Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 190 Dayan World, Investment Construction

Chen Shouzhuo was furious, he was shaken!

He immediately went out to find Shen Junwen again.

However, it cannot be found!

No matter how Chen Shouzhuo searched, he was still one step short of finding any trace of him.

Title of the Heaven and Earth: Hear the Sound with Six Ears, Control the Wind and Giant Beasts

He always escaped without a trace before Chen Shouzhuo found him.

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. Although he had a cosmic title, he really couldn't stop the opponent.

Then forget it, go back to practice!

Not today, come back in a few days, I don’t believe you can hide from me forever!

After returning to the cave, after a while, Dugujing, Kou Wushuang, Changsun Xuan and others came to visit Chen Shouzhuo.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"Suddenly, the whole outer door was overwhelmed."

"Xiao Tai, you haven't let him go?"

"There's only one brother in the courtyard, and you're already under pressure?"

Chen Shouzhuo laughed and said:

“There’s been a little change recently.

Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it after a while. "

Dugujing was stunned and said, "After a while, what are you doing?"

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said: "Once every three days, before they have grown up, give them a little more memory!"

Kou Wushuang said: "Uncle, you have become bad!"

“But, I like it so much.

Hahaha, let them drag you away one by one for 25,000 to 80,000 yuan, that's how it should be! "

Chen Shouzhuo said: "We cannot suppress them in vain.

Come, let me treat you tonight, kill a sheep, kill a pig, the best spiritual meat and spiritual wine.

Help me pass the message, Zhu Jiujie, Yue Pialing, Yang Tongtian, everyone is invited! "

So Chen Shouzhuo bought a lot of Lingyang Spirit Wine and held a banquet to entertain everyone.

Don't tell me, everyone is here except Shen Junwen.

There is such a big banquet, souls, meat and wine, if you don't eat it, it will be free.

Zhu Jiujie, Yue Pialing, and Yang Tongtian couldn't figure it out and came to find out.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't care and entertained him warmly.

In fact, this was just the beginning. Three days later, Chen Shouzhuo had made up his mind to try again.

Step by step, let these junior brothers and sisters remember the failure of the outer sect in their bones.

In fact, although most of Chen Shouzhuo's fellow sects are in the Dongxuan realm, it is not impossible for them to cross levels and kill Zifu.

But Chen Shouzhuo's pressure, which is the strength of the Holy Realm, is really difficult to resist.

Even if they were coerced by Chen Shouzhuo, many people actually had a way to make a comeback, but the cost was too high and they didn't use it.

Chen Shouzhuo knew it well.

So it was decided to continue the pressure after three days, with a round every three days to allow them to gradually adapt.

After the banquet was over and everyone was sent away, the rats cleaned up the battlefield and ate the leftovers one by one, squealing happily.

After thinking about it, Chen Shouzhuo took out the cave-heaven magic weapon, expanded the world, and prepared to refine it.

Chen Shouzhuo took out the Dayan World. His fist was as big as a bunch of stars, endlessly bright.

This is the original form of the cave magic weapon, without activation.

At this time, it is not a dimensional cave, it is just a magical object that can be stored at will.

Chen Shouzhuo held it in his hand, felt it silently, then bit his fingertip and blood dripped from it.

Enter your spiritual consciousness and connect with this treasure.

Finally, he started chanting the mantra:

"The Great Dharma is majestic, the sky is round and the earth is round. There are nine pillars in the sky and nine beams on the earth. Six armor and six Yi, the cave sky will come out quickly. Six Bing and six ding, the cave sky will not work. Six Wu and six Ji, the cave sky will not rise. Six Gengs and six pungents, the cave sky will not work. True. Six Ren and six Gui, Dongtian will die on its own. Dongtian will be solved quickly, as urgent as a law or order!"

Blood drops, concentration, spells, triple certification.

Suddenly, the world of Dayan slowly unfolded and turned into a ball of brilliance, which instantly flew into the center of Chen Shouzhuo's eyebrows.

Chen Shouzhuo silently felt that between his eyebrows, it was as if a universe was born and the world took shape.

Chen Shouzhuo's Geoyuan Dojo and Sword Cave Treasure Kiln were both attracted by this Dayan world.

In this way, one day and one night later, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly heard a roar.

The world explodes!

Chen Shouzhuo felt that there was an inexplicable world that had an extremely close connection with him.

The world of Dayan evolved successfully and turned into a dimensional cave!

It is like the earth, and the Geodojo and Sword Cave Treasure Kiln are like stars, floating outside Dayan and rotating around the world of Dayan.

Chen Shouzhuo was extremely excited and immediately entered the world of Dayan!

With a thought, Chen Shouzhuo's physical body was still in the real world, but his soul had entered the Dayan world.

Suddenly Chen Shouzhuo found that he was in a cave world.

But this place is very desolate, with no life at all. It covers an area of ​​fifteen miles and is a circular world.

The sky above our heads is about seven or eight miles high, and the earth beneath our feet is also seven or eight miles deep when we dig down.

This corresponds to the scope of Chen Shouzhuo's spiritual consciousness. As Chen Shouzhuo's realm improves, the Dayan world will expand accordingly.

