Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 280 There is a long way to go before entering the sea and crossing the border

Without the flying boat, I can only escape by myself.

Chen Shouzhuo controls the lifeblood of a hoe and soars into the sky.

Arriving at the edge of the world in Zhouyou region.

Further ahead, there is the boundless sea.

But in the sea, there are small worlds like islands.

Only after passing these small worlds can we enter the East China Sea.

Soaring here, passing through the East China Sea, is the desert land.

Wanxiang Sect is one of the Nineteen Paths of the Supreme Being.

In the Mocang area, in addition to Wanxiang Sect, Chen Shouzhuo also had several friends who were also in the Mocang area.

That is the Wuxin Sect. The Wuxin Sect and the Chuqiao Sect are both one of the eight evils of the Supreme Master, and the mountain gate is also in the Mo Cang area.

It's a pity that Patriarch Fen Tian Bo Hai Lie Yuantai told him never to go to Wu Xin Sect.

Otherwise, you can go and see him.

The two illegitimate sons of Patriarch Yuantai, Xia Muting and Zhuo Yingzhao, both fell in love with me. I wonder what happened to them?

There is another guy named Luo Xuanbing?

He is very arrogant and looks down upon himself.

If you encounter him, teach him a lesson.

Don’t bully young people into poverty!

However, the truly powerful one in the Mocang region is not the Wuxin Sect or the Wanxiang Sect, but Pangu Dao, one of the four qi!

Pangu Dao is a powerful force with countless treasures. It is said that originally they were not called Pangu Dao, but called Haiya Sect, an unpopular sect.

Later, luck came, and eight great adventures were discovered in the Mo Cang area.

It’s all Pangu Zhendi!

It became clear at once that the sect was eventually changed to Pangu Dao, which lasted for millions of years and remained standing.

While Chen Shouzhuo was thinking, he flew into the sea and moved forward.

There is no need to specifically look for it, there are constant travelers here and caravans are like waves, just follow the direction of everyone.

Chen Shouzhuo controls the hoe life root. What realm is Chen Shouzhuo? The hoe life root is the magic weapon of what level. It will improve as Chen Shouzhuo's strength increases.

Above the sea, the boundless ocean gradually leaves the offshore and enters the deep sea, where ferocious beasts continue to appear.

A giant whale ten miles away, a man-hungry demon shark leaping through the sky, an endless swarm of sea turtles, a hibernating mother with her own illusion...

Along the way, Chen Shouzhuo encountered many strange and strange encounters.

It was almost night time, and Chen Shouzhuo was not greedy enough to escape.

He inexplicably felt that the sea at night was not suitable for traveling, and it was best to fly during the day.

He entered the water directly and created an air barrier out of thin air, surrounding him.

During the practice of "Shui Yuan Dao Shuo", Chen Shouzhuo actually adapted to the water better than a fish. In this water, he felt like he was at home.

Find a seabed that is not deep and drop to the bottom.

His men, Mulong Guya, began to work.

Xin San, Xi Xiao, Mei Xiao Feng, An Yue, Jing Ce...

They all seemed to be born architects and quickly built a temporary cave under the sea.

There are three underwater caves with three entrances, classical courtyards, and scenic spots at every step. You can see the sea in three mansions and visit the gardens in five mansions.

There is an air mask shield to separate the sea water, which is very comfortable.

Canglong Yuande people swarm out, transform into Canglong, catch delicious sea fish, and look for rare spiritual objects.

Their fishing range is tens of thousands of miles long, and delicious sea fish are brought in in droves.

After catching the sea fish, Yanlong Heiyuan's five troops took the lead, and everyone began to prepare delicious food.

Now that Qing Dao Sages have developed, Chen Shouzhuo basically doesn't need to do anything. Everything is done by Qing Dao Sage.

After eating, Chen Shouzhuo began to practice.

This is offshore, there is no problem,

Once you enter the East China Sea and go to the Mocang area, it will be difficult and very dangerous to travel through that section of the sea.

However, the human race controls the firmament and has the power to build four firmament seas and connect many regions.

No matter how dangerous it is, it won't be too scary.

