Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 215 Whispering and Disturbing

Everything decayed, everything rotted, and bad things began to happen. The whole inn was rotten and smelly.

From all directions, there were screams coming from time to time.

Damn it, it’s not just Chen Shouzhuo’s place that is rotten.

The entire inn, outside the inn, the entire city, all the buildings, and all the monks are immersed in this decay.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned, looked around, and shouted suddenly:

"Whispering Elewind Orre?"

Suddenly, a whisper sounded in his ears, neither male nor female, neither old nor young...

"Life and death...death and death

Death and death... life and death

In the endless dream, there is only endless corruption..."

Chen Shouzhuo stood there, silent for a long time, as if he hadn't heard anything.

The whispering voice is getting clearer and clearer...

With the whispers, the decay accelerated, and in the decay, there seemed to be decayed mutant life.

They are endlessly disgusting and dirty, making people vomit just by looking at them.

Wherever the decayed and mutated life goes, all decay and mutation will be accelerated, and more decayed and mutated life will be born on the original basis.

Suddenly, Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Okay?"

"What are you calling for? What are you pretending to be? Take it from me!"

With a command, Bi Yi quietly appeared, and endless dimensional lines spread silently in all directions.

Whispers seemed to turn into screams:

"What is this?"

"Go away, go away, stay away from me!"

With this scream, the surrounding rot immediately dissipated, and everything began to recover.

Chen Shouzhuo felt that the other party was desperately trying to escape. This time it was his turn to listen and command Bi Yi, and he soon cheered.

Bi Yi ran back and turned into a round ball again.

In his stomach, the ball was still struggling from time to time, trying to escape.

Bi Yi pretended to be resisting with difficulty. In fact, he particularly liked the look of the ball.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said: "There is no rush to refine this time, just have fun!"

Bi suddenly burst into cheers and rolled around to find someone to play with.

Chen Shouzhuo looked around. Even though he had only looked for a moment, the damage had already appeared. Although the house was no longer rotten, it was already decaying and crumbling.

Chen Shouzhuo left the guest room and looked outside. There was chaos all around.

In a short period of time, many grass and trees in the city became rotten and broken.

Some buildings collapsed directly.

In the midst of decay, some decayed mutated life forms quietly appeared.

They just lost their source of power and quickly dissipated.

There are also a few rotten mutated life forms that surprisingly survived and continue to invade all directions.

Fortunately, the time was short and no one died, but many people were injured and wailed, which was very miserable.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and tried his best to rescue.

He began to kill the rotten mutant life.

After a while, a large number of monks arrived.

The monks from the Giant Whale Sect, Qintian Sect, and Xuanzhuan Sect came to the rescue.

Those rotten mutated life forms were all killed by them. They seemed to have special methods for dealing with weird things.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded slightly. The monks of the three sects did not run away when encountering difficulties. It was okay to face difficulties.

There were three rescues, but nothing important happened to him, so Chen Shouzhuo drifted away.

During this process, Bi Yi happily found friends to play with.

Find Brother Hei, find the army, and let them kick you as a ball.

This is its favorite game, making a ball and being kicked!

As soon as Bi found someone, he would play with him and he was very happy.

While playing, he went to find Hua Mingyue and played soccer with her.

Hua Mingyue played for a while, then moved her eyes and kicked Bi Yi to Dashou.

Seeing Bi Yi approaching, Dashou also stood up and played football helplessly.

Playing, playing, Dashou pushed Bi Yi to the leader of the golden dragon, Qingbai.

Ren Guang especially likes to take charge of things, like to command this and order that.

But he doesn't like others bossing him around!

He ignored others, had a cold face, and disliked everyone, including Chen Shouzhuo.

Bi Yi wanted to play with him, but he was the only one who ignored Bi Yi.

Bi suddenly became angry and pushed the blade light hard over.

Blade Light remained motionless and looked at Bi Yi mockingly.

But Bi Yi continued to push, push and push, and with a pop, Ben Guang was pushed forward.

Ben Guang was furious, stood up and glared at Bi Yi.

He wanted to leave, he wanted to change, but nothing could be done.

Bi Yi ignored him and continued to push him, but he pushed him over again.

Bi Yi laughed and was very happy. When Ben Guang got up, he pushed again.

After being pushed down for the third time, Ben Guang became completely angry. He got up and immediately fought back, pushing Bi Yi down instead.

But with this push, Ben Guang was no longer the old cold self, and became very childish. Like Bi Yi, he started playing football.

It looked like they were playing childishly, but Chen Shouzhuo felt that there was an unspeakable moral struggle among them!

I can’t understand it myself!

In the end, Bi Yi won, and among his many Taoist saints, he held the dominant position.

Chen Shouzhuo shook his head. Regardless of this, he left this city and looked for another place to stay.

Randomly finding a cliff on the coastline, Chen Shouzhuo stood there and sat down to rest.

After resting for three hours, Bi Yi had enough fun.

Chen Shouzhuo shouted: "Bi Yi!"



