Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 303 The magic weapon comes to your door, advance payment in advance

After obtaining the universal vortex thunder, which is a rare thing in the universe, Chen Shouzhuo returned to Shouyang Mountain.

I was happy in my heart, maybe if Old Man Le Shui could help me, I could get all the ninth-level innate spiritual treasures that I need?

But it’s a bit too difficult, basically impossible.

You must know that it is an innate spiritual treasure, a ninth-level magic weapon. Even the master does not have many.

I got all these things by chance and luck.

Then I got bad luck and couldn't even see a shadow for ten years.

Chen Shouzhuo inspected the wonders of the universe, the Universal Vortex Thunder.

This was a thunderbolt. Although it was only the size of a fist, its power was immeasurable.

It was like a thunderbolt, falling slowly, ever downward, never stopping.

But around it, there seems to be an infinite universe, completely wrapping it, this is the universe.

This layer of the universe makes this thunder move forever and never stop.

Jing Lei moves forward infinitely, but within this small package of the universe, it can never break through.

Chen Shouzhuo silently responded and nodded.

Innate spiritual treasures and cosmic wonders are completely two different concepts.

Innate spiritual treasures belong to the treasures of existence before the birth of the universe. Even if the universe is born, the innate spiritual treasures will not change their form and will exist forever.

There is a living being who has refined the innate spiritual treasure, and the living being is alive and well. When the living being dies, the innate spiritual treasure will automatically recover and reappear.

Even if the living beings remain immortal, when the universe collapses, the end of the world is complete, and the living beings dissipate, the innate spiritual treasure will still be restored and can exist until the birth of the next universe.

And the wonders of the universe, such as the universal vortex thunder, are transformed from the essence of this universe, the highest existence of the universe.

It belongs to the universe and is an acquired treasure, which is completely opposite to the innate treasure of the innate spiritual treasure.

However, the energy contained in it is not weaker than the innate spiritual treasure at all.

Chen Shouzhuo silently sensed this, nodded his head, and immediately entered his own Dayan world.

Withered Skull Wheel Ming immediately appeared and said, "Sir, do you want to strengthen it?"

"Do you think this strange object can strengthen the world of Dayan?"

Dry Skull Lunming looked carefully and then said:

"No problem, we can enhance the evolution of Thunder."

"That's good, strengthen it immediately!"

"My lord, it will take about three months!"

"Well, I will try my best to find the Golden Yuan Lingbao, and finally the Light Yuan Lingbao, to completely complete the evolution of the Dayan world!"

Chen Shouzhuo left the world of Dayan, and the whole world began a new round of evolution.

Old Man Le Shui was really on his way, and three days later, he appeared in Chen Shouzhuo's cave.

Chen Shouzhuo greeted hurriedly: "Senior Le Shui!"

Old Man Le Shui nodded and said: "I have informed the Taishangdao Presbyterian Council about your matter.

After a three-day meeting, the Presbyterian Council passed the motion and fully supports your needs! "

When Chen Shouzhuo said this, he was extremely happy.

Then Old Man Le Shui clicked lightly, and more than ten images appeared in front of Chen Shouzhuo.

Every image is a treasure, including an innate spiritual treasure, a cosmic wonder, and a ninth-level magic weapon.

Old Man Le Shui said slowly:

“Among them, there are three Jinyuan innate spiritual treasures, four cosmic wonders, two Guangyuan innate spiritual treasures, and three cosmic wonders.

In addition to this, there are three ninth-level magic weapons. "

Looking at them, Chen Shouzhuo felt ecstatic.

"You can choose a gold element, a light element, an innate spiritual treasure or a cosmic wonder here.

In addition, you can choose one of the ninth-level magic weapons! "

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned. Why could he only choose one ninth-level magic weapon?

Old Man Le Shui moved slightly, and something appeared in front of him.

A jade fan is composed of gold and silver. The gold is the sun and the silver is the moon. If you look closely, it seems that the sun and the moon rise and set, existing forever, just like the long river of time, spreading forever.

