Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 431 Green ruler gourd, it tastes so good!

Chen Shouzhuo slowly looked at himself. He had been promoted to the realm of spiritual gods and became the true master of spiritual gods.

There are also ten levels of cultivation in the spiritual realm, but it is meaningless to Chen Shouzhuo.

He has already deviated from the normal cultivation path in the Dharma Realm.

In this realm of spiritual gods, he is even more detached, and the ten levels of spiritual gods are meaningless to him.

Chen Shouzhuo can only cultivate himself!

However, the spiritual realm is basically self-cultivation.

Like the many inheritances practiced by Chen Shouzhuo, they are basically inheritance methods that only reach the realm of Dharma.

After the Dharma Appearance, there is no fixed inheritance method, and all rely on one's own practice and understanding.

Every spiritual god has his own path of cultivation!

Therefore, before the supreme Tao, the Dharma form was just a chrysalis of the Tao.

After the Dharma, comes Taoism!

Even so, there is still a way to find the spiritual realm.

Basically ascend to the spiritual realm and ignite the divine fire.

The weakest form of divine fire is light and colorless, and then the Spiritual God True Master practices to increase his own divine fire little by little, giving birth to various lights and colors.

The so-called light and color are magical powers!

The First Light Spiritual God, the Tianrui Spiritual God, the Unparalleled Spiritual God, the Heavenly Miracle Spiritual God, and the Ultimate Spiritual God!

Until your own limit.

During this cultivation process, the Dharma was born with new power and transformed into a divine throne!

The Dharma Realm was once again strengthened and transformed into the Real Spirit Realm.

There is the transformation of reality into reality, from the realm of illusion to the real world. This is the Kingdom of God!

Divine fire, divine throne, divine kingdom!

This is the core key to the spiritual realm.

This change will bring about a powerful force, which is the power of the spiritual god.

The so-called power of spiritual gods, with the help of divine fire, divine throne, and divine kingdom, can have its own believers.

Believers worship spiritual gods!

After the believer dies, he will be absorbed by the Kingdom of God, and the power possessed by the believer is part of the spiritual god.

If there are tens of millions of followers who believe in the Dharma, then there will be the power of tens of millions of Dharma images!

This is where the spiritual god is truly powerful!

In order to gain powerful believers, many spiritual gods established their own dimensional caves in the Dharma Realm.

In the cave, all kinds of excellent people are purchased and cultivated as Tao soldiers.

After being promoted to the Spiritual God, they all became believers of the Spiritual God and believed in the Spiritual God.

Spiritual gods have a lifespan of 60,000 years, while Dharma images only have a lifespan of 10,000 years. In the end, they will all die.

After their death, their power became part of the spiritual gods.

This is the core cultivation method of spiritual gods!

Chen Shouzhuo entered the world of Pangu.

Withered Skull Wheel Ming appeared and asked:

"Sir, you have been promoted to the realm of spiritual gods, and the Pangu world will enter a new round of evolution.

Please also determine the direction of future evolution! "

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a moment and said, "Let everything take its course!"

His Pangu world integrates innate spiritual treasures, cosmic wonders, and nine elements, so Chen Shouzhuo does not give any instructions and everything goes as it should.

"Okay, sir, but I have a suggestion."

"What advice?"

"Sir, the green-footed gourd in the void of the universe is one of the great adventures of the divine descendant Guting.

The Ancient Court of Gods has countless mysterious and great opportunities, one of which is that there are hundreds of millions of descendants of Gods in this Ancient Court of Gods.

The most important thing for cultivating in the realm of spiritual gods is to have believers, through which believers can absorb faith, turn it into their own true spirit, and replenish their own divine fire and divine kingdom.

The believer dies and becomes a member of the Kingdom of God, providing strength to the adults.

I suggest, sir, that you, Pangu World, evolve and devour this divine ancient court! "

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and said: "The Ancient Court of Divine Descendants has existed there since ancient times and is difficult to swallow."

