Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 416 The happiness of the cracked tooth demon, Tianyuan Ruins

Listening carefully, Chen Shouzhuo let out a long sigh.

The Rat King Camonte died in the end.

I killed him once, and by that time the Rat King Camonte had died five times, so the next few times he just let nature take its course.

The last time they fought, Chen Shouzhuo didn't feel that Rat King Camonte had any way of his own.

His best solution may be to have more mice and raise more offspring...

Gather the power of all descendants and turn it into your own power.

But no matter how many rats there are, how many can there be...

Among the many tribulations of the Four Nine Heavens, he is the weakest. If he doesn't die, who will? !

However, the Rat King Camonte died, leaving a position to be replaced by the one who escaped, why should he inform himself?

Could it be that he was also one of those who escaped?

The sound transmission connection was not broken, and in a daze, it seemed that the universe sensed Chen Shouzhuo's suspicion, and another spiritual consciousness was transmitted to him!

"Chen Shouzhuo does not belong to the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulations, nor does he belong to the ones who escaped.

Chen Shouzhuo has repeatedly postponed his identity as the Four-Nine Heavenly Tribulation Son to save the universe.

But there is too much contact, so you can also accept what the universe tells you! "

At this time, the contact ended, and there was no more voice transmission from the divine consciousness of the universe.

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. Since I am nothing, what do you tell me to do?

It's none of my business!

But just tell him!

To make you ignorant of good and evil and not inherit the identity of the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation Sons, I am telling you!

Chen Shouzhuo continued to be speechless...

The New Year at home has come to an end, and this cosmic sound transmission makes Chen Shouzhuo feel confused.

This state is not good, I need to be happy.

After thinking about it, Chen Shouzhuo said goodbye to his parents and teleported to the underground city of the Split Tooth Demon.

Chen Shouzhuo especially liked this place. Here, among a group of cracked tooth demons, he was free and free from any worries.

Everyone is happy and happy!

No worries, even if you die while hunting, even if you are eaten by the enemy.

Fighting bloodthirsty to the last moment, but also so happy.

In fact, there is also some unhappiness here, and that is seeing those low-level crack-tooth demons.

They gradually lost their form, their bodies were covered with cracked teeth, they lost their minds, and turned into beasts.

The only way to slow their deterioration is to make them work.

This can also slow down their complete transformation into beasts.

However, many inferior crack-tooth demons have gradually lost their minds and must be enslaved, beaten and scolded to maintain their existence.

This is the biggest pain for the Crack Tooth Demon clan.

Because you watch your friends and relatives degenerate a little bit, and even, one day you will do the same.

But you have no way to save them, and you have no way to save yourself!

In fact, this phenomenon also exists in the human race, which is called aging.

In life, one will eventually grow old, lose everything, and wait until death.

Therefore, there is a hidden self-destruction in the nature of the cracked tooth demon.

I would rather die in battle than die of old age like this.

But this kind of unhappiness is just forgotten when I turn around.

We are happy crack-tooth monsters!

A day of fun, joy, and fun!

Go out hunting and catch prey.

There are countless giant beasts in the wild world, with rich and plump meat. They are the favorites of the Split Tooth Demon.

Don't kill too many crack-tooth demons, just enough to eat. When you come back, hold a banquet and eat for several days.

After eating, they sleep. Some sleep for half a year...

Hunting, cooking, happiness, gossip, entertainment, rest...

Always happy, always cool!

Suddenly, one day, all the crack-tooth demons in the city cheered.

It seemed like something big happened.

Chen Shouzhuo was very curious and couldn't help but ask:

"Kyuubi, what happened?"

Jiuwei is a nine-tailed fox crack-tooth demon. His ancestors captured the strong man of the nine-tailed fox clan, and she was born as a parasite from the crack-tooth.

It looks no different from a nine-tailed fox, except that there is a cracked tooth hidden in the nine tails.

In the underground city, Chen Shouzhuo has a group of good friends, and Jiuwei is one of them.

"Old Chen, today is the Tianyuan Ruins open day!

A great festival only comes once a thousand years, so you must be happy. "

"Tianyuanxu Open Day? What do you mean?"

“You are still young and don’t know.

The ancestor of our cracked tooth demon, one of the eight freedoms in the universe, the Fang Tianyuan Ruins in the early Yuan Dynasty!

The world's first cracked-tooth demon was born from His Majesty the Blue Emperor, who pulled out his own teeth in the chaos of Dao Chess.

At that time, the Chaos Dao Chess turned into Tianyuan Ruins because both sides overturned the chessboard.

Later, this place was captured by our crack-tooth demon, and it is opened every thousand years, but even the crack-tooth demon can enter.

There are countless fun things inside, such as Yunquan, Hell of Fire, Thunder Pond, Sky Crane, Split Body... But the most interesting thing is the Douya Arena! "

Chen Shouzhuo hesitated and asked, "Douya Arena?"

"Yes, everyone will fight to the death with their own teeth as a reward.

The winner gets the opponent's fangs, the loser loses his own power!

No more talking, let’s start! "

Then Chen Shouzhuo saw the statue in the center of the city emitting a fierce white light.

In this white light, Chen Shouzhuo can be teleported to an area.

He immediately agreed, and in a flash, he saw himself appearing in an endless abyss.

This place seems to be located above the nine heavens, composed of countless clouds.

But it seems like an endless abyss, hidden in the deepest part of the world.

