Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 296 Xiaodai Talisman Shop

Chen Shouzhuo silently calculated and deduced, and felt intuitively that there should be no problem with this matter.

"Okay, no problem, I can explore with you."

The key point is that Chen Shouzhuo doesn't have any spiritual stones on him, so we can go on an adventure together to earn some money.

"That's good. When the time comes, we will make a Styx oath to split the score 50-50!"

"No problem, but I have something to do now. How many days will we leave?"

"Well, I'll prepare for it in four and a half months.

On the first day of August next year, we will gather at the entrance of this inn and go to the ruins together.

There should have been the ruins of a ruined world. I don't know why the world collapsed, leaving only an insignificant wreckage. "

Exploring ruins like this requires careful preparation, so we made an appointment for four and a half months.

In this way, Chen Shouzhuo made an agreement with Ban Xin Chan.

If you go on a good adventure, then everything will be fine, and you will be split 50-50 when the time comes.

If he has evil intentions, then send him on his way and it will be over.

After the agreement, Chen Shouzhuo left the inn and contacted his fourth sister.

Chen Shouzhuo's fourth sister, Chen Chen, was a practitioner of Four-phase Taoism. When she was thirteen years old, she was spotted by the Supreme Master Yue Fairy of Wanxiang Sect and followed her on a long journey to Wanxiang Sect.

However, within the Wanxiang Sect, she was only an inner disciple, and could not be compared with the geniuses of the sect like Xie Bingwen.

When Chen Shouzhuo arrived here, he was extremely careful.

He didn't want his fourth sister to offend the sect's local bosses like Xie Bingwen because of his relationship.

Even if he is not targeted by then, it will be difficult to get along within the Wanxiang Sect.

When he came this time, his father gave Chen Shouzhuo the contact talisman of his fourth sister.

Once you are within the Wanxiang Sect, you can contact them by flying talisman.

Just after arriving here and completing Hua Mingyue's guidance and practice, Chen Shouzhuo didn't look for his sister.

Now that Hua Mingyue's cultivation matters were settled, Chen Shouzhuo began to contact his sister.

The flying talisman was sent out, and there was a response quickly.

It happened that the fourth sister Chen Chen was practicing in the sect and was not in retreat, so she quickly replied to the letter.

They made an appointment to meet at a shop in Yiufangshi.

Chen Shouzhuo went over as agreed. This shop was an ordinary small shop in an ordinary market, selling some magical instruments and talismans.

There are thousands of such shops in the entire Wanxiang Sect!

The name of the store is Xiaodai Lingfu Store.

Chen Shouzhuo frowned, unlucky for his name.

Entering the shop, I was stunned.

Surprisingly, the second brother is here.

"Second brother?"

"Ah, third brother!"

Unexpectedly, this shop was opened by my second brother.

No wonder it has such an unlucky name.

The second brother arrived here, and with the support of the fourth sister, he bought this small shop and relied on his ability to draw talismans to make a living.

He was extremely happy to see Chen Shouzhuo.

The same is true for Chen Shouzhuo, brothers meet here.

After chatting for a while, the second brother seemed to have something to do. After gritting his teeth for a long time, he introduced:

"Third brother, let's go, let me introduce you to your sister-in-law!"

Are you getting married here? settle?

The second brother took Chen Shouzhuo to the back of the store.

Shop in front and home in back

When he arrived in the backyard, Chen Shouzhuo was surprised to see a pregnant woman preparing a meal.

Chen Shouzhuo was shocked when he saw this pregnant woman.

Xiaodai is alive again?

He hurriedly checked, but he was sure that it was not something strange, but an ordinary female cultivator, at the seventh level of Yuan Condensation.

It's just that she looks too much like the dead Xiaodai sister.

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but ask: "This, this?"

"This is your sister-in-law. I met her by chance when I got here."

At this point, the second brother was calm and indifferent.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what to say, so he could only say:

"Hello, second sister-in-law!"

"Third brother, I heard your brother always talking about you, so I prepared some light food and wine, don't dislike it."

The second sister-in-law is very wise and a good woman.

The second brother's family is not rich and cannot afford servants, so he can only prepare the food and drinks himself.

It just looks too much like the dead Xiaodai sisters.

I don’t know if she is lucky or unlucky...

Chen Shouzhuo looked at his second brother and didn't know what to say.

The second brother remained motionless for a long time, then suddenly said:

"She is also called Xiaodai. I did not come up with the name of this store. It is just like that.

The first time I saw her, I had the same reaction as you.

At that time, she had a husband, so I settled down on this street and made friends with her husband. "

“What’s in her belly is not my child!

Years ago, her husband went out to explore the ruins and died outside.

She had it again, mobility issues, and being spied on the store.

I stepped in to help her, and my fourth sister supported me through the ordeal. We were together for less than three months. "

Chen Shouzhuo didn't even know what to say!

“So, I’m not going home.

This will be my home from now on! "

Chen Shouzhuo remained motionless for a long time. Perhaps for the second brother, this was what he wanted.

Soon, the fourth sister arrived.

It has been almost twenty years since Chen Shouzhuo said goodbye.

I almost didn't recognize my sister.

But as we chatted together, the strangeness gradually disappeared, and she was actually still her familiar and lovely sister.

During the chat, Chen Shouzhuo found out that the fourth sister was practicing the Eighty-nine Transformations of Wanxiang Sect, the Wings of Lusi Xiaoyao!

The fangs are hidden in the flying wings, and you are free from the world!

It took a very sudden and instantaneous route.