But this will stop when it expands to a radius of thousands of miles.

The way to truly improve the world of Dayan infinitely is to invest!

The world of Dayan is transformed into a dimensional cave, which requires endless cultivation by monks.

Various resources were invested and construction was carried out little by little until Dongtian specialties appeared and began to give back to the owner!

You can also swallow other cave heaven magic weapons to evolve your own dimension cave heaven.

Among them, the biggest opportunity for evolution is to swallow the innate spiritual treasure.

But it’s easier said than done!

The whole world is a piece of gravel, but it is not a desert, it is just an ordinary world of gravel.

The central area is somewhat elevated, like a small mound.

Outside the world, there is endless white mist, and above the void, there is also endless white mist.

Silently feel that the whole world has four golden characters:

"The mountains and rivers outside the mist."

This is the name of this world!

Gently touching the gravel that makes up the world, I don’t know what it is made of, it’s neither stone nor gold.

The world was first formed, and now it only has one ability, storage.

It can store things within a fifteen-mile radius for Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo took out all the items from his stored magic weapon and moved them here.

When those items enter this world, they seem to be wrapped in a bubble and suspended in the air.

The bubbles become extremely tiny and do not have any contact with this Dayan world.

Other capabilities of Dayan World require Chen Shouzhuo’s subsequent investment and development.

Chen Shouzhuo slowly withdrew from his Dayan world and thought about it, then start investing.

He took out the high-grade spiritual stone and sent it into the world.

Then with a gentle tap, the spirit stone shattered into pieces and turned into infinite spiritual energy, floating in the world.

So far, spiritual energy has been injected into the world of Dayan out of thin air.

Another high-grade spiritual stone, and continuing like this, the spiritual energy in the world continues to increase.

In this way, there is no need to continue investing in thirty high-grade spiritual stones in a row.

The world of Dayan was shocked, it had mastered the ability to enhance the spiritual energy characteristics out of thin air.

There is no need to invest any more spiritual stones, Dayan World will automatically generate spiritual energy.

The area of ​​the world was reduced from fifteen miles to sixteen miles without any sound.

Gradually, the level of aura in the world reaches a certain level and can no longer be improved.

At this time, the area has reached a radius of eighteen miles.

This level of aura is comparable to Chen Shouzhuo's strength.

Chen Shouzhuo's true energy now has the second level strength of the Holy Realm, and the same is true for the strength of the spiritual energy in this Dayan world.

The spiritual energy was enough. Chen Shouzhuo thought about it and stretched out his hand to draw it!

The light of the ninth-order divine sword Golden Sun Nirvana Taibai Sword in the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln transcends time and space and shines in this world.

Like a big sun rising across the sky!

In this way, the sun rises early and sets at night, forming day and night in this world.

Chen Shouzhuo waved his hand, and his spiritual energy circulated, suddenly forming wind!

Breeze, light breeze, strong wind, strong wind!

The world’s automatic records are born on their own!

Chen Shouzhuo was looking for a big river in the real world to divert the river water into his world.

In the world, it started to rain.

With the appearance of rain, the world of Dayan was shaken. Dayan was born on its own and controlled the rain.

This is the wonderful effect of Dayan World. As long as you make a pattern, the world will grow on its own, and you can create it out of thin air in the future.

It starts with light rain, then gradually becomes moderate rain, and finally it rains heavily, and then it rains heavily!

The earth is completely submerged by water, and only a small island in the center is still land.

Chen Shouzhuo used his magic power to create heat and evaporate water vapor.

Then the evaporated water vapor condenses in the air, forming rain again.

When the mana was used again, the rain suddenly turned into ice and snow, and it started to snow.

Wind, frost, rain and snow!

Chen Shouzhuo's "Shui Yuan Dao Theory" was not practiced in vain, and a perfect water ecological system was quickly formed in this Dayan world.

He nodded, okay, change the system!

When Chen Shouzhuo came to his spiritual field, all the four immortal serpentine grasses had been harvested, and there were a total of 1,800 four immortal serpentine grass roots.

However, the four immortal serpentine grasses are extinct and must be cultivated from scratch if they want to reproduce.

Chen Shouzhuo touched his spiritual field. In the spiritual field, the soil was as fertile as oil and as dark as black!

Chen Shouzhuo took out his hoe and started digging the ground, digging out the soil of the spiritual field and entering his own Dayan world.

The soil was dug up here, and a packet of mana was sent into his own Dayan world.

After about a thousand kilograms of soil fell, Chen Shouzhuo no longer had to send it in.

The soil grew out of thin air. The gravel, which was neither stone nor gold, automatically transformed into soil and fell on the water surface, quickly covering the entire world.

Chen Shouzhuo shouted to his spiritual field:

"I have a new world here, everyone come and play!"

"Hmph, brother, you think we won't go!"

"We've discovered it a long time ago!"

"It's too barren now. When your world evolves, we'll go there!"

The wild grasses accepted Chen Shouzhuo's invitation!

This is the power of the wild grasses. No matter what caves or paradises you have, there is no place they can't go to.

In this universe, wherever there are spirits, they will appear.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, left Lingtian, and found a mine.

