Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 105 I will set a rule for everyone!

The divine sword was in front of him, but Chen Shouzhuo could not move forward.

The sword energy gathered together and automatically eliminated the remaining power of the black sun outside. With this sword energy, Chen Shouzhuo could not get close to the divine sword.

This is a plan and action planned by many forces outside for tens of thousands of years.

It has already formed a large scale, and Chen Shouzhuo cannot withstand the hurricane of sword energy.

He shook his head and turned back.

Just as he turned around, the Divine Sword suddenly sounded like a sword.

As soon as the sword sounded, Chen Shouzhuo felt his whole body's energy and blood shake. The "Sword Qi Technique" was like an explosion, and he responded inexplicably.

Vaguely, Chen Shouzhuo heard clearly what the sword was saying.

It looks forward to Chen Shouzhuo moving forward, it wants to see Chen Shouzhuo, it tells its loneliness here, and it is waiting for the arrival of its companions.

And Chen Shouzhuo was its companion.

Chen Shouzhuo remained motionless for a long time, but there was no way. The sword energy gathered and formed a hurricane, and the divine sword itself could not be eliminated. With this sword energy, Chen Shouzhuo could not get close to the divine sword.

You can only leave!

Returning to Red Lion Cliff, Chen Shouzhuo felt that he had been feeling uneasy for a long time.

The divine sword hums softly, calling him again, looking forward to him again, just like the cry of a loved one.

Don't let your loved ones down!

Chen Shouzhuo let out a sigh of relief and continued planting trees without thinking about these things.

Let’s plant the trees first!

The next day, they continued to plant trees, and this time no one with a blind eye destroyed Chen Shouzhuo's saplings.

People here bully the weak and fear the strong, fear power but not virtue!

At night, Chen Shouzhuo went to see the sword again.

Still stuck in the sword energy hurricane, unable to move forward.

He had no choice but to go back. Along the way, under his spiritual consciousness, he could sense the chaos in Hexi City.

In this way, plant trees during the day and go over to look at swords at night.

Seven days later, 9,999 trees were planted.

Chen Shouzhuo was doing his routine to pay homage to the Qing Emperor, and suddenly he felt something in his heart, and a reward appeared.

But this time only the previous rewards will be awarded, and there will be no rewards for planting trees later.

He took out the Sky Treasure Appreciator Meixiadang and looked into it.

"Vajrayana" and "Jinhua Tianzun's Edict"

"Vajrayana" is Jiang Xinzhai's reward, from the Vajra Temple.

"Jinhua Tianzun's Edict", this seems to be a reward from the Changgu Sect?

There is a real dog from Jian Wu Jian Kong Demon Sect who steals people to plant trees without even giving out a reward.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at the "Jinhua Tianzun's Edict". This method comes from "The Supreme Jinhua Tianzun's Miao Sutra of Saving Tribulation and Protecting Lives", and is a method for cultivating spiritual consciousness.

What the hell is "The Supreme Jinhua Tianzun's Wonderful Sutra of Saving Tribulation and Protecting Lives"?

Chen Shouzhuo silently felt that it was the Supreme Golden Flower among the thirty-six secrets of the Eight Jue Twelve Paths of the Supreme Way.

If I want to view other content, I can't.

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth and made an immediate choice!

"Jinhua Tianzun's edict is to extend the true salvation sutra. The ultimate true infinite way is the supreme deity of the Xu Emperor.

To avoid disasters, the fortune of Ren will be prosperous. The nine truths of samadhi are revealed, and super-clearness arises from the great hole.


Anyway, "Vajrayana" still has one chance, choose "Jinhua Tianzun's Edict".

The spell was passed into the soul, and Chen Shouzhuo suddenly understood why the Changgu Sect had a lonely soul.

They only had the Taishang Jinhua, the thirty-six secret transmissions of the Taishangdao, but they did not get the cultivation inheritance of the Taishangdao.

