Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 204 Found you!

Feeling all this silently, Chen Shouzhuo frowned.

Who did this?

Do you want to continue investigating?

Yanlong Heiyuan was silent on his birthday, no longer speaking, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Chen Shouzhuo took a long breath, closed his eyes, and listened!

No need to ask, you have to check it out.

Daoting is in full swing, and he will continue to investigate and find out who did all this!

Listen silently, sense everything, and look for clues of the past.

Travel through time and listen to the voices of the past.

Divine power is divine power, if you want it, you can do it!

As long as there is a sound, you can hear Chen Shouzhuo's sermon!

Listening slowly, Chen Shouzhuo seemed to hear some sounds, but the sounds were insignificant and not enough to be heard clearly.

Still worse!

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and immediately activated the perfect control of the universe account!

The sound suddenly became louder, but it was still a little bit off, not much, but like a chasm in the sky, unable to be sensed.

This won't work. You have to think of other ways.

Chen Shouzhuo walked on the sea and began to study how to solve this problem.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth and started singing.

"The storm is rising and the waves are rushing..."

It doesn't matter what you sing, the important thing is to activate the divine sound.

If your voice isn't loud enough, add some volume yourself!

The Taoist sound emits a mysterious sound that resounds in all directions, and is then received by the Taoist listener to explore the secret of the Silver Fang Evil Dragon.

He is like a bat!

Build your own radar, produce and sell it yourself!

The sound of the Tao came out, and the Tao listened and accepted it. In the trance, the vague sound gradually became louder and clearer.

Suddenly Chen Shouzhuo heard what happened in the past.

In the distance, in a huge secret cave, a great purge was going on, and many spiritual beasts and ferocious beasts were destroyed one by one.

The experiment is over, the test items are no longer worthy of existence and have been destroyed.

The Silver Fang Evil Dragon was also being destroyed. At the last moment, they suddenly awakened the ability of their ancestor Silver Dragon Changji, and desperately cut through time and space to travel to the North Sea.

Then they multiplied here, and because they didn't know where this place was or the basic rules of living here, they attacked the Taishangdao disciples who were passing by.

During an attack, he encountered an iron plate and suddenly encountered the True Lord of Dharma.

At the moment of life and death, there was another explosion, using the ability of Silver Dragon Changji, and bitten the opponent to death with a mouthful of Silver Dragon Changji's void horn.

This matter attracted Taishang Huazhen's attention, and he began to send people to investigate.

During the investigation, a powerful person came here and sealed the ancestral ability of Silver Fang Evil Dragon, covering up all the truth, so Taishang Huazhen did not investigate anything.

But she still felt something was wrong, so she invited Chen Shouzhuo and discovered the secret.

Chen Shouzhuo sighed, the person who refined the Silver Fang Evil Dragon in the secret cave in the distance must be a disciple of Tai Shang Dao, and his status was not low.

At this point, the matter comes to an end.

The Silver Fang Evil Dragon has crossed the border here. Where is the secret cave ghost? I don't have the ability to find it. Even if I find it, I don't have the ability to go there. I can only return and tell the senior sister that the matter is done.

Chen Shouzhuo was about to leave, but he still felt uneasy.

Give up halfway!

Are you really unable to find the secret cave?

What on earth are they going to do? Is it just the Silver Fang Evil Dragon?

In a trance, the Taoist voice talks and the Taoist listens.

In an instant, Chen Shouzhuo locked onto the secret cave in the distance.

Suddenly leaving the Beihai region, beyond the Taishang Dao, in the distance, in the territory of the Dog Clan...

Is there really no way to get there?

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly transformed into the Emperor Shitian of the Endless Sea.

It has three heads and six arms, its whole body is indigo, its lower body is a fish, its feet step on the sea, and its body crosses Mount Sumeru!

As the waves turned, Chen Shouzhuo disappeared in the North Sea.

The waves rolled, the sea rushed, and with a roar, Chen Shouzhuo appeared in the void of the universe.

This is one of the powers of Emperor Shitian of the Endless Sea. As long as you can determine the coordinates of time and space, you can turn it into a torrent, travel through time and space, and reach everything in the universe!

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know this ability at all, and he couldn't operate it. However, after listening to the divine power, he discovered it on his own and got here.

This is a silent cosmic void. There is a meteorite belt not far away. Hundreds of thousands of meteorites form an empty space.

One of the huge meteorites quietly attracted Chen Shouzhuo.

He flew there.

The entire meteorite belt was filled with deathly silence, and when it arrived here, it fell on the meteorite.

This meteorite was a thousand feet in size. According to Chen Shouzhuo's perception, it was just an ordinary meteorite.

"I said I only have eyes for you..."

Chen Shouzhuo began to speak again and listened attentively...