As soon as Bi appeared, Chen Shouzhuo touched Bi Yi and began to inject the laws of heaven into the whispering wind Orui in Bi Yi's body.

Bi Yi was also tired of playing, so Chen Shouzhuo did nothing to stop him.

As Chen Shouzhuo's law of heaven invaded, Whispering Wind Ou Rui screamed, he knew he was going to die!

Chen Shouzhuo had rich experience in this. He deduced it carefully and began to calculate.

After thinking about it again, I finally nodded, this method is feasible.

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly stopped injecting the laws of heaven and asked slowly:

"Whispering Elewind Orre?"

Another question!

In Bi Yi's belly, Whispering Dian'e replied:

"Sir, the slave family is here!"

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless, whispering and talking about the evil wind. Ou Rui was an evil creature and had no gender at all.

Now with a charming smile on his face, he calls himself a slave. He is trying his best to sell well, as long as he doesn't die!

"Whispering Dian'e, your companion Wan Qiao stole Wen Leji's life and turned into a blood cloud, attacking everywhere and killing countless people.

I have refined him, do you want to be like him? "

"I don't want to, I don't want to, please forgive me!"

"It's not impossible to spare your life. Let me ask you, has someone analyzed you and received a reward from the universe?"

“Sir, to be honest, I don’t know.

My memory is only three years old. I was born as the Dharma Protector of Chonglan Bahuang Chi Yuansu of Daluo Jinxian Sect.

According to my deduction, it should be my predecessor, Whispering Dian Efeng Orui, who was sealed and refined by the Qiyi ancestor of Daluo Jinxian Sect. "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, that's about it.

Because Wan Qiao Ming Wen Leji and Whispering Dian Efeng Ou Rui are completely different from the evil creatures they have encountered before.

The evil things in the past had no reason at all. They eliminated cause and effect, and were irrational and chaotic.

But the two of them are basically two existences similar to Dao soldiers.

There are traces to follow, it looks like an evil thing, but it is not at all.

Chen Shouzhuo slowly felt the feeling and said:

"Chi Yuansu? Where are you?"

"My lord, I don't know. All the memories about Daluo Jinxian Sect have been sealed. I really don't know.

But I know that this is the place where great spirits die, and Chi Yuansu and the others will not come here! "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and asked again:

"I can sense that there is an immortal seal in your body.

This is the key for the other party to control you.

I can eliminate the Immortal Seal and replace it with my magic power restriction. Now you listen to my orders and serve as my subordinate. What do you think? "

Whispering Efeng Orui didn't answer, it seemed to hesitate again.

Chen Shouzhuo said again: "You obey my orders, I will only control you for three years.

In these three years, I will never force you or let you do anything that requires death!

After three years, your freedom is restored and you can stay or go as you like.

However, remember that after freedom, you are not allowed to kill innocent people indiscriminately or do evil or bad things, otherwise, I will find you and refine you! "

It's not that Chen Shouzhuo didn't want to control it more. The mana left by Chen Shouzhuo after replacing the Immortal Seal Script can only last for three years.

After three years, the magic power naturally dissipates, and whispering is freedom.

Even if mana continues to be injected into it, Whispering Dian'e has become resistant and cannot be controlled.

Whispering Dian'e was immediately ecstatic and said:

"Sir, keep your word and your word is final!"

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, touched and sensed, and used his own laws of heaven to condense his magic power to replace the immortal seal left by the other party.

He sat here, motionless for a long time. After one night, he suddenly tapped.

In Bi Yi's body, an immortal seal flew out, and where it was originally, it turned into a strange rune of a little man carrying a hoe.

But the immortal seal did not disappear after leaving the body. It rushed towards Chen Shouzhuo like a living creature.

On the contrary, it is more evil than evil.

Chen Shouzhuo remained motionless until the immortal seal came to his body. He waved his hand and the mark left by the Demon King Rahu appeared.

The Immortal Seal immediately fell onto the mark of Luo Hu, and with a tearing sound, the Immortal Seal shattered into pieces, and most of the Mark of Luo Hu dimmed.

This is equivalent to Chen Shouzhuo borrowing the power of Demon Emperor Rahu to smash the immortal seal.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said:

"Bi Yi, let it go."

"If you want to play in the future, you can continue to play with it!"

Bi Yi was very unhappy and released the whispering wind Orui.

Suddenly, in front of Chen Shouzhuo, infinite whispers seemed to condense and turn into a humanoid existence.

It existed in the form of a female nun, gasping for air, and finally returned to the human world.

This female cultivator is tall, handsome and heroic, with jet black hair and a hint of charm in her expression.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at it and said:

"Don't be like this. You can be whatever you want to be. I won't restrict you!"

Xiuyu Dian'e seemed stunned and said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Suddenly it turned into a middle-aged man, without any features, just ordinary.

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Chi Yuansu likes Yan Wenjun the most. She makes us look like her when nothing happens. It's really disgusting."

"Whispering Dian'e has met the adults!"

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Okay, okay!"

"With your help, my matter is basically done."

"Follow me, we're going to find a friend, we need his help for this!" (End of Chapter)

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