Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 193 Yunhua is sad, Demon Emperor Rahu

Many black shadows came towards him, all of them were green silver rats.

As one of the twelve soldiers of Yunhua Mountain, they are not weak in strength.

Recently, another opportunity has arisen, and many green cane silver rats have become stronger.

Now, 70% of the Green Cane Silver Rats are in the third-level Purple Mansion realm.

The Xue family in Shuihua Valley has good spiritual rice, but they have always been the target of harassment, and they come to steal it when they have nothing to do.

The last time three days ago, I don't know who opened the poisonous food and disturbed the monks of the Xue family in Shuihua Valley.

He ate twelve young monks from the Xue Family Ningyuan of Shuihua Valley in one breath.

After returning, many Green Cane Silver Rats were also anxious.

I originally thought that it would be dealt with by Yunhua Mountain, but the Green Cane Silver Rat has already chosen the rat that will die.

One life for another, come here to pay for it.

But three days passed and nothing happened.

So it seems that a big boss has settled the matter for the Green Cane Silver Rat.

But things like this can't be rectified, so tonight the green cane silver rat attacks, and they don't intend to leave any Xue family alive in Shuihua Valley.

They were all killed, pretending to be accidents, so as not to cause trouble in the future and be punished by Taishangdao to exterminate the clan.

Many green silver rats were full of killing intent, and three hundred rat tribes came from all directions, surrounding the entire Xue family.

When they arrived at the mountain-protecting formation, they found that the formation had been broken open.

They immediately went in to kill them, but they didn't expect that the Silver Rats had already killed all the Xue family in Shuihua Valley.

"Old Wu Sanliu, why did you come here? If you don't come here, you will eat all the meat!"

"Who are you?"

"I am 857, I am your brother, why have you forgotten me!"

"Ah, I seem to remember you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly, this kid is so delicious, I'll save his head for you!"

As soon as he heard that there was food, the Green Cane Silver Rat thought of the other party in a trance and followed him. Sure enough, there was a human child in front of him who had lost his legs and was still wailing there.

The green silver rat hesitated for a moment. Cannibalism is a serious crime for Tao soldiers and will result in death.

But the child seemed to be exuding infinite deliciousness, and he couldn't help but go over and take a bite.


The Green Squirrel was immersed in this, but did not realize that his body had been covered by shadows and disappeared quietly from the world.

In this way, one by one, the silver rats disappeared silently, as if they had never been there.

The shadow world in Chen Shouzhuo's "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City and the Sky" has three hundred more shadow lives.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned, looked at Xue Wenkang, the head of the Xue family, and said slowly:

“These silver rats with green tapestry come with murderous intentions.

Hurry up and get everyone in your family to gather and run away! "

Xue Wenkang's expression changed and he said: "Killing intention? Humans have no intention of hurting tigers, but tigers can eat people's hearts!"

After saying that, he immediately stood up and went over to make arrangements.

"The news you asked for help ended up at the outer gate. If I didn't come, it would just be a Dongxuanzhen cultivator who would come.

It's almost like dying. It seems that there is something wrong with the guardian of Taishang Road here.

Your message for help was tampered with by him, otherwise someone from the sect would have come here.

Go out and escape, don't come into contact with anyone, don't be silenced by others!

I'll settle this matter for you. "

"Thank you, senior!"

Xue Wenkang burst into tears of gratitude. If the Silver Rat is so rampant, there must be someone to support it.

Everyone in the Xue family gathered quietly. There was a tunnel in their ancestral hall that led directly to the distance without knowing where to go.

It seems that the Xue family is not unprepared.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace!

Chen Shouzhuo guarded him silently and sent everyone in the Xue family away.

During this period, another three hundred silver rats came to kill and disappeared silently.

But I didn't want Xue Wenkang to leave.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Xue Wenkang said: "I am the head of the Xue family. We have all left, and only senior is left to fight in this bloody battle. The Xue family is so inhuman!