Chen Shouzhuo gave the "The Power of the Sun, the Great Sun, the Universe, the Sky, and the Heavenly Power Sutra" to his fourth sister.

But the fourth sister just accepted it with a smile. She didn't know how to practice. She trusted Wanxiang Sect's "Wanxiang Golden Light Leaping Sea and Climbing to Heaven Method" very much and disdained to practice this method.

Looking at the soft and weak fourth sister, she is actually very proud.

For dinner, the food and wine were very simple, but I put in the effort and it was delicious.

The second sister-in-law also prepared spiritual wine, and the second brother drank a few glasses and became very drunk.

If you are not drunk, everyone will get drunk!

It looks like he's okay, but he's actually immersed in the past.

A memory that cannot be changed even in the Nala world.

Chen Shouzhuo met his second brother and fourth sister, and decided to settle down here and practice for a while.

Fourth sister recommended an area.

Haomiao Lake

The environment here is beautiful, the aura is abundant, and there are caves for rent, suitable for silent cultivation. The Wanxiang Sect branch family that controls this place happens to be the family of one of her senior sisters.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded. His fourth sister wrote a souvenir, and he planned to go there to practice cultivation.

Before leaving, Chen Shouzhuo still had fifty-seven thousand spiritual stones in his hand, and he wanted to leave the spiritual stones for his second brother.

But the second brother said nothing.

This is the last self-esteem of the second brother, so Chen Shouzhuo can forget it.

Seeing that his second brother was well, Chen Shouzhuo wrote a letter home, sent it back and kept it at home to reassure his parents.

Then Chen Shouzhuo went to Haomiao Lake.

Not to mention, this Haomiao Lake is really a good place.

A large lake spreads for thousands of miles, with clear water, blue water and gentle waves.

There are thirteen islands in the lake. Each island has beautiful scenery, including pavilions, trees, corridors, curved sills, painted buildings and carved sculptures. It is elegant, beautiful and refreshing.

Between the buildings, there are countless cranes, deer, colorful sparrows and other spiritual animals and rare birds, as well as a large number of rare vegetation such as towering ancient trees, strange vines and vines, green bamboos and pines.

When Chen Shouzhuo arrived, he took out his sister's letters and immediately rented a cave.

A real person in the Holy Realm cultivates in the cave and gets 12,000 spiritual stones a year.

Chen Shouzhuo rented it for three years and settled here.

After practicing like this for more than a month, the evolution of Dayan World was finally completed.

Suddenly, the world opens up!

The world of Dayan added the innate spiritual treasure Yan Ning to Darkness, and finally evolved.

The world changes silently.

There is still one continental world in Tianyuandiji, but it has become two worlds.

Just like the two sides of a wooden board, each has a Dayan world.

One side is day and the other side is night.

Every six hours, the world turns upside down.

One day changes, day and night are reversed.

The world of Dayan on each side is completely in the form after the last evolution.

Within a radius of 60,000 miles, 70% is land and 30% is water.

On the land and in the waters, there are thousands of trees and lush plants.

The sky is filled with thousands of clouds and nine layers of clouds.

There are wind, frost, rain and snow from time to time, endless precipitation, and the atmosphere is ever-changing.

There is endless magma flowing underground, and in the deepest part there is the supreme core, emitting endless fire.

Withered Skull Wheel Ming is evolving again, he evolves with the evolution of the Dayan world!

“Sir, to be honest, the evolution this time is too sudden.

The advantages of the previous evolution were not used to their full potential.

This evolution is actually not very beneficial.

I really don’t recommend that you evolve again, it’s best to stabilize...

At the very least, it will take a year to evolve again. "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "Dig out a super-grade spiritual stone for me!"

"Ah, sir, if you dig it out, it will destroy the spirit stone veins, which will lead to a decrease in the annual harvest of ordinary spirit stones..."

"There's nothing I can do about it. I'm half poor now if I don't have any money!"

"Okay, sir, just wait!"

Soon, Dry Skull Lun Ming took a super-grade spiritual stone and said very unhappily:

"Sir, if you take out this spiritual stone, you can only harvest 26 million ordinary spiritual stones a year."

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said: "This time, at least for a year, there will be no further evolution!

It must be harvested once, otherwise, it will be a huge loss! "

Looking at his Dayan world again, Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but nod.

In fact, he also has an innate spiritual treasure called Immortal Blue Chalcedony in his hand.

However, Dayan World must be stabilized and cannot be rushed to strengthen.

There are still three innate spiritual treasures or cosmic wonders such as gold, thunder, and light to evolve or strengthen.

Waiting for the stability of the Dayan world, Chen Shouzhuo practiced in this cave.

He began to practice "Tianxiang Yunming Henghaxi".

This time there is no chance, I just practice hard on my own. Even with the help of Gui Mingyan from the Nine Sons Ghost Mother Sect, it will take at least three hundred years.

Chen Shouzhuo was anxious.

Thinking of his second brother's fate, it was his life, and he couldn't change it arbitrarily, but he was unwilling to do so.

Thinking about it, it will take three hundred years to practice by yourself.


It is difficult to practice if the mind is not at peace.

The feeling of wanting to give the world a "Ultimate Extermination Chaos Strike" is looming.

Although I suppressed it, this idea never disappeared.

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly stood up, looked into the distance, and finally sighed.

In an instant, he became Emperor Shitian, determined the time and space landmark, teleported, and left!

Target, the underground world of the Crack Tooth Demon!

In the underground world of the Split Tooth Demon, there is also an innate spiritual treasure of earth. Although it is the same as Xi soil, it is also an innate spiritual treasure.

Take it first and talk later! (End of chapter)

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