This caused their souls to be too strong and separated from themselves, causing Changgu Sect's current problem.

However, if he cultivates Taishang Jinhua himself, will he be like them?

The question is invalid.

The method has been taught. This method is natural and different from others. It is no longer up to Chen Shouzhuo to practice or not.

The spell operates automatically, the nine truths of samadhi are revealed, the great hole rises to super brightness, and Chen Shouzhuo's consciousness begins to grow uncontrollably.

When he woke up in the morning, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly discovered that his consciousness had reached one hundred and thirty feet, an increase of ten feet.

Moreover, the "Jinhua Tianzun Edict" operates on its own, and his spiritual consciousness will continue to increase.

After Chen Shouzhuo got up, he remained silent for a long time. This was the case with the Changgu Sect. His spiritual consciousness continued to increase, and finally he transcended the physical body, his soul separated from his body, and he lived forever.

But then, immortality is not a good thing either.

It is difficult for a lonely soul to live, especially when the sun rises in the morning, it is like a disaster of fire, and when darkness falls at night, it is like a hell of ice.

In addition, there are countless natural enemies of lonely souls, who are suffering day and night, and lonely souls are always frightened.

In the end, there was no other way. The Changgu Sect monk took back his physical body again.

Sometimes it is a person, sometimes it is a soul.

I don't want to be like this. The only way is to seek the cultivation and inheritance of the Supreme Way and balance the Supreme Golden Flower.

But I am trapped in the Zifu world and can't get out!

If you don't solve this problem, your soul will really leave your body, and you will never be able to advance to the realm of Zifu, and you will never be able to get out!

This is not okay.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled bitterly and said slowly:

"That's all!"

“It’s not that I want to, it’s that I have to do it!”

I have finally decided to do something that I have been thinking about for a long time!

He took out the paper and ink he had prepared and started writing.

"The ultimate true way, the Supreme Emperor of Xu."

Just transcribed a random sentence from the scripture, and it is full of force.

"The emperor looks at the world, the Purple Mansion, the heaven and the earth, all living beings are suffering, the heaven and the earth have spirits, people's hearts are good, it shouldn't be like this!

I hereby declare that there should be rules here!

1. People should not eat each other. Those who eat each other will become evil ghosts. They only know how to eat meat and have no sense.

Second, people must protect their relatives, relatives, parents, brothers and children, blood ties, help each other, and must not kill, beat, or buy or sell.

Third, people are not allowed to hurt others, and they are not allowed to rob, kill, or take lives of others without reason. If the other party is violent, they can fight back, but they are not allowed to hurt others without reason.

Fourth, no one can take other people’s property…”

Chen Shouzhuo was eloquent and wrote a total of nine articles, all of which pointed out things not to be done in response to various evils and evil things in this place.

Finally wrote:

"These nine rules are the emperor's true words. No matter what happened in the past, if you see this edict and disobey it, you will be punished by heaven and die!"

After finishing writing, Chen Shouzhuo nodded and summoned Brother Hei and others to copy.

Brother Hei and the others are actually dragons, not real dogs. They can use their magic power to copy some words, no problem.

After copying three hundred copies of the order, Chen Shouzhuo stopped.

It was already evening, and Chen Shouzhuo ordered that all the important roads, key places, and places where people gathered in Hexi City should affix the edict.

Three hundred edicts were all glued that night.

The next day, when the people of Hexi City got up in the morning, they immediately saw these edicts.

The literate began to read and then laughed.

"What the hell is this?"

"The emperor's true words..."

"What is this for? Set a rule for us? Who does he think he is?"

"What are you doing, teaching us not to kill or rob? To be good people?"

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen such a funny thing!"

"What kind of emperor is this? I'm laughing so hard!"

"Hey, look, in item 6, the word "call for words" is wrong!"

"Hahaha, typo king!"

There were just countless jeers and no one cared.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't care. At night, he wrote another three hundred copies of the edict and spread it throughout the city.