The other eight heavenly realms, including the airspace, are much more terrifying.

There are countless weird things, evil things everywhere, inexplicable natural dangers, and bizarre catastrophes.

When Chen Shouzhuo came back from the Qingyan Realm last time, he saw countless horrors along the way.

In fact, among the nine heavenly realms, the firmament heavenly realm gradually takes a dominant position.

In the past millions of years, many sects of the 108 Supreme Beings of the human race have gone to other heavenly realms to settle down.

In the Jinhui Heavenly Domain, there are countless gold spirits. It is the Baidi Taoist Temple, where the Diamond Temple and the Demon Sword Demon Sect were established.

These two deities, the Vajra Monk of the Vajra Monastery, have an invincible body, and the Demon Sword Demon Sect uses swords to refine their bodies. People are swords, and swords are people. They are perfect for the Jinhui Heavenly Domain.

Jinghai Tianyu, Great Spirits are everywhere, Mu Zhi Yuanhai, Qingdi Dojo.

There are Zhenling Sect and Succubus Sect entering this heavenly realm.

Zhenling Sect has Zhenling Yin, who is famous all over the world. He is best at cultivating spiritual beasts and controlling them as a method. One person can withstand a million soldiers.

The Succubus Sect is famous for its ability to search for essences, devour blood, and absorb demon spirits. It controls three thousand heretics and eighty-four thousand kinds of demon spirits.

They are all suitable for Jinghai Tianyu.

The Blood Abyss Heavenly Domain is originally a body of water, but for some reason it is stained with blood and filled with demonic abyss.

In fact, the destruction of the ancient Jellyfish Celestial Palace was related to the fact that this water area turned into a blood abyss.

There are one hundred and eight superiors, the Blood Sea Sect and the Blood Demon Sect, which are flourishing in this heaven.

In the beginning, there was only one Supreme Blood God.

Later, the sects had different ideas, fought among themselves, and finally broke up and split into three groups.

"Blood Demon Sutra" is a book about entering the Demon Sect and practicing the Blood Demon Sect.

One group took an evil path and was one of the Eight Evils, the Blood Sea Sect.

There is another group that has entered the Taoist sect and was once a Supreme Being and the Blood River Sect, but has been destroyed and dissipated.

The Blood Sea Sect and the Blood Demon Sect were already weak and immediately fell out of the ranks of the Supreme Beings.

However, after they moved to the Blood Abyss Realm, they rose again.

The Heavenly Domain of Hell, the Red Emperor's Dojo, the Yanshen Sect, and the Sun God's Palace were moved here.

Originally, if there was no issue with the Sun Palace, it should be the Fire Demon Sect.

3.21 million years ago, the Fire Demon Sect and the Yanshen Sect were ordered to enter the Hell Hell Domain and open up the territory of the human race.

The Fire Demon Sect has been reluctant to listen to orders and stalled.

Finally, Yan Shen Sect and Sun God Palace entered the Hell Hell Realm.

The eighteen superiors including the Original Demon Sect, Tian Demon Sect, Taiyi Sect, Daluo Jinxian Sect, and Dazen Temple gathered their strength to destroy the Fire Demon Sect.

The Fire Demon Sect was destroyed, and the Light Demon Sect was promoted to Supreme, replacing the Fire Demon Sect!

The remnants of the Fire Demon Sect fled away, pretending to be Yu Bingdao, and lingering.

The wild sky, the wild earth, the Yellow Emperor's dojo, are filled with countless giants and ferocious beasts.

Cihang Pudu Temple, fighting against Buddhist temples, extraditing all living beings in this heavenly realm.

The sky domain is the thunder domain. It is controlled by the human race, creating four seas and seas, connecting all regions, gradually transcending other heaven domains, and becoming the center of the universe.

In the Yuan Qi Heavenly Domain, where Qi is wind, there is an innate Qi Sect and a Supreme Dao Sect.

The Baiang Heaven Realm is the Heaven Realm of Light, controlled by the Light Emperor Yahweh, with billions of angels running rampant.

There is a large Buddhist temple where the True Buddha Sect has settled.

