It turns out that the purpose of the so-called heavy pressure training is to make Chen Shouzhuo unleash his ferocity and overturn the table!

If you are always under pressure, keep it down forever until you collapse.

Only by resisting and bursting out with unyielding will can the cultivation be ended.

Under this explosion, infinite ferocity was born, and the avenue's armed forces were fierce and proud, slowly unfolding.

This is the purpose of longevity!

The armed force of the avenue is fierce and proud, which is different from the lifeblood of the hoe.

The life root of the hoe has a powerful power of annihilation. If it touches a little, it will be extinct.

But the fierceness and pride are not destruction. It is like a kind of fuel that can be integrated into any magical power to increase the magical power without limit.

How fierce you are, how strong it is!

Chen Shouzhuo can use the fierceness in his body to control his fierceness and arrogance.

It is like a hub, using its fierceness and pride to control any power that belongs to it.

Chen Shouzhuo actually has a lot of powers. He has a title in the universe: perfect control, listening to legends, breaking obstacles, and destroying evil and evil.

Divine Power: Supreme Light and Purification, Eternal Darkness and Defilement, Lord of Tao Yin, Tao Hearing, and Silver Eyes

Supernatural power: Mysterious universe, too chaotic

Immortal metal, immortal wood, immortal fire, immortal water...

There are three more major transformations: Great Shura, Emperor Shitian, and Yuan Zhenlong

But in fact, he has just touched these powers, and the degree of mastery is negligible.

Now that the Dao Armed Forces are fierce and proud, they can fully tap into their power and let them provide a greater role for themselves.

Chen Shouzhuo was very happy, and he was about to go out to find Xiu Yudian'e.

I don’t know what state he is in, whether he is dead or alive, so I go out and save him.

Suddenly, Hua Mingyue said:

"Wait a minute, there's something I want to remind you."

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Forty-nine heavenly tribulations, the universe was born in response to the tribulation, and emerged beyond time and space.

So miraculous, there is only one possibility, a miracle!

They are all miracles! "

After saying that, Hua Mingyue stopped talking.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and thought about this sentence carefully.

Each of these Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation Sons has magical origins and is powerful.

They are like this, there is only one possibility, a miracle of the universe.

In other words, they are all wonders of the universe.

And his greatest support, the lifeblood of a hoe, does not break the miracle.

The power of annihilation is ineffective against Sijiu Tianjiezi!

This was the case in the last battle with the Six-winged Golden Cicada.

But the six-winged golden cicada itself is a miracle.

But thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that Qing Emperor and Supreme Emperor Xia Liang added a limit to their life roots, and the miracle was ineffective.

If it works, many of the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulations will die inexplicably under his own hoe. What will happen if the cosmic catastrophe comes?

In other words, I rely most on the hoe for life, which has no effect on Chi Yuansu.

This guy is known as the number one person under the law!

Wait a minute, will Dashou and the others feel that they must face Chi Yuansu.

That’s why you want to eat a golden whale and put yourself through a painful test?

Improve yourself bit by bit?

Chen Shouzhuo breathed a sigh of relief and did not set off rashly. He decided to continue practicing.

There are many powerful forces, let’s start with the most fundamental ones.

The most fundamental ones are now the core avenues "Xuan Universe" and "Too Chaos".

No matter the details, they are the four immortal natures in "Xuan Universe"!

Chen Shouzhuo thought silently, each of the four immortal Tao natures has its corresponding cultivation methods.

Shui Yuan's "Shui Yuan Dao Shuo", Huo Yuan's "Samadhi True Fire Sutra", and Jin Yuan's "Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Methods" only have the immortality of wood, which is strangely obtained, and there is no corresponding magical power at all.

If there is a spell correspondence, you can rely on practicing spells to strengthen your Tao nature. If there is no spell correspondence, the nature of immortal wood is water without fate and a tree without roots.

This is not possible!

No, no, no!

