Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 234 The evil son Isergaila!

Everyone was catching fish, and the whole sea was in chaos.

However, many monks have one characteristic.

That is to fly around Chen Shouzhuo in a flying boat on the sea. If something goes wrong, he will immediately return to the flying boat.

In the flying boat, take a breath and recover, and then continue to fight out of the flying boat.

In the storm, someone suddenly shouted:

"Hahaha, Geng Gold Swordfish, I got a Geng Gold Swordfish Sword!"

The towering Li Buyuan couldn't stop laughing and grabbed a swordfish in his hand.

The fish was completely golden. He shook it hard and pulled out the entire fish bone using the tail as a point.

The fish bones were pulled out, flesh and blood splattered in all directions, and a straight fish spine suddenly emitted cold light, which was three feet long, shaped like a flying fish, as if it wanted to fly into the sky.

The body of the sword is like gold, and the light of the sword is held in it, but it cannot hide its unparalleled sharpness.

The fourth level Geng Gold Swordfish Sword is worth 80,000 spirit stones!

It seems that he started it, and people started to catch the fourth-level swordfish sword one after another!

In less than a moment, more than a dozen people had obtained the fourth-level swordfish sword.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, he was still strolling leisurely, thirty miles at a time, under the shadow, all the swordfish were wiped out.

He has already obtained seven fourth-level Geng-gold swordfish swords!

However, what he wanted was the fish king of the fish school, the Geng Purple Swordfish King.

But Chen Shouzhuo couldn't find it...

Keep catching, keep having fun!

The shadow world suddenly shook, and the number of shadow lives reached one million, which could no longer be increased.

In the end, Chen Shouzhuo needed to improve his realm and increase his control over spells in order to continue to increase the shadow life.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and no longer hunted ordinary swordfish, but looked for the Geng Purple Swordfish King.

But I can't find it at all, it seems like it doesn't exist.

Suddenly someone said slowly:

"I, Beichen and Lu Tianjian, can confirm that there is no Gentle Purple Swordfish King among the fish."

"Swordfish Storm, but no Fish King, this situation is a bit strange. I suggest everyone return to the flying boat immediately and leave here!"

Beichen Lu Tianjian is the pinnacle of the Holy Realm among this group of people, with a half-step Dharma form and the highest level of cultivation among them all.

As soon as he said this, everyone calmed down, and one after another people returned to Feizhou.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Luo Sanchuan, Senior Brother Luo? Are you there?"

"Liu Li, Liu Li, junior brother!"

"Chen Zhou, Chen Zhou..."

Suddenly people discovered that four or five monks were missing.

No longer on the flying boat, no longer in the storm, missing inexplicably.

In an instant, everyone felt danger. Since ancient times, this school of swordfish has been led by the fish king, and all the fish dance.

So there is no fish king, there is only one possibility, there is fish, forcing them to fly to escape.

Chen Shouzhuo and others went out to catch fish, but the being changed its target and had already eaten four or five monks silently!

Suddenly someone roared in the distance, and a powerful blow erupted.

That person was Beichen Lu Tianjian, and he blocked the inexplicable attack.

"Everyone, hurry up! It's Isergaila, the evil son of Xuchu!"

"Dagon's three or five sons, the evil son Isergela!"

With a shout, all the Void Supreme Dao monks immediately ran straight to the flying boat to escape.

In this vast North Sea, it is impossible to know the direction. Only with the help of a flying boat can we swim across the sea.

There is actually no problem in flying away by yourself, but it is very dangerous.

In front of Chen Shouzhuo, a huge octopus tentacle appeared out of thin air and shot towards him!

At this moment, countless clouds rose into the sky in front of Chen Shouzhuo.

"Weak Water Reflects Danxia" The true spirit emerges and takes the initiative to resist.

Thousands of weak water turn into Danxia.

With a snap, under this tentacle, the true spirit of "Weak Water Reflects Danxia" was shattered and could not be stopped at all.

The opponent's attack completely exceeded Chen Shouzhuo's imagination.

The opponent is at least the True Lord of the Spiritual God, and is invincible with one strike.

