With such practice, Chen Shouzhuo's strength skyrocketed.

Another half year passed, and Chen Shouzhuo was promoted to the eleventh level of Dharma without making a sound.

The strength has been greatly improved again. The eight parts of the Tianlong can all come out at the same time, and each can shoot thirty-six strikes.

However, Chen Shouzhuo's Baihong authority dropped from 22% to 21%.

Even if the strength increases, the authority will decrease.

There is no way around this, this is something that the tenth level peaks are robbing.

The difference in strength between Chen Shouzhuo and Chen was so great that he was unable to join the battlefield and could only fall on his back.

In the past six months, Mingwa Zhao Huyan, Mowa Kasler, and Huowa Ablo all appeared for the second time.

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji, however, were the most active for the third time.

Chen Shouzhuo remained calm and did not show any signs of landscape.

Another half year passed in the blink of an eye. At this point, Chen Shouzhuo had served in Baihong for three years. According to regulations, he had half a year's leave.

Chen Shouzhuo was promoted to the twelfth level of Dharma.

This time, it was a completely different feeling than before.

Chen Shouzhuo sensed that all the growth was no longer 30% of the previous level, and his overall strength had fully doubled.

The middle stage of Dharma phase!

Calculating this way, the eleventh level comes again, the later stage of the Dharma phase.

Thirty-third level of Dharma, promoted to spiritual god?

When the time came, someone from the sect asked if he would return to Taishangdao to rest.

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while and said:

“I have basically practiced in the past three years and have not completed a few sect tasks at all.

For the sake of the sect, everyone must be treated equally and cannot favor one over the other.

I serve three more years and then come back! "

Immediately there was a wave of admiration, he was really a good son of the sect and an elite heavenly monk.

Chen Shouzhuo didn't leave for only one reason.

Show your cards, stop pretending!

It was time for the Wa tribe to attack again, Chen Shouzhuo exploded his aura, and took advantage of the formation of the world to issue his own challenge to all the Wa tribe who had attacked him.

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji were the first to arrive again.

"What a good boy, you actually challenge me?"

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Senior Tianji, if I beat you to death, what will you do in the real world?"

“I will come and attack you and kill you and you will die.

Everything is fair in the world!

If you can kill me, my real world will be dead!

However, you can't kill me. It's a pity that I crossed the line here. Otherwise, in my world, you are a little ant, and I will spray you to death in one breath! "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said: "That's good, then the catastrophe will not happen because of me.

What happened in the past must happen to them! "

Hearing the words Tianji catastrophe, Tianwa Zhao Tianji's expression changed, as if he was thinking about something.

"Senior, be careful!"

Suddenly Chen Shouzhuo took action.

At this moment, he didn't have the imperial image, so he directly took action with his body, picked up the life-root hoe, and struck with all his strength.

Even if there is no Dharma image, this blow is completely full of infinite power.

There is a feeling of carrying Mount Tai to the North Sea, as if controlling a big mountain, descending from the sky and oppressing me.

Following his attack, time and space seemed to fluctuate under this huge force.

These fluctuations spread in all directions. Wherever they went, rocks collapsed, trees broke, and the entire land of a hundred miles was turned into a broken place by this fluctuation.

This blow contained huge power, and there was a buzzing sound. The power was so powerful that it was shocking.

With the burst of mana, it can completely destroy everything, dissolve the world, and break everything into dust. With this blow, the mountains can be moved away and the sea can be filled up.

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji yelled and ran away desperately, instantly changing the five major Dharma appearances.

But Chen Shouzhuo took one step forward and received another blow!

Carrying Mount Tai across the North Sea, encompassing the four seas, and occupying eight wastelands, Mount Tai is overwhelming and irresistible!

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji can only escape!

But there is no escape!

Boom, boom, boom!

On the seventeenth blow, Tianwa and Zhao Tianji were unable to escape and watched the hoe fall.

The power of extinction has already reached us.

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji regretted endlessly, why did he have to come here? This was a death for man and money!

Boom, Tianwa and Zhao Tianji are not dead!

He opened his eyes and saw that the hoe was on top of his head, just shy of hitting his head.

The power of annihilation, the wisps of beating, and the aura of annihilation, made him dare not move.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at him and asked, "Do you accept it?"

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji sighed and said, "I'm convinced!"


"I'm all convinced!"

Chen Shouzhuo laughed, put away his hoe, and said:

"Thank you Taoist fellow for the several sparring sessions. I'm very grateful. But next time, I won't come!"

Tianwa and Zhao Tianji remained motionless for a long time, and finally sighed and said:

“The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Fellow Taoist, what do you call me? "

This was the first time he asked Chen Shouzhuo his name.

Chen Shouzhuo replied slowly: "Chen Shouzhuo, perfect control, listening to legends, breaking obstacles, eliminating evil and evil, united as one, white rainbow across the sky..."

Chen Shouzhuo reported his full name and specifically reported his universe title.