In Chen Shouzhuo's heart, a kind of evil intention appeared infinitely, and it was fierce all over the world and the world!

Under this ferocious nature, the avenue's armed forces moved slowly and proudly. Chen Shouzhuo silently sensed this and began to analyze the nature of the immortal wood.

During this analysis, Chen Shouzhuo seemed to have returned to the Qingyan world, where he listened to the sound of rain and gained enlightenment overnight.

In a daze, the analysis was successful, and a set of inheritance was gradually analyzed.

Just like Chen Shouzhuo analyzed many evil things, this time Chen Shouzhuo analyzed the nature of immortal wood.

Boom, a inheritance appeared in my mind!

God's gift!

"The Evergreen Road"

The perfect cultivation method, from condensing the essence to the Dharma form, practicing step by step can infinitely improve the immortality of wood!

This completes the shortcomings!

Chen Shouzhuo laughed loudly, activated his magic power, and practiced the "Eternal Way of Evergreen".

Under the power of the magic, the Taoist armed forces moved slowly and proudly, letting nature take its course and practicing the "Eternal Evergreen Tao".


The realm has not improved, but the true energy in the whole body is surging, which is equivalent to the fourth level of strength in the holy realm.

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while and re-analyzed Shui Yuan's "Shui Yuan Dao Shuo", Huo Yuan's "Samadhi True Fire Sutra", and Jin Yuan's "Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Methods".

All over again!

Sure enough, there was a new understanding, and all the small flaws in the past were clear.

At this point, the true energy is vast, and the strength has been improved, equivalent to the fifth level of the holy realm!

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, the internal cultivation and inheritance reconstruction was completed, and he started the next step, studying the magic of protecting the Tao.

The very beginning is "The Farmer's Hoeing Method"

It is still an explosion of fierceness, thereby activating the fierceness and pride of the avenue's armed forces, and analyzing the "Vedo Staff".

Under this, years of accumulation finally broke out.

"Vedo Staff", "Yuan Jin Flow", and the seven-way rolling method are all integrated into one.

Perfect and perfect.

All of these are transformed into Chen Shouzhuo's farmer's hoeing method.

Within the scope of spiritual consciousness, he can come and go freely, his hoes are like rain, and he can kill people invisible...

The hoeing method is used for combat, and it must be assisted by other magical powers.

"Red Breaking Clouds and Dang Heavenly Tribulation Thunder"

It is still an explosion of ferocity, thereby activating the fierce power and pride of the avenue's armed forces, and analyzing the "Chi Po Xia Dang Tian Tribulation Thunder".

During this practice, the "Red Poxia Dangtian Tribulation Thunder" changes, the thunder method accumulates, and the quantitative change leads to a qualitative change!

The thunder of "Red Po Xia Dang Tian Tribulation Thunder" suddenly turned into annihilation based on the original destruction.

On the basis of the original shock, transformation and destruction occur!

"Red Poxia Dang Heavenly Tribulation Thunder" evolved into "Red Ruinxia Destroying Heavenly Tribulation Thunder".

Chen Shouzhuo felt that if he continued to catalyze, he could continue to advance to "Red Jue Xia Transforms into Heavenly Tribulation Thunder".

But it takes a lot of time to perform a vicious explosion, which is a complete waste. It is better to transform other spells!

Chen Shouzhuo also realized a truth here.

Although the Dao Armed Forces are fierce and proud, they can infinitely use their fierceness to explode and give themselves strength.

But the explosion will always end. You are still yourself. Sometimes a powerful explosion will bring hidden harm.

How to perfectly control oneself in an explosion of infinite ferocity, to be just reasonable, yet extremely powerful, is also a skill.

Chen Shouzhuo's next enhancement is "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary and Sky"

The shadow world formed by this method was shocked and adjusted several times, and the life of the shadows was tripled.

But what's more powerful is that Chen Shouzhuo can use this method to turn into a shadow life.

