Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 58 Election Day

Song Lan never expected that their patient turned out to be the current mayor of District 17, a name he had only seen in news reports before.

The main reason why this name made him worry was that this commission exuded an atmosphere of conspiracy from the beginning to the end.

The current mayor of the 17th District suffers from a mental illness, and for some reason cannot go to the hospital for consultation, so he can only transfer the commission of hiring a psychological counselor to the most famous intelligence dealer in the 17th District.

Song Lan went over the context of the whole incident again, and the more he thought about it, the more bizarre it became.

Why didn't the mayor go directly to Lu Xiang, or privately ask the secretary to go to the hospital and invite the top psychological counselor to his home.

Soon, Song Lan found the answer to this question in the materials prepared by the secretary.

Next month is the time for the election day. The mayor is making full preparations for his re-election. If it is reported that his mental health has problems at this time, it is very likely to have an extremely adverse impact on the election, and it is very likely to become a contestant. The weapon the opponent uses to attack him.

According to the system of the coalition government, the re-election of the mayor is held every three years. At that time, the candidates will frequently give speeches to canvass votes for themselves. But the form of a good vote is sure to emerge.

During the election period, it is often the busiest time in the city.

"Mental weakness, hallucinations?"

After reading through the document handed over by the secretary, Roger frowned. The information given in the column of diagnosis results in the document was very amateurish, it looked like it was written by a layman, but after that, Another psychiatrist's signature appeared.

"When did these symptoms start?"

"I don't think you understand the purpose of this entrustment."

The secretary ignored Roger's question and said, "This election is extremely important to the mayor of Lyon. Excessive pressure is a normal phenomenon. I invite you here because I hope you can provide a detailed and complete consultation result to show that the mayor He's in a good mental state right now."

"The result of the consultation will not be confirmed until we see the patient, right?"

"The mayor of Lyon needs to attend a charity event at noon, and has no time to meet with you, so you only need to leave a copy of the consultation results, and the commission will be considered complete."



Song Lan interrupted Roger.

He had fully understood what was going on.

The reason why the mayor invited them here was not really for psychological counseling, but to find an authoritative psychological counselor to provide him with a mental health certificate, so as to protect him from the malicious slander of his competitors.

That being the case, it wouldn't make any sense for Roger to continue arguing with the other party.

"The employer's request, we will naturally put it first. Roger, with your level, even if you don't see the patient, you should be able to make a good diagnosis, right?"

While speaking, Song Lan frantically winked at Roger, fearing that the latter's stubbornness would come to the fore and he would have to argue with the mayor's secretary, which would not only directly anger the employer, but also It may bring them a fatal disaster.

Mental weakness, hallucinations may be a mental illness, or it may just be caused by stress and fatigue.

And as small citizens, they don't need to participate in the election of the mayor at all.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with directly writing the results of the consultation, but you need to at least explain what's going on with these two points. The fabricated consultation results will be seen through by professionals at a glance."

Seeing Roger's compromise, the secretary nodded in satisfaction and said, "Having hallucinations is a recent problem. Recently, the first thing the mayor of Lyon gets up every day is to call all the security personnel in the residence together, and then personally confirm each of them. Their looks and names, and he did it because he felt someone had replaced the security guards."

Even she, a non-professional, could see that this was all the Mayor's illusion.

The security personnel in the residence are all carefully selected elites. The shortest of them have worked under the mayor for three years. , but the mayor saw the clues?

During the conversation, the hover car slowly stopped in front of a two-story mansion.

The majestic architectural style is incompatible with the overall style of the 17th district. It can be seen that the mayor of Lyon has spent a lot of money in order to manage his residence.

The security force at the residence was also extremely strict. After getting off the car, Song Lan saw at least five groups of patrols outside the villa. These patrol captains were wearing heavy bulletproof vests, loaded with live ammunition, and the one at the front was leading a wolf dog.

One of the wolfhounds looked at him as he passed by, and immediately his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, causing a small commotion. Seeing this, Song Lan hurriedly looked away, and immediately distanced himself from the commotion.

The senses of animals seem to be much stronger than that of humans. Fortunately, the restless wolfdog was restrained by the security personnel for the first time, and they didn't think about it. They seemed to simply think that the dog was frightened by the hovering vehicle that landed.

The dog seemed to restrain him a bit.

Song Lan silently made the decision to stay away from small animals as much as possible in the future.

He took a step forward and continued the unfinished topic just now, "It is very normal to be stressed before the election. The mayor of Lyon may just have not slept well recently. It is not a mental illness at all. As long as he can find a way to relax, this The problem may be solved."

"I believe the mayor can adjust his emotions."

The secretary was noncommittal, "You should also start working, just ask what you need, and I will try my best to meet your requirements."

This is what you said.

Song Lan didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

What reason do employers have to work hard when they say it's okay to fool around?

Anyway, it was the mayor who wasted the money in the end and had nothing to do with him.

"Roger, just go and make a psychological counseling report, and do as they ask."

After completing the entrustment, they can go back to their respective homes, and they can disband and rest early in the afternoon.


Roger could only nod helplessly.

He knew that entanglement with the secretary would not change her opinion, and it might bring them unnecessary trouble.

"Come with me, the basic materials are ready."


Song Lan walked at the back of the line. He deliberately slowed down because he noticed a white figure coming out of nowhere.

"Master, is this really the mayor's house?"

Almond looked in disbelief.

"It's a nice house."

Song Lan pointed to the majestic porch, trying to convey his meaning with his eyes.

This is the luxury house that he can't afford to work for the rest of his life, and now he can enjoy his eyesight.


Almond's doubts deepened. He pointed to the security guards patrolling in the distance, "Why are there corpses everywhere in the mayor's house?"

At present, the cumulative number of updates added after being put on the shelves (excluding the number of days of explosive updates): 21

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