Since ancient times, when monks report their names, the titles of heaven and earth come first, followed by the titles of the universe!

After thinking for a while, he said again: "The name is Taixuan!"

Too chaotic and mysterious universe, collectively called Taixuan!

Tianwa Zhao Tianji nodded and said: "Thank you for not killing me. I see that there are obstacles in your transformation.

This is the essence of what I have cultivated throughout my life, the transformation of Dharma. It can be regarded as my thank you gift for not killing! "

After saying that, he left behind a trace of soul and disappeared.

So far, it has never appeared again!

Chen Shouzhuo picked up this soul, activated the cosmic title, controlled it perfectly, and listened to the legend...

I sensed carefully and had innate intuition. I found no problems and then started reading.

I have benefited a lot, and there are no more flaws in the changes in the Dharma.

Each of the Eight Parts of Tianlong was directly promoted from thirty-six strikes to seventy-two strikes.

While he was studying, someone came here.

"Boy, you dare to challenge me, I'll meet you!"

Mingwa Zhao Huyan!

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and asked, "Senior, do you have any last wishes?"

"I just want to eat you!"

"Okay, senior, I will fulfill your last wish!"

After saying that, Chen Shouzhuo took action!

As he took action, the vitality of the sky suddenly changed, everything was in chaos, and the sky collapsed.

Take Mount Tai with an ultra-North Sea feeling

With an explosion of magic power, it can completely destroy everything, dissolve the heaven and earth, and break everything into dust. With this blow, the mountains can be moved away and the sea can be filled up.

Seeing Chen Shouzhuo's blow, Mingwa Zhao Huyan was shocked and ran away immediately.

But it's too late!

Mingwa Zhao Huyan has murderous intentions towards Chen Shouzhuo, and Chen Shouzhuo will not let her go.

After just nine blows, Ming Wa and Zhao Huyan screamed and were beaten to death with a hoe from their life roots!

But the corpse suddenly transformed into a ball.

The light is pure, three feet in size, and is constantly changing into various colors, including yellow, green, blue, red, gray, white, purple, and black. It is so shiny that it looks like a full moon that is constantly changing its color.

The ninth-level magic weapon, the Netherworld Nine-level Immovable Pearl!

The real Ming Wa Zhao Huyan sacrificed his treasure in exchange for a chance to escape and completely escaped.

Chen Shouzhuo snorted coldly, "You are lucky."

He put away the ninth-level magic weapon Mingyuan Nine-level Immovable Pearl!

Smiling endlessly, I owe the master two ninth-level magic weapons, and here comes one!

Keep waiting for the next one!

Mowa Kasler!

This guy is a demon cultivator, and he is well prepared for this.

"The nine heavens of the demons are in the south, and the original motionless ones are in the north. When the demons move, the heaven and the earth rotate..."

He recited the mantra softly, and as soon as the mantra came out, the space seemed to freeze, and everything came to a standstill in an instant.

Chen Shouzhuo felt as if he was carrying a high mountain on his back, and the mana that was flowing smoothly in his body seemed to be condensed, and he was involuntarily frozen in place.

At this moment, the supreme avenue in the body moved, and the light of divine power emerged.

Immediately dispel the opponent's spell and return to normal.

He roared angrily and took action immediately.

In fifteen blows, Mo Wa Kasler was directly shattered and killed.

Chen Shouzhuo laughed loudly, next one!

Next comes Huo Wa Abu Luo, Nian Wa Zhao Hua Ruo, Yue Wa Zhi Tan, Calamity Wa Hao Ba, Xin Wa Zhao Ping Gong, Ming Wa Zuo You...

Chen Shouzhuo is here to fight one by one.

Chen Shouzhuo had a good impression of Huo Wa Abu Luo, so he kept him but did not kill him.

"Are you convinced?" "Are you convinced?"

The other party thanked Chen Shouzhuo for not killing him and left behind a fire-type super sacred spell.

When Nian Wa and Zhao Hua Ruo saw Chen Shouzhuo, they ran away without taking action and completely retreated.

Yue Wa Zhidan was directly killed by Chen Shouzhuo with twenty-one blows.

Jiwa Haoba was also directly killed by Chen Shouzhuo with eleven blows.

Xinwa Zhao Gongping had a unique method. At the critical moment, Chen Shouzhuo felt soft, spared his life, and escaped.

Mingwa Zuoyou didn't come at all. He probably felt his fate and didn't dare to come here.

Chen Shouzhuo is here to fight one by one.

Save your life if you like them, kill them directly if you don't like them.

So far, all the people who had attacked the Wa clan in this catastrophe, except Nuwa Daoluo Baishou, had been beaten to death!

They would never, never dare, come and attack Chen Shouzhuo again.

Only Nuwa Dao Luo Baishou, because he made a three-year agreement, this time he kept his promise and did not come.

This is Chen Shouzhuo's most powerful enemy! (End of chapter)

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