Of course, the typo yesterday was corrected!

The next day, when the people in the city saw the edict again, they laughed and had fun.

On the night of the third day, Chen Shouzhuo wrote another 300 copies of the edict and continued to paste them.

When you go out to apply, naturally wear a painted leather mask.

This mask is really good. The area around the face automatically fuses with flesh and blood. It will automatically change into whatever face shape you want in your mind.

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while and transformed into the form of Ancestor Kongtian. This old licking dog sent him here to hack him!

Chen Shouzhuo went out to paste it. When he arrived at an intersection, he posted an order.

Someone appeared silently and surrounded Chen Shouzhuo.

"Old guy, is this what you did?"

"You are the emperor with typos?"

"Your Majesty, are you trying to teach us how to behave?"

Seven monks gathered around, and someone tore off the edict that Chen Shouzhuo had pasted.

Chen Shouzhuo said slowly:

"Four, no one should take other people's property..."

The other party laughed loudly and said, "So what if I take it away?"

Chen Shouzhuo said, "It's all written there. If you disobey my nine orders, there will be no consequences!"

"What's the end!"


Chen Shouzhuo instantly took out his bull hoe, flashed past him, and cracked one person's brain.

Those people were shocked!

"This old guy took action..."

Snap, another person was killed. Chen Shouzhuo was ruthless, coming and going like the wind, one after another, and in the blink of an eye, there were corpses everywhere.

The leader had a magic weapon on his body, which withstood the blow and did not die immediately.

He lay on the ground, gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Shouzhuo and said:

"You bastard, aren't you the Great Emperor? Aren't you advising people to do good? You, you really kill people..."

Chen Shouzhuo said slowly: "I have said it all, those who violate it will die!

You think I'm kidding you! "

"Who do you think you are? The Great Emperor? Why do you want to change our lives!"

Chen Shouzhuo continued: "Why? Of course I thought so!

Here, fear power but not virtue!

Therefore, anyone who violates the Nine Rules will be killed!

If you kill too many, you will naturally be afraid. Naturally, some people will have good intentions and obey my nine orders. "

"Haha, in Hexi City, that person can obey your nine orders. Can you kill him?"

"Come here to kill! If one person doesn't obey, kill one person. If ten people don't obey, kill ten people. If a hundred people don't obey, kill a hundred people. If a thousand people don't obey, kill a thousand people. If ten thousand people don't obey, kill ten thousand people!"

If it doesn't work, kill the whole city and replace them with a new group. If they don't obey, then kill them all again until someone obeys my order!

It's so chaotic here, I'll set some rules for everyone, please abide by them! "

After saying that, Chen Shouzhuo took out his hoe and went straight to the monk.

The monk's expression changed and he immediately shouted: "No, I abide by it, I abide by it..."

With a snap, he was killed immediately.

"Sorry, it's late!"

“You’re rotten and there’s no way you’re going to change, so get on your way!”

"The long night, endless blood, I can only use my hands to infect, even if I fall into the sea of ​​blood hell, I will change the world.

I firmly believe that not all people are rotten, people will still be good. If no one is good, then we must eliminate evil. "

Chen Shouzhuo continued to paste, and that night, eighty-seven people were killed!

At dawn, the whole Hexi City was in an uproar.

This is a challenge to the inherent order of the entire city.

Twenty-eight of the gangs have issued a reward. Anyone who discovers the wrong-worded emperor will be rewarded with 10,000 spiritual stones and 100 slaves!

There was also the Tianjing Gang, who peeled off the body of a seven-year-old girl and hung it where Chen Shouzhuo had posted the order, which was considered a counterattack against Chen Shouzhuo.

The girl just arrived in this world yesterday, and after tossing and turning, she died when she arrived here, and her skinned body hung directly there.

At night, the Tianjing Gang was on alert to prevent the Typo Emperor from attacking.

