Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 223 Lobbying Divine Sword

Big win!

Kill the opponent to pieces.

This battle not only defeated the monks of the Heart Demon Sect and the Death Demon Sect.

They at least invited many experts from Luofu Sword Sect, Penglai Sword Sect, and Huangting Sword Sect.

This battle will at least keep them quiet for a while.

After Chen Shouzhuo cleaned up the battlefield, he continued to move forward.

Target Fanhe City.

They arrived successfully and entered the city without any obstacles. This battle frightened the opponent and no one could stop Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo came to the place where the divine sword was.

This is not the sword wind of Hexi City, but like flying flowers and falling willows...

They are all illusions, but they are all sword energy.

Approaching here, the sword energy is coming towards you. It doesn't matter what your cultivation level is, you will die!

However, Chen Shouzhuo didn't care, he directly ran "Taibai Qiming's Mad Singing and Drinking Heavenly Lotus Sutra".

"The long sword in the autumn water is three feet cold, and the wind and cloud are so heroic. The white rainbow pierces the sun and sweeps away the demons, and the bloody blade cuts across the sky to kill the enemy!"

"If you are happy in life, you must enjoy it to the fullest. Don't let the gold bottle stand empty against the moon. I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the gold is gone."

"Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles. When it's done, brush off your clothes and hide yourself and your name."

He recited aloud the verses from the Taibai Book of Songs that he had obtained in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Brother, don't take action against your own people!"

Immediately, the oncoming sword energy really turned into flying flowers and falling willows, without causing any harm to Chen Shouzhuo.

Step by step forward, Chen Shouzhuo came to the Taibai Sword Sect's ninth-level divine sword Hua Fanliu An Jiumen Yu.

I saw a divine sword inserted on a stone platform.

The stone platform is ten feet in diameter and three feet high, and is very powerful.

There is such a stone platform under almost every divine sword.

There was no stone platform at first, but under the sword energy, it was transformed into different shapes. This one is like a lotus.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at this divine sword. Suddenly, there was a sword cry in his sword cave treasure kiln.

The Golden Sun Nirvana Taibai Sword soared into the sky and landed in front of the colorful willows and dark nine-door feathers.

The two seemed to be communicating silently.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what happened.

After a full hour, Jinri Nirvana Taibai Jian suddenly said:

"Continue to recite the Taibai Book of Songs.

That is the keepsake of the Taibai sect. Whoever wants to be the sect leader of the Taibai sect must be able to recite this sutra and poem, and must recite it most beautifully in order to become the sect leader of the Taibai sect.

As long as you recite this sutra, it will have to listen to me! "

When Chen Shouzhuo heard this, he immediately continued to recite!

“If you don’t see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky and rush to the sea never to return.

Don't you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening. "

Another hour passed, and suddenly the golden sun returned to nirvana and the Taibai Sword returned, and the flowers and willows were in full bloom, and the nine gates and feathers were immersed in silence.

"I talked to it and it agreed."

"Similar to the tender red buds blooming in spring, it is worried that leaving here will cause chaos in the seal and be broken by the black sun."

"I'll study it for a while, and I'll persuade it to enter your sword cave treasure kiln."

"It's not the tender red buds, nor the nine-door feathers, but the eight divine swords here, which will enter your sword cave treasure kiln together."

"In this way, we can move the world here and move the Black Sun seal in together."

"When the time comes, add me and we will use nine divine swords to kill Black Sun together!"

"Now you go to Lin Dongcheng, or Li Qianhu, or Xiongguantun."

"They are all Taibai Divine Swords. I can persuade them, and then we will in turn persuade the two Sky-Splitting Divine Swords from Yinhaocheng and Gujiazi, and finally Jinjiang Qingbi Chi Laifeng from Kaiyuan City."

"what do you think?"

Chen Shouzhuo immediately said: "Okay, no problem!"

I have acquired eight ninth-level divine swords. What’s the problem?

"Okay, but your Sword Cave Treasure Kiln needs to continue to be promoted. Now there are only ten altars, which can accommodate ten magic weapons.

At least three more altars must be built to accommodate thirteen magical weapons, leaving enough reserved space.

Otherwise it would be too crowded, we are the ninth level divine sword.

Squeeze, squeeze, how can we lose our share like this! "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "No problem!"

“The second one, you have to toss.

Some magic soldiers are extremely stubborn, and in these places, I am afraid they will have to be tortured repeatedly..."

"no problem!"

"The last one, the place sealed by the Black Sun, is Wenchi City and Jiguan Mountain. It is very dangerous, but you have to go and have a look!"

"Know yourself and know the enemy!"

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, many things were confirmed.

He continued on his way to Lin Dongcheng.

With Yuan Tianji leading the way, you won't get lost, but the distance is a bit far.

Chen Shouzhuo selected Canglong Yuande, who had the fastest flight speed among the Taoist Qings.

She changed back to her original form and flew away in the air, with Chen Shouzhuo sitting on it.

Flying thousands of miles is to replace a blue dragon Yuande.

Of course, Hua Mingyue would not transform into a dragon and support him to fly away, so Chen Shouzhuo pretended not to see it.

As for Yuan Tianji and the others, they all became smaller and weightless. Following Chen Shouzhuo, they sat on Canglong Yuande.

While flying away, Chen Shouzhuo opened an altar.

It was easiest to open an altar. Chen Shouzhuo sent in various trophies captured in this battle in the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln.

Whatever magical weapons, magic weapons, talismans and Taoist talismans are sent in, they will be refined in the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln.

A total of 600,000 spirit stones were sent in to create the eleventh altar.

The eleventh altar was opened, but Chen Shouzhuo was not in a hurry to open the twelfth one.