This place is rich in various kinds of stone spiritual materials

Chen Shouzhuo bought various stone spiritual materials and sent them to his Dayan world one after another.

Various stones appear.

Then Chen Shouzhuo looked for a spiritual sand mine and bought spiritual sand...

Earth, gravel and gravel!

Looking at the past, the land of Dayan World gradually became normal, and the area expanded to nineteen miles without realizing it.

Chen Shouzhuo went to buy various spiritual ores.

This is a metal ore that can be mined for gold essence, copper mother, etc.

Gold, silver, copper and iron!

These are the veins beneath the earth!

Chen Shouzhuo began to look for various spiritual plants and sent them to him.

For example, if you send in ten willow trees, Dayan World will automatically have this species, and there is no need to send in extra ones.

Flowers and trees!

Chen Shouzhuo looked for various insects, ants, bees, earthworms, small animals, rabbits, and various birds.

Flowers, birds, insects and fish!

As long as Chen Shouzhuo formed a river on the earth, it would turn into a spring.

Water vapor generates itself and turns into a water system.

Springs, rivers and seas!

Introducing some of the real things, Dayan World will decompose and control these things, and then be born on its own.

Moreover, Dayan World will also make organic adjustments based on the world's shape to form an ecological system suitable for its own world.

Chen Shouzhuo sent all the real things he could find into his Dayan world.

The world of Dayan evolves automatically, which is the characteristic of this paradise.

During this process, Chen Shouzhuo did not forget to coerce his fellow disciples.

Work and fight equally well.

First look for Zhu Jiujie, then Yang Tongtian, then Yue Pialing, my brother Fang Zhongting, and distant relative Lu Tai, don't run away.

What's left is the invincible fortress Fu Chenju, the clear radiance of the holy sun covering the sky, the melting heart flame demon Fei Wuji, the angry lotus of Li Huo Han catching the tiger, the ancient thunder sound of Chu Nanzi...

Even his old friends, Dugujing, Kou Wushuang, and Chen Shouzhuo have not let him go.

Everyone is affected by rain and dew, and good friends should be happy together!

Don't be angry, what a big deal, let's have a whole sheep feast tonight, come over and eat more, it will give you a chance to take revenge.

Except for Zhu Jiujie, Yang Tongtian, and Yue Pialing, they were always depressed. They were the proud sons of heaven, how could they lose to such an old farmer!

The others have long since adapted. It turned out that they had never beaten Chen Shouzhuo during the trial.

Anyway, I couldn't beat it before, and I can't beat it even more now.

Pressure is pressure. This uncle had a seizure recently, and he got over it after just enduring it.

Eating two more mouthfuls of his meat at night is considered revenge!

Only the bastard Shen Junwen can't stop him no matter what, there's nothing he can do!

This guy has six ears, can control the wind, and can run as fast as anyone else.

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. If I had known this, why would you mess with me?

Forget it, continue investing in Dayan World.

Many things have been invested.

The area of ​​Dayan World gradually expanded to thirty miles. It seemed that it had finally reached its limit, and Dayan World was shaken violently.

The whole world turned into chaos, and then rotated organically, like a sea of ​​air!

Chen Shouzhuo knew that this was the evolution of Dayan.

Just like the ancient cave heaven will lead to the real ancient cave of immortals and demons, the Liuguang Blessed Land will absorb the cosmic light beyond the sky, the characteristic of the Dayan world is the Dayan evolution.

Chen Shouzhuo invested one after another, and Dayan World reached the investment limit and evolved immediately.

Turn into chaos and recreate the world.

After the birth of the new world, all investments will be organically absorbed and turned into world heritage.

In this way, the world of Dayan has nine chances to evolve. After nine times, the world will be finalized and it will be difficult to evolve again.

This evolution process takes a month, but it does not affect the stored items.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't care. During this period, he educated the junior brothers and sisters three more times.

Once, Shen Junwen was finally stopped, but one day he restarted and escaped again!

Chen Shouzhuo shook his head, "I can't run away from you, a bitch like you, so take your time."

At this time, Chen Shouzhuo's cultivation system had been improved.

Whether it's Shui Yuan's "Shui Yuan Dao Shuo", Huo Yuan's "Samadhi True Fire Sutra", Jin Yuan's "Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Methods", or "Shattered Jade Hands", "Weak Water Reflects Danxia", "Water is Unlimited and the Raging Waves of the Sea"... …

All upgrades completed.

The new inheritance, "Tian Que Qing" cannot be practiced, and "Yuan Jin Flow" is included in the training system.

Only the last one "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary Sky" is left

Chen Shouzhuo began to practice this method.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he practiced this method, Chen Shouzhuo seemed to be in a trance, as if he had a dream!

Listen to the legend!

He saw one person fighting against a group of enemies. Facing countless enemies, he used the "Sparse Shadow to Cross the City Boundary Sky" to make a big jump and rush into the enemy group...

No matter how many enemies he has, no matter what race he is, no matter how powerful he is...

He always faced the enemy alone, with a sword in hand. He started with the "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary and Sky" style, and killed him with a big jump!

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