The gang formation was opened and heavily guarded.

Huo Linzifu, the leader of the Tianjing Gang, has twenty-one Dongxuan men under his command, and an ordinary gang member of three hundred.

In fact, basically all gangs in the city are configured like this.

However, there are also gangs that do not have Zifu and are dominated by Dongxuan.

In addition, Chen Shouzhuo did not have to kill the entire city.

Most of the people in the city are mortals. They will not participate in battles and will be honest and obedient to the monks.

Other monks told them to die, and they died. Chen Shouzhuo told them not to do bad things and to be kindhearted, which is better than death, so they must abide by it.

There are 30,000 monks and 800 Dongxuan. Killing them all is basically a massacre of the city.

Suddenly, the sky shook, revealing a big hole.

Yanlong Heiyuan is good at breaking through the ground. Chen Shouzhuo used their ability to drill holes to break through the opponent's defense and enter the Tianjing Gang.

Chen Shouzhuo is also making progress!

The killing begins.

Brother Hei, Meijianchi and the others turned into eight forts, and directly killed all the Dongxuan monks or those who condensed the Great Perfection with spells.

"Shui Wuji Raging Sea" and "Fire Phoenix and Aochen Nine Heavens", basically beat these monks one at a time.

If you can't kill it, then try again!

These monks, not to mention heretics, are not ordinary casual cultivators and are vulnerable to attack.

Chen Shouzhuo waved his hoe to condense the energy of the ordinary monks one by one.

"I have nine orders. If you don't listen, you will all die!"

The Tianjing Gang dares to come forward because their leader is Huo Lin, a true scholar of Zifu.

"Old guy, he's only in the realm of Ning Yuan, but he calls himself the emperor with a typo. You really don't know how to live or die!"

In his body, infinite magic power appeared, and the laws of heaven and earth were activated.

Chen Shouzhuo felt his eyes go dark and could no longer see.

Huo Lin found the right moment, roared, and took action immediately.

Chen Shouzhuo said: "Bi Yi, release the dogs!"

A little lion appeared and ate Huolin in one bite. Master Zifu had no chance to make a move.

In fact, Chen Shouzhuo was closest to Red Lion at this time.

But Bi Yi's training these days, eating nothing and turning himself into a ball, has made Red Lion very obedient.

He never dared to approach Chen Shouzhuo again.

There was also a real scholar from Zifu who came to watch. Seeing this scene, he immediately ran away.

Red Lion jumped up and immediately caught up with him, the second one.

Then continue to want to eat the third one.

Bi Yi shouted: "Come back, come back!"

You must save your stomach to guard against the appearance of other Zifus.

Red Lion wants to resist. This is his weird rule. He must eat seven of them if he wants to continue eating people.

But faced with a more terrifying evil, the number one in the universe, he couldn't resist and had no choice but to go back.

Once the Zi Mansion is gone, all that's left is nothing but rubble.

The two major Zifus were so dead that no one from the Zifus appeared again.

After a great battle, no one was spared, and all the evildoers were killed.

Chen Shouzhuo took a long breath and cleared the battlefield.

Sure enough, three dungeons were found here, holding hundreds of people.

These people are all new people who arrived yesterday.

But my memory is clear. I only remember that I am a native of this town and fled here.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at them and released them.

“Listen carefully, I want you to recite my emperor’s edict.

Only those who swear to abide by it can leave.

Can you abide by it? "

One of them, who was blind, shouted: "Why?"

Chen Shouzhuo beat him to death with one click.

"Can you comply?"

Now everything is honest!

"Comply, comply, we comply!"

"Okay, I'll let you go with ten spirit stones each.

Remember, there will be someone who oppresses you tomorrow, so don’t resist. Remember his name and appearance.

At night, pray quietly, and I will appear and bring justice to you!

You tell everyone that anyone who does not comply will die! "

Everyone left, and Chen Shouzhuo set fire to the place.