Therefore, I advance and retreat together with the seniors, and the worst is to die.

Anyway, I am already old, so I am worthy of my ancestors! "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded. The Xue family can reach its current size not only because of senior Yu Yin, but also because of the passionate monks!

"Okay, but it's nothing. They will kill as many as they come."

Xue Wenkang gritted his teeth and said: "Actually, it is not impossible for our Xue family to kill the Green Cane Silver Rat.

But they are one of the twelve soldiers of Huayun Mountain, and they have to fight dogs..."

This is the main reason. Although everyone is a vassal of Taishangdao, the other party's backstage is the spiritual god, and the Xue family cannot afford to offend.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said: "It's okay, leave it to me, my backstage is much tougher than their little spirits!"

At this time, three hundred silver rats came, but they were extremely careful.

There has been no movement from the two groups of tribesmen. Can we be careless?

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and waved his hand, and under the operation of his magic power, six hundred green silver rats appeared in his shadow world.

They climbed out of the shadow world, shook themselves on the ground, and immediately transformed into green silver rats.

They immediately rushed out and started shouting!

"Lao Wuqisan, come quickly, there is delicious food here!"

"General Half-Ear, you are here too, I have something good to offer you!"

In the past, they all seemed to be members of their own clan, so there was nothing unusual about them. Later, more than 300 green silver rats also entered the Xue family.

After a while, nine hundred silver rats rushed out of Xue's house and headed straight for their lair.

Chen Shouzhuo sneered, in fact, these green silver rats have simple minds and low sanity, and are very easy to be deceived and transformed.

Nine hundred green-covered silver rats returned to their lair in Yunhua Mountain. They called out to their clansmen, summoned their friends, and the whole clan came out together, including the old and the young.

Among them is the leader of the Silver Rat Clan, the Taoist General Rat King.

But despite all the deceptions from his subordinates, he was dispatched.

Thousands of silver rats came to Xue's house and entered it.

One by one, they sank into their own fantasies and were swallowed up by shadow life.

Only the leader of the Green Silk Silver Rat Tribe, the Rat King, quickly woke up. He screamed at the top of his lungs and resisted desperately.

But tens of thousands of shadow beings roared in and besieged him with all their strength. Within a moment, he also sank.

What Chen Shouzhuo did was just to maintain his mana and maintain the mana output state of "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary and Sky".

At the last moment, there was no longer a silver rat in the Xue family. Not only here, but all the silver rats in Yunhua Mountain were also wiped out.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, thus completely solving the Xue family's problem.

"Okay, I have wiped out all the Qingzhi Silver Rat clan!"

Xue Wenkang was immediately stunned. This really solved the problem, completely solved it.

But Xue Wenkang smiled bitterly, he knew that the Xue family would move away from here in the future.

Yunhuashan didn't dare to find fault with Chen Shouzhuo. It was easy to deal with their small family.

However, in front of Chen Shouzhuo, Xue Wenkang would not show it, he would just praise:

"Senior, you are so generous, you solved the problem for my Xue family!"

"The Xue family must be very grateful!"

Looking at Xue Wenkang with a wry smile, Chen Shouzhuo was not a newbie, and he felt Xue Wenkang's helplessness.

"You Xue family, please stay away for a while.

I, Chen Shouzhuo, am about to enter the inner gate and become one of the ninety-nine heavenly monks. I will have a sacred cave, and there will be a spiritual field in it.

When the time comes, you will come and farm for me. With this status, I will see who dares to touch you! "

Chen Shouzhuo just listened and inspected the Xue family's spiritual field, not to mention that they were really capable of growing spiritual fields.

If you encounter it like this and subdue it, you will have more land. You can't expect a group of giant rats to attack you!

Xue Wenkang was extremely happy and grateful.

At this point, the matter was completely resolved. Xue Wenkang signed the flying talisman and gave Chen Shouzhuo a perfect mission evaluation.

Chen Shouzhuo bid farewell to Xue Wenkang and returned to Taishangdao.

