Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 273 The countdown to the Absolute Pardon Brigade!

Chen Shouzhuo continued to listen. Lu Bairi hardly slept and talked to himself every once in a while.

"A7, transfer to A7, are you sure? Are you in position?"

"Ninety-one percent confirmed, countdown continues, five, four, three, eight, nine..."

Chen Shouzhuo listened carefully, but he didn't know what he was doing.

What the hell is this?

Really unable to understand, Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while and had to contact Fang Jiuxuan.

"Call Fang Jiuxuan, call Fang Jiuxuan..."

A little influenced by Lu Bairi, Chen Shouzhuo's call was also weird!

Fang Jiuxuan quickly responded:

"Senior Brother Chen, is something wrong?"

"Master Fuxi, there is something wrong!"

"Never stop!"

At this moment, when Fang Jiuxuan heard the word "Endless", he seemed to suddenly become extremely deep, like an abyss or a mountain!

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat!

He hurriedly sent a message:

"Jiu Xuan, Jiu Xuan, come to your senses quickly!"

"The thing is like this..."

Fang Jiuxuan and Chen Shouzhuo exchanged divine power with each other and knew the root of it, so there was no need to hide it when they heard the divine power.

Fang Jiuxuan seemed to laugh when he heard Chen Shouzhuo telling about the relationship between Fang Zeshan and Guanlan Tingfeng.

"Learn again how Guanlan Tingfeng calls daddy!"

It seemed like her focus was a little off.

Chen Shouzhuo said angrily: "I'm talking to you about business. This contact requires a lot of energy!"

"I know, hahaha. Guanlan Tingfeng became a Taoist for 117,000 years, while Fang Zeshan only became a Taoist for 32,000 years.

How did this dad shout out? "

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. The emphasis was indeed different.

"I never thought that the two of them would have this kind of relationship, they are so different!

So I never thought of them forming an alliance.

Now it seems that everything is clear!

Alas, this divine power sounds really powerful, why can’t I get it! "

Chen Shouzhuo said: "What time has it been? Can you be more serious?

The countdown is almost over!

When the time comes, they will cooperate internally and externally to destroy Tianxingjian. Let’s see if you cry or not. "

Fang Jiuxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's a small matter.

Destroy Tian Xingjian? What is the great dream of the Spring and Autumn Period? Even when I was in my prime, I would not be among the top ten in Tianxingjian.

What's more, there is that old man who alone can defeat all of us! "

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but ask: "Lao Duwu?"

Fang Jiuxuan gritted his teeth and said:

"Come from the horizon, in the vast sea of ​​clouds! Don't regret every step you take!"

This old solitary creature, alas! "

It turns out that the entire Tianxing Jian Sect calls Bu Buhui Lao Duwu.

He is one of the top ten masters in the world, and he comes from all over the world, among the vast sea of ​​clouds, for his personal poem title!

Fang Jiuxuan said again:

"You don't have to think too hard, since that Lu Bairi transit, little Dharma minister, just catch him and that's it.

When the time comes for the first trial, of course everything will be known.

Don't worry, if there is no problem, he doesn't know what will happen. "

Chen Shouzhuo felt that Fang Jiuxuan didn't take this matter seriously at all.

As if sensing Chen Shouzhuo's thoughts, Fang Jiuxuan said slowly:

"Actually, Fang Zeshan is my direct blood descendant from previous lives, and can be counted as my one hundred and eighty-third generation grandson.

I have paid a lot for him to become Daoyi. He is the only Daoyi in our Fang family besides me.

Maybe it was because I paid too much and was too strict at that time.

In order to make him enlightened, he forced his wife and children to death, which actually made him rebel..."

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. He forced the other party's wife and children to death. If he didn't take revenge, would he still cease to be a human being?

"But nothing matters anymore. If he likes to toss, just do it."

“By the way, Senior Brother Chen, Chi Yuansu has arrived at our Tian Xingjian.

