Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 257 “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”

Mediocre and inactive?

Chen Shouzhuo fell into deep thought.

"Tai Shang Tian Dao Jing" is one's core inheritance, so Dao Wuwei is one's core essence.

Therefore, this world of Artemisia judges itself as mediocre and unable to change.

The old ghost flashed suddenly, decomposed and disappeared.

He also ran away.

Then in Heba City, he shouted loudly:

"Master Ghost King, you'd better go."

"You are too mediocre, no ghost will follow you!"

Various mocking sounds came from Heba City.

In the eyes of all the ghosts, Chen Shouzhuo was mediocre and not worth following.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned, it looked like it was going to be ruined here.

He continued his search.

The same is true for the next Junshi City.

Many ghosts commented on Chen Shouzhuo and could not follow him.

Then there are Zaitian City, Hanmo City, Zhenji City, Gaoyang City, Aangran City, Jingying City, Puhong City...

Chen Shouzhuo walked through twenty-seven ghost towns in one breath, and not a single ghost followed him.

He was immediately speechless and seemed to have come here in vain.

In a daze, Chen Shouzhuo returned to Shankui City.

Seeing Chen Shouzhuo appear from a distance, they roared and mocked Chen Shouzhuo loudly.

When Chen Shouzhuo arrived in the city, they all disappeared inexplicably and completely disappeared.

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless and prepared to return, but he was unwilling to do so.

Suddenly he had an idea and thought of a way.

He walked around the city and said slowly:

"Dear ghost friends, why are we meeting each other?

I can't bear to see my friends become old ghosts!

I am very unwilling to do so, so I give it to you, return to reincarnation! "

After finishing speaking, Chen Shouzhuo slowly activated his cosmic title, Exterminating Evil and Juegui.

In fact, this cosmic title is of no use to these ghosts.

They are not evil, nor are they strange.

But Chen Shouzhuo didn't care about this.

Then Chen Shouzhuo began to chant sutras.

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, life will eventually die, spirits will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, they are just a handful of loess and a handful of ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. How can there be anything eternal? The sunset is apocalyptic, and the horror is audible, but it lasts only a moment..."

He wants to save these ghosts.

If you can't get it, send them back to reincarnation!

Doing nothing?

I’ll send you all away!

As Chen Shouzhuo chanted sutras, the ghost town suddenly became silent.

It seems that many ghosts are scared!

Then the whole room burst into laughter!

"Is this Yasha stupid?"

"Is this okay? He wants to send our King Sheng Sheng as a gift?"

"Who does he think he is? Is he crazy?"

"We are part of the Haoli world and are protected by the world. Why should we be saved!"

"Hahaha, if we don't follow him, he will save us. The human race is indeed the worst, much worse than our ghost race!"

Many ghosts have their own world to protect them, and Chen Shouzhuo's salvation has no effect.

Chen Shouzhuo activated another cosmic title to break obstacles.

Break your world protection!

"What's going on? Why did I hear him chanting?"

"It seems that Haolijie no longer protects us?"

"How is this going?"

Chen Shouzhuo slowly used Shenwei Dao Yin, and the chanting sound suddenly changed, becoming very loud and resounding throughout the world!

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

"Ahhh, I feel like I'm going to collapse!"

"What's going on? My ghost body is dissipating..."

While he was chanting sutras, a paper demon appeared, and it gradually transformed back into its original ghost form.

A ghost made of fallen paper...

It screamed and rolled on the ground. In the sound of Chen Shouzhuo's chanting, it immediately dissipated and turned into flying ashes.

A little girl appeared among the ashes. She bowed respectfully to Chen Shouzhuo and soared into the air.

After being saved by Chen Shouzhuo, it returned to reincarnation and entered the River Styx.

After salvation, you will not be imprisoned and unable to return, you will not be targeted and tortured by the River Styx, and you will be reincarnated soon.

This was the first one, and then there were more demons who were saved by Chen Shouzhuo one after another.

Then there is the Well Charm, the Greedy Demon, the Headless Woman, the White-faced Puppet, the Fierce Sheng...

Surpass one by one!

They transformed into various soul prototypes, returned to themselves, saluted Chen Shouzhuo one after another, and flew to the Styx River in the sky.

The last old ghost, Master Ming, the master of the mountain, was finally saved.

It is not the leader of the mountain. It is the essence of this charming mountain city. With a roar, it was also saved by Chen Shouzhuo.

At this point, the entire Shankui City was turned into ashes, all of which were saved by Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo let out a long breath and felt comfortable!

Besides, my inaction will send you back to reincarnation!

Shankui City disappeared, but something appeared on the ground.

Chen Shouzhuo picked it up and saw that it looked like a spiritual structure.

Ghost King Dao Refining Ghost King City Twenty-seven Altars...

In this spiritual building, there is a detailed way to refine ghosts.

Mountain leader, well charm, greedy demon, paper demon, headless woman, white-faced puppet, fierce Sheng, Dao Qi, ghost dragonfly!

There are a total of nine ways to create ghosts, and ways to advance, from the first level to the ninth level.

It turns out that Shankui City was transformed by this spiritual building.

But in the later period, the world broke away from the ghost king's way, and the Haoli world became smaller. As a result, Shankui City lost two groups of ghosts.

This is a good thing. Chen Shouzhuo carefully put it away.

If there are really no ghost soldiers to follow, then refine it yourself!

In addition to this, after salvation, Chen Shouzhuo felt inexplicably that his Yaksha King's strength seemed to have skyrocketed even though he did not have any ghosts to follow him.

Many salvations have their own cause and effect!