He flew up here and flew towards the outer gate of Taishang Dao. Unexpectedly, the space turned around and Chen Shouzhuo found that he had entered Yunhua Mountain.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and continued to fly outwards, but found that the Yunhua Mountain seemed to be infinitely larger and difficult to fly out!

I avoided it like this, tried to stay away as much as possible, and finally fell into the trap!

Chen Shouzhuo remained silent and continued to escape, trying to break out of Yunhua Mountain.

Suddenly, behind him, someone shouted: "Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and looked back, only to see a young girl, as airy as a fairy.

She is wearing celestial clothes and colorful clothes, with long white gauze ribbons fluttering in the wind. She stands in the sky with her exquisite jade feet, her bright wrists are raised slightly, her jade fingers are brushed by orchid, and she has two dragon horns on her head. She is very cute.

She looked at Chen Shouzhuo with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, please invite me. I am Ao Qing, the dragon girl under the throne of Can Hongzi, the ancestor of Yunhua Mountain!"

This dragon girl is extremely powerful, at least in the Dharma realm, and Chen Shouzhuo can feel the infinite power hidden in her body.

Chen Shouzhuo saluted and said, "The Supreme Master, Chen Shouzhuo!"

"Fellow Taoist invited me, my ancestor went out to travel and appointed me to guard this place.

But seven years ago, the ancestor once sealed an evil object and suddenly revived.

I have to mobilize the power of Yunhua Mountain to suppress this evil thing.

We have been fighting against it for seven years now. This evil thing is getting stronger and stronger. I command the twelve soldiers of Yunhua Mountain and gradually cannot resist it.

Many of my Taoist soldiers were infected by that evil thing, and they became strange every day. "

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and said, "Are you sure it's an evil thing?"

"The ancestor's seal is certain. He has awakened a large number of strange things."

"Fellow Taoist, the green silver rat is doing evil and even eats people.

If you destroy his clan, there is no problem, they deserve to die.

However, once they died, our Huashan Twelve Soldiers were missing one leg and were no longer complete.

The seal is about to have a flaw, and evil things will break out of the seal, leaving no one alive within a radius of thousands of miles.

We also ask fellow Taoists to take the world's common people as our own responsibility and help us seal evil things. "

After saying that, he bowed deeply.

This dragon girl Ao Qing is beautiful and proud, and this bow definitely reveals her charm.

Chen Shouzhuo seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't mention why you didn't go to Taishangdao for help. He just said, "Okay, take me there and take a look!"

The dragon girl Ao Qing escaped with Chen Shouzhuo.

Soon we arrived at the core of the mountain. There was a large abyss in the mountain, with endless demonic energy rolling inside, and the evil spirit was overwhelming.

There are many Taoist soldiers here, guarding them to the death.

Ice-spiked divine ape, gold-sanded Wuzui, winding mountain magic sheep, howling moon tengu, golden pig with different teeth...

They guarded the entrance to the abyss to prevent the demonic energy from seeping out.

Chen Shouzhuo felt silently, then shook his head and said softly: "Is there no evil thing?"

Bi Yi said angrily: "Absolutely not, there is only a universe-level spiritual creature inside, disguised as an evil creature.

I'm so happy! "

When Chen Shouzhuo heard this, he could see everything in the abyss, although it was blocked by endless demonic energy.

At this point, Chen Shouzhuo could observe the abyss. There were eleven levels in the abyss.

There are many evil spirits on each level, waiting for Chen Shouzhuo's battle.

Chen Shouzhuo killed them, and he could get all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures from them. In the corners, there were also various secret treasures.

Kill all the evil demons in the first level, and if you continue, you can challenge the evil demons in the second level. If you continue in this level, Chen Shouzhuo can feel the eleventh level, but he won't know about it in the future!

This place doesn't look like a serious place, how can the evil spirits be so stupid, waiting in line to be exterminated.

At a glance, you can tell what kind of secret realm this is, a place of trial for cultivating disciples.