He has murderous intentions towards you, resents me for not helping him, and has ruined my True Spirit Name Thorn.

You must be careful, I'm afraid he will spare no effort and be unethical.

As long as you don't leave our Tianxing Jianzong Mountain Gate, there should be no problem.

Even he wouldn’t dare to go too far in my Tianxing Jian Sect! "

Chen Shouzhuo responded: "I understand! Don't worry, even if you beat me to death, you won't leave the gate of Tianxing Jianzong."

After the exchange ended, Chen Shouzhuo waited silently. Within a quarter of an hour, someone appeared silently in the void.

The two appeared quietly.

The reason why Chen Shouzhuo could see them was because they deliberately smiled at Chen Shouzhuo.

Otherwise Chen Shouzhuo would not be able to feel their presence at all.

Two great gods!

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, stable!

Fang Jiuxuan was still on business. He arrested a Dharma Realm Lord and directly dispatched the two Heavenly Lords.

This is a direct cultivator of the Tianxing Jian Sect. Not to mention a Dharma True Lord, there is no problem even if he captures Guanlan Tingfeng.

Although Guanlan Tingfeng is a Taoist, she is just an outsider. Compared to the Supreme Master, she is just not good enough.

The appearance of the two Heavenly Lords was specially instructed by Fang Jiuxuan to make Chen Shouzhuo feel at ease.

They disappeared again, and Chen Shouzhuo waited silently to see what happened.

Unexpectedly, a quarter of an hour later, Chen Shouzhuo watched Lu Bairi walk out of the cave.

Tianzun made no sound and disappeared!

Even if Chen Shouzhuo listened and checked, there was no trace.

Lu Bairi walked out slowly and looked at Xian Xing, but very quickly, he was about to leave the Tianxing Jianzong Mountain Gate.

Chen Shouzhuo was shocked and immediately sent a message to Fang Jiuxuan.

But Fang Jiuxuan didn't know what was going on and didn't respond.

At the sound of the message, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly felt that Lu Bairi's breath was unstable. He was injured, and it was very serious.

But he was about to leave the Tianxing Jianzong Mountain Gate.

In this Tianxing Jianzong Mountain Gate, no one dares to be presumptuous, and the same is true for Dao Yi.

No matter how big the matter is, the other party does not dare to show it too much and can only leave the sect's mountain gate according to the rules.

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth and suddenly got up and followed Lu Bairi.

Fang Jiuxuan, this bastard, still hasn’t replied!

Chen Shouzhuo could not speak out because he only suspected the other party and had no actual evidence.

If the claims are exposed without any evidence, things will be difficult to handle.

Follow him first and wait for Fang Jiuxuan to respond.

Following Lu Bairi, Chen Shouzhuo quickly chased out.

Soon we arrived at the gate of Tianxing Jianzong.

After leaving here, Tianxing Jianzong controlled the sphere of influence. Chen Shouzhuo hesitated for a moment.

But he still gritted his teeth and followed out.

After leaving the Tianxing Jianzong Mountain Gate, Lu Bairi's speed immediately increased.

Fortunately, Chen Shouzhuo got "Crossing the Yandang Peak on the Tiantai". This section was also a small accomplishment in cultivation, so he immediately accelerated and caught up with the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, he flew eight thousand miles away in one breath.

Suddenly, Fang Jiuxuan responded:

"Senior Brother Chen, I just had something to do and couldn't respond."

"Senior Brother Chen, are you here?"

"I'm here, something happened!"

"I know that the two people I sent were trapped by the other party and have escaped to report.

The other party is not Guanlan Zong Lu Bairi at all. "

"I'm following him!"

"Senior Brother Chen, tell me again, what did you hear him say?"

Chen Shouzhuo immediately repeated it!

The other party seemed to be deep in thought and suddenly said:

"Feng Xuzi, An Taoist, South China woman..."

"Asshole, this is the Brigade! The Absolution Brigade!