“My Pangu world is a universe of its own, above the origin, far higher than it, and should be able to swallow it.

But after swallowing, how much is absorbed is a question! "

Chen Shouzhuo thought for a while, nodded and said: "Heaven, underground, past, future...

Since you can’t hide the past, eat it! "

Dry Skull Wheel Ming was very happy, and he said again:

"Sir, this time you have obtained many remains of the Dagon clan.

There are many high-quality eighth-level materials.

The six of us want to use them to replace our self-puppet and restore our strength. Is it possible? "

Chen Shouzhuo said: "No problem! Change it!"

"Thank you sir, we only use one-tenth of the materials!"

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and agreed to this matter.

Then he flew back to the green ruler gourd.

Silently sensing, he wanted to use his own Pangu world to refine this green ruler gourd.

But that doesn't work at all.

The Green Ruler Gourd was not affected and could not be refined by Chen Shouzhuo at all.

It is resisting Chen Shouzhuo!

Chen Shouzhuo gritted his teeth and said slowly:

“The past shall pass!

The great ancient god has died.

Do you want it to be like this forever? It will exist here forever, until it turns into decay, decay, death and sinking...

Since ancient times, there has been no eternal existence. Everything in the universe will inevitably perish, including this universe! "

Following Chen Shouzhuo's words, the green-footed gourd emitted green light, as if in response.

Chen Shouzhuo said again: "Enter my Pangu world, and everything will start over again.

If you don’t like it, you can leave voluntarily after ten thousand years! "

As soon as he said this, the green-footed gourd flashed and suddenly entered Chen Shouzhuo's body, becoming one with Chen Shouzhuo's Pangu world.

Boom, the Pangu world automatically closed and started a new round of evolution.

Chen Shouzhuo let out a long breath. The green-footed gourd here disappeared and became ordinary void, meaningless.

He calculated the space, jumped into the air, and flew into the distance.

In Shouyang Mountain, the line cannot be turned back.

Traveling by yourself, you can attack when you advance, and defend when you retreat, which is more valuable than being on the Supreme Way.

Si Xiangdao's hometown and the underground Split Ya City are both out of bounds.

So Chen Shouzhuo could only escape and return.

During this process, Chen Shouzhuo carefully consolidated his realm.

He does not have the tenth level of the Spiritual God, but he does have his own three phases, the first, middle and last.

In the void of this universe, while flying and practicing, I can hone myself.

Until the spirit god is completely controlled.

After flying for three days, Chen Shouzhuo thought about it and took out a huge piece of seafood.

It seems to be part of a whale, containing infinite spiritual energy.

The Dharma Appearance Fire God Zhurong appears, and it has become the Spiritual God Appearance!

Lifelike, as if alive.

In the void, thousands of fires suddenly gathered and began to cook.

He also knows that such a fire can cook eighth-level seafood and spiritual meat.

Chen Shouzhuo began to enjoy the delicious food.

This is more precious than any elixir or spiritual herb, and contains infinite spiritual energy.

Moreover, Chen Shouzhuo has been expelled from the Dagonhai clan. No matter how much seafood he eats, there is no sign of any change.

Escape, eat meat, practice, cast spells...

Chen Shouzhuo continued to practice in the void, and finally controlled the power of the spiritual god and entered the early stage of spiritual god.

Chen Shouzhuo also completed the construction of the divine throne, which is a symbol of the middle stage of the Spiritual God.

As long as the realm is stable and the mana is available, one will naturally be promoted to the middle stage of spiritual god.

It's just that in the later stage of spiritual godhood, it is necessary to uphold the Kingdom of God, which Chen Shouzhuo is not yet able to do.

There is a faint sea of ​​stars ahead, which should be the sea of ​​stars in the sky.

Chen Shouzhuo headed straight there, and when he was about to enter the sea of ​​​​stars, he felt a little hungry again, so he took out a delicious meal of seafood.

This time he had just finished baking, but unexpectedly, someone beside him said:

"What delicious food is this? It smells so delicious!" (End of Chapter)

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