In a daze, Chen Shouzhuo heard about the past here.

This large meteorite was originally just a part of a larger meteorite.

Someone built a huge cave here using meteorites as disguise.

In this cave, they study all spirits and find ways to return them to their ancestors.

The Silver Fang Evil Dragon is just one of them...

Ice-spiked divine ape, Yanhua turtle, white-hoofed Moli, Jiugong crane, iron-crowned eagle, arowana, Qifang pig...

Thousands of creatures are being tested here.

Suddenly, Chen Shouzhuo became furious because he saw someone!

Surprisingly, the test subjects here are also humans!

There are old people, children, big men, monks, mortals...

They were smuggled in and subjected to various bloodline tests, and each one of them died tragically during the tests!

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth and felt it silently.

From then on the secret cave was established and then destroyed.

In fact, this secret cave was established not long ago, about three years ago and ended four months ago.

A total of 38,657 people were tested here and died one by one.

The secret cave finally developed a secret method.

This secret method can cause the bloodline of living beings to explode and undergo three major evolutions.

In fact, it is better to say that it is research than perfection. There is an ancient method for a long time.

It's just that the ancient method is not perfect. After repeated adjustments, it is perfect.

During this experiment, there was a leader who came over every other month.

He was checking the situation and progress here. This man was very cruel, and he would kill his subordinates at will.

It's just that this person wears a gold and iron mask, which is a secret treasure and blocks all personal information.

No matter how Chen Shouzhuo looked, he couldn't clearly see his face or sense his aura.

This treasure can also prevent time tracing, making it impossible to pinpoint who he is.

After more than two years and the sacrifice of millions of lives, this method was finally completed.

Chen Shouzhuo observed everything. Although the other party strictly protected this method, Chen Shouzhuo still saw it clearly and remembered it completely.

After the test was completed, the secret method repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem, and then began to clean up all test subjects.

All experimental creatures must be cleared away, including the test personnel, and no one shall be left alive.

In the end, the cave was all blown up and turned into seven or eight fragments, floating here.

During this process, anti-deduction and anti-time-tracing array restrictions were also arranged.

It can be said that it leaves no trace!

It was just when the testers were cleaning up that the testers had already noticed it.

Some people rioted in advance and wanted to escape. They opened the experimental blockade door and escaped many ferocious beasts, hoping to use the chaos to escape.

But to no avail, they were all killed and turned into ashes.

However, there was the Silver Fang Evil Dragon among them, who experimented with activating his ability to return to his ancestors, crossed time and space, and escaped to the North Sea.

This is the whole ins and outs of the matter. Chen Shouzhuo spent seven days and seven nights silently here to find out one by one.

However, he still didn't know who the opponent's head was.

Finally, Chen Shouzhuo sighed, that's it.

After returning, tell Senior Sister.

If he wants to return, he must rely on the Emperor Shitian of the Endless Canghai.

However, when you come, use the pursuit to lock the coordinates of the universe here.

He does not have the time and space coordinates of his own cave.

After careful sensing, only the crossing coordinates when I came can be clearly felt.

After going back, I must open up more space-time coordinates so that I can easily travel between the universes.

But how to open up space-time coordinates?

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know either.

If you don’t, then you won’t, and it’s not that big of a deal. Just go back and study it slowly.

Suddenly, Chen Shouzhuo transformed into the Emperor Shitian of the Endless Sea and was about to leave here.

However, after sensing the coordinates of traveling here, I found that I didn't have the mana to travel through. It would take at least a month to accumulate before I could travel back to the North Sea region.

Traveling through time and space is not that easy!

Suddenly, there was energy flashing in the distance, and someone traveled through time and space and escaped here.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and looked there without running away.

Suddenly, the void flashed, and someone flew here through time and space.

The man looked over and saw that he was just an ordinary monk, nothing special, but he wore a gold and iron mask on his face.

Chen Shouzhuo let out a sigh of relief, he was the leader of the construction of the secret cave here.

Chen Shouzhuo immediately checked the opponent's realm. If the opponent's realm was too high, he would leave immediately.

Under the spell, the opponent's realm turned out to be only the Dongxuan realm...


There is only one possibility. He relies on secret methods to evolve his bloodline three times.

The only realm that has declined due to evolution is Dongxuan.

The so-called realm has no meaning for such people.

Seeing that Chen Shouzhuo seemed to be traveling through time and space, the monk suddenly shouted:

"When the Supreme Being establishes virtue, heaven and earth will stop!"

When time and space are stagnant, even if Chen Shouzhuo has the power to travel, he cannot do so.

What kind of magic is this? It's so powerful. It's just a dharma saying, and the world obeys its orders?

The monk took a long breath and said:

“In the past seven days, I felt like a disaster was coming.