Beyond the ghosts, their ghost power converged on Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while, jumped up and headed to the next city of Heba City.

When I got here, I was not polite and started to transcend.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

Divine power and cosmic titles were all used. In less than a moment, all the ghosts were saved and sent to reincarnation.

The old ghost who deceived Chen Shouzhuo was indeed the true identity of Heba City.

Ghost King Dao Refining Ghost King City Thirty-five Altars...

It is also a method of cultivating nine types of ghosts from the first to the ninth level.

So far, there are two less cities in Haoli Realm, but there is no reaction.

These ghosts live in the Haoli Realm. The king of ghosts has been destroyed and no one comes to recruit them.

Their existence gradually became a burden on the Haoli world, causing the world to collapse, and the sun set in the west.

Now that two ghost towns have disappeared, Haolijie feels a sense of joy.

In that case, continue.

Chen Shouzhuo took action, Zaitian City, Hanmo City, Zhenji City, Gaoyang City, Aangran City, Jingji City, Puhong City...

In the ghost town he had just visited, he had not spared any one of them, and had to save them all once.

In every ghost city, there is a ghost king's way to refine the ghost king's city altar.

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly became energetic and went crazy.

The more one transcends, the easier it becomes. Later, there is no need to use the cosmic title to break through obstacles. The sound of salvation directly penetrates the protection of the Artemisia Realm.

In fact, there is no Eighty-Three Ghost Town in Haoli Realm, and it has collapsed a lot over the years.

Now there are only sixty-five cities!

When Chen Shouzhuo was saved in the forty-third city, Haoli Realm seemed to have realized that it had been saved by Chen Shouzhuo, and there was nothing left in it.

Gradually, the world began to protect many ghosts.

However, Chen Shouzhuo's climate was already established at this time, and he was able to transcend with ease and become unstoppable!

Many ghosts began to secretly escape from the ghost city to avoid Chen Shouzhuo's salvation.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't care, his goal was to take over the ghost town.

When Chen Shouzhuo reached the fifty-eighth city, suddenly, there was a roar in the void.

Above the void, the souls of the souls who were saved returned to the River Styx.

They entered the River Styx one by one, as if breaking through the world, and gradually formed a passage.

The water of the Styx suddenly followed the broken passage and slowly entered this world.

First there are drops of Styx water, and then they gather into springs. Looking at this trend, they will gradually turn into a Styx river, running through the world.

Chen Shouzhuo was shocked and immediately speeded up.

Quickly collect the Ghost King's Dao and refine the Ghost King's City Dharma Altar. When sixty-three Dao are collected, the Void Styx River has taken shape.

Chen Shouzhuo sighed and had to go!

If you don't leave, the River Styx will fall and you won't be able to leave!

He suddenly transformed into Emperor Shitian and was about to leave here.

Suddenly, there were clear sounds in many places on the earth!

Streams of light flew out, all from the Ghost King's Refining Ghost King City Dharma Altar, and converged on Chen Shouzhuo.

Eighty-three in total!

When the Styx falls, the Artemisia Realm will be directly swept away by the Styx.

The Haoli world is a netherworld, not the real world. It has no entity and will inevitably be shattered.

If you stay in this world, you will be swept away by the River Styx and disappear without a trace.

Therefore, all the magic altars in the Ghost King City were immediately gathered into Chen Shouzhuo's hands and left with him.

Chen Shouzhuo laughed, transformed into Emperor Shitian, locked on the time and space landmark, and left!

In an instant, he left here!

In less than a moment, boom, the Styx fell and swept across the entire Artemisia Realm.

Those ghosts who were saved by Chen Shouzhuo returned early and were accepted by Styx without any problem.

Those ghosts who were not saved by Chen Shouzhuo fled desperately, only to be swallowed by the River Styx.

The Styx has a clear path. If you avoid returning to the Styx, you will be directly crushed by the Styx and turned into Styx water, which will no longer exist!

Chen Shouzhuo, on the other hand, returned to the Four Phases Tao.

In a daze, I returned home.

He talked for a long time, saying that not a single ghost of his Yaksha King had received it, so he had to live alone.

Try it and transform again!

It was shocking to discover that King Yaksha's strength had skyrocketed, and he was no longer the flying Yaksha King patrolling the sea!

He turned into another extremely terrifying Yaksha King!

The world-devouring, sky-devouring Yaksha Emperor!

This is the three most powerful Yaksha Emperors in the Ghost King's Way!

Devouring a world, destroying the world, eating hundreds of millions of ghosts, countless ghosts, the most powerful Yaksha Emperor.

Chen Shouzhuo did the same. He destroyed countless ghosts and destroyed a ghost world. He lived up to his name!

The Eighty-three Ghost King City Dharma Altar immediately flew up, began to combine, and turned into one thing.

It turned into a treasure and fell on Emperor Yaksha of the Devouring World, becoming his natal magic weapon!

Many altars are combined together, blending and changing with each other, like huge rocks, forming a huge palace.

A large house was called a palace in ancient times.

The supreme palace looks like it is composed of thousands of ghosts, with endless majesty.

It looks endlessly majestic, but is actually not that big. Holding it in your right hand and holding it in the palm of your hand, there is nothing wrong with it!

Ninth-level magic weapon Ten Thousand Ghosts Devour the Realm of Yama!

This treasure is directly locked with the transformation of the World Devouring Heaven-Devouring Yaksha Emperor. Only this transformation can drive this treasure.

The treasure flashed and entered the treasure kiln of Chen Shouzhuo's Sword Cave. It occupied a corner altar and remained motionless.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what to say, so let's leave it at that!

Alas, who made us do nothing on the road! (End of chapter)

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