He waited for the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln to silently refine these artifacts.

To open it up now, we have to invest at least 1.2 million spiritual stones worth of artifacts.

After boarding for a while, the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln was almost digested, and 800,000 spirit stones were enough.

The Sword Cave Treasure Kiln is a world of its own, and it can constantly absorb the cosmic light from other dimensions and evolve itself.

If its main body, the Flowing Light Blessed Land, does not turn into the Sword Cave Treasure Kiln, it has countless wonderful uses.

Suddenly, Blade Light, who had been silent and very arrogant, said:

"Boy Chen!"

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and replied: "Senior, I'm here!"

"Did you pay attention to the stone platform under the sword of the Divine Sword?"

Chen Shouzhuo shook his head and said, "I don't care!"

"That's a good thing. If you collect these divine swords, remember to collect all those stones."

"The two of us will take half, and I will help you evolve the Dayan world with your half.

When the time comes, I will form the third spiritual gilded mine for you.

In this mine, the world of Dayan evolves again and again, and finally all the spiritual gold in the universe can be born. "

This guy is completely different from Dashu.

Dashou’s help was all for free, and he wanted half of it.

But this Lingzhu Gilded Mine seems to be a good feeling.

Chen Shouzhuo hesitated and said: "Isn't this good, senior? That is the sword platform for the Divine Sword!"

Divide it in half, Chen Shouzhuo said deliberately.

Blade Light snorted coldly and said:

"I'll tell you to be a good boy!

In the world of Dayan you have now, there is wood and water, but mine is gold.

After the ninth evolution, you have practiced the "One Yuan Nine Dao Xuan Universe", which is also the ninth evolution of the Great Evolution World.

When the time comes, ask someone to use the "Ultimate Annihilation Chaos Strike" to destroy your Dayan world.

At that time, your Dayan world will be transformed into the world of Pangu, the world's number one cave heaven magic weapon! "

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned. In the Pangu world, he had heard someone say that this was the number one magic weapon in the cave!

"Okay, senior!"

"I'll teach you to be good again.

That stupid big withered skeleton, don't leave it outside, send it to the world of Dayan.

After his analysis, we found that he has ten heads and ten arms, and is actually the best carpenter, miner, and fisherman...

In your world of Dayan, you can clean up the saplings and the sea outside the immortal world.

It doesn't make much sense now. After evolving again, various spiritual materials will appear, and let him take care of the harvest for you. "

In Chen Shouzhuo's Immortal Waihai, after the last time he lifted the table, there were no more golden whales, just absorbing the endless sea water of Tianwaihai.

Should I be able to recover next time I evolve?

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, called over the dead skeleton and sent him to his own Dayan world.

When he arrived here, Kushu Lunming was extremely happy. He walked on the island, repaired the trees, and played in the water outside the fairy from time to time.

Chen Shouzhuo continued to move forward day and night. After seven days, he finally arrived at Lindong City.

What is sealed here is the ninth-level divine sword Huozhao Xigong Zhiyeyin.

It was better to recite the Book of Songs and go in. The Golden Sun, Nirvana and Taibai Sword went over to talk about numbers. Chen Shouzhuo was beside him and recited the Book of Songs to help.

For four full hours, Chen Shouzhuo's voice almost became hoarse, and finally it was over.

The Golden Sun Nirvana Taibai Sword returned and said:

"Okay, drinking at night is no problem."

"Let's take the next step, Li Qianhu."

Li Qianhu is 13,500 miles away from here, and is guarded by the ninth-level divine sword Yequan Fireworks and White Clouds.

Chen Shouzhuo went straight there and set off.

Suddenly, Whispering Dian'e said:

"Sir, I heard the news."

“The Heart Demon Sect has gathered another group of monks.

This time, there were at least seven Dharma signs that lowered the realm and came to the Zifu realm.

They are all ordinary Dharma cultivators. They are either approaching their longevity or preparing to be reincarnated and practice again.

The Heart Demon Sect mobilized them to seduce them with huge profits, and when the time came for a big battle, they would regain their strength and capture the master. "

"Although they can only recover a hundred breaths, they will be shattered by the Zifu world here, but it is enough to capture the master!"

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless and said, "That's so cruel. Where are they?"

"It's right where we are going, Li Qianhu!"

"Okay, let's lurk there, don't wait for them to come and attack us, let's strike first!"

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while and left Yuan Tianji here to show off and attract enemies.

But Chen Shouzhuo moved quietly and flew away towards Li Qianhu silently.

Thirteen thousand five hundred miles, Chen Shouzhuo traveled day and night to get there.

The distance was still thousands of miles, but Chen Shouzhuo did not move forward and waited until night.

The sky was dark, so he sank down and used "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary Sky" to turn into a shadow life.

Then use this to lurk in the past.

Shadow life, silent and breathless.

Qianli will be there soon!

When he arrived at Li Qianhu, Chen Shouzhuo listened and silently identified his position.

Lock them in quickly.

There are nearly a hundred monks and dozens of people from Zifu in a cliff cave outside Li Qianhu City. They are holding a night banquet, as if entertaining some guests.

Chen Shouzhuo sneered and passed by silently.

The shadow beings were lurking quietly, and Chen Shouzhuo did not enter their core.

Just approaching the cliff cave and bringing them all into the scope of his spiritual consciousness is the shadow city boundary in Chen Shouzhuo's "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary and the Sky".

Chen Shouzhuo took out his life-root hoe, took a deep breath, and prepared to start it.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly saw a young girl in the banquet, looking at him with a smile to see what he was doing.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and waved.

With a sudden stamp of his feet, "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City Boundary" suddenly unfolded, and everyone was pulled into the shadow city boundary.

Then dig hard! (End of chapter)

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