I didn't know what happened there. I checked repeatedly but couldn't find it. I had no choice but to wander around. I didn't expect that the accident happened here! "

"Fellow Taoist, please, stop acting like this and change back to your original self!"

Seven days ago, Chen Shouzhuo came here to look for traces, and the other party sensed the crisis innately.

But he always thought that there was no trace here, so he never came here. Finally, he searched randomly and met Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo said coldly: "Thirty-eight thousand, six hundred and fifty-seven lives!

Using humans to refine gods is unacceptable in heaven and earth! "

The other party looked at Chen Shouzhuo and suddenly said:

"Emperor Shitian of the Endless Canghai, eighty-nine profound arts, Zhang Gouzi can't move around, then the only one is Taoist friend Chen Shouzhuo?"

This idiot just saw a transformation and knew who he was.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, dispersed the endless sea of ​​Emperor Shitian, returned to his true form, looked at the other party, and said:

"But Senior Brother Zhaixing?"

"Senior brother, I admired you so much back then and took you as my idol. I never thought you would do such a heinous thing!"

Chen Shouzhuo took a gamble. The person who knew so much must be a high-level person from the Taishang Dao. The establishment of this secret cave coincided with the time when Taishang Zhaixing disappeared after being injured, so Chen Shouzhuo took a gamble and fooled him.

There’s nothing wrong with it!

Unexpectedly, when Chen Shouzhuo said this, the other party remained motionless for a long time.

Then he sighed and said: "There is no way, the world is so helpless.

I don’t know where I offended those bastards from Xingxiu Hai, ten of them, ten...

Fortunately, I had the resurrection Yuan Fei. Even if my head was taken away by them, I was lucky enough to survive.

I don't want to be nothing. No matter how much I practice, I will only be an ordinary Tianzun Daoyi, and in the end I will be nothing more than an ordinary elder of Taishangdao.

Fortunately, God has no unstoppable path. I have found the method of bloodline evolution. I, the Supreme Star Reacher, will not perish like this. I will become the master of the Supreme Dao and control the entire universe! "

When Chen Shouzhuo was speaking, he had already taken out the hoe's lifeblood. He looked at the Supreme Reaching for the Stars and shouted:

"Senior brother, you were wrong. You should find your way back. Don't make the same mistake again and again. Admit your mistake to the master and the master will forgive you!"

Taishang Zhaixing shook his head and said: "What's the use of talking about this?

For the sake of your worshiping me in the past, I want you to understand! "

After finishing speaking, he said softly: "It's too high to tie a rope, and there's no waste to it!"

In an instant, Chen Shouzhuo felt that countless ropes appeared in the universe, which were innately invisible, and immediately locked him tightly. At this point, his whole body was unable to move, and all kinds of magical powers were unable to be used.

But Taishang Zhaixing waved his hand, and a golden ring appeared. It seemed to be thrown away casually, and it went straight to Chen Shouzhuo.

"Junior brother, have a good trip!"

Chen Shouzhuo knew that this blow was the Supreme Eight Ultimate Vajra Zhuo!

The strongest and most powerful, it is indestructible, and the most ferocious, it has not been smashed by time and space.

Taishang reaches for the stars, simple, rough, blocking, and smashing!

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth, activated his magic power, and activated the cosmic seal to break all obstacles. Suddenly all the invisible ropes that locked him were broken.

Facing the King Kong Zhuo, Chen Shouzhuo raised his life root and blocked it!


The so-called indestructible King Kong Zhuo was shattered under his life root.

This life root is made from two innate spiritual treasures, and is cast by two supreme beings of the universe. The Supreme Star-Zhaing Diamond Diamond has no effect!

Taishang Zhaixing was stunned and couldn't help but said: "What treasure?"

Chen Shouzhuo jumped up and ran towards him, asking: "What kind of magic?"

Taishang Zhaixing seemed to be speechless at Chen Shouzhuo's ignorance, and replied: "The Thirty-Six Secrets of Taishang!"

At this time, Chen Shouzhuo was already a hundred feet in front of him. He bowed to the Supreme Being Reaching for the Stars and said:

"Please baby take action!"

There was a sudden sword cry, like a big sun appearing, shining on the entire starry sky. The ninth-level divine sword Golden Sun Nirvana Taibai Sword came out of the body and struck!

It is Chen Shouzhuo's divine sword that protects the Tao. It is so dangerous that it must be dealt with.

Under the light of the sword, like a brilliant sun, it appeared in the sky.

But Taishang Zhaixing was not afraid at all and said:

"Please protect me, baby!"

On top of him, a dark cloud appeared, covering the sky and the earth, and with a roar, it blocked the strike of Chen Shouzhuo's ninth-level divine sword.

As one of the Seven Supreme Sons, how could he not have a ninth-level magic weapon to protect him! (End of chapter)

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