Over there, the dragon girl Ao Qing was still talking proudly:

"As long as fellow Taoists eradicate the evil spirits, we will be deeply grateful.

If you kill certain evil demons, you will be rewarded with various spiritual stones and spiritual treasures. If you kill a large number of evil demons, all of my twelve Taoist soldiers can follow your Taoist friends.

Even I, as long as you work hard, it is not impossible to follow you and obey your orders..."

Chen Shouzhuo shook his head and said, "I'm not interested!"

Dragon Girl Ao Qing was stunned and said, "Fellow Taoist, what did you say?"

Chen Shouzhuo shouted to the sky:

"I am Chen Shouzhuo, a monk from the Ninety-nine Heavens of Taishangdao!"

"I have no interest in testing here."

"Senior, please send me away and choose someone else to come and practice!"

Chen Shouzhuo used Daoyin, and the sound resounded throughout Yunhua Mountain, but no one responded.

Dragon Girl Ao Qing was furious!

"Chen Shouzhuo, what do you mean, I gave you a chance and you still don't want it!

Don't be so shameless! "

She no longer looked charming, her face was blood red, like a ferocious beast.

Hua Mingyue suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Chen Shouzhuo, be careful, something seems to have happened here!"

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You guys are too good at it, setting up a secret trial realm, but you have no intention of attracting the devil from outside.

This dragon girl and the demon have entered her body. I suspect that the Taishangdao monks who guard this place have also been infected by the demon. They are desperately fighting against the demon and have lost control of this place. "

Wei Qi suddenly said: "Rahu, it seems to be the projection of Demon King Rahu!"

Chen Shouzhuo let out a sigh of relief. It turns out that's the case. No wonder the grasshoppers said it was very dangerous here.

The secret trial realm here is probably prepared for the Four-Nine Heaven Tribulation Son.

Therefore, the projection of the Demon King Rahu was attracted to quietly infiltrate this place, waiting for the arrival of the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation Son.

By coincidence, I came here first and waded through this muddy water.

In fact, they may not want to do anything to themselves, because they may make a lot of money for themselves.

He is the bait for fishing. When the time comes to go back, such a big harvest will lead to four or nine heavenly tribulations.

However, they all underestimated themselves!

Chen Shouzhuo took out his lifeblood, looked at Dragon Girl with a smile, and said:


Dragon Girl Ao Qing laughed and returned to her original appearance.

"You know you're wrong?

Don’t even give you a chance, hurry up and get there, everything has been arranged for you, there are definitely countless good things! "

Chen Shouzhuo just smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't like being manipulated by others. I'm really sorry!"

He used his hoe to direct his life towards the void and made a root-digging motion, the first form of the farmer's hoeing technique.

Perfect control and activation of universe seal.

Use force, force, use the hoe as hard as you can and dig it down!

In the ears, there was a roar, and a huge explosion broke out, detonating the world!

In all directions, everything from Yunhua Mountain to underground abyss was shattered into pieces.

Wherever the white light reaches, the shock wave contains the power of annihilation of life!

Extinction breaks out. Even if you escape the Farmer's Hoe explosion, you will still die!

When the life root is extinguished, everything is extinguished.

The death of the twelve Taoist soldiers, the death of the demon in the trial, and the death of the dragon girl Ao Qing are all the projections of the Demon King Rahu, and they are also destroyed!

If one blow was not enough, he would give another blow. Chen Shouzhuo picked up the hoe, planing, planing, planing...

Xue Wenkang is uneasy at home, not knowing what the future will bring.

Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake in Yunhua Mountain next to it, like a mountain falling and the ground cracking.

Frightened, Xue Wenkang hurriedly took to the air to check the situation.

When I went to see the ground, Chen Shouzhuo was walking over, swaying as if exhausted.

Xue Wenkang went over to greet him. Chen Shouzhuo laughed at him and said:

"I'm too tired, so I have to rest at your place for a night.

However, don’t worry about Yunhua Mountain, that’s all in the past! "

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