Great Buddha Sect, self-created Buddha, self-achieved Buddha, self-transformed Buddha, true Buddha Sect, all illusions, all realms, all true and false, are all suitable for the heaven of light.

In the Black Evil Heaven Realm, there is the Underworld Emperor Sect and the Immortal Sect lurking here.

Chen Shouzhuo practiced at night and escaped during the day, moving forward all the way.

The journey along the way was not peaceful either, and soon there was a big battle ahead.

A sea monster attacks a passing caravan.

Chen Shouzhuo flew here and sensed it from a distance.

The sea monsters are a group of strange demons with human bodies, shark heads, turtle shells on their backs, and fish tails on their legs. They attack caravans crazily.

That caravan relied entirely on core formations to drive a large formation and defend itself, otherwise it would have been breached by these sea monsters.

Chen Shouzhuo sensed that these sea monsters were not very strong. The strongest ones were in the three holy realms.

He nodded, and suddenly the Taoist saints appeared and killed them.

Now Chen Shouzhuo has more than 230 Qingdao Saints, all of whom have transformed into human forms, and a group of monks seem to appear out of thin air.

Each of them is in the realm of the Holy Realm, and some of them have surpassed Chen Shouzhuo and are at the seventh or eighth level of the Holy Realm.

At this point, of the sea monsters and Luohualiushui who were killed, only three or five escaped quickly and disappeared into the water.

After killing them all, Chen Shouzhuo waved his hand and many of his men swept the battlefield.

Gradually, the personalities of these Taoist Saints emerged.

Yanlong Black Abyss is like a legion, everyone moves together, everyone performs their duties and has his or her own position.

Canglong Yuande, on the other hand, has his own ideas and likes to wield a sword alone.

Originally they practiced water magic, but now they are more and more fond of sword control.

Jinlong Qingbai is good at finding gold, and they like to do this kind of job of cleaning the battlefield the most.

Mulong's quaint personality is not obvious, and everyone likes to hide in the dark and remain silent.

Chaolong Shiguang is a conspicuous bag. He likes to be in the brightest place to attract everyone's attention.

They like to sing, recite poetry, and play.

Seeing Chen Shouzhuo coming to save his life, an old man appeared from the caravan and saluted:

"Thank you fellow Taoists for your life-saving grace!"

Chen Shouzhuo waved his hand and all the Taoist saints disappeared and said:

"You are Welcome."

The old man was surprised when he saw those monks disappearing, but he didn't say anything.

"Deacon Liu Xuanqing of the Gold Chamber of Commerce, senior, thank you for your help!"

After that, a storage bag was delivered.

Chen Shouzhuo took it and took a look. There were one hundred thousand spiritual stones inside.

He had the intention not to, but in the previous period of cultivating Qingdao Saint, all the spiritual stones were used up.

The world of Dayan has not yet finished evolving, and there are no spiritual stones left in the body.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite!"

"Senior, where are you going?"

"I'm heading to the Mo Cang area."

"Senior, shall we go together?"

Chen Shouzhuo had no direction, so he nodded and walked with the caravan.

The other party arranged a flying boat.

Chen Shouzhuo said in his heart: "Master, this is not my flying boat!

This is arranged by others, there is nothing we can do! "

He boarded the flying boat.

Liu Xuanqing was extremely happy, this was equivalent to hiring a bodyguard for free.

He was on this flying boat, entertaining Chen Shouzhuo.

The two started chatting.

Chen Shouzhuo also took this opportunity to inquire about the way forward.

You can't just move forward without knowing anything, right?

"The Mo Cang area is quite far away, and we still need to cross the border, which is very dangerous."

Chen Shouzhuo didn't pay attention and just smiled.

Seeing Chen Shouzhuo's strength, Liu Xuanqing said:

"Senior, further ahead is Puyu Island, which is the Shuiyun Sect dojo of Zuo Daozong.

After Puyu Island, there is another Zhe Hantian, who is the territory of the side sect Yunxiu sect.

Beyond Zhehantian is the East China Sea.

According to the positioning, if you cross the East China Sea area and reach Yuji Island, you will reach the Mo Cang area! "(End of chapter)

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