The layers of space are stacked on top of each other, giving the impression of a ruin.

It deserves to be called Tianyuan Ruins.

Countless cracked tooth demons have all teleported here, and this day is their festival.

Chen Shouzhuo was strolling here. Thousands of cracked tooth demons came here, billions and billions, boundless.

There are many forms of crack-tooth monsters, including monsters, spirit beasts, demons, monsters, giants, ghosts, lions, and elephants, all over the place.

Chen Shouzhuo also saw many human monks.

There are even giant beings like Titans in the Clouds and Earth Dragons on the Earth.

The Crack Tooth Demon actually has three states.

The royal family of cracked tooth demons are like Chen Shouzhuo, but the original teeth have turned into cracked teeth, and there are no cracked teeth in the body.

This kind of existence is extremely rare. Chen Shouzhuo can do this because he swallowed one of the six tenth-level ancestors of the cracked tooth demon.

Ordinary crack-tooth demons, although they have various forms, all have cracked teeth hidden on the body surface.

The cracked teeth of these cracked tooth monsters are well hidden and cannot be seen at all.

Just like Kyuubi, that's it.

Hiding a cracked tooth is not a simple matter of covering it up.

The cracked-tooth demon has all its essence in its teeth.

Those who can hide their cracked teeth are powerful beings who can control their own power and will not be controlled by their cracked teeth.

Those who cannot hide their cracked teeth are unable to control their own power and are on the verge of losing control. They are inferior cracked tooth demons.

They all enter a state of weakness and will eventually turn into beasts and die.

There is no inferior crack-tooth demon who can reach this place.

After arriving, Chen Shouzhuo wandered around for a while.

It’s really fun!

Yunquan is a huge water spring in the void. It is constantly spouting spiritual water. Taking a sip is extremely beneficial to yourself.

Under the cloud spring, a large lake has been formed, and countless crack-tooth monsters are swimming here.

Some of the crack-tooth monsters were swimming around, and when they made eye contact, they hugged each other and started clapping.

Chen Shouzhuo absorbed a few mouthfuls of Yunquan here, and suddenly found that there were two crack-tooth demons in front of him who looked like human female cultivators, staring at him.

"Fellow Taoist, please, can you sleep with the two of us?"

It was so direct that Chen Shouzhuo was speechless and shook his head.


The other party doesn't bother and goes to find someone else.

Chen Shouzhuo immediately stayed away from here.

Hell is an infinite fire, where the various negative states of the cracked tooth demon can be burned away and the aging process can be slowed down.

The Thunder Pond is a plane where infinite thunder gathers, where evil tribulations can be eliminated.

Don't think that the cracked tooth demon has no demonic calamity.

There are twelve kinds of demonic calamities, among which the most powerful demons are incorporeal, and the demons in the heart are invisible. They will attack all living beings as long as they have consciousness.

The Crack Tooth Demon is no exception.

The sky train is similar to a human roller coaster, roaring and flying between various dimensions.

It's just that this sky train, every time it sets off with five hundred cracked tooth demons, when it comes back, there will definitely be five less cracked tooth demons, disappearing into an unknown space...

Most of the one percent loss is lost forever...

It's so dangerous, but the Split Tooth Demon just loves this game.

This is just a game and does not bring any improvement in strength. Chen Shouzhuo has no interest in it.

Splitting the body is actually a kind of transformation and evolution.

Although the Split Tooth Demon has thousands of external bodies, it can enter an explosive state between life and death.

In this state, the Split-Tooth Demon will abandon its original physical form and transform into its true Split-Tooth form, thereby gaining great power.

It's just that this so-called cracked tooth form is the form of a low-level cracked tooth demon...

In fact, this is equivalent to sacrificing lifespan in exchange for strength.

After countless body explosions, he can never change back. He has lost his mind and strength, and is gradually aging and dying!

But the cracked tooth demon will always enter here and carry out body splitting transformation.

Because this is the last resort. No matter what, you are going to die, but at least there is a glimmer of hope.

This is fate, knowing that it is an inevitable future, but unable to resist heading towards this future.

According to the powerful analysis of the cracked tooth demon, this is actually related to the birth of the cracked tooth demon.

They were given great power at birth, and naturally they had to pay a terrible price.

Chen Shouzhuo was also very curious when he came here. He entered here and felt his split body state.

In this void, the roar continued, and then the body split ended.

Chen Shouzhuo left to check his split body status!

But I found that I was still myself!

He still looks like Chen Shouzhuo, except that his teeth have become whiter and sharper, without any other changes.

The great road arms the teeth of all sentient beings, as if everything is improved!

His body is powerful enough, and the cracked tooth state cannot bring other powers, so it can only be like this!

Chen Shouzhuo was a little speechless, having missed an opportunity in vain.

Suddenly, his whole body was shaken and he was directly promoted to the 30th level of Dharma!

Perfect body, holy and vast, brilliant and dazzling, refining qi, eating the sky, eating the sun, receiving the moon, eating stars, up to the nine heavens, down to the nine netherworlds, all are my food!

The true energy surged by 30%, and the range of spiritual consciousness was 6,900 miles!

Chen Shouzhuo was promoted this time, which was eight years ago, which was a bit close to the time of his last promotion.

But this time, he received the Dharma of the Dark Night Yuanzu, absorbed the essence of the Cracked Tooth Demon, and was promoted through body splitting, so his promotion was normal.

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