him, but it doesn't matter if this person doesn't listen.

"You don’t need to act here. I think you’re very happy in your heart. It’s what you want to be able to defeat me in one fell swoop. I don’t want much. I want this mountain and everything on this mountain, but you I don’t want these people.” Li Cong pointed to the mountain behind him. This kid really opened his mouth.

Ah, I really don’t know what this kid wants to do, and his appetite is too big, right? This mountain has been the place where Beichen has relied on it for hundreds of years. The entire area is several square kilometers. If it is here If you lose it, the entire Beichen can be removed from the list with one knife.

"Master, it's too much to kill this kid directly." The people below are really excited. I have never seen such an arrogant kid before, and I want their lair. . ..

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