However, "Weak Water Reflects Danxia" gave Chen Shouzhuo a moment of opportunity. At this moment, Chen Shouzhuo's "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City and the Sky" turned into a shadow life to avoid this terrible blow.

Then Chen Shouzhuo gently touched his hand, which was as white as jade.

"Broken Jade Hand"

With a click, the tentacle touched by Chen Shouzhuo immediately turned into jade and then shattered.

However, just one tentacle was shattered, and the opponent seemed to be harmless, which was a drop in the bucket.

Chen Shouzhuo avoided it, but the others were not so lucky. At least four Taishangdao monks were captured by the tentacles.

The rest of the people all fled straight to the flying boat.

Some people immediately turned around and fled far away.

Among everyone, everyone avoided it, only Chen Shouzhuo smashed the tentacles.

As if stinging a certain being, dozens of tentacles stretched out from all directions around Chen Shouzhuo in the void, striking at him in the air.

Chen Shouzhuo had already taken the hoe in his hand and started spinning it, hitting one tentacle after another.

After hearing this, although every attack from these tentacles was terrifying and invincible, he could not resist it.

But there are traces to follow, and you can use the Taoist platform to turn into a shadow and easily avoid it.

Just avoid it and you can counterattack.

When the hoe hit the tentacles, the force of destruction invaded, and with a click, the tentacles shattered.

But just because the tentacles were shattered, Chen Shouzhuo couldn't see the opponent's existence at all.

Dozens of tentacles were defeated, and he also flew towards the flying boat.

Arriving at Feizhou immediately, Chen Shouzhuo was shocked when he heard this!

Under his flying boat, a giant octopus lurked.

His body, which stretched for dozens of miles, seemed to be outside the void and could not be seen at all. There were countless tentacles on his body, dancing quietly.

The evil son Isergela!

He has been waiting at Chen Shouzhuo's flying boat, waiting for the prey to get on the flying boat and eat it in one bite!

Those who return to the flying boat will feed themselves automatically. Only those who are smart enough to escape on their own will be able to escape and ascend to heaven!

For a moment, Chen Shouzhuo also wanted to turn around and leave.

The opponent has too many tentacles, which can be cut off instantly, and the power of annihilation cannot hurt his body.

Even if the farmer's hoeing method is used, it can't hit the opponent's body with one blow, so it is meaningless.

I hit him immediately. Judging from his appearance, his body can be divided infinitely. The extinct part was immediately discarded. The main body was fine.

Moreover, this guy looks stupid, but he is actually very cunning and will not give himself a second chance.

But looking at his own flying boat, the fifth-level flying boat Wujiao Bihaizhou, I remembered the envious eyes of Zhang Wuren and others just now...

After returning home, my parents saw that they had a flying boat...

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth and headed straight for the flying boat.

When I arrived at the flying boat, before I entered, the space suddenly turned and I seemed to have fallen into a bloody mouth.

Sure enough, the evil son of Xuchu, Isergueira, had already spoken out here, and all the monks who came back were swallowed by him.

The flying boat is there, just a bait!

The people inside have been eaten long ago!

In a daze, Chen Shouzhuo felt that he had fallen into a strange space.

There is a terrifying force in this world that makes all existence stand still, and then the life force in one's body is silently absorbed.

Everything, mana, true energy, soul, and even luck will be absorbed, and even self-destruction is impossible here!

This is the digestive system of Isergueira, the evil son of Void Touch. He will not give the enemy any chance to counterattack.

Chen Shouzhuo wanted to use the hoe's lifeblood, but found that he could not make swiping movements or use the power of annihilation.

Chen Shouzhuo's heart sank, it was over now, it was dangerous.

He struggled desperately, but in this space, nothing could move.

No, there is something that can be moved, and that is Chen Shouzhuo's mouth.

He felt inexplicably, and he suddenly opened his mouth and bit it.

This bite was just a virtual bite, and Chen Shouzhuo seemed to hear a scream.

The scream didn't sound like a human voice, it was a wail of pain.

It was as if he had bitten something down.

He was stunned for a moment, then bit again.

It seemed like I had eaten something again?