"The ninth-level magic weapon has a white head and a golden heart, the Guiyuan Fan!

This is my ninth level magic weapon, given to you! "

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that old man Le Shui would give him his treasure.


"Needless to say, just refine it well and live up to my support!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Suddenly Chen Shouzhuo's heart moved and he asked:

"Senior, does the sect have requirements for support?"

"Yes, you are a ninety-nine-day monk of the sect and have made great contributions to the sect, so the sect will support you in advance with these treasures."

"However, this is a ninth-level treasure. A sect leader has to work hard and complete sect tasks to get one of them.

You are only in the realm of the Holy Realm, you are just a Dao Chrysalis, and you are not qualified to get them at all.

At yesterday's conference, your master and I fought against all the odds to get you support in advance.

However, this support comes with requirements.

Use your innate spiritual treasure to exchange for a treasure.

The other two treasures will only truly belong to you if you perform eighteen great merits in the sect in the future.

Now it's just an advance, you only have the right to use it! "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded to express his understanding.

There are so many monks in the sect, and there are five Four-Nine Heavenly Tribulation Sons. Why should I give a ninth-level treasure to you, a fourth-level villain?

"Senior, I understand!"

"This is for you, this is the sky plate, which records the latest sect missions in the sect.

In fact, only those who have been promoted to Tianzun, Daoyi, are qualified to hold this.

You should take a look at it first and get familiar with it.

Your task now is to practice well, to be promoted to Heavenly Master Dao One, and then complete these tasks. "

"Yes, disciple understands!"

"Okay, let's choose the treasure!"

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and started watching.

Among the many treasures, Chen Shouzhuo first chose a cosmic wonder.

The wonder of the universe, Jin Pu Yuan Xin.

It seems like a huge heart, beating from time to time, and the infinite golden spirit in it is gathered on this treasure.

Old Man Le Shui nodded and said: "This object is the heart of the old monster who caused the catastrophe in the world 2.17 million years ago.

It is said that this catastrophe was actually caused by the White Emperor, because the old monster Chang Shi wanted to compete for his gold status.

The old monster from Changshi left behind five elements and five hearts. This golden heart fell into our hands. "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, looked at the others, and chose a brilliance.

The innate spiritual treasure is so pure!

Old Man Le Shui said again: "This innate spiritual treasure, 1.77 million years ago, the Withered Demon Sect caused the Ancient God of Blight to come to the world and cause harm to the universe.

The heaven and earth wither, and all demons run rampant, creating a catastrophe of withering.

During this catastrophe, the Ku Mo Sect's mortal enemy, the Tai Ku Sect, was completely destroyed by the Ku Mo Sect.

The Taiku Sect was originally one of the Jiutai, but later declined and withdrew from the Jiutai, this time it was completely destroyed.

This innate spiritual treasure was exuded from the remains of old man Xu San, the leader of the Taiku Sect at that time. I wonder how he got it? "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and looked at three more ninth-level magic weapons.

He did not make a rash choice, but changed and transformed into the Infinite Phoenix Ming Kinnara, using this to sense whether the three magic weapons had compatible sexual orientations.

One of the magic weapons, ninety-nine small mirrors are circling and flying, changing their shapes at all times, forming a magical mirror that looks like it is made of flames, shining like a living thing.

The ninth-level magic weapon Pure Yang Heavenly Spectroscope!

The immeasurable phoenix-creeping Kinnara has an affinity with this treasure and is destined to this treasure.

Chen Shouzhuo chose the ninth-level magic weapon Chunyang Qingtian Spectroscope.

Old Man Le Shui nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll start working right away and send them all to you.

If you need anything, just come to me! "

"Thank you, senior!"

Old Man Le Shui turned around and disappeared, and Chen Shouzhuo let out a long breath.

This time, I solved two of my old problems at once.

This has saved me a lot of effort.

Reach the sky in one step!

The eighteen great merits are nothing, and it’s not like I haven’t obtained them before.

Chen Shouzhuo carefully inspected the ninth-level magic weapon, the white-headed golden heart-guiyuan fan!