You can sneak around, shadow jump, and travel around at will.

It's a pity that even if Chen Shouzhuo used his fierceness to explode in "Shattered Jade Hand", there wouldn't be much change.

It has reached a certain level. If you encounter death, what else do you want to do?

These are all foreplays, and Chen Shouzhuo enters the main course.

Immortal fire, immortal water

Chen Shouzhuo had a vague feeling that he could only choose one of them.

After thinking about it, Chen Shouzhuo chose the immortal fire nature.

Because he practiced "Fire Phoenix Ao Chen Ninth Level", "Fusang Flame Raising Golden Crow", "Calming Fire Ape to Clarify the World" and "Fire Sun Blessing Three Thousand Candles" have already given birth to magical spirits.

Through this practice, Chen Shouzhuo relied on the powerful and arrogant weapons of the Great Dao to control the immortal fire nature and operate the "Nine Heavens of Fire Phoenix and Ao Chen".

Somewhere in the dark, he seemed to feel that there was another self in his heart, quietly about to be born!

That self was extremely powerful. In a daze, Chen Shouzhuo was obsessed with it.

Suddenly, Chen Shouzhuo was shocked and suddenly ended his practice.


He frowned and whispered: "Listen, listen, listen..."

Tao Yin and Tao Hearing are activated at the same time.

But I don't feel where the danger comes from.

Chen Shouzhuo twisted his back, activating his fierce and proud spirit, and his Taoist voice and Taoist hearing were all improved.

Then he saw that the inn he was in had been quietly moved away from Dafan Sect.

Now the inn is in a wilderness and everyone else has disappeared.

On the four sides of the inn, there are four great dharma-like true kings holding each other with dharma.

The four great Dharma signs are all powerful men!

A strong man who moves mountains, a strong man who jumps into seas, a strong man who moves turtles and strong Japanese pine trees!

Outside the inn, there was a man sitting proudly, with experts gathered around him.

Whispering Dian'e lay at his feet, no longer human, turned into countless whispers, in a state of collapse.

You don't need to look to know that this person is Chi Yuansu.

He finally refined Whisper and Disaster, and then locked Chen Shouzhuo's position.

No wonder I felt that I could only practice one more path of Taoism. It turned out that the danger was already approaching.

The four great Dharma figures were staying at the inn. Besides them, there were also four great Dharma figures, quietly forming their formations.

They set up various restrictions and turned into a terrifying formation, locking the inn tightly.

Chi Yuansu did not give Chen Shouzhuo a chance. Even though he felt that Chen Shouzhuo was not at the sixth level of the Purple Mansion, he did not look down upon him at all.

How can this person be so simple if he can kill Wan Qiao and steal his life, capture Whispering Bianhe and make him betray him?

What is even more speechless is that the traitorous Xiuyu Dian'e was recaptured and beaten to death without saying who this person was.

Completely returning to the heart, it was not until a little refining that he discovered where the other party was, so Chi Yuansu was extremely careful and would never underestimate him.

Whispering Dian'e is in a state of morbidity and is about to dissipate.

In fact, he is not an evil thing at all. He is a summoning spirit refined from an evil thing by the Patriarch of Taishang Daluo Jinxian Sect, Yi Qiyi.

Neither Qiyi Patriarch nor Chi Yuansu regarded him as a human being, only enslaved and manipulated him.

Only one person, that young man, always regarded him as a companion and an adult!

Therefore, he chose to lure Chi Yuansu away, even if he died immediately, he did not tell anything about the situation.

"After three years, your freedom will be restored and you can stay or go as you like."

I'm sorry, I can't stay with you for three years...

In a daze, Xiuyu Dian'e suddenly saw a white light erupting in the inn...

Under this white light, no matter what strength you have or what restrictions you have, they will all be destroyed and shattered.

Then someone hugged him tightly and protected him!

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here!" (End of Chapter)

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