Chen Shouzhuo bit madly, and his screams seemed to be getting louder and louder...

All living beings feed on teeth, and all beings can survive only if they have teeth.

Under the teeth, all living beings are equal!

Chen Shouzhuo unconsciously drove the fangs of all living beings.

The weapons of the avenue are activated, and now all living beings are equal. Chen Shouzhuo and Isergueira, the evil son of Xuchu, are completely consistent regardless of their realm.

Under equal conditions, Chen Shouzhuo was in Isergueira's body, and he opened his mouth to bite Isergueira. Isergueira needed to digest Chen Shouzhuo...

In this way, Chen Shouzhuo took a big bite, ignoring the strength and body size of the two, and the strong one ate the weak one!

Suddenly the space shook, and when I looked over, there was no Isergueira.

But his mouth was filled with blood and blood flowed freely.

My belly is bulging, as if I’ve eaten countless things!

Chen Shouzhuo had to believe the fact that he ate Isergueira!

Isergueira died, and all the monks he ate fell to the surface of the sea.

Chen Shouzhuo's flying boat also landed on the sea.

In addition to them, there were tens of thousands of golden lights, all of which were the swordfish that had just been eaten by Isergeira.

These swordfish can turn into swords, so there are still remains left.

As for the swordfish storm on the sea, Isergueira fought with Chen Shouzhuo and ignored the swordfish, and they all fled.

They left and the storm subsided.

Chen Shouzhuo gasped for air, waved his hand, and Qing Dao Sheng flew out and began to save people and clean the battlefield at the same time.

The flying boat was also there, and everyone boarded the flying boat. Although they were all eaten, they lost their energy and blood and did not die. They could just recover slowly.

Zhang Wuren was also there. He checked the number of people and found that all those who had been eaten survived, but seven of them fled into the distance.

He immediately started contacting them to tell them it was okay.

Among the seven, the last four returned, and three did not return, including Beichen Lu Tianjian.

However, Beichen Lutian had a great destiny and flew to the Five Elements Sect.

The other two people completely disappeared in the North Sea, their soul lamps went out, and they died!

Everyone was healing here. You looked at me, I looked at you, and suddenly some people laughed.

He was lucky enough to survive. He was eaten by Isergueira and still survived. It’s unbelievable!

Chen Shouzhuo shied away from his protector and saved everyone.

Everyone believes what he says.

Chen Shouzhuo counted the harvest, including the last remnants of Isergeira picked up from the sea, forty-two Geng gold swordfish swords, 356 Geng silver swordfish swords, one thousand two hundred and thirty-seven. One Geng bronze swordfish sword and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven Geng blue swordfish swords.

This is really a bumper harvest!

The towering Li Buyuan walked over slowly and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for saving my life. This sword is for you!"

He gave Chen Shouzhuo a magic sword. The sword was three feet and seven inches long, like a swordfish. The purple blade was as bright as light, dazzling and flawless, with divine light.

Level 5 Geng Purple Fish King Sword!

"When I was rescued, this sword happened to fall next to me to repay the favor of saving my life!"

Chen Shouzhuo resisted for a while, but finally accepted.

This is the cause of the towering Li not far away to save lives, so he has to accept it.

Most of the people over there recovered, and some started selling swords!

"The swords are for sale. Ten Geng bronze swordfish swords are sold together for only 7,800 spirit stones."

He sold the sword for 800 ashore, and now he sells the sword for 780. Although it is less, it saves a lot of trouble.

"The essence of the swordfish is the golden swim bladder, one pound of spiritual stone."

Many people have started trading. As for the gold fish bladder, it is another harvest obtained by some knowledgeable monks, which is considered non-business income.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't understand and didn't take any action at all.

Watching them buying and selling, Chen Shouzhuo smiled endlessly.

Zhang Wuren suddenly said: "Brother Chen, what's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you are fat?"

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned. He was really starting to gain weight.

Just like a balloon blowing up, I started to gain weight.

He ate Isergueira, the evil son of the Void Touch, and his body couldn't bear the opponent's strength, so he naturally began to gain weight. (End of chapter)

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