He suddenly transformed into the golden-winged roc Jia Luo Tower to sense this treasure.

If it doesn't work, it will be troublesome.

But this is a gift from the elders, how can you say that it may not be easy to use?

It transforms into a golden-winged roc, the Jialuo Tower, and senses this treasure.

The Golden-winged Dapeng Jialuo Tower can stir up countless storms, and so can the Guiyuan Fan. Suddenly the two merged, and the Guiyuan Fan turned into the Jialuo Tower's natal magic weapon!

Chen Shouzhuo changed repeatedly and experimented with the Guiyuan Fan. He burst out laughing. He was so happy!

After practicing for a while, Chen Shouzhuo thought about it. He wanted to open the sky disk and check those great merit tasks.

But he found that he was not strong enough and in the holy realm, he was not even qualified to open the sky disk.

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless, and he immediately transformed into a six-foot-long golden body and the eight parts of the heavenly dragon.

In the realm of Dharma, input mana and open the sky.

There are many areas in the sky disk, but Chen Shouzhuo can only open one of them.

In this area, countless sect missions pass by in turn.

"I went on an expedition to the wild world and stayed there for 3,600 years. I will be rewarded with three great merits!"

"Kill the ninth-order Hulun Demon King, the sworn enemy of Taishangdao, and be rewarded with five great merits!"

"Look for Langya Stone, a rare thing in the universe, and be rewarded with a great merit!"

"Those who pull the boundary from the void and turn it into a ruined world will form a ruined world and be rewarded with great merit!"

"Explore the unknown area of ​​​​Blood Abyss and be rewarded with ten great merits!"

These are all sect tasks given to Tianzun Daoyi.

Chen Shouzhuo watched silently. Suddenly, his heart moved.

Among the many great merits, there are many tasks to find the wonders of the universe, heaven, materials and earthly treasures.

One of the tasks is to find the ultimate gold.

Emperor Bai once rewarded Chen Shouzhuo with a piece of gold.

Chen Shouzhuo never used it.

His eyes lit up, and he gently clicked on the task in the sky.

Divine consciousness is conveyed:

"Your Majesty, Chen Shouzhuo, do you want to accept this mission?"

Chen Shouzhuo nodded!

"Mission accepted!"

Soon a stream of light appeared, and Tianzun came here to get the treasure.

Chen Shouzhuo took out the golden gold and handed it to Tianzun.

Tianzun left, and Chen Shouzhuo inspected the sky disk.

"Chen Shouzhuo, for completing the golden task, you will be rewarded with great merit!

Chen Shouzhuo still owes seventeen great merits! "

Chen Shouzhuo laughed loudly. He had already completed one of the eighteen great merits.

Nothing amazing!

He continued to check the cloud disk, and suddenly a task appeared out of thin air.

"Follow the Rong dog burrower and reward him with a great merit!"

Chen Shouzhuo's eyes lit up. The Rong tribe had two magical powers, and they were the most difficult to defeat.

One jumps over a wall for a dog, the other drills a hole for a dog.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, similar to Ban Xin Zen's desperate escape.

In times of crisis, the Rong clan leapt across time and space in an instant, not knowing where they would be escaping all of a sudden.

Although it is possible to leap to death, if you don't jump, you will die.

The Taishang Taoist monks named this magical power Dog's Jump over the Wall.

Another magical power is called Dog Drilling.

The Rong tribe is in a certain death state and has nowhere to escape except to escape.

Completely disappear and never be found again.

But they are still in this world, but no one knows where they are hidden.

This magical power is called Dog Drilling.

After so many years of fighting with the Rong clan, Taishangdao has developed countless magical powers to deal with this move.

Later, some dogs will be found drilling holes, but most of the Rong tribe will use this to escape.

This mission suddenly appeared. This was a battle between Taishangdao and the Rong tribe. They had already won, but the Rong tribe dogs burrowed into the hole and hid.

Chen Shouzhuo grinned and thought for a moment. He had Dao Yin, Dao Ting, Dao Xiu, and Dao Pu. Maybe he could complete this task! (End of chapter)

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