Enforcer's Handbook

Extra: Black Dream (Part 2)

Becoming a law enforcement officer was Doug's dream as a child.

When he was a child, he saw with his own eyes the scene of majestic law enforcement officers descending from the sky on armored hover vehicles, catching all the criminals who usually bully the streets. From then on, in Doug's mind, law enforcement officers were It is a light that shines into the city.

However, it is quite ironic that when he later became a law enforcer and understood the internal "rules of action", he finally gained a new understanding of the events of that year.

That heroic fall from the sky was actually just the result of a struggle between two gangs.

Chai Ke got close to the Foster family, and the head of law enforcement at the time received an order from the core city. For those big families far away in the core city, the small gangs in the border cities were like ants, and they only needed one order. , enough to uproot them.

His enthusiasm gradually faded, and his behavior became much more "tactful".

This will allow him to be more comfortable in the workplace. Although he will not become a bad policeman in people's eyes, the light that shone into his heart has long since disappeared.

Doug once thought that maybe this was the most real appearance of the world.

The so-called glory is just the result of a strange combination of circumstances. When people push aside the clouds and glimpse the truth behind it, what they encounter is a deeper darkness.

Until Captain Kate came into his life.

That was the first time Doug really saw someone being in the dark and not being complicit in it.

For a long time, his job had an additional component - observing Kate.

As a spectator or as an irrigator.

Perhaps in order to prevent this rare bud from dying, he did his best to complete as much aftermath work as possible for the other party. For this reason, he had to deal with the feared Morgo family, and even had to deal with the then-supervisor on many issues. Tit for tat.

But when I think about it, everything he did was pushing the other person into a pit of fire.

He is just the captain of the law enforcement department. There are many people of his rank, and their strength is simply not enough to contend with the darkness hidden in unknown places.


"Director Doug?"

The call from reality interrupted Doug's thoughts. When he came back to his senses, he realized that everyone's eyes, including Mayor Aureliano, were focused on him.

The theme of this meeting was to discuss the security of border trade lines, and after Lu Xiang left, he became the person with the most say on this issue.

But Doug is not used to such formal occasions, and his usual written reports are left to other people in the department to complete.

Seemingly sensing that Doug was a little out of shape, Aureliano took the initiative to help him out and said, "Director Doug has been very busy recently. He was dealing with official business until late at night yesterday. He may be a little out of state today, and it happens to be not early yet." Okay, we have arranged dinner for you all, and we can continue to discuss the rest during the meal."

The roaring crowd quickly left the venue.

Feeling guilty, Doug walked into the small conference room immediately after the meeting. In any case, it was indeed inappropriate to openly desert from the meeting.

After Director Lu left, he encountered such doubts more than once.

With his ability, is he really qualified for such an important position as head of the law enforcement department?

"As for the security of the border trade lines, I think the town's output can be maximized."

Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the door.

This is a voice that is extremely familiar to Doug. This voice appears in his "dream" every night.

"As far as I know, the farmer and the 'outside world' have a close relationship with the Barossa Group. As long as this relationship can be mobilized, the security problem of the border trade line will be solved."

Doug's heart was beating violently, and even his breathing became much faster.

This scene seemed familiar. In the "dream", the other party also helped him analyze the case like this. As said, Kate's thinking is much more delicate than his, and she can always help him clarify his thoughts.

However, what filled my heart at this moment was not ecstasy, but uneasiness.

Because this is a sound that should never appear in the real world.

The product description of "Dream Creator" mentioned that because the dreams it creates are so real, many users have experienced varying degrees of hallucinations after long-term use of the product.

This is a precursor to cyberpsychosis.

The product manual also mentions: "If you encounter the person or object in your dream in real life, please stop using the product immediately and go to the nearest psychological clinic for treatment."

Considering how frequently he has used "Dream Creator" recently, Doug felt that this must be a warning from his brain.

A head of a law enforcement department who hallucinates at any moment is much scarier than a supervisor who skips meetings.

Unconsciously, there was no sound outside the door.

Doug took a deep breath, his finger hanging on the door button paused for a long time, and finally pressed the unlock button.

The corridor outside the lounge was empty.

Just as he expected.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable loss in his heart.

The product instructions mention that hallucinations are just a precursor to cyberpsychosis, which can be cured as long as you stop using the product immediately and take medication.

If you ignore the warning and continue to use the product for a long time, the condition will worsen. The worst possible scenario is that the user will be trapped in a "dream" forever, and will no longer be able to distinguish between dreams and reality. However, even so, there are still a large number of users choose to immerse themselves in beautiful dreams.

It's time to stop.

Doug watched the door of the lounge slowly close, and the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw something that shouldn't have appeared on the door - it was a note that listed in detail the owner's thoughts on the security of border trade lines.

"Director Doug."

Mayor Aureliano finally took the time to come to Doug.

Doug's reaction startled him.

Aureliano instinctively took a step back, but was still held down by the excited Doug on the shoulder.

The latter's eyes were bloodshot and he couldn't wait to ask, "Mayor, can you see it?"

"...what did you see?"

"There's a note, there's a note on the door of the lounge!"

Aureliano's eyes crossed Doug's shoulder, stopping at the note taped to the door, and then he nodded without knowing why.

"There really is a note!"

Before Aureliano could continue to ask, Doug ripped off the note, stuffed it into his hand, and then ran towards the control room like a cyberpsychopath.

The fanatical voice still echoed in the corridor for a long time.

——"Mayor Aureliano, thank you, you are great!"


I've been sick recently, and I've met many people around me who have colds and fevers. Please take care of yourself!

Thanks to Xianyu Youth for the extra 500 starting coins!

Thank you for the 300 starting coins for the fruit consequence reward!

Thanks to Hahaha Lezilong for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to Fei Langjia Tianya for the 100 starting coins!

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