Chen Shouzhuo, stop following and return to the sect quickly. It should be safe there. This is the Huangshe Brigade and it is very dangerous! "

She directly called Chen Shouzhuo by his real name!

There was actually panic in his words.

"What is the Absolution Brigade?"

"There are alliances among all the great masters, and I, the Tianxing Jian Sect, am one of the members of the Tiandao Alliance.

You are like the seven of us in the world. The reason why we are grouped together is because we, the seven great masters, form the Heavenly Alliance.

The Absolute Absolution Brigade is also one of the alliances, but they are an anonymous secret alliance.

An alliance formed by a group of shameless Taoists who specialize in doing some dark things.

Since ancient times, the destruction of many deities was related to them. "

Chen Shouzhuo hesitated and immediately stopped following him.

But Lu Bairi suddenly stopped and turned towards Chen Shouzhuo, shaking his head slightly as if he was smiling again.

Faintly, there was a voice!

"Confirmed to be in position, countdown continues, one hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight..."

Chen Shouzhuo's heart sank, and he jumped suddenly, turned into a shadow life, and disappeared without a trace.

This is a countdown for him, giving him a hundred breaths and time to escape.

The cat catches the mouse and plays with it.

He immediately ran away, fled thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and suddenly returned to the real world, having become Emperor Shakten.

He wants to move time and space and return to the Supreme Way.

But I didn't expect that time and space would move and stagnate!

Can't move!

Chen Shouzhuo was shocked.

How could it be impossible to move?

After careful sensing, I immediately discovered that it wasn't that he couldn't move, but that all Tianzun couldn't use Tianzun's movement.

The entire Tianxing Jianzong is locked up to prevent Tianzun from returning from across the border and supporting the Tianxing Jianzong!

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless, this matter was serious.

He immediately fell down, suddenly dived, and entered the shadow again.

Chen Shouzhuo did not return to the mountain gate of Tianxing Jianzong.

The other party has already counted down, and it may not be safe there.

So Chen Shouzhuo chose to walk away and hide far away!

Just when he turned into a shadow life and fled, suddenly there seemed to be a fairy sound in his ears.

Suddenly, his body flashed and was pulled directly by an unknown force.

Looking again, Chen Shouzhuo had been teleported to a stone formation.

There was a magic circle in all directions, locking Chen Shouzhuo firmly.

There is an acquaintance in the magic circle!

It was Chi Yuansu, a member of Daluo Jinxian Sect, sitting proudly!

Seeing Chen Shouzhuo being pulled here, he smiled at someone beside him and said:

"Thank you for your help, senior!"

The man was clearly a Heavenly Lord, and he smiled and said: "The spiritual stone is sufficient, you can do anything!"

Chi Yuansu looked at Chen Shouzhuo and said, "You can't believe it!"

"I remember your "Sparse Shadows Slanting across the City and Sky". This is the scene of the Shadow Demon Sect's Heavenly Lord Luo Jiang. It's easy to pull your little shadow here."

The Shadow Demon Sect Heavenly Lord Luo Jiangjing looked at Chen Shouzhuo and asked, "Do you want me to take action?"

"No need, I will do it myself for such a big hatred!"

Chi Yuansu said word for word!

Shadow Demon Sect Tianzun Luo Jiangjing smiled, quietly escaped into the shadows, and disappeared without a trace.

Chi Yuansu looked at Chen Shouzhuo and said:

"This is the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Universe Locking Immortal Formation that I have set up. In this formation, it is impossible for the gods to escape. Chen Shouzhuo, I must do my best to repay you for your great kindness last time!

Don't worry, in this great formation, no matter how you turn around and die, you will not be able to escape from this formation. You are dead this time! "

Chen Shouzhuo looked around, then at Chi Yuansu, and suddenly began to say:

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Chi Yuansu was stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Chen Shouzhuo counts down again for the Huangshe Brigade!

"Three, two, one!" (End of chapter)

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