Killing must be set on fire!

Setting the fire on fire, Chen Shouzhuo went to the girl.

The girl was still hanging there. She had died yesterday, otherwise Chen Shouzhuo had to save her.

There were several monks guarding here originally, but when they saw the Tianjing Gang fire burning, they all ran away.

Chen Shouzhuo came to the girl and said, "Go ahead and I will ask them to accompany you!"

A mouthful of ink flame and purple energy burned her to ashes.

Then Chen Shouzhuo continued to stroll.

Next up is the butcher shop.

There are several butcher shops here, all supplying meat from ordinary people.

In fact, there are countless ferocious beasts outside the city here. As long as you dare to fight, there will be plenty of meat.

In addition, there are countless fish in the Black River, and there is no shortage of meat.

However, this is how local people are trafficked, deliberately inducing local indigenous people to learn bad things, arresting people for trafficking, and causing all kinds of inhumane things.

Those ferocious beasts and fish are publicized to the outside world as being too ferocious to be hunted.

In fact, buying and selling, done deliberately, creates countless resentments and leaves the dark days of muscle building behind.

Regardless of anything else, Chen Shouzhuo came to the butcher shop, smashed open the door with a hoe, and entered.

Anyone who stands in the way will be killed directly.

Then set fire to the inventory in the store and destroy the butcher shop.

In this way, continue to the second store, but the butcher shop, all destroyed.

When we arrived at the third store, the owner knelt down and begged loudly:

"Great Emperor, typo, Great Emperor, please don't ruin my business!"

"I still have an 80-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. If our livelihood is gone, they will all starve to death."

There were actually old ladies and children who came out and knelt down to beg.

Chen Shouzhuo said slowly:

"You lost your livelihood and saved your family. As a result, thousands of people were killed and eaten because of your livelihood.

Your family will live, but thousands of people will die because of this!

So, don’t let it go! "

The shopkeeper screamed and screamed, but he did not take action and did not seek death.

Looking at his family, Chen Shouzhuo said again:

"Don't worry, as long as you abide by my order, I will ensure that you will have enough to make a living in the future and support your family.

No longer afraid, sudden death comes and the whole family is eaten.

You get up first and take your family away. Now is just the beginning. When our battle is over and the winner makes the rules, we will talk about the rest! "

Drive away the owner and his family and continue to destroy the store.

In such a night, hundreds of people were killed and many evils were destroyed!

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly felt that the hurricane seemed to be quietly weakening where the divine sword was.

When Chen Shouzhuo was killing everyone.

Among the nine unexplorable caves, there are monks from the Zifu, drinking and watching all this!

"This junior is nothing more than Ning Yuan. He only relies on a few summoning spirits. Why not destroy him?"

"Hahaha, you don't understand this!

What is true despair.

That is to give him hope, and then his hope is shattered. That is when he feels real despair!

People, there is always some hope. If we want to produce more black sun injustice, we must cooperate with him.

Let him think that he has won, let all the two-legged sheep in the city think that the world has become better, and hope has come!

Then destroy him and give those two-legged sheep the most desperate darkness! "

"As expected, it's the Heart Demon Sect, ruthless, so ruthless!"

"You, the Dead Demon Sect and the Evil Demon Sect, don't let your eldest brother talk about your second brother!"

"Hahaha, everyone is talking to each other!"

"But pay attention to Chuqiao Sect and Wuxin Sect. Although they are Eight Evil Sects, they sometimes uphold justice inexplicably."

"No, the one you should be most wary of is Bafang Lingbaozhai. They will do anything for money and business!"

While they were laughing, Chen Shouzhuo was also secretly paying attention to these nine caves and the Bafang Lingbaozhai.

He thought they would show up tonight, but they didn't, so he prepared for them in vain!

Now is just the beginning, just to clear out the minions, the real battle, the fight to the death of the mastermind behind the scenes, is behind!

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